_,__.�` --- -� ,• ..:.. _ _ t.-.
<br /> ' " . '.. , ,y.� - . - . . --�—,�, - ' ' '
<br />.. . , . , p� _ ;:il __ . . . , . . � • �. -
<br /> _ ' . � . -. ` � , . ':�t�l .'���w.�.�� ����"��-s '', , ` .c ' Y '4. •`'� ... < .
<br /> r�
<br /> � � � �,�t�yts�iqn�erbe�equitcflr��,4[}�+{��:Q��,�..�'�,�.�s.�€ns��c�i��e4'�-s��nt�.'x�.f�dxlxxf�d � � .
<br /> : . ��t� �titts)�pruv�3 b�ru7€t��k t�{�r.z£b���t�:�:►���t�y;@3i.'k�s�is c�st�.�o�l+et s�li P.�Y ' . —
<br /> . t�. . "�m.�t�x'.t�d t��t m���?YnAat�ur.�ut:�i;�.�tt���v������€or ai�ott�s�
<br /> . `ipf,ua�iqca ends ia��ccordaAC�e adth�r+a,�sttz�nflg�cmcnc.�►,-��te€.��nro��s aad L�r��iY��coble I:�+. , ; . . � _
<br /> 9.�ioa.tcUits at its agent ti�na!�zn��e�ascs:�,M.!��ic�t�n e�sd s�'.s�'�at�s iif tL��'mpsRy.�.F.t�kr s�SeL'giec �.
<br /> _� �Sorniwer notic�u ti�tunC�if or�inr.to su�lnspcctia��T�5c�u�bJe c��r ti�i,�spec�i�a.`,. � . , - . .
<br /> � � 1�.Ca�de�s�ttion.�g�oc�,'h€�as�awatct ar.c�3a;��gat feraagcs; �ar,a�ns�e�a�. i�i qan�socd��it8 suy. ,
<br /> mxxl�atian ur o3�r.t�n�:nf a�F�iEicxfttts�t�cg�erty.c�s f�fir ca�r,ti�ya..r�o�li�of�onde.�aatiQn,arc f�re�as�sgoa�t�ci ,
<br /> ' shall bZ�aid L9 Ire�r : � ;;�. : . `< .�' �.. � � . ,
<br /> Yn ff�eve�st of a tu�ai;�{tg`of tHt��F.t�per�y.tTts proa���rJl tt��3i�to t�^s�tms�t�md 6Y.t�is Se�ity'1as�• • <•
<br /> ��4r�.i�;��iit���;�c��tu�•.t�Bozra�c�.�:�t����att.af a pa�ial t4��Cing.of_th�Pca7p�i in_�rlsich t�a fair. -
<br /> naarYCt vatu�of ct��.Firoj�ty iacm�cilttt�l�befarn�the ta4zn�i�:�cai.ta crr grest,�a ti�.an f�e amnYs',i af tfie.stnns_sseu�d by� .
<br /> . . 5oc�ni�►In�L i�itatcly 6,�#�o�the+�c�;un2�s Ba�uv�s^aa�ri.d��r ot�avii�'agtce fn writi�ag,ti�s}�is�acd�r.
<br /> ' ' this�carity ��'.�t�}cc���ti�!'ba�pduced�by the amau�3 of t�'.���ro�srr.�s aa►itigsli:�t�y me follawing.fr�tion:�<a) the tutal.
<br /> . araaunt af�:s�{ing;s��±if�i�miiixlIetely 6efc�te thQ ta3nag,�rJve&v3 hp @)t��ir msr�ai w.�lu�mf t,Le Propaty immediateSy
<br /> befos�tk+e•t:3E�g'�Ait��.�►�kinca,sTmlI+b��rnid�Boun��er.tn�ttsa c�ea�t of a pastiai t�ng of t�Fi�petty in whic2s thc fa:r •
<br /> � � u�arkei vai�=ii�e�'to�ey`imYSi�it�j!�tsefore the t�x:g is.Qt�_ttten tbe easmssa�t af t�ie snms sCwred fmtt�diatcly ixf��the .
<br /> . taldng;unie�l�iuwer and L�r aS�-i�agr�ia writi��a�nnless appiicabI�law od�eru�t prov�dGS,thc gtoc�a�1��. :��all�
<br /> � be applied t�r`tl�sunn:s�by tbi�,��T�s�n�wh�tbra or na2 the s.c�s a�e tt.�a dc�. ::. :.:'`
<br /> , If the Property is�a�Q.anerf hY!'��me�-.o�if;:'�r n�i��►y I�flra t�Bnamwcx that c�?r�demnar offers to rF;�aEe�aa
<br /> :i�.�d or seffie a daim��`�t.�ges. BarraroeII t�;u%�•to I.�der c+ritb�a 34 ifays a8er the date tbe aotic� i�givve�� .
<br /> :::Pf:�nde�is'aut2wrr�w'����.K aud�epply.ttte pro�ae its a}�t�om,eithr,r to t�stosa3ion:�r tep9ir of 3hee Progerty or to the sums
<br /> ;:secums!8�ff6aSeauIty Inst�nme¢t#,'.�vhsihetar noi.thendtx�.... :;' . � . '::`,� '.
