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<br /> � 't .,L';� 't :"�' ._i .,i� -----� -
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<br /> �RF t 4-� �:• . � . � . . � � .-- • �"'�:`a"-.y� __-
<br />�°-v t�'ti. ,`at i�, . . . . . . � . . . � . . • , . - , � �� . :^ -
<br /> +ei', ! .� � • , . , —
<br /> ._t_m� j �• �gTd3i�0� . � II34II3'8iiC2. �flIIUVl£!•5}I3�1 f8.°.' ff3Y�8A�8 ItOW�88IS�g, Oi QY3 t�@ ��.j'��— --
<br /> • �° � . � �
<br /> '�'�-�• Ptoperty�nsured egatns�4ass tsy fue,Hatards�tclu�arltbia t�s term °exEend�cover�t�e•aAd suy ather baa�rds.inclu�+8 ';�y ��,=
<br /> .�.�' �, 3 ,: , ' -
<br /> - � , ��_ ' IIaods or Sanding,.fai w�Le�der nequi�es iasmance.�his�se slutll be maintaiaed ia t�e araonms an0 for tha perlods ��--�=
<br />�1,�.�`�a`ttw':, tnai Leadex�.'t�e insuranr�e caerier pmvidimg,the iusurnnee sball.tre chossa hy�smwer snbj�to I�tr's agpmval " �`����X
<br /> —_ �-=� �ic3i s�:t�st��Iy svi�. If F�r€o,a�rfasls.tcs��nrAm co�vet�e d��'t�ed abc�v�� E��s��+;��Ps �'_��:,_._,-��`�,�`—�-`�-�--1-=.-
<br /> - - ��-� �� : optlan.ot�cflvesa$e to pmt�t IBndes's r�ghts en tha Fragerty ia accordaacs whPt P�Ph 7. � '�'�,�
<br /> ��'�_`"":.`� `°- AU instua�ce galIcies�re�e►uals abaLlOs acceptab2e to i�nder aad shatl iaclade a st�dar�mvitgage clause. I.eadet . ..°;���-��-°�
<br />-�i . ..:�.•�. .:'' . ,.. ...:'� ��. �
<br /> -�'� ` � � shall have th�rt$�t to hQtd the go1lc��s�d reae�vals.If Lender nquires,Borrower s�li promptly give to Lender all receipts o€ `" :.�„�•
<br /> -� �•` ,•� � paid premiums ead reQewal no3i�es.In the event of Ioss.Bomncver shall give pmmpi aniice to the+„�„�n��ca�er aatl Lea�er. � . . .
<br /> „_ - < " � . t.r�d�r may makg proof of Iass if noi�ade prornptty hy Bozmwer. � � :
<br /> g
<br /> �t._.;.�.�� UnIess I�uder aail Bosmwer athefwlse agsee ia�vrit�ng,insnr�ce pmcee�shall 6e agplied to restaratioa or�pair of t�e ; _ -
<br /> " =v�'� �"n- .k": , gcoperty damaged,if the�+estor�tfon or repair is econnmir�tly feasible aad Leafler's security is noi lesseued.lf the reswr�atio�or ` . : �
<br /> ei
<br /> � 4 . . •
<br /> repair is aot economically feasib2c os Len�eer's sewrity cvau�be lesse�d,th�insus�ce pracee8s shall be apglied to tite smm ,r_,{:r� � � •c ' ,
<br /> `E . . ���. ���yq�jjy inatnimer�i,�{fll�i Of IIOL,1�1C71.�, Vllth�►CZCCS��1SUQ IO�OlLOWCi.�BOIIOWQ�OIlS th8 '�;.f!'� �''S'r�,,} r
<br /> x< � , ���:
<br /> `;,�, ;�` = �p�ty,or dees n�x answEr withia�0 dayrs a aotl�from L�nder that the insurence carrIer has offered to setue a cTaim.tt�ea► �r
<br /> }£ . �,ender taay calle�tfte insarauce Dras;eeds. LendeF inaY use the pmc�eds tm rep�ir or ceswte the ProgertY.or m gay sam9 k`^:t��x���'+�i?�.t
<br /> �`:�`:',>.: ��,�i?:�,', �. secm�ed by.this Seasity Iasuumen¢.whedler or twt thea due.'f�e 3Q-0ay period wlll begin whea Yhe aatic,e is give�. - - �'� �� + �
<br /> Un2e�Leuder and.Boaower otheiwise agcee in�vritin8, eny agplication of proceeds ta prlacipal sball not eMEnd or ` `�'���
<br /> • . ' Dostpone the due=daie of the monthly payments referred w ia paragraphs t and 2 or change the amount of thn.paymeat4.If ��` �•.�.. `,;;�.�,.��'_.�__
<br /> � � mider paragragh Z1 the �s I.eader,Bormwer's n to iasarance heia aad cads resaltimg fcam ._:-',•-,,�
<br /> PmpertY� ar,�luitedbY' .ead 'g� �3► P�' Pm ,... .,�� :.
