�.��_�;��:�:���,����� . .
<br /> ... , < � • ' � , ' � i .. . _�l���'°,.������ , .
<br /> ` � , c�emtiati�►os a�Hzr�g of�►}��ut cri ah:F�pc�iY•��r fos sonveyanc�is�i'�c�a of taad�s,-t3�t.�i+a 4�hy z�� � �� ---
<br /> .. s�a�t be pai�iQ Len;ti ' .. . . •. . ' ' .
<br /> ' [n ths c��nt of�catal taking oF tke,F�e�ty.the.pracerds F1ta1! be.apglic3 t�a t1�e �ums s�eu.�! by tvis S�;curity . . . ,.
<br /> � Instrumrnb,whethxr or not tE�ras cTuc.w►th scny e�cess�ard to t3osmwcr. tc�cFtc avcnt a�Y a partial aJciisg o'f t3t�P�y�in '
<br /> • whi�h t�te�fair mar�et�rnJ�a�of th�Pt�gerty im.aicdi�;eiy befara ehe taktng i�cqual to or gelter th�t t4�e amo��tt o!'thc sui�� .
<br /> � �secuRd.h�t�this Secunty�smtment ianmtdiatety 6ef6s�e the takiss�,ur�tcss Bcalrowet�ttd Or.a�dcr P��sa�ia writing. ,
<br /> tt�sums sesur�d�by tCris SErusitjrYnsuument sh�li 6e�m.�c9�y th�araount mFthu gmcerds muttiplied b7f Efi�foltP�u!S. ' ---
<br /> fra�tion:.Fa)the total amuunt o�the sums se�vred'unmedi��Sy befo�'e�the takin�:divid�d by(6)the fair market val�xe o�t�e � -
<br /> f�vpaty ir�u6tr:'+,.m�'1y befnro the�.�lcsn;. Any 6at,rtoe s1�all be paid to Bormzcer. in the event of n partial i�tg of thc+
<br /> i��e�ty iu:�Y�Ib�:�*mas4s�c v�iue of the Fraperty immedi�tety bef4t����is tess than ritz umoun3 uf the�su� � . • .
<br /> secUred immix.l+�Taly�before the toking,en!°ss Borsower and Lead.°r othetnrise agme in vwriting�irt untes��spficabie Iaw.
<br /> othenvise pani+idesc 4he proceeds sliall br agplied to ths sums secured by this Sec�r,ty instrament vrh�ther az not the sqars are •
<br /> �_._;`. lhendue.
<br /> If ths Pta�t��S nisandaned by Bmrou�rc or if,ufter nokce by Lender to HorroweY stuu the condemicor offets m mnke
<br /> an aW2sd ar�lkTd�ta�laim for damages.�BotinTVCr€siis to.ces�cd to Leader withitc30 days after tHe date the aattoe is given.
<br /> � l.eader is aut�ttfiiin�t�f w coltect and�pply'!hd:prpceeds.�t its opt�an,.either m reswxitiaa or repair of�e P�vp�tty or•to uhhe•
<br /> s�os secu�6y+t�a�ritY Im,stmment,w�ti3s�.araot the�du�. _
<br /> ti
<br /> Tlntess LenrIuf'an����amwer otheswise ag�a in.wrifing,�ny��ppttd^�sian af pmceeds to:PrunciPqb shall�nt.e�ucnd,or.,�
<br /> ' pastpone th.e dieb�dade�e����oaW1y g�ymeuts refe�d:�in Fr�zagm�hs l an�2 orchdnge tha amount of sucD paymerits�
<br /> , 11. 1�a�r��si�:�io�`Ltetcased;. For�ff�..�ader l�Tat e Naiver. F.xtens�ofi��of We�time for'pay�nent or
<br /> ma�ic�tin�`v��dmo�ctt:tiarr af:he svms sec�ned by t3u�Security Insmunent granted hy Le�td��o�eaty succcssor�n int�rest , .
<br /> �F�oFnawer���not aper�te m.tefe5s�tfre litabifitg.df'i?�e original Borrower or$arrawerts suoa�ssbis in interest.I.ender
<br /> stiatl aoq be e�aire�W r.o�mr-.ace pmceal`in&s ag�i�st unY saccessor in interest ur nefuse W ezt..And time for paymea�ar �
<br /> e��i�m�x9ify�uaisftit��vms sec�ued by tlns S.ecusity InstruRaent by[eas4�of any d�mand made by 1i�ongina! . -
<br /> :Bamna�r a:-IIrrowsr�s s�uI ii�ieress. A�ny forb�e�ance by Leader in exe�cising suy rigbt or ceme�y st►all aoi lie a . �_ -
<br /> waiver of ar�e tke ex�r¢is�of a�iy�ri�t:or cemedy. . .. . -
<br /> �2: 5ucci�;as ar►d A�signs Houiutx.�'cmt a'nd Se�eral LlabAity:Co-s3�ers..Ti�e caven��d agreements o�this
<br /> • Security.�os�rne�t sha116ind aad benrfi�lie saccessa�s and assigns of Lender and�orrowe�:5u�3ect to the pmYisions of.:''�.' __
<br /> F�Ph 17. Baaower�caf-enants aacl•agree�etcts:si�li 6e joint and severa).Aag�orcawer wfw co-signs�tas Security . _----
<br /> L�stru�ne�6nt docs not�thr�l�Inte: (a�is ca�-si�,€��t�s Secnriry I n s 7 m m e c�k G�3y t a m o rt g a g a,g r a nt a...^�3r�nv e y that' ---
<br /> . � Bartowet�s Iti�'sn th�i�i�ty under�1te teims o f#��c u r ity I n s h'a m..°n fi @)is'fs►:z�r s o u a t t 9 obh g ated ics�y the.ssuns - ----
<br /> s�caued by thi�S�rity Lis�i:imenx aa3{c��re�s'i�k;�r and an�at�r.�;�r may�vaExtead a�ditY.foibear . - --..
