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<br /> , _ ' ,�..�;� , , ,, .`'1'',,�.,. ,,i��t fji:' . ..�li.i.�� '� .. . � J,� I . 'I•,.IC ... i.. „j,...� .' - i. f�I, ' :: " �. . ,: .. . ..�.. ...�..
<br /> �,f ts+� .• ..���ii;la�-t,n,,:.:,�. . .
<br /> .. .. ��1�,1'fli�t"'L'F,:i�:I:ri:51�1I�1'[i1fUi1. �.S'8f1�C:lU;;}�}-lKt;j.)l-�ti�•1+if IIIi1iS�.:l�t:;::..i�it�:.�f;�ll.��Il': S1LilC�'.i��.it�)�ttiCi��>;.t( �+:.'jiw��i1 i,�'�- -----
<br /> , lc�s t1��u ;;1�Q:iy�,Pr��tii tlii��i:,t�t tii�; i,:.�lii: i;cliliv:•t.:f u:.�t!:iicil tti��ii,� �.I;i��i 13•,�s�r,;;� ti���i•! ��:e;� idf :�����,; �.�,��;.1 :��' �t:;. __---
<br /> Sccurity I+i<trumrut. lt ilc�rrnwzti•fiiils tu pay th�u:Suizis pr�ae tu the rxplrati��n c�f'ti�is�r��ut,I.cUJcr f�luy,in4irl�� vny rcnu:�lic+ ..
<br /> - {l�ll;i�l;l:j�)'r I{liS�^,:�Illi�;�r�Ii\I"+,t�bi�'�IC\V11��:1i1L�Ilt.'.�i4'Y 1tfSliC�tll'l�(`il1::!lt�illt H1'C.{'�14VP1'. - a.. .. __ .
<br /> :' 't! S:�:•= '__ ::,.},. f�, :...,,;.
<br /> �8. BIYYCUriCf'S �'�{12 IO 1(RIiI.S'�31tC. IS IHl{IYIWI"t' IIItT.tti ����a��c �v��a..,tu�.., ,-.,��<.�:.: :.i:,.. .. _�... . . . -
<br /> c:nfnrcement t�F this Sa�u:ity iustrutnesif di�:continueci ut mw time prior t� tlx:e..,-�'}crr�:: 1.;)S days (ur �'e!�e:�'•=Y i'ti;'d av ,_. .
<br /> :cpplicablr, la�• nu�v firx•caty� t��s• rt�i�ist;ztefixntj �ix:fe�.re salc �f the !'ro��r�ty Xnarsua��t tu a►iy }x>�.��er c,t wle cun�,ai��d im this _
<br /> : . S+xurity luc;trwr�ut:or(h>c>>t�y�f a ju:lg�nent�nforcin�,,lhis Scc.irity�ustr�uletu.'I1�osc cu:iditiusts urc thut i3�srruwer: ta)pay�
<br /> ,�,;,,----.__wl�. .. .....l.i.�l:1.luu-u�wlfLff�tllllS WTI(IL'C lI1LC L`1'llCILY YI1GtiltliY�n���iw I�Ioi��it'.�1y us�lera(!9R h;�i txcurred:�ty)- '_ ---
<br /> cures aiiy dcfault of any,4:�li�,.�.eo���nant�nt �igre:emeiir�;,(c1 P�Ys till expense: i�lct�c:ecl in r_iafi�rein� thi� S:�s#�It�Insfninknt. --
<br /> ' 9r�ctudi�ig, but•np1�,l.Stnit�:c1 t,�. e�_��,�n:�1,�.►,c�attn:a�;ys' f¢cs; uilCX(C!)11Q•'3 SIiCl1��cti�n os I_cncte�:r�i�,►y ��e�iSo i,u`�ly ,t ��.�irc tr�assure .
