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I <br /> . fi.�s:�i;jl i7�flii!!::"ii_.��i�f�''.�:?0 CSP C.�JIPtJiifii::lik'1�S'u:°�i�il1�CO���Liit::v f•�'.�iiw:�Qi8�t�S.;'.8•C;"('e:l:'.'TCil�fl;'.;i::S,��::'J� �9i!'n•.�.• �� . <br /> vM:i�:':�� F:ee�ihs f'tf;��e�j(rae 6��s�i efl suU�'.:�ncea�can���i t�4.a i�azarr2aua ortar.le��d:p en;��r�sl:�cni�*.��.stl lmr3 te.r,!!�t:':��sy rr.t,;s�t���°� ���;;. <br /> �;--�;'"_�3 E;�riU�t�:�"6:ax�tri�tcn P.1�teslll�"�,Triistor Ner�!by��Prrnntv ftn�re(���sent9 Ra�Lert�er that iherc+ar�i no NezM*ciouw R�I�s�+lra.te ==R� ° <br /> - unda�tt��RrqperYy.7�uktarizeral�yeflraeotolnclemnityandhul�harmiQSaLe�ider,It�dfrUCtore,�fiiCB�s,a�+�p:�YEeRCtrcfa���t�,asTCf s a:f6. <br /> nny au.��RSaare to l.ercder'e Inter�et,irom r�nd ageln�t eny @nd a�:l clalm�,dam�flNa,IaR�se nnd 1l�bll{ties nrlsinp In canr�ct►on*dth <br />_;.z;a.r�f..L?,� >o,r4, �x_. <br /> 1�1!:�RfP l � � c+lenozcal or tranauort o1 cny tiars��`c1ou�I'Aaterlelfl o�i,1A61Q9P.trGr.'i or al�out ih�Ptc�u9.Tiy 7t'k�:�hR�r47�{�l .�.—'- <br /> ._..-----�---..._ , r �ernn�� �r+ .aR '-�° <br /> tMAiiRIlN11E$ANb(iEP�tESENTAT1iaNS.AND TRUSTQti'S C3DLIqA11UM1t8 NUHbUA�i i'i�'i iic F(3hc�Gi;.G I?4u..;.�..lY:,....:,..1. __ <br /> _.� 6!)Ft1lIVE R[CONVEYAN�IE OF 7HIS OEED QF TRUST. <br /> _ 10. It��m�t M Renu.Yrustor HerAby�aealpno ta Lendar tfi�rente,lasues and prafita at the Pcopert�r;pruvidscl it�at Yrustot <br /> ehslo,until tha occurrsnce o1 en 6vant ot patault hereundoe.hava the rl8htto cultectnnd retaln such rsnts,I�¢uaa�ind profit�es thay <br /> - become due and peyabte.Upon tha ocaurrence of en Even9 04 delauit,Le��der may,elthsr in poreon o�by��ar�t,w►Ih nr with�ut <br /> - -~ b�i�Q�pg nny actlon ar pfoceedlrsR,or by e racelver appolnt+arD by a aourt and witi�out ropard to the adequacy ef IL�aacurity,enter _ <br /> ---�--- aFon aetd take poaae8sfon ot tbe Proparty,or any part thorapt,ln Ita ow�name or In iho neme af tha 7ruatee,and do en�r ects whtah It <br /> :_ °-- - <br /> _ <br /> dt►om�necessery o�deelraGte to preeenre tho value,maricrs4abiHty or rentabU{:y oi t�e Prapariy,nr any�.:rt th�r�!�r Int�!sesl ore n, .-- <br /> trtareaae the Income thsretrom or protnct the aecurity h0reo!and,wlth or withou4 tekirg paasan�lon o1 the R�operty,eue for or <br /> � othenvlsa coftect the�enta,lasues end protlts thereo},tnciudtnp those past due and unpald,end apply the aame,leae costs and <br /> _= exgense9 of operatlon and coltecUon Including ntt�rnoys'taes,upon any Indebtodness aecured hereby,atl l�such urds�ae Lertder - <br /> ---= ma��detc�rminb.Tho antering upo�and takin�possossion ot the P�nperty,tha collectlon o1 euch ranUa,Issuae 9�d pmtits�nd ifie <br /> - _ Application thereof as ntoreenid,sha11 not curq or wafve eny detauit or notico of default horeund�r or Invaltdato sny ac4 dono In <br /> r�ponse to auch defauit or purauant to such natico of dsPauit