�-•- .-- - : - — ` }ii`;i. .A 4:.. � . - • ,. ' • �`
<br /> � , . •�. � , .. . ' •�.'� • . 'h� �.
<br /> , ` ' „ . ' ` ���V�������. ' � , • •.. ' • : ` 4
<br /> -- �� #�„y�,@�r P�►pett� 1�eit�ee4 $��itna�a� ka;i tt�iz�r�vt�ents n�w�ust�ng,er�P�,er�eaflar�crectmd oa t�
<br /> '� i�z+�t� i��lrut ics��Dy fii�;.i�raetds inr�w�wit�ia t�ee lcss�:°r�t+x����e=��.�`���+����
<br /> • tt��i��►�9tcx.rl�tq�,tgs�1��5�4.�2n��t+q�isrs f�+sat,�se.'This I�turrtuc sl�alt Pre tnaintait�in tht a�n�xu'�ic�`r-�,e�-�.-<.
<br />_ :• ���it S��t��ct��ln.'�.`C'h�it��carrscg�nvi�in�t3�a in�uttii�e sh�il E�cEtasc.�6y D�nrcower s.�b��ct�1LtncSes's.�scris�,t�� . `
<br /> :�kG.f��I�.�tt�t l�,u�xo��t�vithEi�k3. tf B�.'�uwer�ails tq:mxirilstn rc►vetage�r;cri�eci atxxvo.�ssdtc rosy.at P��der'•.s; _ �
<br /> .c�t{t�t►,c��c�:s�vtr�t tt��t L,�re'�righi�in t�c L�tnpect�t In aocts�6aace wyth pur�r�pTs.T: ' � ;
<br /> � l�t�i�ut����i�ie��i rtrl��s�Y�ati 6�u�re�bte.to,terxi�lr a+x��aii i�clud�a standarc��m�tgags ei�se. I.ea�der �
<br /> � �t'�t��r tt�a i�hi t�Ex�Is��;ts�mli�iea�nB rencwris.If 1�p�ier s�ires.&asrou��tr shalt R�ora�tly&�vs to I�ndet r�.l t�ip4s hf . .
<br /> {�1 pii�i:i��ns���.�tencw.�t stctl�es.ItY tRL'�Ytnt�1 I859,ga5rowcr��ht11 gi�e ptcmp�t nosico ta�ho�ina�raatce raQiier gnd.Lend�sr. �
<br /> _ 1��#.��:u��prcx�ff c�fl�_fiutt3 t1t�rCrO�':�l+By Bu�roweY.. . '
<br /> . i�t�l�E.�t�Y elxt�miwer n9,�te;�ists ugree tn�tiug.ins�r�re Psc���itmtl 6a spg�i�d to t�si6ra�c:�or t'eg�r af�: - . --
<br /> t'n�•e��y��►i�p�r tP��rtslar$elo:t�r r�pair L�c�rr,a9rdcafl�fcaslbta and Lende�'s securi�y�s nat tosson�.�ift�rrstt�ratirn or�;.
<br /> E!(.�iY�'�-ilill C+."U►Y.�l►�cally Pt�b3e�f'i�e0clGt'�6OC�tily a�auld bt51e3�iCned,�uuurance�c�c�s st�aU�e appYied co the sus�t ..
<br /> ' . bai�'�t�+�By tli��t�'i►Y it►Ktrust�em, �f�Ethts oc.i�tAtn dus. with aay exass pnid m Batt�var. If Barrawer a5u�dom t2s� . .
<br /> � � 6'��+pt�ay.,�r f:it�s�t►ct��w�r w�tRin 3fD d�qs a�xticc��n�,e,andtr t1�at ttva dn�uarisae casria t�a��ffc�d.�a�etttz a claim,t6as
<br /> � �,�Y�ti t►►ty csril�.�i tfb Insurutt��end9. t�er�d'er may�usc the procads tp srpair or restore ti�e Froperty os to pay suirs ,
<br /> : m��lt�+!h�rlhis S�s.uH1y[n�CrumeM.vrfkiAcr or noc tl�rs du�e.Tt�c�30�d�y patiod wili b�gin wisen ttse notice is giv�n.
