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<br /> 1�o,iis�s•eacaee'a�:��c.y Yirzreo��rcr sliall h�given�no cr,s�4orrsned eopy o4 the Note�ncl o?thi;.S:xu�ity B��steur�ie�it. � ��
<br /> . . .. _ E`! "1'c•ancPqr nG �hn 1?cnc:�c0�� n. c; �C'l,no�nP�r;nY YcaOt+;{gu4�_3 tR.;osa»�na !9 A!! ne i�p� rarq���4Esn[���t��riy ur anv ..
<br /> � ��, intcre:,�in it i�:ald uc tranrPciral�c�r iP n U::no�icinl inecrc:,t in Il�orcue�cr in colc�or tran,?crrcd c�nd t�urrurtcr ic nut n
<br /> �� �m4urnl po�:�on) ���ithout 1',ons9cr'n pnor��eitton conccne,Lcndcr rsnuy, ot i4a optian,rcquieo er�imcdiatc p�yr.�cn�in full uP
<br /> � �U suma sccurcd Uy thia �ccurity Inctrumcnt. Hoivc;vcr, 4hin optiun ahnll not b� oxcrcic.d by Ixrtdcr IP �xcrcic9 io ,
<br /> ''� '-' " pr�hibited Uy fcdetal loer ns of ttto ct�to uf this�ccurity Instrument. �
<br /> '�__�:;';s:.;:.,.:.. If I.,ender exerclGC9 thie option,Lender ehnll give Dorrower notice of ucecleraHon.The notice ahAll pr�vido n periad
<br />.�-,-:::�2��"�p,'�' nP notless than 30 deys[ron►tiie dote the notice is delivered or mrailed�vithin�vhi�ch Dorrawer murtpay all sumr secured
<br /> _ ___ by thiA Secrl�ity Inr�trument.I�I�orro�ver ft�ilR to pay th�.sc;Rume prior�to tho e��plrntit�n of thie p:.riod,I..enQcr may invoke �
<br /> --'-�"'� ' any remedies permitsod by thie Security In�trumentwithouc turthcr notica or dennond a»Dorrowcr. •;}t,�
<br /> - - 1�.I�orrower's Right to k�clnetete.If Bonotver meets ccrtain condltlons,Dorrotver shnll have the right to hnve
<br />�,�:�eri����� � enforccment af thie Sccurity Ineteument discontinued at uny timc�prior to tho�rlier ut:(n)5 dnys(or such nther pctiod
<br /> ��`:�� as applicnble law mny specify for reinstatement) beforo sal�ot tho property pursuant to uny power ot e�le containetl in
<br /> -- �=-�y'�f"� ' thie Security Ynstrument; or (b) entry of n judgment enforcln�thIe Secunty Instrument.Thosa conditions ere that
<br /> '��'��'����-� ,� Horrotiver: (a) paye Lender aIl sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as iP no
<br /> -�- _:__�..�._ -�
<br /> - '-'-i�',..�r•': ucceleratlan had oceutred; (b)cures any defuult ni any otAer covenantc or ogceements;(c) paye all etcpenses incurred in
<br />_:��,:,��.�.�'�
<br />�:�"�"":�;�� eni'orcing thie Security Instrument,incluclin�,Uin not limitecl to,rensonable uttarneys'fees;and(d)takes such xction us �
<br /> =���:y3 ��^�"� L$nder may reasonably reyuire to nssure that the lien ot thia S�curity Instrument,I.ender e ri�hta in the Prcperty and �
<br />--,;:���;� �' �
<br /> ,';,;..n�_._M ,. $orro�ver o abli�ntion to pay the sume secureci by thie Security Instrumentsholl continua unchangea.Upon reinetetoment �-
<br />__�- by Horrorver,this Securitq Instrument nnd the o bligacione secured hereby s�e�l�semain fully efPeceiera as�P no nccelerntion
<br />--��:nu„y, ';;
<br />.',�•if'�r':::,?.',.� hud occurced.Hor�ever,thie right to reiustato shal l not apPly in the case QS�ccefleration und�3�.�ra�eng��e 17.
