..__. .G`.. .. .. . . . . . ...u�{�/i.q'z8.i:��___�.. .t++i4-..a _ -:� - - _
<br /> - � `�� f ~ _ _ . ...` -C.�rj:....,(/-c�.1'J:�F:9'S�� � � Lih}� -� �1.a�.�`L�?i"�Lir��� � _-- __. - .
<br /> '' � ���T
<br /> - r��`�`i�� Y2�`3' .._. _.- _ ��4 ..-_ . ._ ._ . _ .
<br /> �'.r'-t .� i"�"�`4- .�r.s..�.�,. _ _ ' _...
<br /> � �_=.� - � �_ ' . - . , � . .. . . , ` � , � � ._. • . . ' - . -- _..
<br /> -r.-rir�i � �+� ' . . � , .. . . , .
<br /> - `��.����: ` . " .. , .; , ` ., ' <. .. .! � � �'� . ,< _ -
<br /> _ �.��-� � � � � ��G���s�������� —
<br /> :;.�. � P��m;Y e�f4nger 6c reqir#�.at tfis opt�on oY� , � ���
<br /> �w��`�Y''`:Y�.� that I�star reqni�)Pmv�d�.bY aa i�s�er ap�aY��ag�d irecomes avaiiable�t ds�bts�.Ronsn�e•er sfla�1l pgy: �,
<br /> �x �:_�
<br /> _ =;-�,� -=°�,' , :._. ths pa�am�s ra�red to�tr�oi�8��'sn�S>���-+��lo�sr�v�i�l��qns�s�a�ft�'��8¢' -- �»�---
<br /> -�==�=������.� _'snsur�c�eads ia accordaa�st with�uy tvritt��betarern�aaawcr�ad.LendG4 0�a�licable l�r. ,. , . _ -- -- --
<br /> --_•,��-=2='=--�•- q,�.L�r dT its agent may ms�reasaaEnle LmfsiC3 u�ort 8u��vss ai i��Fri��,� :�.��i�== --- --
<br /> ----�:s::��r` � Bo�ower natise az thc tame of or Qsl�.to sa iaspectlan sgxifyinS ttasonable c�for tIie jnspectifla. : .
<br /> �_•
<br /> ��-����:cF:��. . ' , a�.Caa�f�aEa.ahs p{nceoda of any awacz9 or cta�m�ar damages.dir�ct ar a�ms�aa�ial� �n conaxtiaa vvi��nY ' -_
<br /> _ y�`., .,. : �. . condsmaaSon or oth�r ra�Fag af any Qart of t�Progerty.ar faz cauvcysm�ta lieu itf cam��oa,are fle�e�SY��� .
<br /> -�-.-4' K: . �:� Y- - � ' , - �
<br /> �_'`��:�r��fi�,�a;-� ' � .shail be paid ta Leudet:� � " ' '
<br /> r ,.. . Yn the eveat of a totat tatang of the Progesry,the Praceeds st�a11 be?PF;ied�o tfle avms se�aue�by thi�SaauitS+�Inst�:� __- --_ -
<br /> � -'�F,-rie.¢r��, W21Ct�1C!OI 1IOt t�II '�s W��Y 8��2[CC&g�t4�Q2tOFlCi.�tl.t�t:BV�.A�8��t3A1t$Qf!���E!t�CI1F�'�3•' — -- `
<br /> f`�t,•-�,X ��: market valne of ths Fr�rtY emsar.�iateiY befam th�taT�,g is eqnal to o��attr tban the ama�i of dis a��by tbia.
<br /> `�= i�e s�ans sax�red��sy ------
<br /> ;:�`'s�'.:a::v:=„.;;y";�:.... Seca�ity Instcoment immediateiy t�efoi�tbe taFcing,u��s Bosrawer and Lerd�r aih..�vfse agr�ia.a+riting, �
<br />- � :`:7-;:."-. -:�.._`_�=�x,, this Sewrity.Insuaz�nt shall_ba reduced 6Y th�a�mt of the pmoeeds'muftiplled 6y•tha foItowing 5ractian:(a}the tataT _
<br /> _<; . . _ _ `•"''. amouni,.o�ti�e sam�s eecwted immediately befo�ske ra�ng,dividcd by(b},t�fair mar��s�vatue.of tht+Propy�tY i�3�a�3':
<br /> -: ` `� ..�. � '.�" � • . tn,whid►thp��r.�
<br /> - -- -
<br /> -_- � � 6efc�_Li�takia�...A����Fhalt.be pa��.to Boscawer. In.th�eve�t of.a partis�t2�of tbe Fmp�sty. - -
<br /> . n 5-nY�7��- ----::._- - ... 1 tf. �:. ---. _ ._. S w..�_s-.-,- . --.t,:..e.�....::wewl..1.,sn7Y.dttA..__ .__ - ..
