• -�'-— —�_G c(`F< �f. . .. `` _ , " ' _ ' _ __.'" � .t. . , � : - c _.
<br /> • L . � , • t � a . . ' �Y.... ;. . . ` . . ` ' �' ' ,� _
<br /> `� • _.,...:�t':.TZ. � .�_ .t. ,. � . ' c. . ,R . � _...i � k � _ .
<br /> . . _ ' , �•,,,, � "`"
<br />� , . . . � � � f ��Yd� ����� _ .�' < . _ �� __
<br /> . -��� � 8. Tke geneffc�ary.oi its sgeats.are authorl�ed tQ entez at auy r�sonable tirne upan or in aay g�t af tha gmpe�ty fot t1� ; , . Rr.. ':r -_
<br /> - - y k` pa�ga�of i�p�ctimg t�ee same aa�fai the�gu�ase of p�sfom�m�any of the�xs thex are�mhariz�to perform u�r th�s teims af �` . .�j. -
<br /> ' f. gCt , , , a� .
<br /> �. : '� - � aAyla:�i�sex�tedbyTia..�tors. . ' � `, • .� ,-.
<br /> � ° 9. Ig alA oT as►y part oY thc proit�rtY or anY inter�st of Tzmstais is sold.trnnsfezred or Porthes eacamA�red without the�vritt� `k; , R
<br /> _ 1��� msta
<br /> -� ��.
<br /> . . �� �. •'� oansent of tYte Beaeficiary.the 8�aefccia:y mal►dedate all snms secare�by fP�is Tpnst Q�1 w is�imm�iatetY dne aIId payable and . �
<br /> � ' � � � paace�to the re�eQics a��itabis ta it uadar the del�nit p�ons coNaiued�etein. ' , 4.�._°'_
<br /> s �`::`. �`�', ,. !0. �lny of tl�e foIIosvitt$ev►ents sball i�e d�an eveM dd'd�fa�sft +n� r , -
<br /> ' , . . a Trasiots shall`6ave faited to matc�p�yment of aay►itsianme�,t of Ptinci3fal or iatetest or aay othQS sams secated hecebY whea. , , ° _. :��.
<br /> '�` ` �:.: �'. • � . , t �_
<br /> -0;�' , b. 'Thez�t�as oatu�red a 6reac�of oT defanit undcr any teim,cac�enani.agre�meu�. oomdition. P�av�sYan. rcp�tation os -_ . -� y -��'
<br /> �v3rra�►ooIIfaiIIed iII tdils Deed 4f TtaSt.lTae Aa4e ot aap Otlltr Inas►inetmment SeC�ued herelry'; k-
<br /> Y , � . r
<br /> � � c. Tder�l�as boea a defanIt bY ths 7Yastozs ia the payme�of anY Pnor or sab�quent liea or eacnmbranse in�esped to all or aay . � , . " -
<br /> as ;,
<br /> . t'� part of the propart3►: �6a in ba�tLy or shall be adjudicated banlaapt or insntvent. or sLall makk�an � � .. . . ` Y _
<br /> - _ e!. Tsnst��s sb311 file a� P�� �_� �-- -,-
<br /> as5ignment far the 6e�..efit af cceditois ia respec�to tt�e piageriy;or an acxion to�f o s o eaay&e n ar ea�mui�o�iuu�a - -.
<br /> 6
<br /> : a�t�OroPert�,is aa�e�- . , • � �
<br /> ,� . U. In the evrant of anp defamIt,the Beneficiaiy+maY decla�e aU ind�btedness sec�ed herehy to be due aad payalile and the same ,Y'��
<br /> _� sha1l tiiereupon 6�ome d�e�payable wixhflat any pxesemmeat,deman4 P�t�or nfltice of a�ldnd Thereafter.thc Benc&cia� : .4'' ;_ —
<br /> __ � . . . , . , .��, =.�,�'=,�>-
<br /> -_ ' �. �. either in persnn or by agent,Rith or withont bdngin�az►Y a�ion o�piaoeeding,ar by recciver agpoiated by a oourt and , � , _�9�-;_^
<br /> '�z ..,-...,d..
<br /> � .i�,. withuat regard w the adeqnaay of any seauiti:ente�upon and take poss�sion of We pmperty.ur auq Part th��g its awn , _ ...�:"�•-..�.�=—
<br /> _� - Ip3IIIB Ol lI1 t� 0�t1f i$C T�11S[CCs � Q4 �SCfS R'111t�1 1L Q0E�15 II�53T��d�IBb�C t0 �7�C tI1C Pd�II�. L 4 ."
