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<br /> nsrAtprNt�,the inn!;�iity of[ii+�iit�Mbtux!neea eei:Us��by 4hle 61e�c1�s�Truef. - -
<br /> tci) Kuarmsnra x:�lia�nr Flaa��l;da{nf Rnqf Sawan�al6.WbGfiy,ruµtkpi�.'f��e cGvon�i�;s nr,c!pU�s�ra:t���t••r F:a;bsll C.:it:� _- _
<br /> 1#Insr�ehslFbind,Rn�th�rlpha hnrunrlar eh�il Inare tQ,the rsMpec@va�uccwa�ora and�aalyne af l.enclaK and't'riutor.AN
<br /> G;C1,�y;':Rll{�¢tli�P.J��QFS�:NIi:9 Q51��IU�!cZY 81;aH t3a loh�t rnd R��aral.Tt{t!CP�12�nns and hc�p.G(n�7�uPtltv pmrnqrnr.��17�thl9 CsCCt1(?}' _—_
<br /> Tiubt�ts far Cos�voAitlnGa oNy vnd ero npt to ae uaxi t��Interprst cr detina tine provlxicxtd hnrdcri.
<br /> (e)R��tler KoYcM.The prrtl�c h�rsby r�qUwt th�t+t copy ol�ny noUce ot del�ault her�under end A a�py cf u�r n�tioa
<br /> of aale haraunder k�melistl to b�ch�uRy to thls peaci ot Trw!st!he eddreaa set lorth e6uve tn tha mernrx pre�CPi�+ed tr>
<br /> �pplir.able lew.�ccap4 tar eny othea naHce raqulr�d under eppilc�bie faw to!fe pSven in anothar menr�ar,any natice�av6dad
<br /> for in thls 6�eed c1 Yrutt shnll be glYan by mA►Ilnfl t��ch nfliicb by cartitled mefl addreeeeri to the otRar p+�rttss,atShk addr��af
<br /> iaidh sbove.Ar►y r.qlice provlded lor In th(a Dat�d of Truat ehmil be e�lectivo upwn mallinfl In tho m�nner deiiQnul�d hcirein.H _
<br /> Truetor 18 mar�a than orta p�r�on,natice e,unt fo ths addres!abt tortb a6ove shell lae not�ee to atl euch perscme.
<br /> i� i�►.i.a�n;ae r��ay r,i�ka o7�auva i�i:�nada vea���b�a���trlea u�tin ar.r!In:�tfcn�a!tt;a F'sc;.::f;,P:dv'm� -
<br /> that Lander ehali fliNe 7rurtur notice pdor to any auch inapectfon specliylnp reasonsble cauea therator raated to l.�ander'a °
<br /> tntera�t►n the propart�.
<br /> (d)R�sa�r�sy�hce.Upan pa�msnYOf ali aurns ao�ured by ihia Qeod of 7ruet,L.sndsr ehal!r�uestT�usts�to reco�►vsyths ,
<br /> Property a�xi ahall aurremder thlt[3oed of 1'rust�nd afl notee evidencing Indol�tedneaa secured by thia Deed of Truai to 4'rwtes.
<br /> 7rusLSe ahafl rscnnvey iNe Property wllhaut werrenty and wlthout charpo t�the parann or peraons Ie�Aliy entitied thereto.
<br /> TPUator ehell pey ull co�o}�ecarcft�N9n,it sny.
