.4 . . . -'-�'+�'l�P� ,a" . ' . F- . " .. _ _
<br /> � i , .� . E " ` - ��� � ! �
<br /> ' : : ° '.,�. @'. t c4 s o s ` ' zl�- -� -
<br /> � '1 ` " f.' :. J� - � ��"� , f F'4f ,`�.y � t�('. . Y+. V .` �I� ji ��
<br /> �,\ - F,t '-f ! fc.-t_�. a . . � �s _ ._ .
<br /> _ Gt . [ Y ,�i4,c�' - . -- `C .. ,c` _ `�'E��.� � -<}_ '_'n.Y�.r v. — —"_
<br /> } � � `�` .\ '+�s r f�".4�� _ __ ` - � �_.�.
<br /> -i 4 tt-, t . ��- - . 3 � -
<br /> – � �< � Z- l(•�' �i.va�a
<br /> -_ . � ` � .."� �L��� . � ,-� _ —
<br /> ' � t. ' • ' �7�� 4.ta+� Fx-
<br /> { 4 , -� "• , , . � .c
<br /> .� . .r`.or� �..o:� VN7TV�WYG'WU1.�. /�t1wt���t+Yar I��{�n�{at4s�S�iYU��� • � . - , 1�� - ..--
<br /> T?`.-:
<br /> -- - :'�. E,.;--�t'; . t. PaymetatofPrineipalandint�eaL TrustorshallprcmDUypaywhenduetheprincipalartdinterestindeb4eda�ess � _ . ..-,��'�.---
<br /> - ' , < <.< evfdenced by tP��No4e end faie Charges as provlded in the Note. • ,� �-�. =
<br /> - . . •�.��; . � �. Taxet.Aiseaamtt�ts.and CharQ�s. Trostor shell pay ar cavse to�e patd all taxes.assessments.end aiAer �- , .. . <
<br /> _ � � ch�rg�s,tlnes and impoafUor�s e�iQutabfe to the Property whlch may attatn prFority over this Deed ot Trus�and `�—
<br /> teasahold payments or pr�and rbnts,it any. � �� '
<br /> . � .. . •
<br /> . . � • � 3. Appltaationo9Paymanta. Un[essa$piicabiplawpravldeso4henvise.lenderwiilfirstapptypaymentsreceiveo: ; �4 .�� �_
<br /> . �� ` whetAerofnatdelinquen�inth0toitowingorder.(t�toanyapplicaDlecredItinsutanceprerrtium.�2)toanyappticabte � � ' :'- _�.:-_
<br /> '• � ��.� - late char�ss.(3)to any appl(cabte prepaymen4 penalUes,(�)to any interest t�at has accrued,and finally(5�to the '` � � ° _=
<br /> . ;�_=�-�-,�-� ttsspaId b8tattCS o1 prInti�3L -`.- :- -; �_�
<br /> , _ 4. Prior NAortgages and Deedi of T�usi;Chargea;Llens. Trustor s ha l l p e rtorm a t i o l Trustor's o b ligations un der � . •. r. �: _
<br />�� �'`° anymortgage.deedafuustorother�ecurityagreementwitheltenwhichhaspriorityoverthisOeedotTrus�including , �� _ .
