?. . �; � - c �,Nr�l ��` ; . ..6� ,.�" ,rt, c 3 �� '�`+�f-z�-�. - —
<br /> �`3 ,6� ' i � �� � '` ` ~�- ' — -
<br /> �f� . . c, i i- C ,tr _r . .', c � ' � r`. �_ L-,` 7�`=a4�.P<v '. �,_{ r. `i. X`T44A1"'�°• _ . -�- -
<br /> � �a. � .' �'.c�• �t�?'s`� f _, .�y,, � � `_�',�}'A.t.Y'u�t,fi7EQil.�fF�3i��-3 � casc�3.�.�`"�f'�rsi r" — ._...
<br /> .'4`e�''y�,��i�2•�.rlriFf.a �. �`i G-" �T - -- __ __ —
<br /> -_ '�TT-�;�� . .M' ,1t _.____ .___' _
<br /> -- SYA'N^3\Y���g � • � ` . ` ��� ������ . � �{ ..� �- -—
<br /> :'�'t+''.�s_= _ .._�„M.� . f�L� ___-�7i� _ .
<br /> ������ ` ' 9�.����e���.Tns��(�a��Tn�'e o�ii�e wec��aty 1�ro��st3a�, �� :� � -
<br /> — �`"'?`�y:�-� ' T(iii�l'QlE�I1it0 Yt�)l.�'t.6�l6.�t+�tN.�L�b .�y�W� c d r� .
<br /> ��-� -__�`�,�St�NA�'�D L+�tl�Ett.a f�i�4��Llildit•Pif���d'� !1 .�A OP�Qrie�s �� s, g " ` __ --
<br /> — „ • r�rPitch Ti�e�m�t ha�e�sfn�t p�rti�s vr�a�pRyt taba��ma�rWg os�_� ���� ���� -
<br /> _ �� t � �s` .�_
<br /> - =---�-�-� t�tht�t�pertg� • � ' =
<br /> �'��'��� 9A. 4:pnatorottl��P�o *rtyoe�8�nsliei�l�nl�rea11nTival�r. ttettorany�anotthePeopertyoranyintereslMitis �. Y�;,�
<br /> - -� soidortr�n$ferred{QNI��snetictaftnt�restinTtustorlss�ld.orte8nsterredandTeustorisrtotanatwalgorsOn)v�ithout '�-s_ =
<br /> °�'�'x'�`: - � �ender's pr�or written consen�Lender may.at tt�optlon.requtre tmmediate payment in tutt ot ait sums secu�ed by lhjs �<-'�; v _ _
<br /> -= �-`.��'-�• Qeed oi iYus�HOwsver.ttqta opttaa�,ahaU not be exercised by�ender i4 exercise is praAibited Dy tederal taw as ot the -�F �;�. ,.r.-,�
<br /> `=1��t��.�,�E_ r:� dato ai ihis Qeed oi Trust . � :s ,- ` `
<br /> --- - -=�;��r d Leader ex�rcises fhts aD�oR.�rt�er shal�gtve Trusio�e�otleeot gdeetara�ion.7he notiee shal!provide a period ot .y �'-r,�__
<br /> � , nattess��hafl30daystrom1hedatet�entltieeisdeliveredorm�fledwithinvfiichTrustormustpayatlsumssecuredby �> �� �. ,_
<br /> `��'�`-' ti�s t�ee�e!Yeust 1#Tntst�t�iis ta pay thsse sums prtor to ltie expiratiqn ot thLs periad.Lender may invoke any ( ,`` _
<br /> - � , se �
<br /> ��,,.;�-- rerrsBdtes permitte�by i�ls Osed otTru�t trutthouQfu�her natEe@ er dsmaad on Trustor. �, ,� � —
<br /> -=�'�;"�.�'- � � . � < -
<br />_` .. �:_ . l��Ni-UNtC�i�M COV�N'fS.Trusta�ertd Lr�tder 4uMer ccvenan3 at�a�ea es to�tawsc `f � �
<br /> , - - �yj i�t—g 'riS'�"'�3"€���tL,..�. — Y — ,
<br /> �����.��2n �v�n?m4 ar r> . :� ' z,,:;
<br /> • ,.�,•_r �°�;� ����'�Ta�� ��" • _.
