.. C .� i �• Cj„�. V.� � ��. ��� ' ���. �. .. � .Y< Y
<br /> 1: 4 5 . c' a S ; --k - � � j �` .. . .. . �. � 'l'� � ¢ t _ t f ��'.iS �f "� -
<br /> � f- "t �` � V �i_ b .. � Y c 9.Y-
<br /> _ ��_•�.,�� - ' ��`i' S'�a.. .�.,,
<br /> ——:z'a��.4�y f.i;€�� ' � -- -- -- .!'���` ,b.t `�
<br /> _ -�-,--e-�r,__' -: � '�. ._3
<br /> ���.�, ' .a . � .. 6 �v�'Z� , � fr 4,,,,'` r .,k. t�:_
<br /> y /�} c�
<br /> !fitit'��.,•s�lf.�� �'7/�R t � h � _
<br /> >2 r_ - . . �' , o . - i.x'. _
<br /> .f-r'�_,F � • ' p, i
<br /> -.-k.t a �I � ' <.. . � : H� - �t:
<br /> ._� � . .,_ . _. :
<br /> — �`�r_r� . . . .� ' >. ,�
<br /> -'---
<br /> ��n�iry Yasva�ent; ar {b) e�r,�:ofi a Judgme�en�cin�.tbis��ity-�tnswm�nt.--'T�e' ` ; - �
<br /> �����'•�� � " c�ndIti�as are ala�t Borrowers: (��pay Gettder alt stams w�icfi t�e� �a�ul�t�du�t� th3s � �;`t �"�
<br /> � .�� ...
<br /> - � ' Sesurlty lnstr�ent an�i td�Not�6ad n+��ocel�rarion occ�ar�J:(b)c�a�any d�fault of�r►y��ther ::�' "�::� �"�'
<br /> - c`:.x ' . . �
<br /> ��` �venants ar agreemems• c a t�lt �ru� �nsurre� in enfarci� tbaa�ecuriry �nswme�t, t : µ"-.� _
<br /> -� r=:� � � .c )� v � � �� . �. r_.
<br /> �.�`�` , « includyng,but��i iimited u�.reasoiwblc atc�rneys'f�s;an�(d)tak�secc�actioas as�.ettder may �: �� k
<br /> ��r��' � [easOnably [etJu�tB to essui8 that Y�1� 18Bn:o�thas S�itity laSW�E�4, Lender's righ�s in the, . ',=- E'"�``
<br /> :
<br /> r
<br /> � . � t.:.�
<br /> _._._ ��- b�rtyr and�rower's a'b!€�mn�w���tE��s��b�y ti�as Sr�riiy i��t,�� - - 1
<br /> ��� k . _ conuuue uuc��di. Up�tii�numtemeuc lay @a�mwe�as: this S�i+�► Instrument and the . � �_
<br /> ��`��� � � �ob1igations seca�d hereby,.��ialll r�nmirr� fu1Dy eff�xiv+� as if nfl ac�9e�a�ion had occurred. ...,�;��--� �
<br /> �y§�.�`�-�,��,. r . ` ;�1
<br /> �.� -�'-�--'' .� - However,tbis right to�r�ins�ttt�sltatl not ap�Iy in dte cas�of ao�edea�ian under garagaaphs 15. � �3 _� � `
<br />— ��%�- , u�� a:#�a'�� =
<br /> f:�;'��'`_��� , �.��,��;""=f'�;;�-
<br /> < < �7. Acceteratiam:Aemedf�. L�ttder shall give msior�e w BarrBwt�as prior to acceletation _ ----=`.v_:
<br />- ;��_ � foltowuig Borrower's breadt�f�ng coveaant or agr�e�ui in this S�urity I�suument(but nnt � ° — —
<br /> ��� � - prior to acceteration und�r paragraph 15 unl�s agplicabts lacv provid�a�t6e,r}. The�otice shall j �'���"��.�
<br /> �-��._;. _ rd . :_:-,;,'-�:�;.-.�.- —
<br /> � � z�. .,. spe�ify: (a)the defautt; N?the aatcon r�quir�to c�re t�e-default; (c)a date, not Iess than 30 �` -= -
<br /> .,.�� -
<br />_- �.��< _ days from the date the na�iae i���iere�r to�ers, by�wt�ic�th�default must be cured; and , :�;:,�-
<br />:����'�.• (d) that failure w c�u�t��dei�ult an ar�efar�e t�e�e s�acified in the motic� may res�lt in . �j`'_ -_-___ -
<br />:�;��y:�`���I Y tY aF�m►• . * _�__
<br /> f:, acceleratina of the sumo;ssew��tn tUis Se�uri I�suurtt�t and sal� of the Pr The �
<br /> �;�°���"—::�; uotioe sl�ll€urthe��iitt�rm��t�wers of tD�e ri�ht w treit�ie after a�eration and the ri�►t w . °.si-'a'--R—.
<br /> _- ``::'L�::s�;`:r� briag�ceure aatfan�ta�asserL dt�non-�xistence of a dEfault or a�y astae�defease of Barrarwers r:�r
<br /> ��.:.'. -,; to arcel�r,ufun�andisall�:. IPthe default is aot cured o�n or b�fare the da3e spe�ified in the natice, ����`^��,�J _
<br /> -�' :::--: :,. �-- Leade��t itys ogtft�n•may,��quir�immediate�ayment i��'ull af all sv�s s�cured by this Seanrity '����
<br /> ���-� ';:'�`''- du�n�nt arithat��tli¢n dcmand and may invake t�ce g�ver of sale and aay odter remedies . .`� �.
