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<br /> . � . . - - ' - • . ' � . . � �y� � ` � .
<br /> ' . . . • ' . � " . . . . . ` . , a ' `� - . . ��`�'������� , � ' �.. .
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<br /> � " �' 't�.$access�ra sn�Assi�as�ovnd:Foiat m��aetsal��aia3�i4�;�oS�aeic�Tha�vt�ta��a�ru�lse��ss s� �"•.
<br /> -LL-- �is�act�i�itg-�tra��t sh�u �et�f�e�it t�ss,���d=ass��a�oi�aa`cr sas�Bnncaa�tr, sa��ct tu t�o . ' _
<br /> � ..�vi�io�.s��P�SnF��b.�orrat�er`s�uvtaagf�aax€�gcea�es�s5�i��,1�6 r,��s+�i.�}r�F���pv�'c��g�:,, --�
<br /> . � ttiis S��.�urtt�Iasttu�eati�SUt does cot ezecuie�ha N�ie:(aj is ca`�ig�}i�g thns Sxarity Ia�.stsumeaE onl �to rn0itga�eo�zt .
<br /> ' � ��*td ca�voy'thst�rsowei�'s�a�arest ia ti�a Propertg amder t�"ter�s of t3�is Sactarity 1�ast�umen�{�6��s a�t Pets�iY. .
<br />. . obligased t�ps�tfle sti�eecured bp t�is$ecurit�►Iasirusa�nt;�ad►te),ag�tliat L�adtt aztd any otIier&�rnot��re�p � ,
<br /> agroe t�e�tendi��ifP.`Lor�tr ar matc�a any ar,c�asmmdataa�wit�ngar+3 en Eha terffis of thas Sccur�tg In�wairnt a
<br /> � theh'o°tsRrithQU'itiost$arrawer'sconsea� ` . , � ' , ` , . .. _ � ,
<br /> ' t3.ATotlLes,Any aatice to Barrow�r pravided for in t�is�ax�rity EastrvinetYtsl�eU be given bp d�aVariag it or by T -
<br /> : p� wg�t la9 fi�t cless�i-unl�ag�aliQabi�taw rnq�ire.s�of The��ic�s��e3��.-�!�ta s.�c-;- -
<br /> h
<br /> `�Y�rtp Ad�ss or an�uth�$�se�Borra�wat d�i�tes by acisica to�►adcr.Asg a��x tW Len3er shalt ba gi�en'6�
<br /> fust class mail w LoadEr's sddress stated�xain�or ar�p addre�L�c3�r d�sigaatev b�notica ta Bosmsc¢�A�Y atitice ,.
<br /> psavided for im this Security�strument sh�Dl Tx dcemod to have Toeea g"lven ta�arno�er ms I.ander pt�en givea�e � _
<br /> psavided ia thisP�&'aP�- � • � ° � .
<br /> 14 Gaversdr�g I,��v;S�ver�bitity.TYiis Secuxit�.�cs�aent sball he gav�by��deral ta�+�ad the isx of tt�a �
<br /> jUrisdictian in Whz�h the-Propert,y is lo�cated.�u t1tC�evras.¢�x_sz►p Prc�mszan�r cla�ot this Sscurit;�in..�dnrmmt mr the
<br /> Note canfl�cfs with app�ieabla iaw;sucl�casdli�t shati nc�t e�'ect�tbs��t►va�ousoi ttris�usitp�vraentar the P�iote
<br /> �wltich�e begiv�stetfeetwithoutthecQaflicCin�psovision.�othi�s�lt:u�.e g�visansnf th�Sec�ui3�tasttu�aeatandthe
<br /> 1�Iaiesradec�ercdtobeaevereial� . . � ' .
<br /> . . 15 Honawe�s Copy.�anower shari tie given a�citmft►rmed�py o#thisSe��city tnswmen�.
<br /> ' �•�` I6.Asslgaaaeat+pf Eents.Barrower�condi�u��t a�igns aud tra�sfera to Lendtr sU the renis asi�revcnues ot -
<br /> , . tho Ptvpes�y.BorroRer authflrius Legder or L.e�ei'��ts to coltect the c�uts sud revenuea sad haeby diracia�ch ,
<br /> teneat oi the Properiy ta�Y the�ta Lendet o��s's agenta Ho�e�es.Prior to Lende�s naiice ta BonvWes of
<br /> � . Barrower`s 6reach of sny cavmant or agceeanent in itt�w�s.r�ritY Iastrumeat,Borra�wer sLall caltect and�xive aIt reata
<br /> � aad reveaues of the Propesty as tn�stee for the beaef'sGaf��nder and BorroRer.This a�igameat of reats e�nstit�t�+s an
<br /> ' abwlute e�sigameat sad Aoian assigufneat foraddiYlo�a1�ritYg-''-.,�; � _ � , . -
<br /> If�i,euder give�notice of 8�eaeh to Bor�wer:(a)all r�nts r�c't��y Borrawrr s2�aU be held bp Borrawer a8tru�stee .;.:.