<br /> : • ` <
<br /> ` � : �� ' . . Trustor's eovenants to make payment8 when du�. ` v . ' �:°
<br /> ;..-� '-' -3.-isasarQ in'su�arrcar. i'tist'vi ai�di�ecN t;�a i��.�it�iiciRaiiw iia'3iFi cn�::���t-l��r�;.Kar as�cl��a.z!t�°�ra�;,rr; `- �
<br /> ' , ,s,.�•� irtsured againstloss by(Ire.hazards Inoluded within theterm"extended cove�age",aad such otRer hazar�s as Lender . , , .>:� `-`
<br /> - may require and in suct�amounts for s�ch pertods as�.ender may require. ,�.�.- ��'�r�`'
<br /> � '�i , The insurance cariier providing the insurance shail be chosen by Trustor subject to approval by Lender.provide0, - � .:��
<br />- . � • . �• �• that such approval shaft not be unreasanabty withhetd.All insurance policies and renewals thereol shan be in a torm � � -'�� �^
<br /> . accQptabte to Lender and shall inctude a startdard mo�tgagee clause in favor oi and in a form acceptabte to Lender. � -`��� �
<br /> .1� -- ,� � . ' Lendershalthavetherighttohotdthepoticiesandrer��+atsthEraat.sut�jecttothatermsofanymortg�ge.deeduttrust .,:�=-
<br /> . or other securiry agreement with a lien which has priariry over the Deed of Trus�t. • •,, ��
<br /> • �' � In the event ot loss.Trustor shall give prompt no4ice to the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof af , ;; ,
<br /> ,� ` ' � loss tt not made prompUy by Trusror. ,,..
<br />___ _ �_ �.. ItthePrapertyrisa�andoned.by7rustor.ortt7�ustorfailstorespondtolende�.�v'�rn30daysiromthedatenesiceis _ .. . �;f-
<br /> - ���s4�` �'`° m2iiled by Lender.to Trustor that the insur�cce carrIet ofters to settie a claim tor irssur¢rt.cr benetits. lentler is -�`� ===
<br /> ,(���q:
<br /> -� •��` �" authorizedtaca�'e��dapptytheinsurance�r�aeedsattend�r'sa��;�nei!l�ertorestoraticc��cr.yepairolthePropert�r � �� .. . � - � _
<br /> , .� or to tttie sums s��J by this Qsed of Trust � ' . � � "�� `�� "�
<br /> ` . . • ,, .
<br /> . � . ` 6. �c�senratt:ce �� tlSa's�:�anca oi Praperly;ti���holds; Condomin'.r�r-.3; Plann��l Unit Qey:r:�r�eats. �. . ��<: , � `
<br /> '"��� T�uStG�gl.�at!keQ��:'ts Pra��.�!n good repair and s::.�l not commit waste�r�armit d=..^:oiition,imp�src:_r�cr �-t . . � �;����—
<br /> ��� ____ '_� ��� �� detesiasa�onott�:s�ropeityaz� shatlCOmplywiththe�c���aisionsofanyleaseiithisDee�iotl�rustisonaleasahc:�.c` . ��/•�'-
<br /> -- - :�''a-.-;.,.r:� :.�;1_��ri�eiS`..:::C�.�'-
<br />-- � thi�Deed nf Trust 3s vn�unit in a condominium or a pta�.�sed uniidevetopraen��rustar s�:���rform ati o!T�ustcF's:. � - - ....-F • �:.:�
<br /> •�-. � � � obllgations und�r the declaratton and coven�nts cr�ng ane� goveming,the_conCcm�-��::m or ptannecf ur.�2 �. � � "''s�=� '"��.
<br /> "`'' ' dev�!¢��n�n� the byla�nrS 8s►� regulatfon� of the cd�:�w�min�um �r pfanned �c��:�8evc[o�^en� and constituen� • � � L' :;;�v:
<br /> .�`.i�,` ,� J,.•.;y,;,i�'� �['. ..s.,.�,.:
<br /> :'�yU dOd.'66CI��.S. ' '- :t'1 ti ' i `':
<br /> ,��.'�`` :� � T. Preteeiloo ot Lende�'s 5�2udty. If Teustor fai{s f�pertorm the covenanS�a�d a�r��r:ents contai;��d in thi��. � ,� `.,;,,��N�� , r°;''`
<br /> x _ ��•.5:-:,s,.�.�- . .� Deed of TrusL or ilanyact�on otproCeeding as cammenced which materially affects Lender'S sr..erest in tho Property. . , � ;,.-�•: ,.;�<��.
