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<br /> iu,tn4i�c:u c��G:;i�i t�c�or�7:�n�;>��s�til�ui�y�vrit�ai n�c.:ciiic►ii Itct���cc�e li�»ro��•cr,uu8 Lc»Acr�r cip��li�:��blc I�nv. '.---
<br />, '1.�.+t�pe+cil;�E�� [T��il��e n.:iFs agcn�i���v ma{cc rL:��ou:,?ilc c�urics u�u�n arcil iiz���xlion,oP f.1±c F�upcity. I.�cndcs�sb:ill�;ivc '�`�`-""
<br /> N�xrnwr.r iHui�e u�the timc of or prinr t�an ins�x�cti�+i spcciCyin�rcasonwhle ea�ise for dt��inspectian.
<br /> �(J, �''{.ivl�iip�ufl��i�,'I�lr �yF'�Ci'�S fT�f'-Ily R.ZY:iE'(� (If'(`�(!llll �41P(1Ali)'!�R,C9, (�IYF'!:l UP Cf1l1!t°_t�l�('f91I"�, 111 C011!?CCt��tl1 tivlfll �ily -"
<br /> conciem�w�ion or athcr inking a3 r�ny W-ut of dic Property,O[�01'wt►VeY111cd til Ii�:U iii uiinici�i��uii'vi, :��c hcrcby nssig:'�s ni�i� -
<br /> tihail t�paid ta[,c�xicr. �
<br /> I�i tl�e cve�t of a total taking of th::Prcp:rty,the proecAls shall be npplied�to tl�e sums secne-ed by thi,Secrarity Instcuinent,
<br /> wn;Kncr or mn ti�cn avc,�viiii riuy exG,sy paid ia'nc►rrowcr. in inc cvcni ui u pariint iaking oi iicc i-i�pcciy i�i �y�t4� �h, a��
<br /> Fy�zrket valuo of�he Property inimediat;ly b�fore the ta{cing is ecjual to or �ra�ter thzn the amount of tiie sums secure�i by thi� —
<br /> Ser.�uity Insuu«unt imrne�iately befarc titc t�.kin�,unless E3nrmwcr and I.�ndr,r ath�rwisc anrec:in v+rit+n�, thc sumc sccurccl Ny ,___
<br /> this Securiry instnt[acnt shal! bc rcd�uCCd by the aatount nf the procecds multipliecl by the follo�4ing fraction: (�) the tut;il —
<br /> anxumt of 1hc sums sccured inuntxiiately befom the taking, dividctl hy(b)tlic fnir nt��rlcet vnlusc of thn I?roperty immediatcly
<br /> bafc�rc thc taking.. Any balanr.c st�al! be paid to IIorroa�cr. In Utc evcut of a pr,rtial tak:ns of thc Pmperty in�vhicl� tho fair
<br /> market value of the l'ropeity immedtately befom the taking is less dtan tlte amoun.of the sums secured ioi:nc�iatcly befa�e tho —
<br /> taki�ig, unless Borrowcr an,i L.en�er othccwisc agroc in writing or unlcss ap,plic�bic law ot{icrwise provides,thc procceds shall
<br /> be a�plicd to ihe Si►n�s secureci by thi�,Security Instn��nent whether or not t1�e sums are Ut�n due.
<br /> �i i�iv-�iujic�iy IS:ti1.ilie�0iecd�iy $e�i�JPJe�',ur ii,iaicr uutice:by En:u�Icr G�6orro�vcr[i�ut l6a wn��;,uatur ufiers tu m:�dce uu
<br /> avra�d or scttte u cl;�im fnr dainagcs. Bo�so��fer fails to resRond ta [.ender within 30 days nftcr tho datc the notice is given,
<br /> Lcnder is autfiurized tp colttxt and spp!�thc prQCeeds,a4 its aptian,eiti±er to restoration or rcpair of the Property nr io thc sums
<br /> �_. ,
<br /> sccurcd by this Serarity Instrument,whcther ar not tlien due. __
<br /> Unless i.c�xlcr anct �ormacr otherwisc ngrec in writing, any vpplieatinn of proccr,�ls to principal shal� not extend or
<br /> past�ne d�e due date of the monthly payments refe�rect to in paragtaphs 1 ar�l 2 or change the urnount of such payments.
<br /> 11.Borro►�•e►Not Released;Forbearcu�ce By IRnd�r P�og a Walvrr.IIxtesuion of the time for payment a•madifiultion ____
<br /> of cunonizafsni�of the sunis secured by tl»s 5ecurity Instrunient granted by Lrnder to any successor in int^rest of Borro�ver shall
<br />__ � �u.;�+s,�„%ea e^n, t+?!a?cn t��r liahilitv nf fha nriainol Ylnrsnwa��}r Rnrrnwe['s SuCCG55U1s iR IO[CfCSt. Lendcr�h:ilt nn!� '��;;�� -
<br />