<br /> _ t��- �ark�tabiMy oz re�of the praper[y,ot p�art theceu�o:interest thereia,insrease the inoome the�fram or ps�otecd the 3 ' �
<br /> " _ � .�`G;;`� s�ity hereof and,without raldng gas�sion af the prape�ty sus for or otbem�ise wltect tbe�,igQec�d�ther� r>- _y—�.z�:���,
<br /> . �,,`s��° ��$�����p�,�d app i y t h e sam� t e s s c�a n d e x p e n s e s o f o p e t a ti o n a a d o o l l e a a o n, i n c l n d i n g �q+"�',
<br /> ' .:%:`r. 1 ' '"�:t�ir:A=
<br /> . ° . :�J_ . a t 4 o r a e y fees,upon auY�s e c a t e d h e�+e b Y,a U i n s u c h o r d e r a s t l�e B e u e fi s i a ry m a y d e t e r r�n e. The enierin g u p a n ':�:L ,�=
<br /> '`. `,":: ... �s and ta�ing possesQan of the Wst estate,t h e ca ll e c t ion o f sac h i e a i s.i s s�a u d p r o fi t s a n d a p p 1 i c�ti o a t h e n e o f a s afo�said � � ,?'''�'�. —
<br /> ssi
<br /> _ -,.---:p-. . . shall not wre or wai��e a�defamIt or nutice of defadt herennder a:invalidate anY act aad in n�spaase to snch de�'anit or • _ ----
<br /> .. � . ' pmsaant to sach natice of defanl[and notwiWstanding tte wntmnance in possessan of the pmperty or tfle oolIeaio�,reoeiPt : . �,,.i `�
<br /> ' � ama a�Sicatim oY r�ts.issurs ar profits.Trastee or the Beneficiary ma3+be entitled to a�ercise evesY nght Pmvided for ia aay '
<br /> _ y [B[ � •
<br /> - - � — �{�_� �.
<br /> . � of We lvan ias4�umeats or by latv upoa aoaurence ofany event of defauIt,inclnding tde rigbt to ei�e i�power�sa�--� - - ��.. �,
<br /> '�t.,.; f ' - b. oommense an asxion W fozeclose this Deed of Tmst as a mortSaBe, appoint a ieoeiver,os sp�if catty eafor�any af the � � _, �;.
<br />�:`:�;�; • : • OOYeII3IItS hCIBO� '��"�*
<br /> `�•�• c. d�liver w Trastee a v�riuen deClaration of defautt aad demand for sate.and written notioe of defanit and etec�on W c� :::,�?.p;:�
<br /> . � �°,:�.�;;,{��rf::. � Tmsto�s'iniesest in the praperly to be sold wluch notioe Trastee sltall caase to be duly,fded for�ecord in the off cial reoords • . . ',ry
<br /> , (,,�..,.• . �;,�
<br /> �'' � iJ'�c7F' .
<br /> �zy'c .� of tl�e oa�mty in which the property is torated ^�,..
<br /> ` ��• ��� ' �2. Shonld tLe BcneficiazY e2ect to foreciase Dy exercise of the puwer of sa2e hereia cantaine4 the Beneficiary shali notify Tmstee ,�C J. .
<br /> eia �
<br /> �.: note and sucb and evidenoe of expendit�ues made and seaued �� • �r!
<br />:;Y;;�;'.`� � "� �' and shall deposit with Trnstee this De�d of Tmst and the �� .
<br /> _ • , � of ihe Benefi the Tiustce shali canse to 6s recorded,published and delivered �i � •
<br /> .. �'rr';;+�` her¢by 2S Tr�s[ee maY req��c.and upon recNest nary' , ,
<br /> . ��.-''�i;';�•• to TmsWr s�s Notire of Defautt aad Notice of�e as thea requir�d by law and try tbis De�d of Tmst.Tiustee shaU withe�rt demand ' � `�2.. ' ...
<br />-- � on Tiastur,afier sacH time as may thea be required DY taw and af�ter reoordation of such Notice of Defanit and aftea Noilce oP Sale : ''.� T�°`:�,,
<br /> ..�. ?:�
<br /> ' � ' � i�aving been given as reqairred by taw,sell t6e pmpenY a1 the time and place of sale fixed by it in such Notice of Sa1e.either as a . :.,�,�,-� �
<br /> e i
<br /> �,_�
<br /> . ::.�; ' �,. whote,or in sepa�ate lois or psrets or itcros as Tra�shall deesn ex�edien�and in such ordet as it may determiae.at pnblic �,���;�
<br />_ ::• .;,;•� � aactiouw ihe lugh�st bidder for cash attd shal!deliver to such purcbaser or purcllasers Wereof a de�d to the properiy so2d,cfln9stent : ' ; ;
<br /> ;;�'i4i�;'�r�;� � , _:.i .
<br />���..', '~ ; u;1�vl,.. . tivitb the law then in effea. Recitals in the Tncstee s deed shaU be prima facie evideuoe of We t�uth of tbe statements made tberefi. . • . a.
<br /> � r° Tmstee shall apply the Prooeeds of the sale in the fo]lowing order.(a)to all reasanab2e�sts aw�t e�senses of the sal�,inciudiog tsat .
