.y1:� .:���- ���rC� �,Qr .tc.';' �� �S' x f� �' `�4��+�t '^ °cs=?' '�' - � 3�st��7r--G.��L '�.��sr-.afi_.� --_
<br /> ,� � ,- `�- --
<br /> -- --.��x.���i�:a r ----__
<br /> -yr 'Y, -- _ --
<br /> . . • , � . ' . . '_. .. .— i:---__-.—__'-._ _ - . . . • . _ ._ _— —_--.
<br /> . , . - . .� ������i���. . _ - -
<br /> �.tled•to �solie+ct anE3 rsamit�o elt-comp�a�e��io� �i�� �y��.a�- ��� - - '� __-
<br /> fm� a�y. 4�roBa�y taEco�c ar for dn�gea to P�copar�p �ati.tatten, nnd `rj ���� __-
<br /> �8envtia9.ary �4e�3.3t app�y euah COEtF38D83t�.OAa a� i� optiaD� eit&�s �' �=
<br /> F�
<br /> to e �edatation of ehe iadebtedaess secured he�e� os t�r repa3r ��..=-�--- -__
<br /> Bo takets. °�',�::;�Y��_"���
<br /> � and areeti��e ��� PraperCy .. z,��..;,-,:�.�s=�- --
<br /> � �
<br /> . but ahall ' _ �:�u"�;.--- `��'�-
<br /> . r 7. �g�rf��e�Y Heaa��cf.a�t. Heneficsiasy m+��ri. ,. :,_ :....,�.�,��._
<br /> ac� u��rh Truat�r:h�s �gaasd but
<br /> � t�av� ao o?�Iigatfen �to, d� any '� .��.� ;�._-
<br /> � fai�ed to sio, and.8eneficiary may �lsa ds aiap aet i� d�et� nece�+ , ��, ����,
<br /> , ea�p to protect the. I3.ea hereot. Trnetor agseea�..ta�r�€�y, uP�n �,��_-��-�-==1�=.=�
<br /> � ed b t3erseffciary fos:the ab�r� pns- •�� �:���°°�'��
<br /> demaa�d; aap sums so egpand Y bo added a d���"�'��:�-�
<br /> . posesf aad �ap eua� so espended b� Heaefi�iarY s�7.1 �i . T=�:���;Y:,�_,_i
<br /> �-r¢:
<br /> the indeb�te�tuess se�ured E�erebg aad becorse secn�ed bg t�te li�n . '�Y__
<br /> Beneficfary ghall not iaanr anp person�i liabi.�i.ty ��- --°-- ---'-�'.,-
<br /> � heseo�. '---� _ _
<br /> Cause af aagtliin9 i� may do or omit ta do her�u�des. . -�._..�;;,,�,._�-�._�.
<br /> . , ��;.�-=_- -
<br /> ,_- �
<br />- � � �; �i t f,Aen�s. �enefic3azy s�a31 have��he riqbt� -�_°,,.'��,���_
<br /> ic�ae con�innance og ��aie Daasl of '�'xnst •:, .._--.-° --
<br /> • ' , gm�x attd aathori.ty �Uuiag �,y-�;�_-----
<br /> � �r� �crr�.ect the reatr�e� iesues and psofita of t� PrmP�Y � of ��,. . _r __
<br /> , ����a�i pscpertp lacated therc�a� wsth �r .�tEzani: te3ca�g pos- . Tp '�:�'�
<br />- � s�a��� a� the Prope�y a.€£�ted t��by. an� g'r'as�ca� �xe�et�y abso- - .�'.F�,�'��
<br /> 3u�ea.g�. a� ffiaconditi.oaally �siqns a�I suc�::�+�a'�s, iesatee aad . :,,,..�.:-.--------
<br /> ;`..:�-� ��s to ��neficfary. H��ficiary. haarax��. her�bp: aoneeats �o � ,`� ��l ---
<br />_ �� ... • . : .' '.. . .
