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N�braokc� 6N8U3 �.. . �_,, <br /> „_,.,,t,_„_..�........_..�.._.,........_... <br /> --w11° ent!Fire'Sier Annk. N,�,�.�Ll dl�o�cfat ion,_OmahR� Nehraeka � ,,,,,,,(slera�n"'I'ru�tsn"1,ar�i ttti =__ <br /> [Yen•ti��ry,F7r.7tcr�_qk. N�tinnaY A9sacitet�,on�, UnuT�a� ps„ ,�>>ng�ctr.�eie 170Q �arnam Street _ <br /> 1����ask"�i - — <br /> -- � <br /> �_— ,g�}�,���ska,--6�142 �noretn=��na�ri. •-- <br /> �" BONR0�4/ER,tn oonslderatlon of tha fix9ebtedneoa hereln reeefvod and the truet hereire eroeted,Irrevooably prants,trsn9fsro,canveya arrP nealqna tu � <br /> -""" Truetee,{n TRU97.WITW PUWEN OF SAlfc,the followlnp decmibed property,toueted In_ 13 n�,,,._Cuunty,fJehrnr.Y.�: �_ _ <br /> --_ v d,o¢ 2Ga, ��land Acres #�7, t�all County, Nebrask�. <br /> __ �a� -- <br />._.__..'--�� � .�, V-��. <br /> h��*��`1 r� . . . ' .. . � i�o.��. <br /> r.>IQt�(�.,tj�`3 � , ,(,. '�_ <br /> =— �'� tY.."".- <br /> ��JJr`�-.11LIDl�-A "°^'= <br />_—__:.:=2.'D�111� <br />-:v-.:��.� <br /> �::�i.::u,v�.g�s --- <br />�::S11�i1in7.6�if� -_— <br />.�...ATR2� ��,�. <br />_...R ---__ �'_.. <br /> .�.:1=� �LL. <br /> �� V'�.:. <br /> �� _-�'-a h.�" <br /> -- 'r� <br /> —_—_ �. . <br /> .. _----�,� . <br />._ -�:��,isn%�r��.'gl _ , <br /> ��i,� <br /> ..�Yu.�...�,_�� <br /> � TOdETWER wlth oH buildfnpe,fixturea,Impravemento and eppurtenanaes now or heteeftar araotad tharoon and a10 rights-of•way,enaertsonte,ronte, <br /> ��� issuoa,profit�,inoorne,tenomente,horedltamenie,ptfvflepoe,appurtennnces,royattfea,end minetpl,ull,pns nnd water dphts thereunto beton{�Inp,used � <br /> -,,�?z"v��i�`� <br />--_��� rt��a�an or enjoyed wlth ee{d Innd or any pert theroo4,uIl of whlch,inctudlnp roptaaementa and addittons theroto ahall be deemed to bo and romaln a part ut <br /> '°'�''ti;v.'M� ttw propsrty ouvored by thl�Trott OeccO;and all of the fntepoing togothor�v(th aald proporty aro horotn roferred to ee the'Property.' •�� �• <br />:�:�e^,•;"7n;?"„�!' <br />-�+?�-''��''�'+%a'���� TO SECURE to Lencier tho repayment qf Indebtedneas evldenoed by BotrowePa Home Equlry llrto Lcan Aproamont and Home Equlty No4o datad ° <br /> _ - � ,���� �y�� �� .19 A5 .to�ether with eny and all ronewolo,modifloaUone,end extensluns thereo}and eubatltuUons or exchsnpee therotor . <br /> -- - lhe In the'Nate"1 Irt the mcxfmum prtnclpeA aum outeteodlhp et ony one time oi 8 _nfl__ .together wlth intorest et the rato <br /> --v�j"�- provlded tharoln,with a ftnel matudry,if not sooner peld,of Ai T i Ll�_. IjI1,nnd a�secutity fo►nny futuro ndvanoos that may <br />=.�;���� be made by the Lender to the Borrowar ircm tfmo to tfmo ond oa aecadry far che paymont of any nnd utl other fndebtednose of the Borrower to tha <br /> '"°�"-'•_- Lender wNah moy edse,otl of uofd eums not ro exceed in the aflpregato�cum equnt to throa tlme9 tho originnl princlpal amount of the Noto. For <br /> •:y:�'�?'�,,�" purpoeea of the Homo Equity Llne Loan Apreement,parugrophs 2,3,4,5 ond 11 below ahall be deemoz�covenanto relatinA to tha Proporry. <br />__..,�_�_��R�� , , <br /> r:�-_z,�� <br /> - - �._��-.