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<br /> '- . �1. X���apeo4i�sys.I.�;su��r�if•'st:e�bent���cey m.:�ko rea�:an�b4o cntrJe��upun nnd in�:�ctiori�c�P tho PeaJk:i�Zy.I.cnei�r t;hali �L:�
<br /> = gi�.�a 11'rr;fio��rs�t2etY�c�i19.41t[�tlti30 tiQ OC f7ria�s to.,n inr�;cuE3on r.�;cu�fpi�i�;r4�,nna6lo cau��Qar tho iez:pectio�3.
<br /> IQ. �ee�udoxr+itt�tfUn.'1'ho pr�xeec3�u�?any award ar eieim Cor cl�raage.�,diccer,or con:.��ential,�n cnnneatic�n with �'--�^_�
<br />-� ����y�uf�dete��iati«��nr ath::�t�sk�i+n�of nny ��rt a�P the Prop;.rty,nr Qor ec�mfc��c�jtee in lieu oP cc�nde�inatios�,are hereby j�����,,.•
<br /> ur�signed and sitell be�E�eid to i.eqder. *-�--�
<br /> In the evGr�t af a total tekin�04 thy Pro�rty, 4ho�raceeQs shxU be applied to the sums e�;cured by thic Security
<br />- In�trumenY,whother ar not then due,with nny excess p�id to i3arrawer.In the event of a p��rtinl toking of tt►e Pfaperty in w:i"_
<br /> »_.��,_
<br /> wt,,;nh tlie[air n9uclrrt valtu�nf dtn Pro�rty ima�eeiia�tely bcfore the talceng is egua� to csr�reater than the pmount aP the __-
<br /> - sumfl cecurcd by thie Security Instrumant immedi�tely bctora tho tnking,unlcss Dorro�ver and L.ender othcrwi�ab�ce y���-�_
<br /> � in writititg,thr.cums stcurcd by thls Security Instrument ehall Ue reduced by thc umount ut the proceeds mult:gliec�by -___
<br /> � the tn1lo��ling fr�ction:{s)tlie total aa�i3ount oP the�ums secured immedintely i�efore the tukin�,divided�y (b) the fair - __:
<br /> marke2 valud of tPte Praparty immediately before tha taiing.Any bstence shull be paid to�orrower. ln the event of a __�_
<br /> pAt�tiel taking nt the Property ir�which the fefe morkst valuo of tha Property imrr►ediately Uefore the teking ie less tban --
<br /> tha umount of Yh�eumo secured immc;diat�ly be4ora the taang,unlcss Borruwer und Lender uthercvis3 ngces in writin� ;�;�:.�
<br /> or unte�s opplicablo taw otheswise pravidea, the proceeds shall bo applied to tha sume secured by thio Security n.�,,,,
<br /> Instrument whetteer or not the gum�aro then diae. :--==-
<br /> It tho Frop�rty ie abandoned by Borrowar,or if,efter notice by Lender to Barrower tbat tha condamnar oftere to �_
<br /> meka nn eward ar se�ctle e ctninn f�r�anagcs, Borroaer Pnils to respund to Lender vtithin 3Q days after the dete th,e _
<br /> notice ia give,�.�end�r ie a�at3�nre�ed n�om�Pect and np�ly the proceec�s,nt its option,either t�restoration or repair�°t4�e �f�,°,;
<br /> � Proporty o•r�w tih3 sum�:�s��ua�d by tZa�s S��rity Ins4rument,w�t�t�ee��r n�s tnWn de�e. jfi•:;.;
<br /> w mt
<br />',.� Unle�9raac,�r�xc�7�orr�aer ot4�...�cvnc�age�e a¢n eica4in�,aee��p�aSeeaB+�;��f�p��c���n�a.;ic�capaS s4�a11 m�mt euterd a�3� , . • .,i,�:
<br /> �os.gwne th���s cP�iu� m�1�';i� mon4Tn1Y Faym¢nt� s+e4eared to ie� p.�ragrag9�s D nr�nd 2 or cl����z �tr,� �Ar,nr�uns �f such �F;�i;:!;
<br /> ,,� �pP,ian�er�ts. � � . � •• 'I��,;ti�;��
<br /> .i�,:' '_ � 'll!. 63�rr,:a,;tirr Not F:�l�asod; fl�ms�xscam�a ib��� R,�adi�x I�°a�n n Waivez.Extel�iosa w�4'Yaa�tirtao.3ae�paYr�e�t c�r ' z�S:l��:
<br /> J71C+:�lEfGa41W:R,ai str,nQrtfzation oi tite s�eraes secanr�al �+X.s,11is�::sir��i� ;t�.strument granted b�r I�wri�,or a�Anp succ:�ma'�a .. �':f?�L"
<br />:.�.t� •;'•. • is�E�tP.�t aR:k�rc�p�wer shalt not opsca�e t� raJ�asa ek�a��abi➢i2,r 4��1 a�ae original Borrower�r ��rro�•�a°s succ�y�rs in. ��?�,;
<br /> /,1,�Ti:7... ' .7•..�... .. o�� int a..s ��a�t ovrpnC3 } ,.
