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<br />� � : tho manthlY���nm. w�iich sre rcierred to in garegaph 2,or chaags ttte affiaunt ai suah�aYca�er�t4. Asiy s� `� - --
<br /> - - , . gmceeci9 aver an ammtmt c�qturtd tv pay`al!outstaa�ng iad�bte8aess und..ar th0 I4Tofe and this Stcutitg Insttuat�nt shsll � -_-�-`==°�—_
<br /> _ � . . b9�sai�to t�een4ity teg�tg eataflaitl�eieto. < . , e -�, _—
<br /> <�.�;�..�
<br /> ' . � 8.Pees..Y.�nder may coltr.�t fe�aad charge3 authorized by the Secnetery. ' . ' ' ` � �i��`� ��
<br />� , . ¢.�-:--�--
<br /> , , . �i���:._:--
<br /> � � 9.Gzounds tos Acceleratioa o��abt.. � . < ' ` ' � �=�.,,��
<br /> `;5 NLIt'SkSY}2C��
<br /> � - . � (a217afiulx Lescder map.escep2 as limiteQ by re�3atiorss issued hy th�Soecretary ia she case oi��aaeat . ����.'.��`�_
<br /> _ defaWta,require imtaediate pagsnent in fuU of ail sums secured by thie�ecurity Insnv:nent if: � . ,. `�f�.�,..�
<br /> � , ' (i)Bonower d�faults bF.f�S�P�Y in full aoy moatbly payment requited bp ttris Security Lnstriiaaeat � ; �-�������_
<br /> rior io or on the due dateui the neat raoattily payrfien�ar �`��'�-�-��'
<br /> � .��, -�
<br /> `� ii)Hoscewer defaults bY Iailiag,for o period af thirty daps�to gerform aay other obIigatiafls contsiae�in �,��,_4�a„�=,��;
<br /> _ , t�his�ecu�itylastrumen� . � . � — -
<br /> � ,��_r_ ��.._
<br /> � (�y}Sate Wit�out Credit Apptuval.Lendet sha11,if gerneltted by applicable lacv und wit�ths grior approval ^F.:. �.�.'°
<br /> � � immediate ent ia fuU'of aU suma�rr�b tbis Sacurity 1nEtrumentifr. �.` '-�-�- '"'`�:�`.`"
<br /> ' of th �Creter9:r�cluire PaYm y �-_ �-;.��,:; .
<br /> r��=�-�_�----—
<br /> � , . � (i)A11 or part of the Propetty.or a ben��cial inter��.a a trust ownin�all or part of the Prapercy,.�a.+Ici ar. - _
<br /> }+'��a 41y9�wlyP'�--�
<br /> - otherarisetransferred(otherthaa tsy devise or desc�nt)bp the Bosrower,and �r�.;� �i�,;,�a��s
<br /> � (ii) `Ttie ProperRp is not,occupied by the purc�a�er ar grantee as f�is or Her grincipa� resideac�a�the � ?�'�'-�wi _
<br /> purchas�er ar grant�do�a�accupy the Fruperty but his or her credit bas not,besn approved in accozdance � ` �`_b�_
<br />-,� tvith the tequiretnents of the Secretacy. ':'_°�.�--_-
<br />._� . -�.�s�r -
<br /> tc)No ZVaiver.If eircamstances oecur that would genait Lender to require immediate gaqment in ful1,but ����_,_
<br /> _� Lender d�not require such paymenta.Lender does not�vaive its righ�witb respect to suhsequent evems. . ��;����_a�.��::-
<br />�•.� 1 . , . �- Y�Z�..'�':��
<br /> (d)Regulati�s oi HUD Secretary. In maay circamstaaces regolatioas issu�i bg the Secretarp willlimit ''�`�:�=."-"""°'
<br />.� Leuder's righ��'the case oi p�yment defauIts to require immediate paymeat ia fwl and�or�lose if noa paid. . •,�,�� .
<br /> 'I'fiia Security Ii�strumeaL dces ao4 authorize accelera�an or�foreclosure if aat permitted bq reguiatious a°th$ •r ��.