<br /> __:� . , �-�:ent ot Trusiar tn��iate as t�is Qeed ot yru_�=i,inaua�n�trte cov�nanm co pay���,du�a�y sums securea ay :� ;: �
<br /> �- �-: �� � t�ia Oeed�f Ta�st.Lende�.ag�en�s's��:.�re,may de�dace all ot the sums sscured bf►this�Eed oi Trust to be immediaie3y • :�,
<br /> J'�=;'°�°:�„; Que and payalf�wtt�ut further rta�L��a�mand at�d may[tt�aEcO the power o�sale an��other remedies permitte� - < �� .
<br /> ��,� ,�,�-- ,- th in ursuU the cem�sa � . :°;. "'��
<br /> ° , � � �y a�ppncal��8 E�-w.t.er�aer�?�!l ba era�!t�oofte�t�reasanaAt�costs ana expe�ses irtx�l. 0 9 � . .
<br />— — -':.�<< a:,-�rided tn t�is P�ragra��17,tetctu.�',�rnr�.�tiui not fisscited to.reasortabts a�aratsys'fess ta t�s'extent prov€ded by IaHr. `t �- �, ,--:
<br /> .,� " C7 Lettder itav�It�s th�p�wer of sa:.3.'iNSteA sha(i give notlCe bt sate by(�.ra a�tsE�mest br the time and in tRe ;`f�. _
<br /> � ,- , �.:° r.^,�;:4,er pra��sd by appttcatfte taw.2���nder or T►ustae shal maIl a copy of tha noifco c�f sals to Trustar in the m�nap ._ � . —
<br /> — :; .. � �o��d i���gTaph i2 h�r6of.Tnts:sa.v�ithcut dem�nd as�Tmsstot,shatl se0 the Ptc�rly at the t�ma and un�ttss .:�� _
<br />_.�_�.. �.���and�n ttt�notice o!�Ie a4 pubtic sudlcn to t P r a h�s t b i d d er.L e n d e r o r L e n d e r's d e sl g n ee ma y pur�sa m_
<br /> �f' �,e ��f0�P.1^a�T."�3�1�JS�B. /-- y —
<br /> ,���� 1Cma�tee si�aq deliver tc��e purchaser 7rust�E��eed ca�veying the F��erty so sold w�ttk,;�t any covena�t or ,-- ��t —_
<br /> ;���S — '�` � c�r�►r�a�ry.expressed or ro��::ed,'�t►e reeitais ira C��''►'nlstee's deed shatt b��ma tac�e evidertce.ek the truth�of the �
<br /> �`;�;'�;� �;_ s1�t�menisr��eti�ereir�..1��LeeshattappfKthepraceedsottrnssaleinthe3�[�.�wingorder.(a}to�29�casdnableca�ts s��r,• � ? _
<br /> P"� �� '��;` �?� . . and expens�s+�i the sai�s�siud;rt�,Lze.�i not limited to. reasanab{s Trustee's an0 att�:s�eys'tees and cosis of titte ,
<br /> �,�x;,� � " � � ;r; . evidence;(����a!t sums 5ecured Er�CDsis fleed oi Trus�and(c)the excess,if arry.ic+Y�-�;secson or persans tegatly , :� . + `;�yi�
<br /> �;�,. � ,.� �,r� et�tittedtnereta.lttheproperiyissotdFursuantto4hisParagraph'f7.Trustoteranypecsc�=�otdiregpossessionofthe � � �, d`.�
<br /> .� ;�';��• ;�,�� � � �opecty through Trustor.shalt imrteediatety��uder possessIon o#ti���e�petty tm che purcV�aser at such sate.tt , � :
<br /> �, � �, r f.,
<br /> ��p�r`r' ' �� Y a y�ssess�ond�not sunendered.Trustore�sutin�em�n sha11 bsatenant sY���:D oisuch�surchasev,st�all beremavable , ,,
<br /> �;;��i��; .' 4�'�f:; �y process surc?�as torceable 2►nd cus��;��*.�.��_��:�.��.and h.�c�by agrees to pay to suth Aurchaser the reasonable �`�>;r , %
<br /> s�r._ . � ` :•i�V.», ,�i• �:
<br /> � � •.rxEt. r�ntal vat���rlRe PrupeRy after s�.`� < � .