<br /> for beaefit oi I.ender anly.to be applled tQ tlie suma sec�tred by tsr���rity'Inswmen�(b)Y.an�er ch�l tx entittadto . -'�::� �
<br /> co]tect aad raxive all of the r��of the Property;au�d(�)each tens�J.'c�3he I'ropertysball pa�all�due a�3 unpsi�to .
<br /> �� Lender orLende�'sagtatonLender's writteademan�totir�ir-�L -,;"��' � . .
<br /> Bosrower haa not egecuttd eny prior c�si,grimeut of t�e reats�rn�L`i�s not eud will aot perFann aqp er.t thnt�vould: :;,
<br /> �r' _. gr�ventI.estde'tft�nmetsercis'tngiffiriglitsuut�th�spstagcaph 16. ::.,� ' <:'.::�'i
<br />_ Lender shall not be ragaired ta eater u�t,taYe c�ntrol ofr or maintaia the Progerty before os after giviag naEiaa�f:f-`,_ ,
<br />- `�,; � . lsreac�to Borrower.FIowever,Lender or a Judicial�y�.�int�d rece�ver may do so ai aay time thare is a i�c4�.A�r �'':.�
<br />- appl.icstioaotaea�sl�notcm+aos waiveanydefsultczi�srafidsteanyotherright or ramedy of L.ender.This�signment , �
<br />_ � of c�oY tha Pt�operty s3�all terminutewheuthe d��t�cured by the Security Iastrume�tis paid ia fiill,
<br />_ .; � . .
<br />= NbN-LRJIFORM COVENANI�.Borrower aad Leader further ooveaant aad agee fls 4ollawQ .
<br />- 1'I.Foreclosure Procednra Ii Lender reqaires immediate�syment in foll aadeT paaaEreph 9.Leadermay
<br /> iavoke the pmwer of sale aad any other reinediea permitteS by spplicabtr ffa�tv.I.aadcr s3�U ba cntitied to .
<br /> collect alt e:penses iacurred in pnrsaiag the reme8les nader tbis pu+rgraph 1'�.iuelud3nS,but ao3 Wmite,+�to.
<br />- '' rasoaable sttomeys'iees aad costs oi titie evddeace. '
<br /> :'-.r
<br />- . . �f the poWes oi salc is tauoksd,TrasteeshaYlrr�.,p�d s aotice oi defanit ca eacSa connty ia Rhich+say par;ot �
<br /> ��.�-1�rop�rty is located�n�ehall mt�l copies ot m�rt�aottce in the msnrte��rescribed by�pplit�:1le taw to
<br />„,;:; Honower aad to tha other persons prescribed bY u�7iza61e 4aw.Af'ter tiDV•�Lime reqaired by app9-�bie law,
<br />+; � . Trastee�sb�Ilgiwepub�icaosiceofsatet.cis�epersoaseadias��unaerprescribed�lyapplicabteliw.Trastee. __
<br /> without 8omand oa Bonower.shall sefE trhe Plroperty at pd�ttic�r�uction to 4hs h�ahest b�dder at ti0e tiaae aad _
<br /> � pLce and ander the terms designated in the notice ot sale ia ssne or mom pasc�els aad ia aay order Trnstee -
<br /> � determsaes.Trastee map postpone sale o4 aU or aap pucel oi tne Progerty bq publi�aaaouboement at t�e -
<br /> ' time and plsea of any psmvioasly schedated sale. Leader or its desigace rr�sq purchue tha Property at aay _
<br />- � anla
<br /> Ugo�n receipt o! paymnnt of the pnce bid. Trosteo s6m11 delives to the pm�taser '�rurstee's deed
<br />: ��p(�I�lo]tA nq��b ef 0 . laftlaft _
<br /> -.�-•,.�.:-x-`-i— �.: '�if, .t;..,. ...: • . ._ ,0. „� , y�x�. .o �� .ag;�� �
<br /> -,,. ��—..--_ .— .,,. R„:. �.-� . �;,e:..'. . - -
<br /> .i. rl,�ra� �pan.?! `�
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