<br /> that thc lien��f t(�i4 ti�c��lity F.!,�;z�t}riC.nL..T.ender'ti ribhts i�e f.i�v!'ru}x:xty rnd S3urro�:,:r s ot;liBat�r.ri i!�r;►I �;i;t::,uir.:i�v�.-1+II.��.�y
<br /> thi, Sccurity I¢��:,tsur.ncnt sliall contimia unchaugcci. CJ�u rcitist..�tsmeni l�y Aorrnwcr, thir, Sccu+iiy�iu�.l�tircjent and the
<br /> obligations securesl i�I:X�;liy.shat.l.ceu��.ij►fvll.v c,i'fcctive as if no.�sc�Ic.rtttian h?�1�+:curr.c�.l3owcvcr, tliir�.��egait to rciiis►.ute sball
<br /> not apply�n tli�casc ot';;f��;lca•ntis�rt.nndcr�zra�r�ptt 17.
<br /> 19. Sulc of Nate;,�.lian�{t;,q�,�u�� �erV��sf;.,T71�.Notc nr :t pa+tial inccrr,st, an tho Noiw:(to�c;titn with this Sccariry __
<br /> Ynstrununt)may Ue snld ciq4;,4PS'mnre t�mj;g with�qt.[tT�oF.�h�tice to BotTOwer. A s�le may,r:fi�llt,;.�.�.cltun;e in die entity(known _
<br /> as the"Ltr.u►Seivircr")tl�at��ollcc�s rn.ortii�v, ayma4us duc undcr the Notc�nd this Sccuriry Instrument. '�'hcre also mny bc one.;
<br /> nr morc changcs af tlie Loan Sccviccr uhrcl�,t�to a sale af the Notc. If tnere is�a changc of tirc I,aan Servicer, Dorrowct will be
<br /> ' uiven written notiec of ti��change in accorJance with paragrsjph 14 nbove and npplic2Die l�w.Titc notiee wili siate;i3ies unaii:uc'o;
<br /> adc�.�ess uf tho acw I.oar� 5crviccr and the address to tivl;ich�ayments sliould be inasl�.Thc noticc v+ill ulsu s:uui:tin r.aiy vlli�i -�••- •
<br /> infurmation rcy�irc.d by aprlicablr,latv.
<br /> 24. llau►rdous Substances. Borrower shal! not causr,or permit die pres�nce, use, disposal, storage, ot rilcase uf:�uy
<br /> Hnzardous Sulst�r�ces on or in tlie Pro�eny. Borrower �hnll not do, nor al[ow ar�yonc clse to do, anything affccting thc
<br /> Prapeety that is iu viol�tion of any Enviromncntal [.aw. Thc pr�:ccding two sentences shall not ag�ly to thr. �resencc.usc:,,ar
<br /> storagc on tl�e�Tropt;rty of small yuantities of Hazardous Substances thai are gencrnlly rccognirx:d to be nppropriatc to narir+�l
<br /> residential uses a�id to�naintenancc of tlic Propci�ty.
<br /> Sorrotivcr shall prompdy give L,cudcr�vrittcn notice of any investigatioi�, Llaii�i, demand, lawsuit ar other action by mry _
<br /> b�,.:.�����,«ui vrre�uiatary aaency or privaiC pa,iy iiivviving iuc n«Eicaiy u��u iiiiy iiaiaiu�iuS w.~,�i�.;�w.^.r w::'JS:^nmo_n�:1I I g�r -_
<br /> of which T3orr.z��er hns astual knowledge. If Buttawcr luuns, or is i�ca�ied by any government:il or re�ulotory acthority, ehat
<br /> any removaf ar e_'.ier remediation of any Hazardons Subst�uice affecting.xl�c F.operty is necessary. �orruwer shall�romptly take
<br /> �It .,�r�c:,ry.r:�nedial acti�s m accordance witl�En�iroiunental I..aw.
