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<br /> _= cande3nctatian or o�r takin�of any part�f the Pto�s:rty,or fu�conveyanoe in E'seu of condemnatiaa,are hemby assigned aa3 "`-�° "--
<br /> � � n ,:.
<br /> — Spt3�t!$Q�t4�.EII�f. . , a 1�'� _
<br /> s . tn tfse eveat of s total t�kir,g uf the Progerty, the proeeeds shaI2 be applied to tke sums secumd by this Sgcnrity ��_:���-+=x��� t_
<br /> -- ';' InsOUment,vrhetRee or rtot then due,tvith.any exoess Qaid to Bo�v�er. in ti�e event of a parti�tak�iu„af th�Property in - .• � .�,:
<br /> �T�' • whieh th:fair ma�4cet vat�:e of t4��Ptrrpcay imcrcediateiy befure the ta k i a�is equ a l to Qr geater t h a n t he suaoun i p f t he s u m s �. Y b=. r L�.::
<br /> P `
<br /> ��,,:.',� see�ued by tieis SECUSity Insuulnent immcd�ately be�ore th�talring,Nniess Borrower and 3.ender otherarise agree u�writiag, . . '�- �=;
<br /> ,��.�. th�s�sns.�d b�thi.s;Sesurtt}�instrum�nt shait I�redicced�bp the amotmi of the pmceeds muItiplied by the follot4ing , � .:.L : r ��_
<br />�-..°-���� fiasxifln: (a}the tpt�atnount of the sums secured immediately befane ths taking,divided by(b}[he fairmarket value of tha �. � �`:: � ;
<br />��,� pto unmediatei 6efore the ta�in�. An �alaace shall be aidto Botrow r. In the event of a artia!cakins of the , ,�;° - ' ;'
<br /> '= Pcope�i4y in wS�ich ths fair`market value of tAe Prop�rty immed'w eiy befrne the raking is te�s than the aqiount of tiie sums = � �-� r ��
<br /> :�.:�,a,�2F � i- '.� °, M :�*r +j ai�._:
<br /> - secuned ims�ediately brfa�e the ca.king,witess Barrower and Lender aiherwise agree in writing or uniess applicable taw �.: t
<br /> �"� oihenvise provides.ttte pmceeds siiall be applied to ttie sums secured by th�s Secariry instcumeat�vhether or Qot the�sums a� �.,�a:la-��'3��
<br /> ,..,. � d�ndue. . : - - _ ;_ _ _
<br /> x ;� If the Fraperry u af�agdoaed 6y Borrower,or if,after norice by l.eader to Borrower that the condemaar offeis to make � ����? � _
<br /> ,�^ -_� an awaad or settle a claim for damages.Berrower faits to respoad to Lender within 3Q days after the date the natice is given, -- ----------- :
<br /> 1.e�tdeT is autttoqized to coltect and apply the proceeds.at ia opfion,e i t her to iestoration or r�pair o f t t l e P r o g e rt y or to t l ie �� :���--
<br /> "�� sums sect�red by this Secntity Mst�ument,whettcer ar not then due. --
<br /> _����^:.`� Unless Laufer and Botrower othec�vise agree in writia�.any application of pmceeds tQprincipal shat!uot eatsnd or �.�v=.__
<br /> �„�r,� postpone the due date of the monihlY FaYmenu re -fc.r�to in paragrapUs I and 2 or ch�ge the ammmt of such paymeats. - --
<br /> 11. Barr�wer Not R�eteased; Forbearau�•I�q Lender Nog a Waiver. F.xtension of the n'�e for payruent or r _ �-
<br /> � modif►cation of amortization of�e sums secun�by this Sesurity[aswment ganted by Lender to any successor.in int�rest • ;
<br /> af Bnrrower shaA not apemte to release'the tisbility of dse oripnal�prrower or Barmwer�s successors in interes�t.eader • �. .�.