<br /> '�='�-�� �•. 19.�mda of Nota;Ch�ngp o�II.��an Se.rvicar.The Note or a pactiul inYerest in t9no Nm4�f ta�gaBA�tvith thnsS��urity
<br /> �-L�f� : Instruaxienn�mny ba s�l d ona or moro 2irn��vit i t�ut prior m�tic�.to�oman;Er.A su le mny r�su lt in a c hsn�s in t ho�n 4e ty J =;;;
<br /> ��:M1;t;�,r�, ,1;' s
<br /> • (know�z zs+tbe"Le3r_��rvdcer"}x��t snll�c�a mo�►thly oayrraEnts�u�un�er thL Note and thia Senurity Anstrumc:nt.There �'.:.'•.
<br /> �` � " � `�;'�� also cnay�s�one or r.nc�re changPS a4 2h�Loan S:rv'scer unrelote�ta a sale o?the Note.I4 there is n clhan�e oti tha Losn I
<br /> ��.}/'!.-�-il{!'..
<br /> ._�.i(u.4.�.lS�Jld,'.1 4..._...
<br /> �.��::: •�. . ,� S.°.rvic0r,�arra�ver wili 3�z given cvritten notice a$tfia�chan�a in accu��dance�ith paragra h 14 ahave�nd appl'acable taN. ,.
<br /> �s�.r..M., ; .,.(�'-. ,
<br /> � ���9 prn4ice ivi�l state¢fic�n�c;�e and ad�ress of the�a��v Lmm�ervi�er and the address ta cr i�lh payments shoula7 be mada. ;:` t
<br />-'� �r •. t::�r,!�•
<br />-I 1' .. . ,r:r.r. : , �', .
<br /> °��.�..�.�+.r.;.;.,.��rs�: �`Lse nt�x��e a��ill:at5o a�n�cuar�t�Y c+4fi2.r ir,4axrmatic+n reqn�iR.d�C+�appJicnble ln�. , �,.:
<br /> :ire7,;,� ). :: - o
<br /> � � s., <<t�{��-., •' 21�.�J,�I:iIZ'OII'�OIIS►�i17q19ZL�{1CS,9. �orro��er sha@3 ncat c��s�or_.erran�t��e pr�enae,n�..e,ciiaposal,starage,or releuse�Y � '
<br />,���7(ti;�:��� v'+�;,t. ,, . :a�y Hazarc7aus Sa6st�isces ure�e�n.�helPraFerty.�0lS,pN�f 9AB��noz�o,V1US AI�C�N II71b�ane else to dan anythingaPC�c�i��g �,;R _
<br />:,_�,.,,,,�„�',�,a�,�,� . �tne Property thati is ian,violuiian o4��►���vim�ar.tiantul 9.a�►.The pr�cedi�er 2�va sarecelaces ahall not apply'tv the presence, e�t,;.;
<br />.,',t,i..��'�',,,.I�,I�,!� , � , _ use, ur sturnge an �9�a Ptoperty ofcr,r�nuli gt+n�aiti� m1 �lazardous Su�stances that nre genernlly rccognized to be
<br /> ;;: ..� . appro,{priate to normnl residential use.,and to mutn4eno�ae o4 the Property.
<br /> j1`s` L:..!fAIIfP_*Q�2°��^^^'°`^��"^"'°.�.,CRL�r^ture::�^..^.o*_iee oF env;�vP�r�g�ti�n,clAim;demand:lawsoiY or other action bV
<br /> ::�;.���.1"r7;+1, � �......Y•y 0•... � _._.