<br /> . Unl�s';��..�r snd B�mwr.r.attlenv3as agree in�v�itit�;any 2gplication af pr{bcxeds to piincipat sball n�er.�d ar
<br /> . �..��iastpone the dus date of the mor►thly Pay�rsenta nefenPd to u��hs 1 and 2 as chan�e the amauai of sucY�paymeats. . . �
<br /> 11.Boira�er Nai�.�.,,'►,��orbe�uauce By Isa�:�al a SS'aiver.Extens9on af the time fur pay�i.�or modifrc�inn�
<br /> . ',of amortirdtFon of the sum5�sac�.u�d�hy this Se�ity Ict�ae�mx►t.gnauted by LEaader to at�saccessar in.intezr�rf Borrower shall
<br /> aat opaiate to relesse the I�tt�filtb��of tEt�urigiAal B�irutiver ar Bflrro�r's suaresso�s in�nter�t.E.�ndes�k:siot t�e raqa�ed'tQ
<br /> . comu�enC�pruaeedin8s a&ainfzzany succccsAr in intecest ar tetus$to Qxtend ticne foa�pay*me�i�e�erwi��odif}'n�o�atifln �
<br /> , of tke stta� s�by tMs.�&�s3uetY:Insuunaent by reasr►n al.any dana�dl made b;r ilte d;%�ual�Bcss�rea os Sorrower's
<br /> s�a.ssols in[nterest.A#�t:.foi��.Fnawr.�bp Leader in exercis'v�g any right or �naedy s�all nni be a w�:s�c*f or preclude ttie '
<br />. exercise of eiry right or r�i�dy. �. : ; < � ! :. � .
<br /> IZ. Sa�e3essors an�t Assigtte Bnnuud;Jaiat s�nd SevernlrL9it`bility,C�stgmcis.r'ihe covenants aad�eemeats of tbis
<br /> Securiry Ifi�innent syall biBd and�tie�F..�the succ�sso�s an9:�ps of Lender and`Eorr�wer, sub3ect W th�pravL5i9�rs of
<br /> paragraph 19. Borrower's covet,�nts�md:�agreetnents shall 6��'�ic�s�and several. A�sy Borrower.who c�-signs 1Lis �ia�iaty
<br /> • , Insmiment bnt does not execute t11e Rtrt�: (a) is ca-signing tt�is Sawrity Iaswment bnly ta mortgage.St�nt and rom����that . -
<br /> � '>;�.�orrower's i�atetrst in ttw,�t�pezty ar�dzz:�he tema�n��this Se�euity Insumneznt;(b)is uot personadly obfigated to pay the sums -
<br /> �,_���• secaaed by this Secusity�AmmsaU;ar�f�,;,;.'agree�t�e Lec�ar an�anJr othet Borrotivet.�y ag�e to extead,mndif�r.forbear ar ..-
<br /> . ,.maYe any accam�odatiaiis.iivtth�.nc�udii;��4�tem�s of ttus 3�rxity lnsusuaent or the N[+ie cvidr�rit that Borrower's oonsent. � --
<br /> 13.II,oan(�aigt��,;�11La lona seo�d lry tLis Security ltuiiument is s�bject to�law qrhich sets maxirnam toan c6arges, -
<br /> �.�aad that law is frnally,�fiiteapreted so dwt�e inieres[or oth:a Ln�m chaTges onllecied ar to be collected in c.��scr�tion with the =
<br /> `raan exceed the permi►t�ll limits..then: (a)any such loan c2�e s�ell be rcd�c�by ttie araount ueoessaryr r�*r•�iucc the•charge
<br /> to the pennitted limit;�a1d!(b)��nY sums alreacay colt�ted fmm Ba�nav:er which exoeCdPd pErmiued limits vn'7l be refimd�to °
<br /> , Bor•awei�t:i:�ier may tltfloso tn•m�lco ebis refund by sedueet�,,rr the princigal oti�ed under the Note or tsy�tin�a_{4�rect • -
<br /> payment to Borrower. If a nfand�reduces principal. the rn�fcection wil! hs treatod as a par0ial prepayment witItas� any
<br /> prep3yafent charge undes th�Nate. _
<br /> 14.1�IottrPS.A�r nntice to Bartower provided far in this Sawrity Instnunenl shail be given by defiverit�it or by mailing
<br /> .. it by first ctass mail unless applicabla lmv requires nse of anolt�m�ho�l.7gce hniire shall be directed w thia Property Address
<br /> or atry oihar astdress Borrower desi�tes by.notia,. to LendL�. Any �ntioe to Lender shall be gjven by ficst class mail to �_
<br /> Lender's addmss ststed herein or aTry ather address Leadrr drai�itts by noiice to Borrower.Any narice pmvided for in this �
<br /> .. Security 4nswment shairi6e dasmmad'ta have beea given to�ntm�er or I.ere�er wt�en given as pravide�in this parag�ph.� :
<br /> ' I5.�overning i:a►sw; 9evc�ablllty. lhis Security lt�mrnan shall be govemed by federal taw r.ad ttre !aw of the =
<br /> •�urisdlction in which ttto�Atap�ty is located. In the ever�a thW1 zrsy provision or clause of this Secwity in�r:ment or the Note =
<br /> ". , confticts ad��h applicabte l�tv,suuh conflict shall not affeet o�t�ra p�ovisinr►s of this S�urity Insvament or the Note which:�au 6e �:
<br /> given eff�t�ayithout the canflit�ing provisian. To this end tht gra�vivon�of t�!►is SECUriry Instrument and the Note are dr�ared t:_.
<br /> • tfl be sever�le. .. `�
<br /> � 16.Borrawer's Copy.Bormwor shall be givctr��,Re co:sfum�l oopy of the Note and of this 5ecnriry Iesvument. �_.
<br /> . 6:
<br /> , . . , F�►�,aa� s�sa =
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<br /> , . , . , , !::
<br /> .. • , ,. • �.
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