<br /> --� ;�ati apt �r�..:�t�commence'proceedings against any saccessor ia interest or refuse t�extend tirae far payment or �.=F -- - _
<br /> ''�r"� otherwi�e madify arnonization of the sums secured by�tlus Security lnstiument by reason of any demand ma�e by the original .. _ _
<br /> `��• - Bmrawer or Borrower's successo.*s in interest Any farheurance by Lender in eaetcising aay nghi or•remedy shall not be a -_
<br /> ���;,� waiver of ox preelude the ex:etcise of any right or remedy. -----
<br /> =;;�, l�l. S�accessars and Assigns Buu�l;Jofat and Seversil LiabUity;Co-3igners. The covenants smd ageements of.tfiis —_---
<br /> �� � Security InsCrumen:shall bind and benefit the saccessors and assigns of Lead�r and Barrower,subjezt ro.the pravisiona of _
<br /> ��.-aY�F�.Si„cu�.�wr�rant�and agreements shall be joint and several.Any Sorrower who casign.g this Securitg - -- -- � �,r�-�
<br /> •�� Ittstrument bat does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signiag this Security Insmunent only to mo;tgage,gant and convey that . ������:
<br /> ---_ -•-- �wex A intesest;n the Pro�rty undec the temos af this S�tY 111shument; (b)is not persanally o6�'�to pag the soats . �'^��—'
<br /> � . : •_
<br /> � - -- secured by this Security Instnunent;and(e)agrees that Lertder and any other Boimwer may�ag�m�����y.-� °°�`°"�°'�-`_
<br /> :� or maYe any acco�moslations with.regard to ihe terms of this Security Instnuneni or tt� Note�c�i,�iout thai Borrower's _ __
<br /> ' consent . •• .,, _
<br /> ..�`�� c• 13. Loan CIlarges.� If the loan sec►ued by this Security�In4tniment is sabjett ta s(aw Whi�' sets maximum laan
<br /> � '�`' ' � ' cliatges,an�i that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or othrr loan ci�r;es collected or to be collr�cted in cocufeetion ��. k:;
<br /> .�,�__�" � with the toan exceed the permitted iimits,then: �a}any such loan charge shall br reduced by the amoursaecessary to reduce �- _
<br /> '..�: -� -
<br /> ..;-a, ths ch3r�e to tlie permitted limi�and(b)any sums alre�zdy coiletted from Borrower whish exceeded permitted limits w111 be =
<br /> .;:,;r�-..� t-=
<br />:�:;:,_�;:..� refu�rtter!tn�orrower. Lender may choose to maYe this aefurtd hy ceducing the principal owed under the Note or by mal�ing a __�_ ____ _
<br /> -� '":;" "� d'uect p���R�tent to B.orrower. ff a refund redaces prinsipal.the te�uction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any ��'��--�-
<br />�F�3�::Y:;:�'.� prepaym•:n�chargeundertheNote. -
<br /> �-��� - ' 29, tio��. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security���rument shall he gtven by delivering it or by
<br />_�"`':.�f� mculing it b�fust class mai!unless applicable Iaw reguires use of another merhas;The notice sha116e dir9ct�to�he Property ° _-
<br />='�_�>•��z �� Addr�ss or any other address Bonower desigiates by notice to Lender. ARy ne�ce to Lender shaU tsr gvsn 6y first ctass , __ �
<br /> � �"'° mail to i.�ender's address sta[ed herein or any other address Lender designazes by notice to$vtrower. �}ny notice provided fot ,�,.,_
<br />-��`r.:r a: -
<br />�-r�r��".=_ in this Securiry lnstn�ment shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender wJ�ea gicen as provided in Uhis � _�-
<br /> ara
<br /> � p 1�5.Govcratng Law; SeverubiUty. 'i'his Security Inswment shaJJ 6e govemed by federal law and the!aw of the -
<br />-x:,�;�.�� jurisdiction in which tite Prnperty is located. In the evenr that any pravision or clause of Ehis Sesurity Insus:ment or the Note - _
<br /> -��'=i�3 conflicts with applicable law.such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Insuument or tRe Note whieh can � .u';,���.�_ ___-_
<br /> be given effect witftout the conflicting pravision. To this end the provisions of this Securiry instrument and the NoFe are � :s����.,;,�_�,-
<br /> -ir._�_ � daclared to be severabte. � .��� � =�'�i f.
<br />�^�,� : �� 16. QaRawer'�Copy. Sorrower shah be given one wnformed wpy of the Nate and of this Securiry Instniment. J • ,
<br />=� i�`'�;�r' !7. '[tansf�e oY the Property or a Beaef�cial Interest in Borrovrer. [f.,�ll�or any part of the Property or any interest in �•;'.�•'� +�►=`•�-
<br />='�,�'1-� it is sold or_uansfern:d(or if a beneficlal.interest in Borrower is soid or tr��`erred ar��l Borrower is not a natural pers�n) �=,;;;�:';� -- _
<br /> -0 s`:` witJ�put Lender's pnor vfritten consea�Lender may.nt its optian.reguire immediatr payment in full of all sums securea by ����"
<br /> this Securiry Instrument. However.this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of� s �.}r�' p ia_,
<br /> -_-�"�;���� the date of this Securiry lnstn,men�. • ' ' s�x Ra; ...�yi
<br />-�'��'��� If L.ender esercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The nodce shaii pmvide a period of • � . • �
<br /> _:�_va��..,
<br />-;';;�3:�_� nat less ttnan 30 days from the date the nolice is deliveted or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this . . �,��,�+;;
<br /> -:::�� Securit� lnsaument. If Borrower fails to pa}r these sums prior to the expir�ttion of this period.Lender may imoke any • •
<br /> __=- remedies pemdtted by this Seturiry Instrument v�nthout further notice or demand on Bonower. '�� '
<br /> :_. ` _ • 18. Borrawer's Righi to Ret�siate. If Borrower meets certain Conditions. Bor�oRer shall have the right to have ,
<br />--_ �:�� enfaroement of this Security lnswment discontinued at any tinta prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other period av • .
<br /> �"y,''4� • SU�Ie Famity--Fam�w NYae'Fieddfe Mac U1vIFORl41 LtiSiTtlj��ENT--Unlform CovcYUnts 9•'r,t! IPage Q of 6 page�)
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