o:/ S, b ` _ . . .G .r t t ..�4. . .r r -<` . . _. __ ' _ ,�^ ( .
<br /> , � ' .. . .. . .. . . .!L - -ti' �-y a<` - , ,s , ' ' t, .'_. _ " ` ..
<br /> ' ` • ' E .. i.��f'; t: - z- k s. .. . � E� � . . :. - mY;i .
<br /> _ , - ,r i-�. • . , � � :5�. � c 5 '�t, �� a � °`�+°..Y`�,.���_ . �,.
<br /> 3 . �" y c7 .. � -- -- sY`%- ` �'��'..�c�3 _ _ .�' � ��•: . . j �. ._.
<br /> � ��,Y• r�`? �a T2��� ��- ' (4I�-J <�' v�: `. '�� ,. ` ;. .. 4s..c�.'t�� � .s�''s �'i '-�
<br /> L �... .,. ..... ..�s`} i . r .� .. *�t� ,i: `� 4_� .x��-.
<br /> 3.• r - •� ^F�� �i "lF.",�r ' . . . . � ' v� .� .j � � —
<br /> 3 �Y��r.4 . ��4!.c �r� : ` • " , t ( -N� ,-1.. . • . �'i.� V - Y -
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<br /> L'��..Lf3}���� fC'_.1'` �`'. 4. .�tc - . - � � . � L / . ` . � �S Y:'� } '
<br /> •xs�nT�a,t `- �f_�...�{=.7 r r_,.._... : .c ` . . - � � . , , . , - �����ri ����i�r--�
<br /> ..
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<br /> . __ �� --_7c2}.._�t`_ '���i`SS:��ss�'<Jr..r.._-_ �' �=4_ .�.�:`-e�.�.._c. - .G . ' "' .G� � �����-�.
<br /> — _ -- -- - 3�� � tiw::.:
<br /> _ =� � , . . . _ .s�;Y4�;t3 `�.v:.'#��f• �_..
<br /> - . �c.L.��a�:raF�_:5--�_---�
<br /> .�r..•�_. ` _ _ �
<br /> � , � .Q��i�w�`e�. . �Y�F,���
<br /> �Q�j � -
<br /> �� - • applicable law may sgecify for cemstate�eni),b2fare saZc of ttte Ptopec�,r pursnant€o any po���a€sale oontazued m this �j��,�' '� �-w- -
<br /> . � . i
<br /> '��_' Secm�ity Ias�2nt;ar N)eniry of a jud�,er}�enfoYCing tlus Ser�iry InsonunenL T�sasz conditions are that Borraw�: (a) f��:`s � `� :."�'�
<br /> ,, S'� . • pays Lelader ail sams whic6 tEten wauUl Ue,¢ae under this Security Ins�nment�d ttce•Note as if no acc�ieration had .. y,. ,�sY'�,���� _ _
<br /> � � .. occuaad:4b}c�es any defauit of any other cu��nants or:e�reeanents;tc)FaFs all eapes�es iacu�d in enfoicmg tbis 8ecuiity_ . .,,..,, �
<br /> '�°'�i � Insir�eat,inclnd�g.6ut not limited w.rr.a�aahle attorueys'fees;a�nd�{d)tak�ss such aaron as L.�nder may reasanabiy y�. 41. �
<br /> ta
<br /> �,:,� . reqnire tn assrue t�ai the li�n of this Ser�itv inspiuueat,LeAder's rights ia the Ptoperty and Banavver's obiigatioa tp pay ihe �' ,_. � '���'� r
<br /> `� smms secared by this Security Instrumeni s�conti�ii�.t�ue�anged. Upon reuzstatemeat by Bwiower, this S�it1+ �-;� : =
<br /> '"�`-�`��;� . Instram.�nt and the abli�gations secured herebY,�h�remaun faUy+effecave as if nQ acceleratian hasi accatred. Ho�ue,ver,this �"i F -
<br /> "�' right to reins�t�shall not apply in the case of a,�{�tiq�under Patagraph 17. ' ��
<br /> � �.'�-� ag�a �� -'-
<br /> -� —� --- - 19 $ate at�Ia�;E. �:�ca�i T�e Nnte.or a mte�+e�-i�its�P'.ot�.(t :,rith,�is Secuci �''�� '--� =
<br /> z-��. '�— ��:� �� �°„ch�• r�-... ._ ._ : _.