<br />��.��,.` � ` �8. Lender�Right t�+4:'.«�Tfc�storto Reins�ta.�:VOtwi4ilstanding Lendefs acces��c^.:�J101 the Sti�4tS SEG.i��d by ; ` . `!'���
<br />- � �` +�rs,s Oeed oi 7n,st due e�i�.���s�s breach,leru+:ar�may.in Lender's totat d�scretivn. discontinae a�s3F proce�dings a,, :';� �
<br /> � ' ". . 6egun by Lender to entor�ethis Deed otTrust at�°�,me priortothe sale of the PropeRy pursuant t�t`°�power of sale .�<: ��
<br /> contained�n this Deed of Trust vr entry ot e judgment intorcing this Oeed of Trust ifi(a)Trustor pays Lender alt sums `��.. ��; •.�
<br />-� which woutd be lhen due under this Oeed of Trust and the Note had no acceteration occurred;(b)Trustor cures all yr;..;:�
<br /> �' .� �' breaches ot any other.cevenants or agr�ements of Trustor contained in this Oeed of Trus�(c�Trustor pays alt � ' ; - %�
<br /> � r�asonable expenses incurred by Lende�and Trustee in eniorcirtg the covenants and ag�eements of Trustor '�� -= ;�is�:: :
<br /> � contained in lhis Oeed of Trus�and in entorcing Lertder's andTrustee's remedies as provided in Paragragh t 7 hereal, � j7. _ , ; ,
<br /> -� ' . inctuding,but not limited to.reasonabte attorrtey's tees;and(c�Trustor takes such action as Lender may reasonably .
<br /> -"� . � • require to assur�thatthe tien at th1s Oeed of Trust.Lende�'s interest tn ihe Property and Trustor's obligat�on to pay the . _ . ,: �.�..
<br /> -- � sums securedby this 0eed of Trust shali continue unimpai�ed.Upon such payment�n�cure byTrustor.this Oeed of � ,�.�;�r�-T
<br /> �� - �: 7r�st and tne obUgations socured hereby shall remain in tull force and eHect as it no accelerat�on had occurred.The � : >. �
<br /> .��. � :. �;°' rights granted in th�s Paragraph 18 shalt in no way ba Constru8d as altowing Trustor to reinstate at TrustoPs vri11,it =�.
<br /> :.?�t� .: �� �` � � be�ng understood that such reinstatement is totaity w'�th1n the discretton of Lender. � �y w�� � ��.
<br /> 1;,'�"�'�� ' 1 9. A s si gnmeM o1 lients;A p pointment of Recelver,Lender in Possession. As additional securiry hereunder. ; �-�
<br /> __��:.i.:L.i'=�. r ! - I
<br /> R�t:�°° °��'� T r u s t o r h e r e b y a s s i g n s t o L e n d e r t h e r e n t s o�t h e Pr e p e R y.provided that T►ustor shau,prior to acceferat ion un der � . . ;
<br /> �-`� Patagraph 17 hereof or abandonmend ot the Properry.have the right to coflect and retain such rents as they become ',� .. . �
<br />�-� due and payabte. , .`: . . ''•�f
<br /> Upon acceleration under Paragraph 97 hereof or abandonment of the Properiy,Lender,in person,by agent or by . .Y r 4
<br /> �'�;� � � judiciatty appointed receiver. shall be entitled to enter upon,take possession of and manage the Property a�d to � ��' ���� k
<br /> � � � collecltherEr�t�,�9CL�eProp�rtyinctudingthosepastCue.AllrentscoltectedbyLer►�erorthereceivershaUbeapplied � ' J
<br /> ���`� first to payrrrc�r:�ot the cost of mana ement of ihe Property and collection of rents, inc►uding. but not timited to. "� � . �
<br /> - ' ��"�° receiver's 1ees.premiums on�eceive�s bonds and reasonable attomeys'fees,and t3�en to the sums secured by this � . .
