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<br /> , � ..�3za�t�pac�m�►���'y f�r�.�nt)befac�e s�.:c�'c8e P�agc�r truis+�s a arq�o,�,, e aan ' . .
<br /> =' �a:ry�r��::c€{b)s�r��� 4�j��„t?�?�nt enf�ritug tT�s Secuul�ttiy dnstnrsnent. 'f1��sc coad�.was ar�t�st B�o�rowr�: t��� �_- —
<br /> , �u
<br /> pa}s L.Gr,rkr�1!�a�na w}�tch t1�s�r�aut4 tsa Q►tt�urtQ¢r ti�t� Sccttrity Ie�l�mer,t and the Na�.e us if rso�Icratias�haat �
<br /> rcc�rc�:ih�)cures nnydefau9�of any other sovana�its ar��.�c�nt�:(EJ CaY$�e�t���Iac�ssTC@in�nfor�i�g c�hls�r,curi�y
<br /> u
<br /> • l�su�imept:kncttr�+o8+but not lEmitcd to,iessottable attoraa�s'.fees:and(d)tekes�uctt�en es LcttQet may reas�nakgY , .
<br /> aeq�ie�e co essare�.�cat ttac lieo�Ythfu•.�'secu¢ity tnsWmea4 tr.�stcr�righ�s ite eda Froperty c+sul.3��rrarvsr'e�o�ligation to pay tt�e . � ,
<br /> s�s^us�sc�vred 6` lAis Sgcor`�ty Inr�is�mem shal9 cont�nss unc�anged.� '�lpon retnsst�tet�af►��ay BartaAer,>this Sec�irity
<br /> Iastn:akns adQ�•e o6�igtittiot�s secw�d E:ecetry sbalt cemain ftiUy ef¢ective s'ts!f uo uccel�ati;aa Et�d ace�lmd. Howe�e�tYas
<br /> "�, �igkt ta Cefsi'state sh�!!a6t upply in the case of ncc�lmttion tsnder garagraph t7. . —
<br /> . � I4.$�dc oH PIots.C�ange�i iAan Stennssr. T!-�e Not¢os A pa��taterest in[ha Note(mgether with:this Secarity
<br /> Incsn,-�„t�iri�ji 6e so1&aAe ur mtrte d�withaut piior not�e to�+�v�: A sat.�y t�'ait ia s�an;e itr t�enL'+5�. . __ _
<br /> '`(kaawh as the"L�Services")tttat collects manthly payausuus ett�ce uuder the Note a�nd this$ecurity Instiu�L There.lsa ---
<br /> . ,' . ' �my ba aas or mtue ehanges�f tDic L+oan Sen+icer un�Iated ta a sat"e of the Note. If thera is�a ch�ge of the Luan Setvtcer, � _ --
<br /> �� Sormwer wiIl be given writt�n no�ce of the changa tu ecconrance wlth p�aSraPb.t4 a6avaatrd,ap��icable Iaw. The notice
<br /> wil!stat�tho,namga-td address of tha n4a LAan Se�vicer aa��t address w wtuc3z payutenis sh¢u1dlEeu�¢e..The nfl�se will .
<br /> rntsa coaft�ta:ampot�er infonnation mqain�by IIpplicuhla lani.�.
<br /> ?A�.��Ht�urdctts���C�9..B0iTQW826I13II�aL Cd116S OY�tiiilllt[�SE pleS@IIC6.IL4B,�t3�{Sil�rlSt6C8�G�,' OT iL:2E8SS Of 2T1}►
<br /> Ho�ardati���S�tidfaaees an or in�ut:Propertg. Borravnx s3�a1�!tiat do!aos allow aayoae e�e:tot�dQ4��ng affer�ng the
<br /> ' Pc:sperigr Ihnt is in•riolation af any E�svironinenml La�v. 'EYie gc�ceding two senienc�s shalt�ut appZy to the pmes�as�us�ar � -
<br /> storage on th�Pra�t:y�oS smaU qcmrctIt�es o�Hs�us Sabstaeces tl�at ar�geuetallY recogaize�to b$appropriate tb nrmnel
<br /> rESid€trtial use's aad�ti�rrmintenan�e of ihe A-�ope�y '
<br /> Hoaoarer sb��xtiptiY Blve Leud�vvriuen aotice of�ny investigarion.claim.demand.lavvsait ar other actf�a by any
<br /> '. � gove�al or ce�fi tory age�icY�r PnYa�PartY imrolviag the Pcoperty and any Haiazdovs Su6stance or Eavimmmenta�
<br /> Law af wTiich$cizower has artoal l�owT.�dge. If Horrower leams, or�s notifed�by any govemnaental or regnlawry --_--
<br /> antaoaiy,i�rGi s�;y r�uoval or oGicr:�mediari�af��Ha�n' us SabsF�•'�Affe�ing the Propeaty is necessary.BauaHe� • �— -_- _-
<br /> sha11 promptly take aII aecessa�y reme�al actians in accordance wit�Envimmnemal Law. � -_- -_-
<br /> . As as�d'm dgis�.ragrapl►Z0,"Kar�daus Sa�tazccPS"as�e those substa�s defined as toxle or 6a7allous substances lry ..