<br /> ._,. T��' r.� Insduament)may be sold oae or more times mtYutYn4.Pnar uotice to Bonawer. A s31e may resutt in a change.s�t�ePdil► ��.'�'°��,".._
<br /> _= - (Imown as the"Loan Servicer")that collects rao�tjy paytnents due im�er 4he Note aud this Sewriry Insmimeni. Th2�,:atsa �`"� - -
<br /> ��-F�,.f! • may be one or mare chaages of the Loan Senzc��u�relared to a sate pf the Note. If thete is a change of[he I,aan Sen!}Ger�..: ��er�s� r� -°_
<br /> �=�= � Bonowea w�16e given written noflce of the.chzn�in accordauce wi[h Daragzaph 14 ahove and apylicab2e law. T6e apcj�„. „�;;;��.,, `��
<br /> �,z.K.Y� will state tfie aame and addtess of the naw Loit�a�i�er and tite addiess to which payments shoutd be mad.°.. The uotice wiU ��� r�t r�._ --_-_-
<br /> ,, atso contain any other informatian reciui�by apP�t�bk law. , � - --
<br /> -..�v��� -ZU Hazardous Sa{ss4ac�. Borrower sb.ait,ppi,c�se or pe�rit the presencs,use,disposal,storage,or releas8 af any = - �.
<br /> T'i�-:. ...�;.z:—
<br />:=w�r,�<,� Hazat+�us Snbsmacea on ar us the Property. Bo�row�t�tl�:Qot do.nor altow anyone etse,to do.anyt�nng affecting the
<br /> ��--^�-�--------=
<br /> .�,�:j,:r��� Propp�•f�at is in violation of a�r Enviroume��• '�precedinS tvro sen.*ences shall not,apply to the presence.ase.ar - --
<br /> _ �:�,. stma��tLc°�t•s af s�2!qe�u�of H�zurt�,�s 8ubst2nces thrt are gen�lly�cog�ized to be�rgrogriate to ugrmal �_ _
<br /> `;:J;.��j� � , t .° residential nses ut�w maintenaace of the Propesty.; . =°°=_
<br />�`•�- �_ : • Boirawes s6aU promptly give I,ender writt�r�rrgtice af any investigat�c�r.3aim,demandt lawsuit or�ther action by any �- _--
<br /> ii��� : govemmenial or regulatory agency or private paziy,nivolviag the Pc�perty�any Hazardaus SnBsiease o:Envitonmentat -
<br /> ��f� . Law of wtueh Bomnwer has actuat kaowtedge.:,if Bonawe�learas. or�s �otified 6y�uII}� goveramepral or•regutatory =_ _
<br />.;��, ' � . authoriry,that any cemoval or other remzdiation of any Hazardaus Substance affectiao t���'soperry is ne�eessary,Barm�rer � -����T
<br /> Ibl •
<br /> �, ,. sAall psomptiy take all necessary remedial acti4ns in accord�nce witlz Farviro�atai Law. <.. � ,
<br /> p f �{ . As used in tlus paragraph 20,"Hazardaas Substances"are those subsra�c�s defm�d as toxic or Ha7ardons substar�ces by �����=-
<br /> a �,
<br /> ° :��.�. .�RVit�IIIl1�Qi�_�W_3Ad t�6�fl{I0ti'JIAC SI1hStARC�S:: =a�linp ke�05eIIC.at�flammahlr OI t0][IC�e�4ICIlm F�.L4E1G . __ `•-•
<br /> , <<"-� -- pesuct�es and 6erbic�des,volatile solvents.mat��ials coataining asbestos or formaldeh}+de, and�activa materiaLs. As :�:
<br /> '^;���°� used'm tiris paragraAh 2A,"Environmentai La�v"meat�s federa!laws and laws of the jurisdic6on whece the P►aperty is IocaEed ""'
<br /> �t,y r r,F = �
<br /> �.,.,�': • thai relate tn health,safety or environmental pzat�on. • •
<br /> ' ��� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bofruwer�nd I.eader fiuther covenant aad agree as folloi+rs:
<br />� �°•"�'`'� '� Zl. Accelerat�an;Reffiedtes. LendeF syniA gfve na►tice to Borrower�rior to acceterution foflotvIng Borrovrer's , •�
<br /> -`�. '„- �� bi^each of�tp rnveu�tt or u�reement in thl�.Scan[tq Insccumeet(bnt aa�q�or to acceteratfon�er garagrapII 17 'l�,
<br /> _ ���,.