<br /> ;��`r` �� � � Oeed of Trust.Lender and the reCeiver&hatl be tiable to aCCOUnt only tor those rents actuatty received. _
<br />-,�� -;�'�' Z0. Rtteas�.Upon payment of all sums sec�by thts Oeed of Trust,Lender sha11 croase this Deed of Trust v�fthout �- ` �
<br /> =�n. . . r;= - ' Charge to Trustar.Trustor shail pay all costs af�cordation.if any,to tRe extent p0rmitt�d by t�.
<br /> _ ��� 21. Substituta Tni�ta�.Lendet may.tor a�ry reason or cause,itom tirQV�D�c�me remave Tru�tes arr�apAcint a successor � :
<br /> �� � '� '� � Wstee to arry Trustev appolnted�ESeunder.Without ccnveyanc�ot tha�operty.the suxessar Ntrustee shali succeed , . .
<br /> � � � +� to atl the tiue�pawer and duties caT".erred upon the T►ustee herein and��appltcable law. �
<br /> -.• � � �'. ,.: ;; �t. Wvv�r of Homestead, Redemption, Spoustt Rlghts and �� Exemptiaai. TNS2�s waives all right of . • .
<br /> �'M"�,�'"'�" �' � homestead exemption ln and equitable and statutory redemption ot th�l�coperty and Trustor heceby relinquishes a11 � . � .
<br /> �;:��'" " �'' �� righ4 of dower,curtesy and statutory or eiective rights in the Property.To the oxteM permitted by taw,Trustor hereby
<br /> _ _ . . ' "..; � waives and transters to Lendet any oth8r exemptlonrights permltt8d under applicabte state or federat law with respect �
<br /> �� .. � �,. �.� to the Property.� � , � " .`
<br /> �'�•. �° 23. Londe�'s Call Option. Notwlthstanding any provision to the coM�ary contained in the Note.Trustor hereby . �;
<br /> �`� • � � ���..r covenants and agrees that�ender shall h�ve the rlght,at its sole option.to declare the entire outstanding principal � . .
<br /> ����:,,;��;�%� balance of the tQan evidenced by the Note and accrued inte�est thereon tv be due artd payable in tuil on a date not less � � ,
<br /> �=�=�..-:�� -� , than ( )years irom tha Oate ot the Note,excep4 that Lender.i1 it exe�cises such catl . �
<br />,.����, , _ option.shall s nd rustor written�otice thereof at teast ninety(90)days(but not more than one-hundred and twenty .
<br /> ��.°� �== �;�='� �'� (120)daysj prierto sucb accelerat�d loan maturity date.The written noticeto?rustor trom�ender will set torththerein
<br /> -y.,... _ . _
<br /> �� "''��� � '����`_'�. , the Lender'saccelerated maturitsvd'ate tor the loan.Prepayment in tull otthe loan asa divecl resuitof Lendei s exercise • ,•
<br /> ���'�"' " '�.�`��' � ol its a(oresaid call option shall rtae be subject to any prepayment penalty otherwis��ppticable under the provisions ot (
<br /> °•��:, ,.�.;.� `��;,. che tYote.H the spaee above lor insertlon ot a dae�in this Paragraph 23 is.^.,arked"N!A".Lender alnes not reserve a ca11 � .
<br /> --� . .. optton. • ` ,
<br /> ��%� � . . � i . • � �
<br /> :,. . .: � ' � ; . .
<br /> �� . i , r�.r
<br /> __ -.__._• ;_. . .__ .. .
<br /> . � . � � � ` � ` --
<br /> � iR _ , . r .. . . .
<br /> � 5 . � ___.��. . ..._ ..�.
<br />