<br /> ' i�eitt�g..�d;cr:��iruu�et uiP►�fwl�e agrtc ta� w�ri6tr.go aay��pQl�cation of prac�sds m principat shall rs�cest�or .
<br /> . ��i�r�he s5+�e c1�e�f�t�o�swnth�y CoYme�►ts ccfecrod fa In par�hs t and 2 or�shange die mreovnt af the paymwts. If : ,
<br /> �etadit�ars�r�jaii�1 11�Prt�rly i��tuic�d by Lcndep.�ssrrower's dg�tt tu u�sy insnran�poliaes es�d�s ac�Iting from �. .
<br /> �e N�tt�e�'rr�riY�tiat t�the a�ulsit[an etut!pxa�ta Lc�er to ti�e exteat of ttm sums saciued Dy tinis Sec�uir�r�Ena�um�t -
<br /> E�i�n�+li�l�ly��-�cirxts�theracc�isitiun. •' : , ;'-``'
<br /> ' '� �.��Si1�5i j�e��►1�L�(btl��ce�1ld[9�u u4.tf�.F�pectyt Sole+oRSt''s Loan Appi3l`Af�II;��� , �.`,`
<br /> � [iatuov►at e►�f!ixe�upy�estar�lGs?��W�d use tria�1r�peny as�amwer'e prInzt�al residence wlthin sixty days after the er,c�tas�of
<br /> �3�ds:S�:�urUy rr�ruir�M at?d attaA c�ntinu�[n uceupy the P[apetty es B6mawer's prtacipal tesldeaae fnr et Irsst ooe yau aflei -. .
<br /> ei�e dat�uf v�::uAg�,Y�un(eso t�►tdet cxhepwise agrecs in writfng,whicb ca:ueu3 shail not ba usueason�6iy witi�eld,or aaI�as
<br /> . cxt:�wsting EErcumzl� eXist wtt(c#t etre bcyon4 Sarmwcr's mntc�l.. 8ot�ower sl�alE not dcs�roy. damage or impair the
<br /> Prc�rt�r,�It�tiw l4�n Prppecty to d�tertarrte.os rtammtt wastc qn�he i�u�..^rty.�sco�er sf�nl!be in defaa!t if aay forfeiwre
<br /> sct{u�►�pr��:�edi�.�Iiethet civil,��ctitnit�i:is begua that in l,eneder's�,aad fn{th judgatent couid resnit in forfeiture af the
<br /> ��e�y or�thecwl:se nu�trri�lly I�r�aic the Hen crc�tee�by this Sesurity Insttument o:Lender's s�curlry fnte�����'�Y
<br /> eure�u�S�t�default s�rcin�t�te,os prt+vtd�in psragraph 18.by qusfo,g the nctton or proce�dinB to 6e dismir.sed with a mling
<br /> th��in iT�3er'a��xx1[aitf►detcrmit�tio�, prcciudcs fo�ctture at th�Borrower's interest in ai�e Pragerty or other mar�' .
<br /> itty�alrt�ttid�c�F ift�licn ct:.aicd Gy th3s S�cutity Mslrumcni or Lcttdet's seCtfrlty inu�rest. �ormwer syall also be�defanit if ; .
<br /> E3�irro�aet,dutin�the 4avn opplt�citfvn pr6ecs9.gave matcr[�lly false or inaccwate�nformatInn or statements to Lendtr{ot fai1�3� „ � .
<br /> tu pr�ivftle l�ctxlte wlttt any n�urial infumr&tton)in connc�tion wltA the toan evidenoed by the Nota.inclndIng,but not li�tea� .
<br /> to.rtpresent�ti��cnn��rr�ii�g.E3urrou�cr's occuFancy of Qlc Pro�ieery as u pziacipal c+essidenoe.If thfa Sr,eurity Insm�ment is on a.