<br /> �r�"��.�:�` • � an2ess ap�fic�ble Iew provIdes oiherwise). 'Fi�¢�ristice shall s�4y: (a)t6�e deFaWt;N)the acitoa r�air�d to cure ihe :'x•':
<br />_��`-a��'�+�'._ default;(c)a daL�not less than 30 days fa�s,tlie date the uatEce ts given to Boira�er,iby whIch the defaalt mast be < 4'
<br />-- ssa�ssed:and(d)that faiIure to carelhe defz�ait,QA ar before the date spe+c[�Ced in tha aoUce map result in ncoeteratloa oY ,_�� ,
<br /> �-��;y._. . . � T.,.°, ;'
<br />��..}u'.:'; _. 1�-1'+ .
<br /> ;�.{���;r_��: the sums secored by thts Secm�ity Instra�eral�opd sale of the Property. Ttte notice sliall fwKher iufarm Borrowes of .,,�.:5 ; _.
<br />-��::<�;:�c�. tbe rlg6t to retastate atter acoeleration anst.the�ctgdt tu b�ing a coast adion W assert the nou-�xfsfence of a defantt pr ' .; '-:.�_ . =;
<br />:_=;=i:;'"' "' any other.defense oP B6rrower to acceterntia��d sa2e. If the defanit ts not cared on or before t�e date specffied tn � ',.. ••.�• ��`
<br /> . ;,,4`,.,,�,
<br /> � r�.__ � the notice,Lendes at its aptIon may reqnirc I�ntedJate pay�ent in fat!of all sams serured by tbis Ssxarity Instirament ,��, _ �•—
<br /> �;�;,y�,a�� viithout fast�er demand and may iavoke We.power af serlle aad any other e�emedIes permitted by appllsable law. � �'�
<br /> s
<br /> ,-��••� Lender shail 6e entitted to col!¢d all exDe�.ses IncnrRed in pajsving the remedles provtded in this para�rapb 21, �'� � - -
<br /> "` t�dading,6ut not limited to,rFasonable attora�eys'fees and cosi�af tiile evideIICe. _
<br /> If t6e power of saie is invoked,'IFastee sball cecord a notEce of d�efualt ln eac6 caanly in wdtcb any part o8 the -
<br /> _.__A=�-� �AenY L�bocated sud shaU mait copiea of sach notice in the manner prescaiberlOY gPF�rable lacv to Basrower aad to � ��
<br /> --=rF�` the offier peisons pre5cribed by appitcabie Law After the time reqain�f by ep�limble Iaw,7lrastee shai3 give publtc '= '--:`•.�"�.'�`::;
<br /> T' '• c,sttce of sale to the rsons aad in the•maaner prescribed b a lipbte taw 'ilruste�withoat den3aad on BorrowPr. � ��Y-'�'=` '" `
<br /> .. Pe Y PP 4r��u;s�.
<br />-;,,;-£;;,. sLaIl seU the Property ot pu6lic auction to tbe hl�est btdde�at the time and pi�ce and under ttie terms dest�ted in �,,.`
<br /> :��' '' f 6 e n o t i ce o f s a l e t a o n e o r m o r e P a r c e t s a r c d t�o a n y o r d e r 7 l r a s t e e d e t e r m i a e s. 7'r�s t e e m a y p m s Y p o n e s a l e o f a!1 o r a n y • � •,�!• �'� ��;
<br /> _,;��,�s: � . p a r o e]of the P r o p e r ty b y publtc annoaacemeut at the time and place of an y previoust q scheduted snle. Lender or ttv . '
<br />_.�:,y��;*:....
<br /> desigpee may pnrchase the Propertq at avy saJ�. ' �t�v
<br />-;:�;,;.::,, . Upon rezeipt of payment of the price.btd,71�ustee shall deUver to.t�e purchnsQr 7lrustee's dced�coaveying the . : ..
<br /> �::','�,.,:;��� Pmperty. The recitals in the'ilrnsteE's decd shaU 6e prLmw€ude evldence o�tkP trut6 of the stutements mude they�e�.
<br />�°�s;,�� � 71�astee sh�l)apply the proceeds oY the sale ini the fol�owlce�order: (a)to aU costs und expenses of exercLs➢ng the power ' '. . . ''
<br />=���: � • . .
<br /> -` --��s.:■ ' , ' � • . .
<br /> _ a'� . .
<br /> -����_�:� " � � . . .
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