<br /> r �.. . � •'
<br /> ? ; ',-- not liadted w Tn�stee's fees of not more 1Lan 2%of the�ass sale price.reasona�ie�tomey fees a n d casts o f ti t le evi d e noe;(b)to a 1 1
<br /> :.Y:``` . ' :.:,. �" � svms secured bY this Deed af Tmst; and(c)the excess. if any,to the peisua�r persons le$ally e�ritted thereW. Any petson, : �. `� .
<br /> . • including the�eaeficiary,maY Purchase said praperiy at said sate. Trnstee may in the mannes�sravided by law.Wstpone sale of all � �1w :;�.
<br /> . ..�.��::;, . , � ,
<br /> . :.;';t�;;�'• or any portnnr�of the property. � � `. �
<br /> ,,;;,,r. . .
<br /> � .�.. '� 13. Tn�"�and ttie Benef ciary.an0 each of them,shall be entitl�co enforce payment as�p�.formanee of airy indebiedness or .
<br />-_;::��.: . .
<br /> .:��<': � . . . ebli�adon secured hereby and to exercise all rigbts and powers under this Dea�af Tmst or ander any toan instcument ar uther
<br /> �. �'� � '. • . agreement or any laws nor or here�after enforoed nacc�*"_thstanding some or all cfs r�indebtedness and oblig�,tions scxared hereby •. . . .
<br /> .' ,; � . . ' .' which may now or hereafter be othelwise secured wheUier by mortgage. deed of trast, Pledge, lieo. assignment or othenvise. , .
<br /> t;.1. . , , ,.,,..
<br />- ��: r•• �•� Neither the acccptance of this Dc�d of Tn�st nor its enforoetneni,whether bry oonrt action ot po��ant to the power of sale or oiher .��,;;:.,a,;;:,i.,
<br /> - � ��:;>�t';:� ��; po�ers herein wntaine4 shall prejud�ae or in any marmer affect Trostee's or the Seaefciasy��i�at to realize upon or enforoe any ����'„:fe.'<<>
<br /> ° � otber se�auily naw or hec�held try Tn�stee or the Heaeficiary, it beiag a�eed Wat Tn�;ee and the Bcneficiary+.and each of �;:� '', �� �
<br /> ;t.,.: , �hem,shall be entitled to enforce this Deed of Tnsst ana auy other security now ce P�ereafter held iry the Beneficiary or Tmstee in � � �
<br />- ` �'. s¢cb order and manner as they may in the'u absolute discretion detemiine. No ra�y hereia confe.�red upon or reserved to Tivstce �� . ' . . �.
<br /> ...�,t- ( .
<br /> � : :;�?,!,,_.�;. , or Bcne�is intended to be exctusive af any othcs remedy hereln or by law pravided or pepmitted.but each shall be cumulative . .
<br /> and sba11�c in addiflon to every otber n,"medy Si�+ren hereunde=ar msiv or hereaftcr e�asstia��t L3:v or eqnity or try statute. Every ( , _
<br /> � .� pcm�es or remedy�iven bY anY of the loan instrumeats to Tmstee ar zhe BeneBcaary or to a'AicD either of them may be othemise � �
<br /> . � enUrled may i�e exercised,concunentlY or iadepead�-�IY,from time to time and�often as may be deeme8 expedient by Trustee or ; . .
<br /> ti
<br /> - . ., Beneficiary,aud either oT them may p�usve inoonsisten��emedies.Nothing here`,r�shalI 6e onns�rucd as prohi6iting the Beneficiary , �.�� :. �
<br /> � � fsom seekin�a deflrIency judgment against Trnstors to the extent sach action is permitted by la�X.
<br /> ' 14. T�ustors hereby request a capy of any uobice of dcflault and Wat azry notice of sale henv€ider be mailcd to Tn�stors at the .
<br /> � _ :
<br />--_- - --. . add�.ss set foitb ia We fust paragraph of this Deed of T�t. ���
<br /> __ � • ; 15..'i7�Beneficiaty raaY,b3'a written insnumen�exe�ted and acicno�vledged tiy Bondcciaty.mailed to Trvs[ors and recorded ln �� • ,
<br /> — ... . ' the County.in wbich the pra�erty is located and�Y oihetwise comPlying wiu►the pmvisfons of'the applicable la�v of the State o!
<br />--.,%:� � .. � Nebraslsa,sulsstitute a suoce�os to the Tn�stee mmed herein or acting hereunder. ;;, � , .
<br /> — 16. Tihis De�d of Trast appJics to and�to thc benefit of and binds atl partles herew.their heirs,persanal represenratn+es. ;��
<br /> _ • � sucoe�ors and assigns. 7tie tcrm"Beneficiary"sha11 mean the awner aad holder of the not�,�vhether os not named as Beneficiaty ( ,
<br /> — . ; . - . .
<br />.— . .
<br />__ � . .
<br /> � . I�erein.
<br /> , . .
<br /> . ,.
<br /> �
<br /> �..,__- __ �, �
<br />�� . ------ :_ - . . � . '.-�_. - _:� -
<br /> , �
<br />