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<br /> �tirn;w.er ix+tice�C 111e,.[����r at��r���ii�r t��:;n i�r.pc�•li�m til��i�y'u'!;r���..u,;tc:tEric c.ausc li��A��:►u,�xxliu��. „
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<br /> ' cun�kunwtiun ur��lher tul�ir+g�;P;,i�y��,,t��Tlhe Ps«�x�ty,ur fu:•c.�ti�'c�y:�OC.°. in lteu oi cond�mna�iorr, wrc i�srcuy u>tiid��.��,c —
<br /> khu�a M��rairl t��[.rnJer. -- --
<br /> � ln �h�•c��c��t�rf,�tut:il tai.i�i�of'the E'a�;Wrty.Uic��r.KC:cds�liall r;+�;ii����li��l cu�hc!;in;lw sc!iwcd by this kruriiy�ln�trumcet, ,
<br /> whelher m n�x then due, wit�i ur�y i:�cetis paid ta J3orr��w•er. [n t��a�:vt,ne o��purtial taking c�f tiie�!'roperty i�i which the fa,ir
<br /> - - _. .. .
<br /> markc� valuc of ili�P�operty ini;i�cQi�tcly bcf�:�c tIi:t:�s:inr, i�;c<}!�al ta ic.�r gs;�t..r thstt ti►e am�unt oi inc sum5 seriir�a`bp trrs� � = -
<br /> :ic+CUrit y Ins(n�nient iemnrciia.t�ly tx�tirce thc takii�e,uu!eys f3a►r�rwc��r.nd;�,c+xler nthcrwisc ngre�in writing, tl�:sams sccarecl by _
<br /> lhis Securi�y irutrurocizt shall bc rcduccd hy thc a�nount a+'li:i. 4�r�xl,stts anuftipliM bt� ahc foiiowing #'.r,�csiun: (:x)F6�c iuiai _
<br /> ;urwunR OP LIIC 51lllli sccurc�l inunediatcly Ixfoi•c the taking� dividr.d by�,tb) the fair roark.i v.ttue of the Pcaperty i��metliately
<br /> lbef��re the taking. Any baL•u:cc tli,i!! l��Fsu3 !c•l?o�r�±V�s•. d�i the Cz'f.11�:n}� :�n;;Sii^t taking of the �`roperty i� wltich the fair
<br /> mari;et valsse nti'tL,.C•A�aperty iiiunediat�ly Ucf'ore the t:ikinr is ic��s 16an?,4�r,;nnounc n!'the sums secum,�i irm.i�ediately befpre�he •
<br /> t�kin�; 'un�css 13nrro��cr and'L.cnder otl�er+<<ise agrec in writi�tg v;unlr.��,�p�alicab3c law athcrivise gravides,tha prescecYis shail
<br /> be appYied ta the sums secured by this Security/nstnnnent whcther ar ua�'Uie sums nre then due. �
<br /> lf'the latonecty i�ahandnnrd hy FLett�ucr,nr if,afZcr S�oliCC U}�,L,c�dcr to Horrowcr that the candcmnor ofiers to make an ,
<br /> aw;ud ar settle ;i claim for damages, Iiorrmvcr flils io re�pond to L.ercder ��r.ehin 30 da.ys after the date the notice is given,
<br /> Lender is n;�tl�r„Ia.ec!ta c�l?eet�R:i„rr,!•,.�tl,e p:cscc3s,st its o�.tian,cii���:r to ru.o,+itiun ur repair of the Properly or to the sum3
<br /> securecl by ihis Sccurity Instrumcnt, �vhctl�zr ar rcot then duc.
<br /> L3nless Ler�der ;wa Sorrower oAtcitivise �gree in writinr, an;�.agplication of proceeds to principai shal➢ not exxen� or
<br /> past��sic thc duc d:stc of the monthly paymcnts refcrrai ta in par��i7pl�y.1 snd 2 or ch�ngc the amowu of such payments.