�a BQRROWER coveoante that the Borro4ver ie Iawfully seizad of tha Properry haroby conveyed�nd hns tho dght to g;ant end convoy tho Proporty,thot <br /> '.F_: "!; thb Nroperty 3a unencumborod by any mortga3e,trust deod,aoMroot to purohose or attiarwlse,o ce t for o n P�d np �ru&t_ <br /> �,��--° intavorof First Cederal Savings an� �oan �s�fL3'd�'I'8�ri"a►Z'L'ittt.a'n�—" <br />��:,�`_.. _ <br />�- '"""" �'��" �on whlch the unpatd bUlance cn thfa dnte doea not oxcood 9_�3�gp�,,,n�_ Tho Borrowor covonante to r.omply wi4h ull tho torms nnd <br /> =�'���A�'���r �rovieione of any pdor mortgege, trust deod or oontrnot to puroliogo,opon tho Property and to moko ell pnymante thoroon boforo thoy bocomo <br /> r•., c,��,��p. <br />._;�:,;'�r��..�• dolinquont. If no namo or omount i�inseetod fn thle pempraph,thon the Borrower aovonante that thoro oro no prfor Ifono ar oncumbrancoa of eny kind <br />- ' "'�::: u�on the Properry. The Borro�ver tuKher oovanente to warront end defond the Utlo to tha Proporty ngafnst nll claims ond domands. <br /> �"`���`�� Tho Bnrtowet and the Lendor furthar oovonant ond aproo on followo: , <br /> - „Y...,�. <br /> ; .;.,�:,.t � . 1. 'fho Bo�towor eholl promptly pay when duo tho princlpol ond Intoraot on tho fndabtodnoas ovldanuad by tho Noto. <br /> - ' ' " :� . 2. At lea�t 4on dvye beforb they boaomo dotlnquent, Bortowo►ehcll puy oll texoo ond spoaal asso3smonta lovlcd or on�ossed ogafnst tho <br /> ";F;.�¢�`T. P�oporty,ar uny par+t thcroot,ond n'.1 toxeo,luvfoe amf asea�emnnto lavfod upon thin Truat noad or tho dabt whloh It socuras. <br /> ` � " �'"��'}�' 3. The Borrower ohall keep the Improvemente and bufJdlnfls,If any,upon Me P�oporty Inaurad, with a oompany or�omponios opproved by the <br /> . u._. <br /> L�nder,for nn amount not lose than tho unpald bnlonca on tho Indebt¢dnoaa oacurud by this Trust Dood with a standard mortpngo clau3o <br />- � , � wlih lose pnyablo to the Lando►. Tho Borrowor ohnll delfvet odd pollay or poticlos to tha Londor, <br />... _ . .... �•c._ <br /> '. .,.�,�'.�,�� In ehn avont of n lono,tha Borrovtot ehntl¢Ive prompt natioo to tho Insuronao oorrfor ond tho I.ondor nnd filo a proot of I000. It tho Borrowor la not <br />� - �i�. .�._n...r...���.�..�W�.......�..�I.e t..w...........,....r.i.��nnlms ths A�••• ••�Prnnes:� i4 ennmmlenllv}msiNo.nnt) <br /> _____ - . .�.. Girtoi�im'vinw.w.��•..o�vo...........���.�..�T�..�..._...�._'__�'____�'_"�_""'�'_" "' — <br /> tho cecurity of tNn Teust Dood would not bo impalred. If tha Dorrowor la 1�dotault or ulooto not to rapnir or roplaco t�o damagod Proporty or ropeir <br /> � � or replacomont would not aoonomloally Tea�Ibla or the eoourity of MI�Trust�ood would bo Impalrod thon th�Insuranco proaucdo ahall ba appllod to <br /> � � �, tNe lust mntueinp pnymonte dua on tho Noto. If tho Inaurnnoo procoeda oro In oxaoso of tho totnl nmount Guo on aold Noto,tho oxooes shall bo pnid <br /> • to tho Eorrowor. Inauronoo pr000edo tor ropnlr or repineomont ohall bo plaood In osorow wlth tho Loiidor und disbur3od by tho Loncer durinp or upon <br /> � comptatlon of ouch rapair or roplaoomsnt. If tho Londor nopulroe titlo to tho Proporty by oxaralolnm its powor of enlo, foroclo3uro av othorwlso,In <br /> .��,j�.:;�:i� . aodataotion of tho indo6todnoss eoovrmd lmteby,in wNolo or In pnn,thon ull ripht,tftlo mid fntoroat of tAo Dorrowor In and to sucl��nsvronoa pollcy <br />_ ;' ���• . or poliaius ghCll paas M".ho Londot. <br /> jtr; <br /> .�:+.';. <br /> r �,�.•::; 4. Tfio 8orrcvr�tii?�EII G.nau�he?a.oDsrty in Qood ropnlr nnd ur�o11 not uommlt Wnoto ur porrnit 1mpnlrmont or 8oroamatian mt tho Proparty. . <br /> , ;�s,.i;,n.. <br /> ..,�; .i��� . <br /> ��", <br /> „ , <br />