and,notwithstending the contlnuence in possa�a�on af ti�e Property or <br /> - the coliection,recalpt end upptEcatlnn�f�onts,lasues or prot(t�,and Trustee end Lender ahall ba entitted 4o exercitse ev�ry N�ht <br /> ------- providMtorinanyotthoi.oanE�ocumentsorbYlawupo�+o�.cu��a�caofsriyEvon4ot[3otaut:,lac:ud:Rg�:3theu!!!m!tAt!enl�w►rt�htt� _ _ <br /> -� exeecise tho power of sete.Funhar,Lsnder's riphts ond remedies undsr thla paPagraph shali�e cumulstive wiih,and In na way a <br />-,;;��,;,;�: ? Iinitationon,Lcnd�r'�rlphtsandram��t�urtd�renyesstc�nmentolleasesandr�ntar�ordedageinsttheProporty.Lentler,Tntatee <br /> :-::��!��'�••� end tho rece(var shall hc�Ilabla to account only thwe ronts uctueify�ecela�d. i_�:_� _ <br /> it. Ewnt�ol ONauN�Tha tollowing Rhati constitute an Event ci Defeult undor thls Deed Q1'fruat - <br />°Z�;,,s;�'°` , (n) FailurA to psy any Instalimont ot pdnctpal or intorsst af a�y other eum secured hereby when duo; '_. <br />-_-__--_ (b) AbreachofordetaulturedarenyprouisloncontninEadiMhof�oto,this0eedofTrust.anyotthoLoanDocumoa�te,orany <br />__;;i�%�,a pther Ilen or encumbrance upon the PropeAy; �- <br /> �_�-_:�---�--� (c) A writof exocution orettRChment or any stmilsr procesa ehall be entersd ngainstT►ustorwhlch shail become a Iten on �_,_-_ <br />-~�='��"1 tho Property or any poAlon thoreof or interos4 thereln; e:;��.�- <br /> --==��-� au Tn�cA shatl he fitod bU or agalnst T►ustor or Borrower en acUon ionder eny present ar future federal,at�te or other <br /> ,; _M.���43� a..0 b.o on.,..inearl nnu fn�sts�; �_- - _ <br /> -_ atatutp,law or regu[atlon reiating to bankruptcy,insotvency or omer reiiai ior dnuiu��,v����a�s s,��.�....-,.,._....___--, _- <br /> - -- :s..._, reaeSvor or liquidator ot Trust�r or Borrower or of al!nr any part oi the Properly,or tha rents,Issues or p�otlts thnreof,ar T�ustor ___ <br />.-�.---- = or ovii��i6T oi1o11 iiio�^v vti�$�:l�l�!3°�lgn[t!9nf tnr tha hanaf(f o1 credltora; =- <br /> '�T•���. (e)Tho,sffie,trenstar.loase,assignment,conv,arance or further encumBrance of ell or any part of or any interest!n t�e <br /> "-'` Praperty,e(ther vaiuntarily or A�voluntarily, witho�lt She express written consent of Lend�r, pravided that Trustor shall be ___ <br />,.:;�;r `.�' <br /> ___ • perm�ttoza to oxecute e lease o!tho Property that does not contsln nn optton to purchase and theterm of whlch doss not exceEd <br />...���-a;,;?;., one yctnr.' __,__ <br /> _�Y_� (q q��ndonment ot the Properiy;or ` --- <br /> -_ _ _ (g) It Trustor is not an individual,tho Issuance,esle,transter,asslgnment,comeyance or encumbrAnce flf more than a tomt � <br /> .��`a` o��_percent at(if e carporaUon)Its Issued and uutstanding stock or(N a partnership)e total ot percent o} ��s�'"� <br /> *�G._d. ^._�^-:. <br />_�,,,�,.;i�;.