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<br /> . .. —-. . _ . . _.. ' . . . _� ' - ` _ _ t.. .
<br /> ' - . ti�' ilnc�iv�id�d t�a-£aze�th� (3�°..�ths} interes� in and ta Y.�t ` '
<br /> ` � .Teuc:'t�Et};. Blocls T�t.#.re�r-t�r� (32}�� � gall ��uat�N�bzeska�
<br /> � _ •A�;t��Qa• �o the �:it� a£_�.Te¢andt�. . � .
<br /> � . {. . . ,
<br /> - � O� �.ustc3ivicisd tk�ee-fo�rtl� (�/+�ths) intsi�at in and• tio _'a �
<br /> . � � ���ec}. g�FtfoA of Ge�ge S�ee�. ad3acent t;� Lot Te�r: tIo),
<br /> ' }�Zc�r�k. T�aa.z��-t�a t32), v�it� a�� ;easement r�serned �herei.nf ,
<br /> � � . �:rcoituey�ed b� ardinr,�.�e 6239 whic� � r,ecorded �.n the O€���.c� of •
<br /> � � . �,3th� flegFister of Lte�ct� cf HaI� Co^�au�Y.. Nebras3�a. as �IIocuznent <
<br /> ' . ,.�ii3:. .9�-Q0002i� • .
<br /> � ' 0� �nc3f.uided tPs�ee-fat�t�s� f3!°��hs) interee� fa and tv Lot �
<br /> . • Qns� lY�. �a O��ica�:;;;.�� SuL�divksion i.a a�d tfl Ghe City of �
<br /> �.;�- C�ransi Island, IL�s:k�;-.�-iif�`�3�, Neb�ae�sa; � , �
<br /> .. � . .
<br /> . . . Ourc unf3ivfder� t&��e-four�� f3/�,"�hs) `irit�at in�aud� �o Lvt .. . �
<br /> . S�x (6) ia O'He�]:1 Subdivisio� �n ,�d ra��::+,�He. City of Grand : . ..
<br /> • . � lskand, HaII Cotuit�, Nebraska; ' ;',� . . � • ..
<br /> _',�:;s�. • '� • `• � - . •. � ::,.
<br /> ''•:�' �zlt1 t0 L'YtB . .
<br /> . t� undivided tEtre�-fourths (3f�`�hsT i.nti�;��st ..i�:°,
<br /> � � � South Tc�elve (1�f. Feet of Lot �ixteen �;�F.�, and�.�,-��.1 of Lat .
<br /> � ' " SigYxteen (18) i.�a Slock 'i'hree 43? , Collegr�:::�Addi�.�.oa to Tn�est • �
<br /> ,,_ . . � I�awn in the Ci�y'��ts� Grand Islan:�. Hall Ca�Y. 1�'�i.?�aska; :.
<br /> � �' � Ctur uFtdivided tP�ee-fourths '(3�o�th�? inte�est. in:r�cl �o.��e
<br /> � .,�:' I�e�rthearl� Fort�a-oz�.� (4i? Feet cs� Lot L�gh,�` {8) , in Block.:t�n� . . �
<br /> � �� �tuadred'i'hirt�-eiglo.t ti�8), in II�ian Pacifi.� Rai7.hay Compaa�'s
<br /> . Becond Additior� to the City o� Grand Is�and, Hall County,
<br /> .;�:., .
<br /> Idebraoka:
<br /> �,�; ,
<br /> '��� Our undivid�d tPt�'ee-fourths .(3/4ths) interest in and to Lot
<br /> _ .� , `�th�ee (3) , excep� that parC conve���:a ta _ xhe Ciey of Grand
<br /> . .' �aland,. Ha11 Caunt�r, Nebraska, by D�ed .da��d April 26, Z978,
<br /> . ,, audf �ecorded ag Dc�cument N4. 78-002�69, and. paact af Hope �
<br /> ' ���re�� a� conv��d b�r Ordf.nance No. 5596, and r�ccs�ded im Baak
<br /> ,.•'�26.,, ats Page 6�i in the Regiater of. Deeds O€�fce, all: in
<br /> ,:�,;:.;:���:�G1!'2:�iIL Third S�tbdivision ist t�e City of. G�d IslaEnd, H�J.1 .
<br /> � , ��, Q4l�],�itiy, Nebraslca_ , . . . . '. .
<br /> '..`;.•.;`,. <
<br /> �•� �'p�3iav� anc�� to I�ld the above described pre:nie�s together with .
<br /> a�l tenemeata,. hereditaraenCs and appurtenance�..'tchereto belonging � �
<br /> unta the GRANT`I�"�E ans� to GRANTEE'S heirs and aaAigne forever.
<br /> ' Dated _�i�� • �d -�91,z— .� . .
<br /> �
<br /> ! �
<br /> . • .:-, . O'N$I7f,L • -
<br /> ' ' h. 1/
<br /> � SEPIi � L. O'NEZLL
<br /> SSs:
<br />- �IUIITY.OF HALL �
<br /> : . �• - r Th� �oaegoing inst�ument ora8 ackaowledged before me orr►
<br /> � �as�t _ _2_v , 2995, by Russell W. 0' '11 and Josephine L.
<br /> O'r�efll, hus aad a�d wife. . .
<br /> �
<br /> , . . .� - �f� - - �t.�--•� . �
<br /> Npt Publ c.
<br /> -- -_- ,- . .. _ _ _ .... .. .. . _ . - ------ - a . .
<br /> ,. � .
<br /> ' � My co��.ssavn expire �����
<br />