<br /> ' or make any+�:oommodauons with.��t�i�the t�is.�of this S�uit�;.�e�t or the i'der��ahout that fiorrower's, -
<br /> , CG�DSCIIL .: '.,._ . "".. _. •.' �• �.� l.'. • ` _=--
<br /> . . i3. I naa Chargea. If the toan secwed by thrs�rarority Instniment is s�b�,�o�a tav�Frf,?ddi sets'�um Ioan' �` __-_
<br /> 11m�edotto�collected'�ca�nection ----
<br /> • t�arges,and thas iav�is fi�ally interpreted so that the u�terest or othet loan cI�arg�cjz , __-_
<br /> with the laan exceed t�e pertnitted limits.then: (a)anY suc h loan c harge s h a i l b e�e�t�d�b y t hb a�u n t n e c e s s a s Y t o r c d u a e =-_-
<br /> the charge to the permitt�limi�and(b)any sums already caltected fcom Barmwer wluch eaceecrr..�3 pesrnitted limits will be =-
<br /> . refuaded to Bormwer. Lender may choose ta make tlds cefirnd�y r�educing the principai owed uades the Note or by maYing a � ___
<br /> direct paypnent to Borrower. If a refund remsces principal.the redac�on will be a�eated as a partial prepaymer.t without�ny __
<br /> ptepayment c6�ge vnder tha I�tote. ���
<br /> 14. Notic�s Any natice to Bosower provided fer in this 5ecarity Lnsumnent shaU 6e given by delivering it or by _
<br /> ma�ing it!ry�st class ma'sl unless upplicable law requues use oF another method.The notice shill 6e diretted to the Pmperty , ��:
<br /> A.Qdnss or arsX ot�ter aJd�ess l3dtrower desig►atrs by notice w Lender. Any nouoe to.L,ender shal}6e given by fi�st clasa _:t_._
<br /> maii to Lender�i adMes.g stated haeir.or any othes address I.ender designat�s by notice to Borrower. My norice provided for i�*�--_
<br />- . iu this Security Insuument shall be deemed to have been given to Bona�ver or Lender�vts�n given as provIQed fi this 6,��._
<br /> P�o"�F�• -._
<br /> 15. Cu�erning Law;Severa6ility. This'5ecurity lnswraent shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the --_
<br /> jurisdic�on in ahich the ProgeYty is located. Yn the event thai any provision or ctause of this Secarity Insaumem or th•Note R�°;�-
<br /> , canflicts with applicable law,such canflict shall rtot affect other provisians of this Securiry Insuument or tfte Not�which ean _
<br />. be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of tlus'Sec�ity InsLriuneat aad the Note sue �
<br /> desla�d to be severable. . . ��-
<br /> . 16 Barmwer�Co�y. Bmmwer shall be given one confonned capy of the Note and af this Security lnsuumen� Rm��,-
<br /> - 17. �aaSter ot the Property a�s a Beaeticoal Intarest ia Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any interest in �;�_.
<br /> it is sotd or transf�.'rred(ar if a beneficial interest in Bosrower is soId or transfer�d and Borroaer is aot a natwal person) •�:-:_::
<br /> without I.ender's prior written concen�L.endes may,at iu oDrian,requirc immediate payment in fWl of pll sums secured by �'�`~'
<br /> b�_;;;
<br />; � � tI�is Sec�uaty Iastrument. However.this option shall not be eaercised 6y Lender if eae�ise is pmhiDited by federal!aw as of •2;,,
<br /> tlfe cate of this Sec�rity Insuuffieni. � �`�`�
<br /> if Lendes exercises this option,Lcnder shall give Borro�ver notice of acceteration:'i�ce natice sha11 pmvide a period of ""�'�'
<br /> nat less th�n 30 days from the date the nofice is d e liv e i e d or mailed within w}uch Harsmwer must pa y all sums secured by tAls ��.:,
<br /> � Security Ynsm�mem If Smrower faiGi•ta pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period. Ixndet may invoke aay `a"�.,
<br /> cemedies permiited by this Security Insuormeat withaut further notice or detnand on Botmwer. _'
<br /> ' I& BtltrmRer's itfg6i to Rtfnstat� If Bor�awer maets certain canditions;Borrower sha�ll have the rigiit to have ���,'�-."�'
<br /> atfa�nt of this Security insuument discan6nuod'�t�any time prior to the eurlier.of: la)S days(or such other periad as ;.;,.,,
<br /> . . ,,,:..
<br /> si,�e r�m;ty--�te�ta►�rteluw M�c tlx�'oR.M a.�vsitt�Eri^+-•unirom�caYenwm 9rA �v�a afo pases� f���
<br /> � ..::
<br /> .. . . � ��A�.�_l:..j►!. . .
<br /> �����L4��r:;�f� c�:. r__ �� . .. . , ..�.
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