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<br /> ��ia�it�7n:truE�;cnt. �4�r:e•�..•r.ei»s n��tiau:hali�tat t�::e:crciscd by F,cndei•if exeAci�fl is prahibatctl hy fed.ral la�v a:,uf th;;date , ,,_�
<br /> Y,...�
<br /> of t2ii�:�4liU171y It1�4f'tltil;tit. K�
<br /> 1f I,�ndcr excniscs tliis opZion, 1.sndcr sltall�ivc�i�rPOwcr not�cc of acs<:icration.1'hs noticc sh;►11 provide si prriad of not �+-t,-.
<br /> Icss than 30 days fron� �he a�to d�e �iotice'ss del�vered or mailed witl�in wfiich Borrower inust pay ali sums :;cctxrcii by this
<br /> J ������rity l��sts�+n!•^nt. lF�orrnucr faii�:to��ay t4esc sums prior to the c;splrnti9n of lhis pariad, L.�ndcr may invn:.r,r,.1y�-emcdEcs
<br /> permi�ted by tliis Se.curi.rif I^w!r.:.*:�r.!wicliout furtl�er noticc or dem_��nn Rnrrotver. �.��
<br /> 19. �r�ov+�er's Rtght to Relnstate. If Sorro�ver mects certain wnJteions, Barraover shall have tt1r; right tu have
<br /> � enf�nrcececi�t of ti2'ss Security Instrumcnt discontinued at any timo prior to the earlicr oS: (a) 5 ciays (ar t,ucb nther period ns __
<br /> �plicAblt;,{1N' �nay �peeify for rreiiistat�mcnt) beforo �ale of the Propecty pursi�aat to zay_pow�.r of&alo contained in this --
<br /> Sesurity Instrumcnt;or(b)cntry af a ju��m_nt enfoecin�mie secunry tns[nuncnt.i nos.e conniuons arc.�hai i�o:rower: �a)pays .;.-�,
<br /> l.c��ez all sums whi[Ii.taen �;ould be dua ondcr tl►is Secu�ity Instru►nent and the Note ;�.s iC no aocelerztio�.had accurrcd; (b)
<br /> cures any defnult af:u�y att►;.r covr..nants ar�,rcements; (e)pays all expenses ineurr{�a'i.in e►eforcing this Security Instrument, ,_
<br />