<br /> "�Y;� ': 'f� �ny governmental or regulatory a�ency or private party involving the Prop$rty and anY Nazere3ous Substance or
<br />-:'�''i��" Environmentc�l Law of which Borcocver has actual knowled�e.If Borrocver learns,or is notif�ed by any governmental or
<br />_..r:".-.•.c.i
<br /> _________ tebtll�L�r; B±�th�r�ty, *he*_ Qny iPmnvH� �r �thPr rPmeiiiAtinn r►f nny Ha�ardnun Sub.ctnnce RfPecting tha PmQerty is �,�
<br /> ,�;�� �,�° necessory,Borrower shull pramPtl�y take ull necessary remedial aatione�n accordance with Environrnental Law. `.';'
<br />_�t.,�..:x As used in thie patagrnph?A, 'Hazardous Substances"are thosa aubsmnces dofined aa toxic or hnznrdous substnnces r
<br />�T"" •t� ' by Environmental Law ond the following substances:gasoline,kerosone,othdr flnmmnble or toxic petraleum produote,
<br /> �'�=`'�?����. , toxic Qesticides and herbicides, volcttile solvents, mnterials conu►ining asbestos or formaldshyde, and radtoactive '
<br /> ��°"°����"': matenals.As used in this pArogcuph 2U,"E'nvieunmentnl Luw"mean�[ederal laws etiid la�ve of the jurisdicttan where the
<br /> --%�'y�`��'•�'s-�-�e- Property ie located that relute tu health,cafety or environmentul protection. ' ,.
<br /> :�"�'�''�'�� NON-UN[FORM COVI?NANTS.I�orrower nnd I.�nder further covenant nn3 ogrea es Pollows:
<br />--,�-_r,�.:�:� 2l. Accolerition; Romedies. I.ender shell give notice ta Borrower prior to accmlaration following
<br />,:�.�,_.-;.�..�;.� Bocrawor's bre�ch ot eny covenant or sgreement in thisSecurity Instrumeat(but not prior to acceler�tion
<br /> ,,,T..:..��� undor piragraph 17 unless appltcablo low provides otherwise).The notice shsll specify:(a)the default;(b)the
<br /> _-�;;,-"-�., ac4ion required to cute the dofault; (c) a dato, not less ttian 30 days from the date tha aotice is given to
<br /> _;���-t�;�„��� Borrower. by which the:default must be cured;and(d)th�t failure to cure the default on or betore tho date
<br />"`.s"''i�.. specified in the notico mey result aa acceleration of tho sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale of
<br />-_._�._tiF.�J"=��
<br /> ____ ._�..� tho Proporty. Tha natico,shall furthes inform Borrower ot the right to reinstate aiter�cceteration and the
<br />�,�,;�;�x�:��__�-��-� right to bring a court nction to mssert tho non-oxistence ot a default or any other defonse ot Bor�o�9er to
<br /> �,;;:;,;,,�,;;, acceleration and sale.If the default is not cured on ur bofore the deta apecified in the notECe,Lender, at its
<br /> ,s�_;�;�� optlon, may require immediate payment in full of oll sums secured by this Security Instrument without
<br />•��';�:;,��' furthcr demand end may iavoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by epplicable law.
<br />' -���_�` �• Lendee shall be entitled to collect all exponses iacurred in parsuing the remedies provided in this parngraph
<br />- ",�Y�-•=� 21.ineludin�,but no4 limited to,reasonn6le attornays'fees end cos4s of title evis9�nca.
<br /> �,t,�,p� Ct tt►e pnwer oS sale is invoked,Trustea shell record a n�tice of default in eac➢a county in wh{ch uny p�st of
<br />"_"'''�-�. „ the Property is loxated end shall mait copies of auch notice in the manner prescribed by :�pplicable law to
<br />--�•:�:�:�-':`:�„,T{�. Borrowor and ta thm othor porsons prescr�bad by npplicablo law. After the time required by upplicable luw,
<br /> ';"';�,t:�;.:.� .,; Tru3teo ehell give public notica of sale ta the persoas and in the manner prescrdbed by up�licr�ble luw.Trustee,
<br /> :_,,••�-=.-- ..e.'. tivithout demand on Borrosvcr, sholl sell the Proper4y at public ouction to the 6ighest b�dder ut the time nnd
<br />��'."��#!;�r' •K place and uador ths terms designated in the notice of sale in one or mare parcels and i�any orAer Trustee
<br />`'.f•rrw:�•:�� :; dotermine�.'Trustee mvy postpono salo of all or any parce�l of tt�e Property by public nnnouncoment nt the .,
<br /> " '`-' ' - " tima and place oi any previougly sc�eduled salcs. Lendor or ita desigaee may purchese Eho Property at nay �
<br /> - �• '� snlo.
<br /> '�.
<br />� -`•'� ' Form 3020 9/
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