<br /> As used in this parag�aph 20, "Hazardous Substunces"�re those substances de2ined as toxic ar ha2ardz:�is subscanccs by °
<br /> Environmental Law and tl�e following substances: gasoline, kerosene. other tlnr�mm�bla or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> pesticides and lteibicides,volatile solvents, mnterials contnining asbcstus or formaldchyde,and radioactive matcrials.As used in
<br /> tttis paragraph 4Q, "Environmentnl Lav�" mcans fedcral luws and la�vs of the jurisdiction wiicre s�ie E'roperty is located that
<br /> relate tu IiealUs;s:i7ety or environmenkzl protcction.
<br />- NON-UNI�S�RM COVP,NAN'TS.Borrowcr and I..cnder further covcnm�t and agrcc as follows:
<br /> 21. Ac�elerutimr Renredtes.l.ender siu�ll give nottce to YiorXOwer�rlor to u�celeratlon 6oLloyring Boj•rntt•er,'x bkt�clt _–
<br /> oP �ny covenm►i or agreement iu tl�is Sesurity I�utrumenL (butt noi prior to accelcratton under pA��gr�ph 17 unlesy =—
<br /> applicab'e law pxovlct�utt�cr�vise). Tl�e noticc shall s�ffy: (a)3he deFuult;(b) tl�e uctton required to cure tl�e defuule9,
<br /> (C) A d8t@,not Gess than 30 days frai�We dAte the notice is givcv W Bob•rower,by•�vhich thc�lefnult must be cure�l; nnc4
<br /> (dy thut f�f.►.�:�c Zo cure the default on or IyeFore thc dsttc specified in tlie notice mny result (n acccicrAtton.of tUe sunts _
<br /> secured by 8�u;c�ccurity Instrumeeit and salc of the Property.The notice sl�all further inPorm Bormwer of the r�rbt to __
<br /> re+���sts�te after occcleration auci the rtgtet to brins a wurt urtton tv assett tue non-existence of n default ur ang,a�:i�er _-
<br /> de4tense oY Iiqrrower to aceeler:�tfon and sale. If the clef�uttlt is not cura�i on ar before die date spcctfecl��n the rzcstfr.e, �_.
<br /> Lender, at[ts:v�tion, may rcqu[re im►nedlate payment in fu�!of all sums sccureri by this Security Instrumcni w[tiiout =•�
<br /> n�rther dems��:apd mny invoke thc�wer of sule nnd auy otl�Pr s�e�medies perm➢tted�y appafic.abtc Inw. Lepdcr shall Ir�
<br /> entiAed tQ colEe�.��tl ex�nses incurred in pursutug the remedi��.*rov3detl in this para�i��►9e 2t,ir�ctu�(ng,but nat limyt� _-
<br /> to, rcusonable attorneys'Fees end cosks of tittc evldence.
<br /> it the po�cer of�ale us inWOked,Tr��stee shall rccord.u notice of'defaulL in enc12 county in�whtch any pnrt of the ;;;_:� _
<br /> Prnperly is l�tteJ uud s��91 mail ci►�fax of such notice in![te mann�er prrsci�bEtl by appl[cuble inw to Dorrower and to _-
<br /> thc ather�x�soe�s��escrlbed by�pplicublc In�w.After tl�e time res�u�e�l by applicablc law,Trustec shall�ive public notEce �_"_
<br /> of sale to t�c�.��rsol�s and in the mmmcr prescribed by appltqbl�E3�v.Trustec, wfthout demand on 13orrotivrr, �hall scl! ��n--
<br /> the Property�t��u�tic auctton to the t►tghesl bidder ut the t�mc unil place niid u►seler tl�e tcrms deslbi�ated in tl�a noticr,of �i�
<br /> sale in o�ie or muj•c parcels mid in nny nrder�'rustcc determines.Trustee rnoy postpone st�lc of�II m•�uy parccl of the =.��
<br /> Frcperty by public nns�ouncemen4 :et tlie tt�tte und plr.ce of any previousl� sc]►eduled sale. Leuder or its d�stgnee may rtic
<br /> �a:��chxse Qhe pronerty at any sule. �`"�x
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