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<br /> . C17. �� � � .� �. L � ,�,`'"„_.� � «+ _M�—
<br /> ��4' � ' ' r � � ` � g . 3 �� PV s�e � � � ------�-_—
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<br /> ° � �~ =_-_ ----
<br /> � . ' .. � Q�ITCZAIM_DF3BD , -- -
<br /> RIISSBI.L W. . G'NEILL AND JOSEPFIINE L. O'NE�: b��aband and wife, �: � - -- -- - ---
<br /> h�reia called the GRANTOR, •ahether one cr more, iA coneid�ratian of � _____
<br /> love �ad affection, receiv�d fram GRAr3TEE, does quitclaim, grant, � _-_ _=
<br /> E�argaire, sell, coxivey and confir� unto RIISSELL Sr�. .0'NEILL AND - A N -_--_-
<br /> JflSEPHINF L. 0'NEILL, � husband aztd wife, as tenante iaa common, \��e � __ -
<br /> hereia called the G�RANTBE, whethe�. one or more, the follvwisig \ __
<br /> • des�r3.bed property in Hall County. Nebraska: . =�
<br /> �
<br /> � � I�ot� Nf.nety-ai.x t96S , West Laean Fidditian ico �he City o€ ��__=---== = .--
<br /> . . ��.
<br /> Grand Island, I€all Caunty, �Nebraska;
<br /> . C'�,'�'k,------ -- -
<br /> pur undivided tlaree-fouxthe (3/4ths) intereSt .in and to a :�-_=
<br /> tract of land compsising a part of Hlock Nine (9) , 8outh Park. I�:��+�
<br /> � now vacated, `ia the Sautherest Quartei of the i�oztheast Quarter ��:.
<br /> (3Trri,�TE�f) of Sectian. Zt�venty-one (21), Toumsbi.p 81e�en (11? ���''�__
<br /> � North, RaAge Nine (9) WesC o f t he 6th P.M., Hall. Caunty, � �; - -
<br /> . Nebraeka, aad . moze particularly described as fallocas: _ :=:`
<br /> � � Beginning on tlt� southerly li.ne of Block Nine (9) , 3auth Fazk,
<br /> now vacated, one hundred aixty (160) feet eas'terly of the f_ '
<br /> �outhwesterly corner ther�of; thenc� easterly alaag the � `
<br /> � � southerly line of 9aid Block Ni.ne (�}R a. distance of one , `,,,� �
<br /> .:�sundred faur ::�:Zl�4) feet ta. � Southeast caxner thereof;
<br /> � �;,::.thence northe��:�^`;�;a�,a�,s?; the ea�Lerly 1'ine of �aid Block Nine � ��u _
<br /> � ;;,;, . (9) a distarace`�"����,��'.°nty-six and senenty-five hundredths �: ,;
<br /> . (�6.'75) feet to the scratherly line of the Burlington Northern ��
<br /> Railroad right-of-way; thence southwestexly along said '"rr,�c �. �
<br /> Railroad rfght-bf-way line a dietance of one hundred.eight and =.��.��,� `�
<br /> fifty-five hundredths (108:55) feet; thence soutlzerly parallel � _: �Q���—�;
<br /> to the easterly l�.ne of �eaid Block Nine (9) a diatance af � � .�.,rk°:"� �����:
<br /> forty-fsve and sixty-five hundredths (45..65? feet to the po3nt '`";�°'"�` � �'-_-
<br /> .•-, r.:_.�. �
<br /> of beginriing, containing 0.146 acres�-;mnre or lesa; � �� = _
<br /> ;r;�-.:� �
<br /> .: � �• ' _ ��"�
<br /> . , :-�• .�� ... � ;�>.�.:..�
<br /> � �:�Jur undividec�. three=feurths ::��f'�tha?�.� inter�.s�.. i.n and to a-. �;� .-�r��--�_.
<br /> _�� . ,� : -:
<br /> ��� �"tract , in the ��outheast Quarter (sL�i�.:•�of Sec��on Twea�y-one � . �:,::�_�. i��.b
<br /> � (21} ,�:.�cswnahip Eleven. �11) North, Ran3� Nine {9) We$t c�f the ; � ` ' '�'s�
<br /> �. ,;r�,- : - : ;
<br /> �'�I 6th P���9., ia the Csty�+�f Grand island, Hall County, �I��,i`s�as�sa, .. - - ����•
<br /> more particularly deacribed ae followa s Beginning' '�t the ��'�°��'*?�- �
<br /> Northwest co�u:� of Lot.Five (5) i'n O'Nei11 Secona Subdiv�.sion . _ ; � �n "'�
<br /> . �.
<br /> and the West �Y�:x�e of vacated�Hope Street lying a�djacen� to Lo� . ,
<br />- Three �(3) of�� 4;�l.sill Third Subdivision, to the S�r��hwest . � _ � �
<br /> corne�6f the:s�'���t v�cated by Ordina.�ce No. 5596, thi:p point : ' �� . . �
<br /> ' . abeing on the:.. ii�ht-of-way Z�e of the cul-de-sac an Hope , �. . , •:. .
<br /> ��. Street and ha�rr� a 50-foet rac��.i::�; thence South�+u�st to a point '�:�,.;,.;;t�fE��
<br /> thirty t30) �eet. West of the last described c��ae �r�asured . .�4:�',��s��f`.� :,,:�
<br /> . ��4;- • 'i.
<br /> perpeudicularly and 526,67 £eet Soutb of the North 3ir�.s of the � � �
<br /> ,Gti .
<br /> Southeast Qnarter (b��d) of Section 21, Townsl�ip ]:� .�iorth,
<br /> � Range 9 West of the 6th 'P.ri.; thence North 486.67 �feet on a .
<br /> line parallel tia the West liAa of O'Neill Seca�.�t Svlodivision `�::.j`--��
<br /> and the W�et I§.ne of the stxeet vacated by Ordiriance No. 5596, . ,
<br />- • to a point 40 feet south of the North line of said 3outheaet �-� � �
<br /> Quarter (SE�) of�said Seation 21; thence east parallel to the � �
<br />- North line of said Southeaet 4uarter (SE3f) of said Section 21, � . , .
<br />- � . a distance of 30 feet to the paint of beginning; �. _ ;
<br />- Our undivided three-fourtha E3/4ths) interest in T,ota One (�? ,
<br />_ � �'c�ro (2) , Three �31, Pour I4), Five (5), Six (6) , Seven (7) ,. • . �
<br />- Eight (e}, Nine t9) . Ten (10), and Bleven. (31) , in O•Nefl3's � �� "
<br /> � ��cona sutoa�v�siAn in aad to the City of Grand Isiand, Hall
<br />;_ , Caunty, Nebraeka; � . ; � :
<br />_ - � _, _ � � .
<br />_ . � _
<br />_ . , �
<br /> � . ,� . .
<br />