^ t:r , � . t�f . . , '` <�"' "'� . _ . .t,_ .i,� .. .M -�..
<br /> . ' . '�- £ _�.j �'rm. . r( • • • ti.- . :,... �'`� . a w' c '., - . _ ;" � "�"� i� (�=` � ���+r gq '_
<br /> " ,f .�i t.. , : _ � __ �.c.... �. � � ic.�.��SC. �f `y. �. " - k.h's:. �� �7. R�.}�1 �� Cfs"0:.'U.. ._ _—
<br /> �sY�i Q t 3 � , � � t•' �'" .�' ����.�.�� �- _ -
<br /> -t�ij,, :� •�w,��.,� :�.� ���_ .
<br /> _�,a�[.r ic . . . . .. - :.1 _ —
<br /> wi_.
<br /> _ ". _ _. � ` � ' ` . � ' � ' - -- - v��.'3.�'.;��.>_ .
<br /> � ' ' Y ' r FlSi �
<br /> � _.4"'6"°3 ' � `, . ' - ' ' ' . ' '_ 4�. ..-1If..."'�
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<br /> ___��� . , . . . , . . . . €� . - ;:r:_ --
<br /> - . . . . , _ �_: _
<br /> -Tt' , . �ps�i.aai�aal aad iaiterest �a� �y future ad�eaaatte tuat - , - - �-- y
<br />-�:�:�}�' t� excsa�ed the t��al psiYaaf.p�,l eum initi�l].y . ;
<br /> �;�� . � � se�zect hereby �e e�ide�ed 8y- pgQmi.ssory notee . '
<br /> --�tix;:•: atiat�3ag they,ase secureat here�y, �a� epg and �11 _ .
<br /> -�� . � remewal�,. modiffcatfoas at�d e�rtsu�io�2a of euah .,�
<br /> ;`�. ncitea, �th p�3.acip�3. and int�sea� oa the aate� �,
<br /> .�,
<br /> befmg gayable in acsoralaace �witb the tezns set �
<br /> - -- .` , • � '
<br /> —=°-� . f�m�� �hePeig, whi.cD� b� th�s �ef�renco ic� hQreb� . �
<br /> . .-., . - -. . --.- ,. _-
<br /> -�� : maaie a part hereof; . ! ' _-
<br /> - �4-�cY- . . . - - ' � �'- � ' _
<br /> yf,3'',.� . - . . :-_
<br /> =�� (b� the perfo*-�-^-�A^�°a oi each agreeffisat and � �
<br /> --_-T;-` "�+ coveaaat ofr Trca�tor herei.n aoatai.ned; aad '� �
<br /> �y����;.: ,,,�, ;�
<br /> �� � � - .
<br /> �°��_ �� (c D the pay�eat o� aay sum or s�s of mcnsp �`''. .�� : . . .-- �
<br /> �fi ' � ,:�r�,
<br /> �� wlni.ck ma� �ae h�resf�sr��d� o3c advanced bp Henefi- �-
<br /> ef.ar�* under �he tenns c� �s Deed of R'tast, tc- � .
<br /> �T
<br /> ,:�. . .z -= �-
<br /> -�-.;-� f. qethe� w3.th i.nicerest the�eoa at the rate psavid� � � - •__
<br /> -- -:� �n the aAte. , ,�� , _
<br />.—�f(cSti:�i�i.• .'eue.4._+.-
<br /> �;� To psotc-�t the ��ritg o# tfiie Deed af Trnst, Tz�astos , Q ���,
<br /> �°��7: � here�,i,.ca�enaats a�cg.a:�r`�es as go].l.awss � , i. . �`;-,` �1,�-`_
<br /> �.� . � i .,,.°
<br /> .:��: .. .:�,r:..,
<br /> �;�� :��.� Payraeat of��debtedne$s. 9�?.pap w8ea due,..�+is psbnci- ;;: �;!. `r".�,��--
<br /> � ` �, gal af, ,aad �e fntere�t An, th.� i���edaess evidanc�b�j, idtae �.:,::;,�i �, _,������=
<br /> "�` ;; aote,••Charg�� fees aiid all �es �r� as pzovided i�} tihe �oan � fx,'f,��•� �����
<br /> . .��', �}:M , _
<br /> �� ].IIS�IItf3:- •� ' . . _ _ � ��
<br /> �'�� 2� . Tit1Q. �os i.�� �it, o�xc;.��.flf the Prag��..and has� ��, �'f �, t.
<br /> � , � 't�.. , .
<br /> Y�`� ;�.": the riqht. aitc����a�8��� tq•.�te �!� Dee� �a�:��,�3n• resp�ecic �;;.� . SF��'.,�� � ,�, t �,<<
<br /> • to the •Pre�eazi� �� .. << s�� t ,,
<br /> ; ` �'• ��: !d. ., , {,.�
<br /> + '� .:,•. R .1,.i� � t;
<br /> : t
<br /> �3� . �. ' , ' � ,.. , ,�,
<br /> .y� >?� i ' . . ' � . , � � ' � i r k, <t Y r�', y:r.
<br /> .:�'=,,'.a, , � 3. Tgstes anLi`,�sesBmeTlts. TO-,�"�� Wh�A du@o..�I"�8X@HI . 'l.r�;:� `f,�� ; �`.