<br /> Enviionmentsl Lavr.at�-�the folInwing substaac�'•gaso.i�,.ke�osea�.other tlammab3e or touc peuoleumi products,toxic � __
<br /> pesticie'�es�and t�bIci�.•votauZx�s�ive�►ts,mat�is.ca�iu�asb�stos or formatdeby�;..�nd radiaactive materials. As �
<br /> us�in tLis paiagraph Z0:�t�1 Law"c3�s�f�rk G�s and laws'of the jutisdi�i�where the Propetty is tocared --
<br /> � that n�ate to LealttR safety�t�1'�eata�pra'�a�i... :, , . . . • '•�' . — -�.
<br /> NON�ii��Rl43 COV�iANTS. Baab��su��ca�at�:�tther wvenant aad ag�ee as�oIIows: ' � "
<br /> ' 21.Aceele�ny Reme@�es. I,eader��4�ve c�-is ta Hormwer prfor to aaccelera@on fallawing Barsawer's . -- _
<br /> s
<br /> - b�;�f anq ca�rmt nr�e�arrnt in t5ts�ec�rIty�Qnt(bnt aot prYor te�rx�eieret�an ander paragra�b I7 --- ---
<br /> a�..°�ts; le�a��rav�.�ff�rwtse)The noticesIini��r�,t�fp:�ts�)the defavZt}:�P�i�i`�'e actton ee�qnired to cme�lhe s-=---------
<br /> e
<br /> ' . +�s�,s)a daf�R��fi�iitmt133}'Jdays from the date di�m�t#�is givea to$���Cay�€cL the defuNt¢��e _---
<br /> •;,;::�dk;itrsd(d)�'tit�i`.,c���tu�H�The defanit on or Gefm�(i�`cYate spe��:a ti't�mif�may resvlt in accelec�l��,�$� ---.---- -.
<br /> '�;'��.�r�a secareot�'�a?;t�Securitg Iaslrammt an�sate of the Propertg. 'if�'��fi�ather i�Sta�cca�@orrovrZr oY -
<br /> ' tbs� t4 r�.,�z�tter accpleratton and the rlght to bstng a court ac�n to a�t�ia dou�oi a defaaIt or ==--
<br /> tb��� -------
<br /> � defense ai Borrowes to acceteradon and saie. If the defavIt i�aat e�r,efl c�ur defo�e t6z date,snecifled jn �::�==
<br /> ��• ent in fu11 of aU sua�s secured bp ttis Secudty Ia,Msument �
<br /> tb�t�sC:ce,I.eader at 3ts ogltan may seqafre innmedlate Ba3�ae �r-
<br /> withart furWer dematsrl gnd may invoge tt[e power o f s a le a n c l any o t her r e m e d I e s p e r m i t t e d b y a p FSIcab2 h 2�, �� -
<br /> I.ender shai!be enfitled to coIIect aIi espeases inearred to�SUesWng We remedleg pruvided ta thfs para�ruP �� _
<br /> f�duding,but aa!limIteql tfl,reasona6le attorneys'fees an�cast9 of titic evidence. �u�x � —.
<br /> Yf the power ot ss�tte fs Iavoiced,llrastee shall rerord o aatice of defuutt ta eac6 caant9 in w6fch anY 1�aN ot the -_-.-_—--
<br /> gi,operiy�ty tocated and s1w11 matl copies of sac6 notice In the mannee ptcsc�ibe�l by applica62e Zaw to Bosrowes and to �""_""'�---
<br /> the other peisoav prescstl�d by eppittab2e taw ASQer the time re�Wred by applicable[aw.'itrust�shs�ll glve pnblIc •�"
<br /> not[ce ot sale to the person�an�in the manner pr�tbe�6y applicable law 7lrustee,without deawnd on Borrower, ,r-A.
<br /> sbaD sell U�Property at'puhtIe auctk,a a�����s st tt�tIme anci piace and undes t6e tQSms desigaated in ----_=_-r._.=
<br /> the aotke oi sak ta oae or�or�parccls end tn anq ordcr 7tastee determiaes. 1�astec may post{aone�te of all or any
<br /> . pa�el ot the Property by.gablk gnnouns�ement at the time and p�04 any previoasly sehedaIefl seLe. Lender or itv !�"�-`
<br /> � �S��Y Furcbase the Ptoperty at any sale. �=°_�
<br /> Upan iec�ipt oi payuient of tlis pnlce bid,7lrustee s�11 deli�cr W the pnrct�aser'1lvstce's deed canv�eqing the
<br /> pmpesty. 'I�e recltais la the 7tastee's deuf shaD 6e prima tac8e evIdence of t6e trat�aff the stute�ents made tt�er�im.. � ��� s�:
<br /> �irastee sLnll apply tAe procceds aYWe saIe in the foIlowicog order: (a)to all aosts an��penses oYexerdsing th�power �.,-�; .L
<br /> ::�, .. :�.::.�=t�''
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