<br /> (h} p�roonM Prop�cty;S�eu�it9r ItgrNns�n�Ae additt�nal security lor the payment ot t�e Note,Truxtar hecei�y prenb
<br /> l.ondar under tha Nebraske Un{form Commer�fal Gade a security intarest In atl tlxturoe,eqwpmen�,end other porsanai proper'ry
<br /> uaed 1�ConnscttOr.with the re�l eetete or tmprovementP located lherean,and notothe�wlue decl�red�r deemad to fs�a pert at
<br /> �ie eoaS esia�a�,ur�1�torc�y.i�t�Ens�umet�2 eM�il ba can32�u��as e S��uri:y F�r��rna�and�r s^�d Cc�1c,en�t,h�!�nt!e�r -_ _
<br /> sh811 hava all tho right�end remedlee at a aecured part�urtder sa:d Coda In addlll�n to the�l�hts and rerne�6les creritac!under =-
<br /> and ecca�ded thsl.er�det purauant to ttila Deed ot TrurC provide�d that Lendorb riphte end r�medies undert�i�s g»raqreph�il . .
<br /> be cumuial5ve with,and in no way s Iimitatlon on,Lender's�I�ht�and remedlos under any other security ea;�aDmer�t elQnad by
<br /> @nrrowtr or Truator. —
<br /> �a�j 4.k�,:�:id E�wnor.rrca.Trustar hereby warraMa end rgpresente t1�at theta t&no dgfao�t undsr tha qrav:a�r,as�t any -
<br /> morbpa�a,daed of Vua�lease or purcQ�ase contract deecribinp all or a�y part ot tho Praperty,ar other contrect inadument s�r —
<br /> agreement co�a�ituUnq s Ilen or encumbrencs egAtnet aIl or eny parQ af thA PropeAy(coliec2ively,"Uen9"),axlsting ss ot the
<br /> �ate ol thls 9eed o?TruaL a�d thst arn er�d ali existing Uens remaln unmodi8ed exce�t e9 disclo�ed ta Lander in Truaior's
<br /> written dfac►osure oi Ilana and encumbrances provtdad for herein.Trustor shep timely pertarm an or irusiora abiigsriona,
<br /> cav�aanta,representaUone aad warrenties u.{nder nny anrl a11.e.1�xyfa�fUng And Put�ro Ltens,shatl promptly tovward to Lender���ios -
<br /> Vi ptt VfUlt4�i VI WtAijtt.7�Vlti ii�{tiltVtc4tlGli�►Iit�O�;a=N a��OMOU�ta�Si���o����o�o�o�°°::•.^^.r:.W.S:.w'S 3...3:..�..�.°%r��5�.� -
<br /> nunsen2 r'n any manner rnodHy the provisions of or ellow any future edvences under a�y existing or 9uture ltens.
<br /> G1�Pp��a P�pnwnbl.Unlea�otherwiee required by law.sum�pald to Lender hereundar,includfrtg�Ethout Ilmite�on
<br /> peymenta ot p�incipal and tnteres�Insurance pr�z;aeda,condemnr�tion pracaeda and rents and profit�,�'hall tre dpplied by
<br /> Lenderta Me emo�nt�due and owlnD trom Trustor�nd Borrower in such order ae Lender In Its sote discretion tleema dealrobie.
<br /> (k)SrwraMlN�t,it any�rovtslon ot thls Aeed ot T�uat contl;cts with eppticable Iaw ar Is dec:lared invaild or otherwise
<br /> unerc�o��aebte.such canlli�t or Invalldity ahail not affecY lhe e!her provisAna mt this Deed of Yru�t nr the Nota whtcb can bo
<br /> given ettect without the conflicting pravisian,nnd to thla end the provislons of thla need of Tnis2mnd the Note ePe d�ciar�d to be
<br /> eeverable.
<br /> (!)T�.The terma"Truator"and"Borrower'shall Include baih aingular and piural,ansf when tNe Trustor end Borrower
<br /> ore the eam�s�t).�tlraae tetma aa used in thta aoed ef Tnist s�li be In4erchangeable�. _
<br /> (m)Qaren�I.�w.Thlg Oeed o4 Truat shail be govorned by tho lawe oi tlie State oi Neflrn�k�.
<br /> Tnastor has executed Mia�ed ot Trust as of the data writton aiwve. -
<br /> uck'o ltov�ng � rage Inc
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