<br /> "'",'�; -'`� specy.al asaessmeats`and all otAer cha7rges aqains� ttk��P�opQ�tty, � ` �.::;�..:{ .�..:•��t, s
<br />'--`='`�=' b�fore .the same beaome deliaqueat, and, ia the enenti�.St3ne�icia�y � - ,� �!��i�-�'
<br /> ��_�': . shal.l ao requise, to add to the paymeate required nnd�� t�he aote '�� ` � �,
<br />-_-�'-��`' secnred heYe�p, eucb auwuat as iaap be euffici�nt to enr�li�e Hane- �' �•.r���,
<br /> _:'�' fief,asy to pap such taxe$, asc�esements or other chargss a$ �hey �`��� � �.; ,. . � � r
<br />-_ ?�• <<��• h i��. � ' .
<br />_��;;:�: become due. • �. `. - ,�;"�-
<br /> :�:.�,..�.�.;; - �r':� ;�.�;-�
<br /> '''��� 4, Repaix. Maintenance and Use. To aot coffinit wuot�� oa or f�
<br /> �,t_�:�, ,� .
<br />�:;��:'��,�� . damage ta �he Pzaperty and to use due care to preveat �o1ihea�s From �;, <.��'`�:��-
<br /> "`T� ='�:�� so doiag; to keep the houae aad irrigatioa eqnipmenti� s3;tluafced� � ' , -
<br /> -- � upoa the aforedescs3.L�at� real estate � good cond£t$�u� and� sepair; �_ _. : b.
<br /> =�?���� to k�ep the Pr�partiy��..��ree from mechau�.as or ather li�ue�nati e�c- . �' ":', ;.
<br /> psessly suborda.aatedt to the liea her�f; to not make, suffer or , �- j, :
<br /> '' . pesmit auy nu£�a�a�e to esi.st noz to daaooinish .os itu�air the vt�lue `v;��:� �: �L .� ��` ,:r�
<br /> 'ti�(�Y�;,. •' ti
<br /> .'''�;- � of .the Pro e�i. ' aa act or omi.asioz�: to act• and to co I with � { �`-r ��
<br />-,y�,�,.. , . �P Y :t,:, ,. ;�,;:��,.�;,,,;;.
<br /> P � Y
<br /> ,r„ ,��;+ all requiremea a of. law wi�h reapeat.�:i:rs the Propert�-- . • ,,,;. ,'�;:;��;;_ -.
<br /> „�� �•.• • ,_., � � .tY��J���ti
<br /> T, -,`���''�'� �nc�urance. At all tfines dnrfag tb.e term �t�rao£'t�'3r.aep f:,���-� . ..?
<br />-- .._ J�'s . .
<br /> '��'��~����'`�• the Propesty iasnred aqai.nst damage by fireo. ha�asds �i.naBu+al� I'+ '� � � �
<br />._'3�4�. �_-�! {� _
<br /> . •==�.,� � ' wgt�iw the term "est�n de d coverage�, and snch oth�s. b��za�cdt�• au '' . �;' ,5t.�.
<br /> -�--�•:.: Beae�Cic3asy may requ3;se, i.a an amoun.t.ot aot less� �a�.n ttia• �e�- �; � ,�-s r,,,,fa;.
<br />``-'..��,�. plgcement value thereof and with aompanies accept�1� to Senefea- �';,, . , `':` .
<br />=-�'�r-�� afary, iacludiag a atandard mostqac,�ee alauae c�ith losa payt�fcil8 to ,•,
<br /> --`i�'`�:� the Henefiaiasy�and contai�nittg an additiona�: p�ovision tha�d $?ia !:Yrf�':,
<br /> t�t�;�., • f�'',' •
<br /> _�n�_:, i.�a polf.cp cannot be cancelled �ithout prso= v�ritten notice tc� fi?10 �
<br /> �.,.-_'�:, HenQficiary. In casa of loss uader au�h poYiafes, the� Beno�fci i
<br /> i :a:�._ is a�athorized to adjnst, callect and compromf�e all cla�g �'
<br /> ='iv.+�i'�;� {�� .. .J .
<br /> thEtreuader aad ahall have the optioa of applying all or pur� oS
<br /> ._�-��� the itasuraYtcs proceeds (i� to any iudebtedneas secnred hereHy�• �td �, ,
<br /> -= in au�h osde�c as 8eneficia�y may determine, �if) �o the �ras��r '; �,
<br /> :.w;�;� � to Fse nsed for tlas repair or restoratioa ofr the Proper�y or (iiiD! �I.
<br /> -_�T°--�� . fos any other purpose or ob3ect eatisfactory to Bsneficfary �ith- ;� �
<br /> --�' : ou� affectfng the liea of thie Deecl o¢ Truet for tne .fnll a�eunt " • ,
<br /> �. !�
<br /> :°�"�'� � secvsed hcareby before auch paymeat ener taok place. Any applfca- �! .
<br /> �_�:�=�;�� tion of preceeds to iadebtedaess shall not �stead or g�atpone the ;: :
<br />_ --���:� due clate of any p�pmo.nts uader the Yiote, or c�e any default `
<br /> -°'_� �`•" thereuader or 2aereunder. .
<br />:,,:��"; , c- i� ,
<br /> ,^� . � ,
<br /> �`;;:�: � 6. Con emnatian. Ia tbe event the Progertp, or any part
<br /> � -- ' s� �. -- - __ -
<br /> _ .�eaereaf, aua�i os ieaic� bg ee��;i� �� �:ia�:£.:i�y f� * - —,--
<br /> �.LL:.._•. . .
<br /> _;``' -_- - _ . . . � � — -___ -
<br /> i _ , . Z ,; f
<br /> ' :� r
<br /> : . , . '�
<br /> _ .. ;i •
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