<br /> (�'�F�If�y���,• �{'ai��'Q�1�„Ca��������.�'�:L r�����[IQI�1 lilSr il.lanYi�CSi�i1i3�"i7.Ns�+u�-wa�w.�-v.-.-..�..�.�.
<br /> �t fd" r�. tat�Q►�;imIess Boaow�r�nd��.eudet s�stwi�e agt�in,wrlti,�;4p��aPPlicable Ia�►Ot�eiwise pmvides,ttu pmoo�2i ah�ti!� ----
<br />_ � ��''4'���� �'4�"�' ,�e�app2ied to th�sams s��r.�s�►In���t�;cu�ietI�er or aoi tha s[sms aie tbeA Qae. ' - --
<br /> ..,. '� ,:._., ..
<br /> ,,y-�:._`.�::_ ; ' � If the PmPertY is abaadaned by Bormwer.or�`aRer�notics tsy Lender m Bmmwer that the wndemaflr affas to ma;c����� � -- -_
<br /> . �.'� '.=w.'"�?r�.tir settte a ctalm for damage�,:Eormwer fas�s w re.4pon�to I�nder wi�in 30 days�gr the date ttie noticae�&�itc��, . _
<br /> `-_' :�3�a�arized w coll�t e���1►�P�•at its aprioa,either to cestorarioa ur.�r of the Fc+opesty ar t��,,�. . -
<br />_ , ,' . 's�er�?s�.�tis SecurIty r�,,,,�i�c�ther or nflt then du�. �:� �.=: r '
<br />- - �.��ss Lend��x 1'�bsmwer aiheca�ise sgree in writin8, �Y?PPlicasiaa af p�c�:�ps�ncipal shall nat��ci� __
<br /> —':—^w- ,�e.s�as t'.te dna date�r:�mQathiY FaYrr�ts tefecsed to in.garagrapLs 1 aud�aV�����anat of.u�►pay�s�:'�".' , -T_ _
<br /> ..� -.� --
<br /> - , `'�_ .. �31..��mwer Nat Belrased:Fa�bcaran...p BY Leudar Not a Waivcs.��:��r��ime fnr��yment or rne�-��ti� _ _
<br /> _ � of���a of the sums sewte�6�i t4is S�uiry�nstrmaent granted hy Ycn�i-z'to aaY�sar in iatenzsi of Box�r�l '. -- ---
<br />- ..,�� .° not�ia release the liab�iry of t�e original Borrower or Bormwer's saacessors in iatecest.Lender shall aa�t be�r,�.�l to � _-
<br /> � ' .,:�. commeace praceedinSs against aa3+saccessor in interest or refnse to ext�id m�se for payment or otherwlse mndify amortQation • �"�
<br /> _ � _^ ' ,� �..� of the sams secnred Esy rhis S�ity tnstrume�bY ieason of any demau3"�ade Isy the orig�i Eosanwer.ar Borrower's �
<br /> � � snccessois i�mie�sr. lanY foib�s�bY Iender ia exercisiag tmy rigftt�os remedy shall nnt be a waiver of or piecI�the. ,r�,P y�
<br /> . . ;; . -
<br /> -_ . . ..,
<br /> ., .. .
<br /> ,:._ - --- _ eaeteiss�.�y ngi�t or semeHy. . : t�� -�
<br /> � 12.�ots�3 A�.I�esua4:soIDi sutt Jeverei s.�'o�ncY+�.i�c�-�a��sf t:r°--- -�--�-� -
<br /> � Security�uameat�@ biad and ben�efit the saccessors and ass3Bas of L�der aad Borrower. snb}ect tn the prav3sions of . _.r=�_._._ -
<br /> � ��.,
<br /> M � paragraph 1�. Borroacee's wvea�t� and agieements shaU be joint and se�c-�al. Any Borrower who ecx-sjgns this Security ��'�:.--.-
<br /> �- � ;� . . Instr�e�but does not execute the Pfote: (a)is co-sigaing this Seaa�rity Inscrament onty►to mortgage,grant and convey thai ��F����`-
<br /> �Y":'�t' $o �s intesest in the Propeity wcder the tet�s of this Sec�t.y tnsuument:N)is not persnnally obligazed to pay�::sum4 � .,�:x:�'�
<br /> • ,,.t,t . . �..s =
<br /> � securtd by this Seciuity Iass�ent;aad(c)agrecs that Iender aad a�r other Borrower may ag�ee to extend.modifY,E�n."'�ar ot .�
<br />