<br /> t�.Barrow�cr Nc�!te!��sed;Fo�i�rnnce[3y[.ender Not a tiVa�vcr. Gxtension of thc timc for payment or inodi6catinn
<br /> of amortiz�timt of thc sums sccarcd Uy t.i�is Sccurity Instrunzent rrantc:c�,by l,ender to any successor in interest of'Borrower shall
<br /> not oper,lte to relcase thc liability of'tl�c original Rorrowcr o�Barrowcr's successors in intcrest. L.end�r shall nat bc rcquircd to
<br /> �`°'��'°��-`^ r��`°°`�=°o°°°`o'?�net�nv titICCLSSOC lIl lfl[CCC5l OI fCrUSC,IO GXiC[td ZIt11C f0i DaV[1T£Ilt o!AtI1CTl41tie mndtfV 7►'nnrte��tinr --
<br /> of thc sums securec! by thic Sccuriry Instrumr,nt by rcason af any demand r�iadc by the original Dorrower or Borrower's
<br /> sacrss�flrs in interesL Anv for6carance bv Isudcr in exercisint:anv riFht ar remedy shall not L�;a �vAiver of or precludq the
<br /> excrcis�of any right or rcmcdy.
<br /> g2.Suraccxsors t►nd A.�.Signs �3nund; .►oint nnd Sc:vea�l t..ial�il,ity; Co-signers. The cuvenanu and agrccmcnts of this
<br /> Security Instrumcnt sliall bi��d and bcrceGt thc successors and aaSSiEi�s of Lcnder and gorrower, su@ject to tlie provisions of
<br /> parape:iph f7. IIorruwcr's covcnants and �a�;rccmcnts shaU be,joint and s�vcraL Any E3orro�;�t who co-signs this Security
<br /> i�rstrument but does not cxccute the Note: (a) is co-si�nin� this Sc�t�tity tnstrument only to n�ortgage, grnnt and convey that
<br /> Iiorrowcr's intcrest i�dic Fropecty under thc tcnns of tliis Sccurity lastrument; (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums -
<br /> securccl by this Sccurity Instrumcnr and(c)agrecs th,U L.cndcr and+in;{oiher Borrower may aDree to extend, ma�lify, forbc�.ar or
<br /> make nny accammodations�vith rebard to the ter�m of this Securily Insitrument or the Note without that Borro�ves's aonsen6.
<br /> 13.Lnan �hnrges.If thc loan secured by tliis Sccurity Instrumqnt is subject to a la�v�vhich sets max�mu�n loan charges,
<br /> and tl�at law is 6nally interpreted so th�t the interest or odzer loan ci�arges collected or to be cbllected in connec6nn with thr: _ _
<br /> loan exr.ced the permitted limits,then: (1)any such lo�n chargr shzll bc rcducr.d by the amount nccessary to raclu.ce the charge __
<br /> ta the permittacl limit;and(U)any sums:►Iready collccted from t3orrq�ver which exccc�eci permittecl timits wilt be refunded to
<br /> Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducin� thn principal owed under the Note or by rnaking a dirr.ct `'�"��
<br /> �_�
<br /> puyrnc.nt to in,rruwcr. If a refund red+�ccs principal, tlic fM1U(SZIQii will bc trc:.tcd as a ��rtial prcpayment widiout any _
<br /> prepaymcret s,�::,�ge undcr thc Notc. --
<br /> l4.Notices.Any nutice to Borrower provided for in this Secura'ty Instrument shaU be given by delivering it or by mailing �__.__.
<br /> it by Crst class mail unless applicable law requires uss:of anotl�e.r mGthod.The notice shall be directed to the Pruperty Add��ess _ __
<br /> or auy othcr address Borrower designates by notice to I.endcr. Any noticc to Lcndcr sliall be given by first class mail to -..
<br /> Lender's address statcd hercin or any othcr address Lcnder dcsigna�.n:s by notice ro Borrowcr. Any notice pmvided for in this
<br /> Szcurity In�tn:�nent sliall�c dcemcci to havc bcen givcn to Qorrowcr or Lendcr whcn given as�ro�vided in this paragiapl►. �-�'�
<br /> l5.(`�avtrnin�; Law; Severabllity. This Security Instru.ment shall bc governal by �'edera! taw :�id tL•e law of the !`�' =
<br /> Surisdiction in which the Property is locateQ. [n the event that any provision or cllusc uf this Security Instru►nent arthe Nate f�`�
<br /> conflicu with applicablc la�v,such conflict shall not aTfect other provisions u,f this Security Listrument or the Note w�ich can be I �u`
<br /> given effect wichout the conflicting provision. To this end the pruvi.:ons of¢his Sei:uriry Insir�ment and tlie Nvte are declared ���:_-
<br /> 'rr?'
<br /> to bc sLCCrablc. -�' =-
<br /> 1G.Borro�ser's Cvpy.I3arruwer sli�ll be�ivcn one conformod copy of il�c Note aiid oF this 5ecuriry In3winent. -
<br /> Form 3028 9/30
<br /> PCp011 of 0 _
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