<br /> `'� � .. damage tD EhO.Lhoperty prioY W the 2�quisil[on sl�tl pass to IRUdEr to the exteat of the sums se�uied by th'is Secutity inats�tment . - ..s�,-:,�:-;;
<br />_-:,•.� �°' ';� - �ately prlar to the acq�isidon. � �; .`��:.=,�.,`
<br /> �;, r . , 6.Occap�ncy.Pt�serva�tun.MafnR�aace Hnd Y�atection of tit�Pragerty;Bon+awer's Laan Applk�tian;L�Ids. ; � -�,-•� -
<br /> � � � Bomower shall occapy,�ta61is9,aIId use the Pmperty a9 Bsirower's pr�ncipal resiP�ce within sixty days after the execut�on of _ '`" ,��`�^�.�_>:�.
<br /> -- `.. � -` this S�cusity In�aad aba�t�ue to exnpy tLe Prnpe7ty as Borro�er's g�ncIp�!iesidPnct f�at ts�.sx one yrar aft,er ��=-'''- �-`
<br /> -�_'�-- ----
<br />� .. �":" ' the date of a aa unless i.ender otheia+ise m wluch consent shall not 6e�easoaabI withheld,or naless ��'
<br /> ccAp cy, aris agrees' writing,
<br /> exoemiadng circumstaaces exist wbich are beyand Bflrrower's cantrol. Borcower sball not destcay, damage or impair the ° � ��•-
<br /> . . _. .�
<br /> • ; � �:_'�.: Pmperry. allow the Pmgetty to deterIoiate.or cammit waste on tl�Pmgerty. Borrawer sLall be ia defatilt if aay forfeitu� ' . `
<br />_ ,.�__._._,�, actioa or pmceedin�,whethec civ�or criminal,is 6egua tt�at in Lsader's gaod faith judgat�nt e�Wd result in fa�itiae of the � .�.. .-+ 1,�`
<br /> .Y � � . _ <{ . Ptupttty ox oti�wise materIally imp�r the Ilen creaied hy this Security Inswmeat or L.ender's s�vrity inierest.Bormwer may _ -•-'4.�
<br /> . �. care sach a default and remstate.as provided in paragraph 18,[sy cavsing tlise aaion or prnceeding w be dlsmissed with a:aling ����-
<br /> -- -- ��x _. - __�.a►T�g�t�a��_�tth dere�-�atian,precludes forfeiutr�of tfie BormRrer's iIItere�in.ihe PmDeritt-ar oth�r,�aterlat . _ '`�
<br /> _ ` impairn�of tne lien cceated S-�t�s�ecuriry Instrument or I.eader's secarity iateiest. Bomawer shall alsa be I�i d�ult if , d��
<br /> .., Barrowar,duriag the�t���::,:�tiu.ir�acess,ga�z�ateriall}r faise or ro��,*�•P i�f07II�I10D Ot Stafrmenrc t�D Y.2IIdEf(8T Fdil¢d • .,�C.��:��
<br /> - , . to grovide I.ender cv�2a a.."3r.�'�aa.�amoatioa�i�csnnueatioa with the loan ese�ced by the Note,inna�g,but not IImit� ,' . . f,
<br /> . . W,repses�tat�ans canaernag Ear.azv,zs's accupancy of tfle Propert}as a prineipal sesid�ra.Tf this Security tncm,m�is on a . . �` �'
<br /> s�
<br /> ':�x•,, :: :" ' teasehold.. l�orrower sball comply a�itb all the pmvisions of the Iease. 1f Borrawer aeq�es fee titie to the Pmpeny. tDe . , "�''��
<br /> ; � o �'._,.,,.
<br /> �,�:.,,: . :.-�:.: teasehold and the fee uue ahall not merge valess Lender agrees w the merger ia avrIting. :.�,�.�✓`
<br /> • ' .. 7.ArofeaIan oi LPnder's Righis in the Pboperty.If Borrower fa�a to perform the cavenanis�d agreem�uts con�in .. =,;;% .•. •
<br />---` ,: � this Se�ity Iastrument.or there is a legal pioceeding that may signi&cantly affea Lender's rights in the ProPertY(sach as a . :..r. �� .