<br /> - N � � �. then Lender,at Lender's opilo�.upon notice8o Yrustor.may make such appeara�ces.disburs�such sums,including � �,�T-' :,::.;;;-
<br />-�' • reasonabte attomeys'feea.and take such aation as is necessary to protect Lertder's inte�est If Lender require� '� :�• %'�;�'
<br /> ��= � , . � mortgage insurance as a coaditfon ot making the toan secured by this Oeed o1 Yrus�Trustor shatl pay the premiums _ :����.� � " .
<br /> ` . .. required to maintain such insurance In eH�ct until such tima as the requirement for such insurance terminates i� � ..
<br /> � . .- . aceordance with T�ustors end Lenders written agreemeni or appiicable law. ,<'l'�'�;� �,
<br /> • Any amounta disburaed by Lender pu�suantto this Paragraph 7,with interestthereon,at the Note rate.shalt become • � �� ;• ;�
<br /> � � additionai indebledness otTruator secured by this Deed of Trust.Untess Trustor and Lender agree to other terms ot ��'� �
<br /> ' �� � �� conta ned in this Pa�agrapA 7 sha°lequtare Lendertto incur any exp nser or take any action emeundeereot.Nothing : ;��;��t/ ,.�a_
<br /> . �; _�
<br /> . � � 8. Inspectton. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonabte entries upon and inspections ot the Property, ' �' � Y
<br /> �` ' pravided that Lender shall give Trustor notice prlor to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause theretor '��� �"
<br /> - � . � retated to Lenders interest in the Propertyr. �� � ����y-��;�,�,,.-`
<br /> � g. Condemnatlo�. The proceeds o!any award or claim tor damages,direct or consequential,in connection with . : _ .''�� !�'_
<br />- .; � ' `� � any cmndamnation or oihor taking o1 the Property,or pan thereoi.or tor eonveyance in lieu of condemnation,are ` � .. , . . �t`�
<br /> ;� � � ' : ,..; hereby asslgned and shail be paid to Lender,subject to the terms ol any mortgage,deed ol Irust or othersecurity �� _ . `� g
<br />_� ,� � ... agreement with a lien which has priorityover this Deed of Trust . � : . _
<br /> � � � 10. Tiustov No! tiefeased; Forebearance 8y Lender Nof a Walver. Extension ot the time tor a ment or ';�T-
<br /> . . .� � . moditica4ion O1 amarNzation of the sums socured by ihis Oeed ot Trust granted by Lender to any successor n interest � � .��'� y ,-s=
<br /> . � , . � . ot Y�ustor shall not operateto rel8ase.in any manner.the tiability o!the orlginal Trustor and Trustor's successors in .
<br />_ ,.. �� ,. .'., : interes�Lender shatl not be repui�ed to commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time lor �
<br /> ,.,:,f.,, .. , payment or otherwise modi�amortization o4 the sums secured by this Deed oi Trust by reason of any demand made � � .
<br /> by 4he briginat Trustor end rusi�r's suCCessors in lnteres�Any forebearance by Lender in exerCising any right or ��
<br /> ' ' ' , . �emedy hereunder,or otherwi.r��`!ar�eQ by applicable law,shall not be a waiver ot or preclude the exerci�e of any � • .
<br />-.= � �� � such right or remedy. • � � �
<br /> - ' ,• 11. Sueeawrs and Assipns�na;J�fs�t and Several Llabittt�;Co-sl�nsrs.The cavenants and agre�ments herein � �
<br /> ` , � ccntair,r�d shall bind,artd the�i,�c'�hereunder shall inure to,the respective successors and essdgns o!Lender and Trustor, . . ': :
<br /> � ;� � suD;�to the pravislons of Parag�aph 18 hereot.All csvenanta and agreementa c4 trusior sha11 be joint and severat.My � ."
<br /> � . ';;;;°�' Tru�tor who co-slgns this Deed o!Trust,bu!does not execute the Note.(a)is co-��:ing this�ead of Trus�onty to grant .