`a�i p8ltnersh(p Interesis ddring the period this Deed ot Trust remalns e Ilen on the Proporiy. _ <br /> ��-�.,�,�,,.,��; 12, RemedNe;AccN�ret{on Upon Wo7�+u1�In the ofent of any Evant of Dotautt Lender may,wlthout notice except as requlredl by ��k4.;= <br /> �r,���� law,declare alt Indebtedness aecured ho��eby to be due and payable and the eame shall thereupon become due end paysDle �y•� <br /> �.rr,_� w�lhout any presentment,damand,protest or notice ot any kind.Thereaftor Lendar mey: � <br /> -��' (a) Oomand that Tn�atee exerclse the POW@H OF SALE granted heraln, and Trustoe shaU thereatter ca�se Trustor's �_6r <br /> -�r��-.3 Interest tn the Property to ho aold end the proceede to be dlatributad,all fn the mannar provided In the N�braska Trust Deeds i-;�,: <br /> � a�x r�,:: <br />.:�.ir�`_-i'l�"n;-1� �„ <br /> �.,,, (b� �cerciseenyundallrlghtsprovidedforfnanyottheLomoDOSUmentsorbylauvuponoccurrenceofanyEvontofDetAUit; t�. <br />'='a_�;�6d�`iU'� 011d <br /> :�x;� (c) Cammence en action to(oreolose thls Deed ot Trust as a mortpage,appolnt a recelver,or specftically entorco any of tha �•:�°"'' <br />':���:�� covanants hereot. `�``�� <br /> _.,�rt„ � Y Y �:ti?;;`•.: <br /> �.: <br /> Ro remedy horeln conterrad upon or reserved to Trustee or l.ender la Intondod tol�a axctuslva of an othc�r remed herefn,in the <br /> ,,��;���f,P,,,,, L.oan Documents or by law provlded or pnrmitted,but Qach shall be cumulative,ahall be In eddf�ton to every nther remody givon �t��• <br /> _�-f�"��;+��;._;;+ hereundor,In the Loan DocurRants or now or hereafter exlsting at Inw ar in equlry or by statute,and may be oxorcisal concurrentty, <br /> ---�::;Y��n��� IndepondenSly or succassively. l <br />- :-� 13. Tiuets*.Tho T�ustee may resign at any tima without cause,�nd Lendar may at any Nme and without cause appolnt H �� <br /> s:.wn�_:.,'=_�'- . <br />-_,�_. °n.,�=�`- successor or su6stltute Trustoa.Trustse ehall not be Ilable to eny party,inoludlnc�wlYnout Ilmitation Lendor,Borrov��r.7rustor or eny „ <br /> :;"�,,;• purchasor ot tfte Properiy,for any loss or damage untoss due to reckloas or wII1f1.0 miscond�rct,and�hall nat be ro��iired to takq eny ;S�••;.. <br /> +�"'•-� action In cnnneotion with the enforcemont o1 thls Deed ot Trust untess Indemnitiad, In writing,tor ail costs,compensatlon or ?��• <br />``��'—,�,��,'.�',�• expensos whloh may be assaclete�therewith.In addition,Truatee may bacome e purchasar at nny eate oi the Properry(judlcfnl or <br /> -_�^`��_���� undor the power of sale granted hereire);post�one the salo of all or nny portfon oi the Property,as providod by Ic►w;or sn1!E1a <br /> ��:_�-:� <br /> ,,,,,.a.:._,..,._:�. Propt�rty as a wholo,or tn separate parcels or tote at 1h�stee's dEscretlon. <br /> ,r��a.r.:- <br />:r:�„•r�;,�„� 14. F�and Expante�.in the event Trustee seils tho Proporty by exerciso ot powor o1 sale,Trustse shall be entiUed to eppty !. <br /> _•.",�',3...„�.. %f. . <br /> _.