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<br /> t'a —
<br /> �.��rs.,:� �. Tbis I3��F q'R�JST is made tbis eSth day of�gr�, 1993,by snd�rnong BA�BRY�4.STA�.VG�aad°. � ���, "� -_
<br /> �����g. A�.BERTA Rti 3TANGF,h�nsba�d an��vif� h�r�naftc�r refe�st to ag•'Tr�tors;".w��ther one�r�onz, �"� -=
<br /> �:� . �-
<br /> " 4 ' ` c�h�se°msiding address is 17541 West A�rport Road, Cair�,, Neb�asi� 6�SZ4;THE�gTATE�B�TK OF =r� � = ,
<br /> ��`��::��! ,_- CA1R�, �P+jebrasic�� $anking Corpora4ian, hereina&er r�fe�red to as"Trmste�" w�sose ma�ing add�'ess is .�-,;:' s z�-,�`_—
<br />_.G .' ` . .+ ` . ' ` it�.t� �� s.
<br /> _ ...:�'`. S�s 4?�,Caira,PT�braska 68�1A;aud�3TATE�Aie1F��F CA��D;g Nebrasi;a Bunt�ng�orpor�io�, ;� ;*' �` ��:�� `�.;_
<br /> . _ .� f . �. _
<br /> - --`'�'. h�reinafter referr�d to as"�eaeficiary,"whase�g�dd�re,ss is�mc dB8,�;a�o,3Ye�s�s���l. � ;_. , � � -:..
<br /> r��.,t .f' � ,��.—
<br /> �� -���,- a •For waivable�onsideratian,Tnsstors irrevacably grant,transfer, canvey aad ass�gn ta Truste�in tr�st, .�" t _
<br /> a.��1.`y':-.:! ��lST a: 3 . _'`Y_'
<br /> k t a�w._ . witli govyer af s��,for ths.beaefit and seivrity of Beneficiary.uader and sicb,ject to the temas aad condi�ons af M ���::
<br /> • :��� � , ���s.:.:.�
<br /> �:�°;�°-: - �� t�is Deed of Taust,the following descn'6eH real gzoPereY toc�in H A L.�L Couaty,N e b r a s k a: . �=�_:-,.�,,�K-�=-
<br /> -�'•-.��:f-"� . �.:. _�:_- ��-�_-_
<br /> • -• . a�. •�P��� �
<br /> �� §� W 1/2 NE 1/4 of S�tion 411-12 glall Cownty,Nebraska;and � �"� � =' 1
<br /> 4 �' _� yc.. � . . �l£�" -'.�. __
<br /> $
<br /> -�• F - N 1/2 NW 1/4 of Section 411-12 HaU County,Nebraska, s;Ff'� �.a„ . :��_
<br /> : , _��.. �
<br /> '� �` - , _�-��� --
<br /> s �, . , – =
<br /> '��4' :. ..� Str�,'����8353$8W8J/S�,�.£�.I11eA�.4,n�pTl{��e9 3� � ,t�:.s-,,��r� M
<br /> .� _ � „�<:�. . togetherwith aitbuildings.improvemeats,fixiures, °� _ v—
<br /> - �� � ° . appuYtenaaces tocated thereon,aad aII persona!properiy tr�may be or hereafte�➢ne�ame an iuiegrat part of such •;-. "�`,��-_--
<br /> �' , buildings and im�a��,�ments,aIl crops�isrd t�ereon,and�war�ai�ts.aIl of wluch,�includin8�P� � '`�"_�° °.
<br /> ",�r� • Y ' 4 �- -
<br /> �.� _.� and addrt�ns t�r't��re hereby declared to bs a part.of the real estate comeyed in truslt hereby;it bai�g agre'ed . ' � �: �.,,�
<br /> ,-� -� --- t6at all of��foregaing shaIl be hereina�er refened to as the"t'mper►y." .'- � �=
<br /> . 9 _ � �;ra�'w�`—`._
<br /> _ :.._ ' �:,"c�? . ''� : �-u`' �. _
<br /> � :.,:, FOit TIiE PIJRPO�E OF SECURING: �.= � ��,�_
<br /> .�.. . ";:a� —
<br />_—°:�_� � .-�_ ,��
<br /> ,� : .�. Payment of indebteadness evidenced by Trustor� note of even date herewft6 ia � princiFal suffi af �{:�., : �
<br /> -_- ��II�� QQ4l.�► ta�ether with inieresE at ttte rate or rates pr�vided therein, and a$y and all r�cewals, modific,ations _=.f � - ";b.
<br /> :.f;�!' _ �� � .T V .— "—. _ -- . - _.
<br /> .____ .., _r ..
<br /> t�`,t:' �' ' .
<br /> , �.�: and extensions of such�ot�both priacipat and interest on t6e nogebeing payable in ac�a���'�ce wi�rthe terurs , �: :. :.
<br /> . �;, {:'=� s�t forth therein.w'�:�by 4his refereace is&c�r`ay made a part hemm�s.�. • , �:'-' `: . .
<br /> .. . ,
<br /> . �. ��- '" 6. Tfie perfor�tce of each agreement sm�covenant of Tnsstors herein contained;and ��. .. . : .-•� :r.
<br /> Henefi under�the terms of this Deed of Txust, tag-�r with �' "`�"
<br />�� K.r,.,�.-„�,�,��. . . c. _ The pay�errt of all siums advansed by ciarY ,a.�,�.:�
<br /> f �� interest,thereaa at the rate provide�ir►the�te. � �'�`
<br /> � ----` d. T@e.above amount is secured even�ugh all or part of it may not yet be advance. Fu�e advances under + ° � .