<br /> �� '� and convay that Yrusior's intsrest in the P►+�perty to Trustee under the tem►s of this Deed ot T�ust�(b)is nat personat(y �
<br /> _ . � Nabte on the Nofe or under thla Deed of Trust,and(c)a�rees that Lender arnd any other Trustor.Aereunder may agree
<br />- to extend,modify�torUear.or make any othor accflmmodations with regard to tha terms o1 this Deed of Trust or tbe Note � ,`
<br />-�;: � � wt�out that Trustor's consent and withaut retsasing that Trustor or madifyirtg this Qeed of Trust as to that Trustor's interest ��
<br /> �,:� . � . in tho Rroperty. ' �
<br /> . . � . t Z. Notiee. Except tor eny notiee required under eppllcable law to be given in another manner.(a)any notice to ' � �
<br /> . '.' � -• Trustor provided for in this Ooed ot Trust shall be given by deiivering it or by re�ailing sueh notice by regu�ar maii � . �'
<br />- ;. ,' . addtessea to Trustor at tho Trustor'e address stated harein or at such other address as Trustor may designate by . �' '
<br />= � �� notice to�.ender as provlded herein,and(b)any notice to Lender shalf be glven by cert;tied mail to Lender's address � � .�.
<br />- .:,,;.:j;;::" statc�t herein or to such other address as Lend�r may designate by notice to Zoustor as provided herein.Aay notice E � � �
<br /> ' _ ;::;,:; prC•s�Eed for in this Qeed of T'euat shall be deemed to have been given to Trus:cr or Lender when give�b:n:he manner s . �,
<br />- ? � ' de�§��:�ted her�in. � � .
<br /> _�;.:,i�i♦�� {
<br />- • � 13. Qove�nieefl Law;S�verabltt�y. Tre state and tocal taws app::sable to ti�is Oeed at T�n�st shatl be zr.e taws ot cr.e ' .
<br /> •" ' '�•�� � .�•:•.;. ]uris�iet:on in��c�;.'1 tho Rr�flperty ia located.except that if the�fl�s specif,es the law m°�ditferent jur;sCicc�cn� Gs � �
<br />- . ��•��.�.<::�.::,.,'. gave-nir.g.sue:�9��a,s:`.�:d C2�he applicabte law governing the interest rate.tees.charges.and other terms c�?:��c�ec,� �
<br /> - `l��`-%�' � ' ' trac�s�::ion seeure�tc�e�p.�p toregeing santence s�+a11 not Gmi!the app�eez�i:;2yo1 Federal taw to th'ss���d o1 Trt;st � ,
<br /> " �•,. :t,.;,. . � :.
<br /> ��'�''�`��;�"' In r�^�eveni ihat any p�e�is:�or clSUBe ot this Deed o!Trust or the Note ecr.`=:ais wlth applicabte la�.��ch conilset ; ..,��:;..•.
<br /> .,.,..
<br /> � sha3 not attect other pror�s:ans of thia Oeed ot Trusi or the Note w�hich ca�a��given ettect withau�t:��conf►ic::�� , . . �
<br /> � �� � � ' � ..� pravision.andtothisendttteprovisionsolthlsOee�ofTs��stan�!R;�N�i�afe�e�sareAt�b�,�vera�le.As��se�hereia, �
<br />- , :� �--� `--- --.-- .•eas¢s"."expe�:�es"�a�G"aYt�r�teys'tee�°tnciudeail:,�:7i3 iva'i�f3it8i1t iSGi�:�h{�i�t@ti�'sj/8}5�3ZIC8R3:'z''�:a�=or fim��e� `.---..-:_-:.-�=-: --:"�
<br /> , � ' herein. . . ;. .
<br /> . �� � 94. Tnislot'sCopy.T�us��aslt�iibetumishedwithandacknoa�:�Cgesrece:�ofacontormedco�yad�:��Noteand �',`�-�� . � '
<br /> .�• � : � � ' o!this Oeed ot Trust at tho 4;aa�4 execution or after�ecordatiero i^�reof. � �� . ' . �
<br /> a � �
<br />