<br />°� ' Secretety. , - :r.-:�
<br /> .� . � (e� M�rtgage Not Insurred. Honower.egrees that should thia Securitq Iastrusaent and the Nnte secured '':=•r:�.�: `
<br /> thereby nat be eligible for insiraace un�'t�e National giousing A�-t withia 60 days from the date 8ereaf '°''`' ,
<br /> 1 1•�..• .,`. :r
<br /> ._:� Lepder'maq.at its optiaa aad n�t�vitt�,R ^�anythi.a;in paragrtiFh 9.require immediate payment ia fv21.r�4 sU .���;:�; . :
<br />-= . , enms secured by this.Securivg�'L»stru��:�writo�satement of any suthoriz�ed agem of the Sectet�ag.�atad z .r.
<br /> sui�sequent to b0 daps itom:ttr�date heteof.decliai��iasvre this Secu�(ity L�t+rment and the h'otxs�siicted �.'�':-.:_ ' `
<br /> theraby.shaU be deemed co�nciursive pFOCf of such i�lii;*sility.Notwithstandiag she foregoing,this o�may "�.s:����'
<br /> , aot he esen�i�d.lsy Lender•whea the�vailabili'ty��insuraace:s solely dne to Leader's faiiure tc��it a � �,.^�.,.,� ;�
<br /> r�iortgage i�rsance premium to the Sec►�ry. ' ' � � , �'': •!t: r� .
<br /> 10.8einstatemen� Bosrower has a right m be reinst.st�if LEnder has.required imm�iate paytue�t i�x�is11 � '' :�j y
<br /> �x � ; .
<br /> .because of Barrower's failure to y an amount due under the Note or ttris Security Instnemen�This ri t a h3s even , �. � '�
<br /> pa P� PP� . ` �rt
<br /> after foreclasure gs+acer.�liags are institirt�ed.To reinstate tha Security Iastrument.Borrower shall tender ia a lump sum , ;'
<br /> - atl emouats reqvired to bning Borrower's account curcent iacluding,to the estent they are obligations of Borrower � � L;:- .
<br />',�' under tAis Security Instr�ment,forecIosure casts aad reasonable and cirstomary attorneys'f e e s an d eapenses prQ.per ly ���_� '
<br /> :� associakd with tha forec1asure proce�ling. Upoa reinstatenient bp Boaower, t h i s Securitg I n s trumen t �.t he • : �-`:�_'•�,�
<br /> - o h u t ions t ha t i t s e c u ra s h a l l r e�a i n e f f e c t a s i f L e n 3 e r h a d n o t r e q�a�r e d i m m e d i a t s a p m e n t i a f�l l.H a i v e v e r. ' �'".��:'�'' �;
<br /> P �,
<br /> - I�ea�is no4 tequired to permit reiastatement if:li)I.ender has accegted rei�statemr,nt a�ter tha cotamencement of � -�`y� �-�,-�-: ,
<br /> �.' v'fY:.....
<br /> =- f o r e c l�n t t� p r o c�d i a� W�t h i n t w o years immediatel y prtcedia� the �ommencement of a c�*rrent foreclosuse : .. ^' a�r`:-,
<br /> � prac�Qing,(ii� reinst�ment will pre�lude fore�losure on different�rCU�s in tha futune.or(iii}c+e�statement wiU � � ''��.�'"` ` •�
<br /> adversely affe�t the priority of the liea created by this Security lnstrumen� . . ��.�:-=
<br /> • � ,, ...
<br /> 1 I. Honower Not Released; Forbesraace By Lendcr Not a Wsiver. Extension of the time of payment or ' . '
<br /> modification of amortization of tha sums secur�d by this Sscusity Iastrument gas�ted by Leader to any successor in � � _�
<br /> � lntere�t�oi Borrowcr sha11 aot operate to release the liabilit9 of the ori�nal Aorrower or Borra�er e successor in : . . . _
<br />_ interest.Lebder shall noi be required to commeace proceediags.ngainst any successor in interest nr refusa w estend . . .
<br />- _� . time for�aymeat or otherwis�maditfq amortization of the sums secured by this Securitp lnswment by teason of any . ;. �
<br /> demand made by t�e.original Eorra�xer ar Bomower's succ�ssors in interest.Any forbearance bp Lender in egercisia�
<br /> � any right or remedy sh�not b�u rouiver of or pr�elude tha eaentise of eny ri�t or remedy. ��` , � ,
<br />_?� �-4RUIg) �os�� v.a.�m e teitiatc ��•.•
<br /> _a \\�[���� . ::;"�.
<br /> ���., .�.p;;
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