<br />- �ars c�lleatioa� and refie�tion>�� suc� �ats; is�e3e aa�l. ,. . . , �4 .,,r�rr�.�•-
<br /> �profits as t�r��_ accsae azad beco� �ab1eQ so Ib�g.:`am�.Trns�r.�� .��:�,.. .,-.�.5.�--� - �—�
<br /> � aot, at stu�.�ims,. aa.defau�.� �i�tx:.�:�spe� �a� L�;�,�g'�af 'a�:f�=�: J �.� :� --
<br /> debtedae�� .s��.�nred flerebys� �s;3�. �ie pe�rfa�caaaa�� ±�.�a�tF ag�en
<br />_ � herenYtdar: `.Tzf any event o�. daf�.� descs#�•h��c ia i�- . � ;� �,�� " ��
<br /> � � ��.,.:,.:: -l'':.:_ +`
<br /> spect to tbas �eeai a� Tznst shall h.�ve occurred��a�ri..bas contian- � ;:..:,,,..•. .'.• ,. .
<br /> a mattez of riqht and withou��natice to � ,��:-� • -��;:�{ • '�;
<br /> � i,uq, Henefi�i.arp, ��� nnder R`raator, a�d withont r�gard �o ����';;��'���� ` . : :.'��':
<br />- � Tr�nator o�•�pone Claimiaq � ' �`�.'
<br /> _ the va�.ne a.L the trust estate ar thelinto any�aaurt�h�a�vi.a�q j�s-
<br /> - tchereia, s�aall have tAe right to app p `:�_-
<br />= diation to appoint a r�c�iver of the Prapegtpb 3� � ' .
<br /> �� .�
<br /> - �
<br />_ • 9y �nsne�tions. Heaeficiar.y, or ifis aq�atsa. z�apreseaLa- „ '
<br /> = tives or �ror�en. are au�horized to enter at asip raaaaaable t�a �.�,,. �� ,..t•
<br />- upon or in a�y part of tha Pro estp for the p�cpooe a� iziagectiag `�s� �',:..
<br />= e same and �or the PurPose of pesfosminq aia�. of t.ba acte it ie � „�,. ��., ,_�
<br /> th t,..,+,tants
<br />- anthosi.z�d to perform under t he tesms o f a n y:�l c a n i.w o ���� -.
<br />° execnted by Tsustos. � . � � ���
<br />_ . 1 ���_�__
<br /> 10. Traasfer of Fronertv. If all or ant�' past of the - .,��.� ;..; ,
<br />_,- Pro or aa intereet of Trastor thereia ia sold. transfe�red ��.�t�.' .?• . : j
<br /> , . :; __.`.:.,- . .
<br /> � � or fm�rther eacp�mbered withont the express or atacitt$a con�eat of .,.: .�. ,
<br /> � . . Benefi.ci.atp. Beneficiary may, a� bts oole opt3.bno declaze all � � .v
<br /> anms secu�r� by this Deed of Trnat to be i.ffisrriateag� due and pa►y� . � �• .'�
<br />'� ' 'able .and �+s+oceed to tbe re�sliQa ava3.].able to i� und e r t h e d e- . _. �
<br /> .� •_ fault provfsfoas coatained herein- � � . �
<br /> a � il. �vventa of Defauit. Any o€ the �ollo��nq events ahail �. � -
<br />`°� •� be deemed �n eveat of defanit hereuadert � � .
<br />.� .
<br />�. .�: �� � (a� Rhruatos ahall have fafled to a�c�e ; . � �.
<br />__ . . paymeat or aap fnstallmert� of ir►terest, pafn- . . .
<br />;� , cipal or psiacipal aad in�ereat or any ot$Qr _ .� .. .
<br />== .aums se�nred herebp �hen due; :
<br /> -r . (b�. R'�e�a has occnrred a breach of or . � . � �, �:
<br />� �.. , t�efai�lE �der any te=m, covenant, aqreemen�:, � .
<br /> coaalition, prav�sion. repseeen�atioa or war- � �.. . . .
<br /> = ranty craatafaed in ttu.s Deed of T�cust, tne � . : . _
<br /> _ � note o� any other loan instru�aeat sec�zaesi. � �
<br />= � 'here.by; .
<br /> � � (c� There has �seen a default by the � . . .. � . .
<br /> �' � � �rnstor in ttie gaymrsn� of $nY F�ioz or snbs�- ; , ,
<br /> ; qn�t liem os ea�umHrance i.a resg�ect ta all {. .� . . .
<br /> or �np past of the Frapert�t; , . ( .
<br /> i
<br /> • (c1] Trnstor eha21 ffle a voluntasy ps- ! ' , .
<br /> . ---���on ta aan�angiaY CS �II�� LT� ���Lt6LVGi�� F .
<br /> � E�
<br /> . . . f ' . ' .
<br /> � � '
<br /> . . �. .�. :' � .
<br />