<br /> _ ,, ':
<br />� : the agreemern are contemplated and will bz s�c,vred to the same extent as if made on the d a te t b i s d e e d o f wst is ',�''
<br /> , :�� 7c:
<br /> - p�r:' �t_ . •�:r.-. ���. . .:.�_t�''
<br /> ~ ,..U. ',�r�. . ' , —
<br /> f ', ,, ., • ,1
<br /> . . r�.,�
<br /> �` ' `°;� 1. To pa�y when dn�,ibe PrinciDal o�and the imerest op,the iadebiedness evidenaed by the Aate, charges,fees and all othes , ,.
<br /> a..e ya 3 5�` . .
<br /> '"'�" ��,`'��� ' sums as pmvided in the loan insuaments. }`G __
<br /> -_;_: z...,�';�: t. Tnistors are the a�vners of We property and bave the rigts#and auEk�ity w exewte ttris Deed of frast in respe�w the .. � ,.
<br /> , � `: �' ' P�3�T. paY, �vhen due, all taxes, special asse�ents and aU nth�d:.�es a�inst the property. before the sazae beoome , , '>.
<br /> � Tmstois shall paY all taxes and assessments wbicb may be E.�ie�upon Beneficiary's interest herean or upon this Deed oi � ``
<br /> . „ ���, �",,�►.. .} -:
<br /> - � � . � Tmst or the debt seaued hereby.without regard to any Iaw that may be enacted imposin$Faymeni of the whole or any part thereaf � �;;,,��' � .
<br /> the BeneSidary. � .�;�:;�
<br /> .-�• ;,��;i' _ �. ::+ � . . '�:{.}�i;� '...
<br /> . � 4. To kecp the improvements nativ or hereafter Iocated on the propeny ins�ai against damage by�re and snch other haTatds as . .
<br /> -_ �:��¢ � the Benefcciary may reqnirc,in amoauts and oompanies acceptable to the Be��iary,Such insurance policy shall eontain a standard . .
<br /> ,':..-*-���. mortgage clause in favor of BeneBcia�y. Trustor sLall promptly repair.maimain and replace the Ptoperty or atry part thereof,so , , .--
<br /> _ � . . � � .� tbat,e�.crpt for ordinary wear and tear.the propertY shaU not d�eriorate. . .
<br /> � �. �the event the propeny,or any part themof.shall be sa�:en by emineat domain,the BeneSciary is entitIed to oollect and .
<br /> ��'� taken or far damages to property not taken,and the Benefitifuy sha11 ' •
<br /> " � i... ` ' 'receive atl oompensatian wLieh may 6e paiQ foT amJ Pia'Pen9 . . . � '
<br /> - _�'"�=�;:,�.�:,., � aqyty such carupensation.at its option,either to a r�ction af the indebtedar,ss secrued hereby,or to rcpair and restoie the property . . ,
<br /> -::;j. , .:,�. ; sotaken. . .' � .
<br /> � �;:�: - 6. TIt$ Beneficiary maY, Uut shaU have no ebligation to,do anY act wtuch TYnstors have agced but failed to do, and tke ., .
<br /> � ��"� A to rotact�lien hereof. Ttastara to r u demand. stmts s� c` . �
<br /> '. �"'::; also do. act it deems aecessary P � ePaY• P�► �!'
<br /> - ',1,r; f. Beae&cia:Y maY anY �r::; .,
<br /> °�'''•'�:�:��`.,;,�!.� expeuded try t�e Benefaciary for th�.above putpo�,and a�sum so expende�shaU t�e adde�to the indebieduess sccured�ereby a.� , .
<br /> . :,� .: • • . Beoomc sccured by thc lien hereof. The Beusta�a.�y+s1�a11 mo incur a�►Y IIr,�ility 6ecause of a�rthiag it may do or oIIfit to Car . .
<br /> - �..-�"i•�•: +-.1i�i'� - . . . . .
<br /> :..: .L:�-' . hClcwidel. ,
<br /> �-,�?i;L�;tr';_ , :. 7. The Beaefcciary shaU bave the r�ghi,power and authoriry during the oontinuance of Wis Deed of Trust to coltect the rents. � .
<br /> - _ ' _ _ � issacs a�t�is of the prope�ty and of anY P��PIQA�9 located Werean with or aithout taking passesslon of tfle ProperiY • .. ..
<br /> -`�';����`''-'T-'.T;: affected hereby,aud Tn�sto�s hereDy absolutely aa�anooadttionally assign all such rents.issues and profits to the beaeticlaYy. 'j'ice � --� .'.. —
<br /> • ,..� tseaef,ciary,harreyer,hereby eonsents to Tn�stors'oollectiion and retenlion of sucb rents,issues and profits,so long as Tn�stors are � . �
<br /> � �-:.,y�,�:;y��'`'� � not,at such time. in default witb�to payment of an}r indebtedness secured heretsy,or ia the qerformance of a�r ageement . .
<br /> - . '�� '�=;. . ' hereundea. 1�anyr event of Q�fauit descn'bed hereatter in respect to this Deed af Trust shall have oociured and bc condnving,the . ' .
<br /> - � � Bene&ciary,as a matter of right and withaut aotioe to Tmstors or anyc�ne claiming under Tn�stors,and�vitho�regard to the value of
<br /> .r�,� ��� � ' tfie uust es�tate or tha i�erest of the Tnutnrs thereia.sbal! have the right to apply tQ aay maurt having,jurisdiction to appoint a . .
<br /> . • rcaeiver of the pra�crty. . . .
<br /> — . .. � .
<br />—_;r. .•.- '--_ __ E.�:•--- ..--.�.--.�-._.-_-,.
<br />�, + . ' . • .
<br /> :i , . , �
<br /> �' � • .. � , �
<br /> �. . � . .
<br /> . . _
<br /> - ..,:.a. �. _� ---
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