<br /> `''�i..,flc�%IC�1�-�RSII 114C 6�G ILI�(W[ti4 i1!6AATini�vww y��av�annq�,n�aiiw�uia� uurvvw..°'"�:?. . �ww�r � l '
<br />,����! ;� cnenz�'�az��LyGrsat�t.or ot,`a-a�;u�e mbE.iv��rn�rtizutian oP�he su��s�e4ured by t�:is�U:c�sit,y II�,ssrument by reason mt�r,� �',�E«�
<br /> l
<br /> - domanc4 cna.l�,b!���:�e ar�3ma:�orra-��wr mr Borrower's succe��s it�.in�prenc.#lny�tar.�irea•r.��ca by L,ender in eicereis�sz� . ��y;��
<br />`";`i a�;rigl:i va��:o:w���ha!!zvi�s wsi:�er r�f ar gr�lu3�the AV�rcrse o��ny s3ght or remP�?y. !��`'�v.
<br /> , 12.Su�ce�sore ond I►ssigne Sound;7oiat and Scveral I;isbili'ty;Co-slgners.The coyennnts nnd ag�eementc ;::�-.,
<br /> �Y:=:
<br /> - of thie Secueity Inatrument�hull bind nnd benefit thv successors a�td assigns of Lender snd Borrower,subject ta tha ��..:
<br /> — provisions of paragreph 17:13nrrower's covcnants ond agreements shall be joint and several.Any Harrower who co-signs �_'�
<br /> � this Security Instrument but daes not execute the Note: (a1 is co'signin�this 3ecurity Instrument only to mort�ago, ��•
<br /> grent nnd convey that Iiorrower's interest in the I'roperty under the terms of thie Security Instrument; (b) is not '��:_
<br /> p�rsonally obligated to pay tlio sums securcd by chie Se�urity Insxrumeat;end (c) a�rees thet Lender and any other
<br /> Borrosvor may egree to extend,modify�,forbear or meke any accommodatione witt�►regord ta th�terms oP thir�Security ��Y
<br /> Instrument or the No�te without that$urrawer's conse�r. �`�-'-'-
<br /> 13. I.oan Charaes.Ii the toan secured by thie Sxurity Instrument ie Rubject to e law which ssts maYimum loan E�_-_
<br /> aharges, and thnt law ie[innlly interproted so 3hat the interest ar other lonn ch�xges collcoted or to bn collected in w
<br /> connection with tho loan eacecd thv permitted limits, then: (o) nny sueh loun eharge shall be recluceJ by th�amnunt ,
<br /> nxw�^sary Yo reduco the charge to tlie permir�ied lim:t; and (b) any suma already collected tram Borrower wiiich .���
<br /> .�+ exce�ded permitted Nmits will be refunded to Dorrowar. Lender may chouse to make this refund by reducing the "'�
<br /> �- prinvipal'owed under the Noto ot by making a direct payment to IIorrower.If n refund reduces principal,the reduction _
<br /> � will bo Yreated as a p�rtinl prepayment�vithout a�iy prepayment cher�e under tho Note.
<br /> !A.NOttCC9.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrumentshnll ba given by delivering it or by •
<br /> „ mailIng i8!*y finat clnss mui! unless applicnblao 1nw requires uss of nnother method.The notice shall be directed to the
<br />-� P'r�percy Ac➢clress or ony other addr�s$orrower designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to Z.ender shall be given by _
<br /> first•olass maif to Lesnder's address stated hereirt os any ott►er nddress Lender designates by notice to Bono�ver. Any
<br /> -- notice providecl for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have becn given to Borrower or Lender�vhen given .
<br /> °"�;1� as provided in•thi�paragraph. .;. ,
<br /> '`� 15. GovasninR L9w;Saverability.This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and tha Iaw Qf the „
<br />'`� jurisciiction in which the Praperty is located,In the event that any pmvision or clause of this Security Instrument or the
<br /> � Nate canflicts with applicab�o la�v,sach conflict shull not affer,t other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> � which can bo given effect cvithout tho wnflicting provision.To this end tho provisions nf this Security Instrument and
<br /> ➢ thc Note are declared ta Ue severable.
<br /> �
<br />—�
<br />-_� Fcrm 8bZe 9�Q,
<br /> - Q�-6RlNElca�os� P•�•���a XCIe43Dnno .00 Initlole: . ��,�,b .
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