-,�,:. ��;,, �ny sate proceeds ttrst to p�ymont o4 all costs and expenses oi exerclsing�kar ot sele,Inciudinp all Trusteo's feos.end Lender's <br /> : :,�;`;;��_.;� end Tn►stee'o attornoy's feos,actuoliy InCUrrmd to extont pormittad by applicable law.ln the event Borrower or Trustor exerclses any <br /> .'„ ►lgh�t provtded by IAw fo curo an Evont of Oetault Lander shall be ontftled to recovar trom Trustor all costs and oxpenses ach+alty <br /> �-'---,.� <br /> ,� ��� Encurrod es o resut4 of Trustore detauit fnciudtng without Ifmftntfon sIi Trusteos end attornoy'y foe�,to tho extont p�rmiC�d by <br /> .7���t�.�l applicable Inw. <br /> " • ' ` 15. Future IAdvancea.ilpon resQuest of Borro�vQr,Lender may,at Ite option,mak0 a d d it lona l an d fu ture a dvancos a n d r e- <br /> _,,���,', edvancas to Borrowar.Such advt�ncns and readvances,�vith Interest thereon,shall bo socurod by thls Docd of Trus4.At no Ume shall <br /> - -- tho pNnclpul nmount of the InAebtadno�sucurc��by this Deed ot Trust,n����lu��d0n�g e0u�ms advanced to protoct the security of thfs <br /> �� Deed ot T�ust,oxceed tho origlna�principal amount etntcd horoln,or S �vhlchoaer Is greater. <br /> �- -= iv.iensiciiraiisviie:-.o.�.:v�o.. ' <br /> r� � �' (o) fiarr4war Hot Rmtoassrl.Extoncfon ot the tlme tar payment or moditicntion of mm�rtizatlan ot the sums�ecured by this <br /> .,._ <br /> •�`-,,•:-,� Qee�01 Trust grarttcd by Londor to ony succossor in Inturest of Borrower ehall notoporato to relQUSe,tn eny mannor,the Ifs�blilty <br /> ;�:-, •,r-•,=•', u4 thu origMal Borrower und Borrowo�'o succassore In Intarest Lendor shail not bo requlred to cQenmence proceodinfla aga ns <br />;_i3..; . , � such ouccossor or rotuso to oxtund timo tor paymont or othurwlso modity nmanizc�ticn otthe sums secured by thts Dead of Trust �� <br />_-- ; by rcaso»at nny damands mado hy Uio ortr�innl Borrnwar and BarrowoPs succa5�ors In Intorost <br /> ` � �.J' ��� (b) Lencisr'�Powtra.Without attacUng tho Itabtliry of nny other parson Iiabla tor tho paymont ot any obtlgnUon hereln <br /> �•• mentloned,and without aHecting tho tlon or chargu of this Dood ot Trust upon nny ponion o1 tho Proparty not tho�or thorotoMre <br /> - • � �e!eased a�sacurity fortROlu!1 nmount of all unp�id chlfgatto�s,L�ndor may,irom tfmoto timo and without notico(q raloaso any <br />• porson Qo Ilabtq(If)oxtond lho mnturiry or p�tar any o1 fho tarms of nny�uch ohUgaUons,(ilf)grnnt nthur indutdonces,(Iv)ratc�ase <br /> �� �r recon��y,or causo to Do roleased or roconvoycd at ony timo ut Lander's opllon ony parcol,poRion or a�l ot tho Pro�Cerry, <br /> �:"'v,i ;� (vy tako or rateaso Any othor ar additlonn!sacuriry tor any obligaUon horafn mQr►ttonats,or(vq mako compositlons or othar <br />,;���' c�rranaement3 wfth debtaro In�elaLon thesbto. j � - . <br />'r^•'-�".. <br /> . ,�.i <br /> .f <br /> _�'_'_'.�"�..�.�.-._ .�....�.�.._.�..--..�.�„"__�_'�...__.�.r..��..�_"_���`�.-.��_�""��:.�i���.�....-'_�.'"_.."__��. __ <br />