<br /> � lea.seltp4d. H+�r:aK�er �ft�tl cnmply +wi1b ull thc pnovfsian� of the tease. If Bonvuer acquires fee tide to the Pc�pesry, tte :`., ..
<br /> te�se�oli nst��l�c feo�Itic��!1 c�ot mer�ut�less d.ender a�rees to t�e mer�er in writing.
<br /> . y.{kote�Rkm ot t�'s RtBbts(n tt�e Plropt►ty.If Borrawet fnils w perForm the covennnts uad�,,areemcnts comained ia
<br /> 4bis&ec�iftcy tns€runxnt,ur 1h��e is o tegal prooCCding that may signiticantty affect Leader's righta in the Pro�aty Csnch as a
<br /> pmcc�+din�In brnkntptcy.prn�t�. Wt cot�demn�ttan or forfeituro or co enforce laws or r�gutations).tTrcn LeIIdcr�ay do as�
<br /> �ay fot w'hatCVCt�a�xti.�sxaty to QmtcM!hc valuc of thc Praperty and l.ender's ri;6ts in the Propezty. Lender's$ctions a:ay
<br /> inc;uG� p�yi�g any �ums F.scund by u licn whtch bns Griority ovcr chfs Security Iasuument, appearing in cuum. paying
<br /> �rc�wrru�ble ait�rr�eys'f����tx1 cMCring on Il�e Ptbperiy co maice rea�lrs.Althau�h I.ender may tulce acHon under t�is.pa�..�aph
<br /> 7.Lete�er doea i�t hnLC to Qo�c�. � .
<br /> Any ��nts disbunRM 6y l�cnder unQer ti�i9 paregraqb � shall h�coome additinnal debt of Barrower secured by ttis
<br /> �rity Instre�nxnt. Ilnlcss{��rroKer end t,cnder apt�c to othcr tcm�of payme.��.these smaunts shall bear interest from the
<br /> ��to��f distwrsr�ncnt nt tt�a Nule rat¢as�d e#�all ba payaDle.wi9h inte�est, upon notioe from Lcnder to Boreower requ�stis�g
<br /> payrrunt.
<br /> 9,1�S�tg�ga.lnwt�axe.if�nticr rcquircd n�o�tgngc insuruncc as a canditlon of m.k1nII the loc�n secwed by chis Secuziry -
<br /> [nstrumrnt;�Snm►wcr sital)�ay Ih;e prcmium9 rtquircA t.�n�iotain Ihe mortgAge insumnce in effeci. If. for any reasoa, tiie
<br /> [IiDlt�$6�QSUti11CC('OY�t�jO PtiQUlfCd by I!'tk1Cf(apsre nr,craccs ta be in effcct;aomowar sh[ill ppy the premiums requi�r�co
<br /> abtaln cbvera,�o�ub�tar+lialty rqulvntent tri 1he ma�tga,�a iniurancc preainusly�n effc�t.ut a cosi sabstantiaily t;qulvalent;o the
<br /> cost to fitisrn��c:ut tho r�x�rt�e ins:u��r�:�prcvEously in cffccl. fron�an nitettt�o martgago insurer apprc�ved by f.ei�der.If _
<br /> subst�atf�fty c+�ulvatent�b�+it�gsr�o tns�irai�a ruccrnge is nut ovnils�lo,Barruwcr shell pay to isrnlGr euch monW a sum equa!to
<br /> onc•tMCIRh of Ihe yc��ty�iHirtgaga i�.sura�xc pr�tnium hclnn pald by Ifiurcowcr whca tho insuranoo wverage lapsod or ceased to
<br /> bC iti�effcct.l.croder wiil uctcpt.u��a a�v1 rctair��hcst�p�ymcut�o� o los9 �eseroo in Uev of mortBage insuranoe. Lass res�rve
<br /> . ' �aoza s�so
<br /> . • r��a�,o .
<br /> -- ---- . - �-��� _-
<br />