<br /> _ . � praceeding in banYruptcy,probate.for coademnattvn or farfeiture or to enforre laws or re�+�.lations),tbeu Lender may do�d �.,�:�
<br /> • �� 'z pay for c�:ever ia necessary to pm�t the value of the Praperty aad l8nder's rights ia tt��Properry.l.ender's aarons may •.,�, � ,,{;�,�.:.�'=i�;
<br /> � • �f7�4�..� `
<br /> :.>= r,'' .•� ts�c;%,;. �1�F�'s��Y sums s� Isy a liea whicfi has prlorltg avat this Securlty tasntsment, appeaiing ia conrt, Paying . .y
<br /> � .,;.�'�: reasonable sttomeys'fees and enter'.ag an the Property to mzke�aits.Althongb Leader may take actioa under this paragraph ,
<br /> "�'-a;+-::s;'�:�:�r'��, 7�j.BIIdBi dOC3 IIOf t13s^3 t0�O BO. . � .
<br /> ..��F"���'�" � �� Any amauncs di.,�.�er1 by Lender under this paragrapl� T� 6�aQditian2t �bt of Bor��rer secured by ihis �
<br /> ,:�.f;`•.;:`;:• � r ' ' . � ., -•
<br />=y� �.'�� � ..:r1�.'� .� Security Insarument. Ua:�B� �.. aad LQnder agree to oth�r r�of pay�ent,these�ta st�all bear interest from the . . .
<br /> . „�;�y '
<br />�' � ' • date of disbursement ai the No��. and shall be payab2e,with interest, upon nottce ,f-�I.eadei to Borrower req�esdng ' � ' .
<br /> ,,,;:�r PaYffieent. � , , . �;.. ..
<br /> n
<br /> -. . ' :•��' ,�'.�.• 8.Mortgage Ia�nce.If Lender required mortgage iaswanre as a caad;�ion oY making the loan Eewied by this Security .. �. . � �•� .� .
<br /> � ;,,, ' Insuument, Borrower sha11 pay the premiums requi�;d to maintain the mons�age insuraace in effect. If, for an}+reason. the , � .
<br /> .'t.... :'•
<br /> 7?� �- ��;-: �., . mortgage insarance wverage iequir�.d 6y Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower�all pay the premiums required to •
<br /> _ � :.�r;;>�,;, - ..��;::i, . .
<br /> . :. , '•,;. � abrain cocerage substaatially equiva'.�t to the muagage insurance previausly in effect,�a cast subst�atIally equivateat to the . . ,s,'�. :
<br /> s. ' . �.;r:rvY::-'' _ . -�-ii,,.r, -
<br />� . sost to Bormnrer of the mortgage insutaace prevIausly in effecE, from an a�teraate mortgage insucer approved by I.ender. If .. �:':;?..
<br /> . snbstandally+equivatent martgage in.��ce cove�age is noi availabte.Borc�7l�shall pay to Leader each mamh a sum equal to . �
<br />- �„ ' :h anertwelRh of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borro�wr when the ins�uance coverage lapsed or ceased to � ��� r� ' �
<br /> �• be in effect.Leader will accept,ase a�t retain Wese payments as a toss rese�ve in lieu�of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve ,�i'...' :..
<br /> � � ,
<br /> . . w.m aoa.a s�so �
<br />_ _ .' :: . ... � . �,. ���RINQ(9toLl Dape3ots tNUats
<br /> . � � n er �. � �. .
<br />�` . � �. .
<br />�` .�.�:::: ----�---,..�.__m__._,-_,__._,�--n-.r.�., .-- - - - -------• —
<br /> . `, �. ' . ' , . • . . , • . . ,..... .. . _ '.;;.+.�.. • ' • . . " . � � . ••
<br /> ��e� -. �y�x.... • . . . . . .: ' • . • ' . •:,.,' ., • '. .. �._� . . • • . .
<br /> . - ._�rr" . . . . _ .
<br /> _ . o .i.. � : • . � .. • ' . . .. . . � . . . _ . � , � . .. . • � - . .
<br /> .�`j+ - . . .. . . . . .� _ ._ _ , . • _' —' _ -_-.•-. ��-. _ --— ' ——_' .
<br /> y'T'� ' • . .. . . ' ' .. � • - • ' . - � . . , . . . . . . . _ . ' ' . _
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