<br /> _:{�e._...�t . :..� � 4
<br />��.;�: .,�. permitted by appl�c�li1�l�w: Lender sbaU be enrided wco�lect a11 experis�s incurred in pursuing .Y•-� ��'
<br /> _.��r�::','.;'.�;-� ''�: . . the remedies provitt�d�imthia paraga�ph including,b�t a�i limitesl tm.teasonable attorneys' fee,s ��-�-
<br /> _. `• • �`t��� • and co�ts af ttt�e�vidence.. �
<br />_�__°i:,, ;` _� =�,,-. - , . • t;�r
<br />�``, :':',�;;�. =P'. If the paNen oP sale is invmiced, Trustee sh�ll rec�r�l a�ra�of default in each caunty � �,t�' `
<br /> '�, b�.- . . . . .r�X ,
<br />�.:.:�X�;� �.:<<,. ,, in which any g�of thB Ftimgsrty is t�cated and shall mai! cap'�off such ttabce in We ma�ner :,�
<br /> ;;�' - f.,''.;r�;���; prescn�tsd by�PAII�iI�!�w to�ornut�eis and w tlts aih�pErsoy�pressatbed by applica6le iaw. ;�� . . �
<br /> .-���;'. �`�� : After t�ie idm�,requiied�by appllcable law,Trustee sD�U giv�e public norice of sale to the petso� '"��
<br /> m-.�=_. ,t.;�� , ' .;
<br /> -�- •'�. ' :�. : s and in��'p�w$r pm.scribed bY apPlicabte 1aw. Tnrs�e,withavt dernand on Borrawers,shall , Y:��.. �.
<br /> �a.�. t
<br /> '� �".;�:: •;�:�� �` seU th�t�bgeity at�publfa auctfon to the highest bidde��thE ti�a and place and under the terms � _'��=;'_ -
<br /> ;+�:r�:�.�.•::�. � � =
<br /> �_� .�r� ��:. • . ��� � �
<br /> �tl��,� �. desYg� in the n�arics af sale in one or mare parc� ar�d i�n�.�y order Trustee determines. , ��,�,
<br /> ��--� ^�"� �'; Truste�taay�pa�tpan��sale��a11 or any par�cel af tia�Pa�ap�rtY�Y Public anuaaincement at the F f��
<br /> —� �� ^p.• �.��_
<br /> i'�'"'".�:�-� .:�° � time and place o��p�evq�ty scheduled sale. Lez�d�r'o7 L�..�`r's designees may purchase �- �'�... -`:
<br /> .ti497df'_J�'L'j` . . _ - 'sr - rrai.,r,r•
<br /> ��exti�7�tiY�ID�1 �.�e�f?na�fv�f����e. ' , . btfF�/,Kj3•6435!AC fy9
<br /> ..r�.•�) �
<br />-,��1��F���-�---- . ` �. . . - ... ' i�t..''." �c--�a.
<br /> - � � � .�Tpan receipt of paymsnt of the price ioi�,Tru��shall d�eliver to the purchaser Tr�ste�'s ` -�. . ��
<br />��'�'�.:. ••::s� d.�d aonve in the Pro e : The recitals as�the Trustr�e's deed shall be rima f ie evidence . .�� •�"
<br />,��:�,s�-.=;.;.-, . , Y � A �Y P � ��:��.. . !.�
<br /> =� - ` ¢�a�trutb of the swtements made th�r�irc. Trustee sb�ll apply tha proceeds af the sa�e in the � �.�'�.j.
<br /> '����;.>� � ��` �o1l�zxSng order: (�)to aU+expenses of th�s�e, inctu�ing,but nni limite�to,Trustee's fees as . • . -
<br /> ;e�� �,•.t,�.�: H�� .. , '.
<br /> � perm u�d by app�i a t t l�l� l tiw�an d r�ason a b;e aaarn�ys' fees; (b) to a l l sums secur e d by t bis
<br /> -:;� �;y �r�'.-: °° 3eCitl�tiy�d . , � �"'�Vr
<br /> ���*� •, ° nswment;,�andi(�a)�any�excess W the per�a�o�psrso�legally entitted to it. ';,`,;�:`:
<br /> �w� .xr�Ph�a�� 3 � ,. ' ' �
<br /> �������" f��� 18. 1.end�tn:in�PbssBSSion: Upon acceleration undEr pa�a�ap�17 or abandonment of the '�ui".;'., � .
<br /> -�� ��,:.:.,..�....�-,: , . .
<br />_4 ,,��;�:�a t:-f�. Prape�, Lendez '{pu+persc�u� by agcnt or by judicially z�pnims�d receiver) shall be enritled W � �
<br />'�:-x�. ert,�r �s�, take xan•of and'mnna e the � .
<br /> �s� c�t pass�ss g Ptapetty an[I to coflect the rents of th�Fmg,rty
<br />-- n''�=� i*►ciuding those pa,st�due. l�ny rents collected by Ler��r or the r�eeeiver shall be applied first �
<br /> ��""'��� • W payment of the casw of manag�m�nt•ofr the Praperty aa�colle�tion of rents, including, but �
<br /> �'�"���""� �� � �
<br /> � not ttmi2�d to,receiver'§�e�s;premiwns on r�ceiver's bn�ads ar�d reasflnable attameys'fee,s,and � �
<br /> —:;�:r:;�� .
<br /> �Ci,~�'�.,'TiTW�..� tiien w the sums secum.d by,-titiu.S�curity Inswmen� - . �
<br />_ -::�6:�'�.. . - ., _ '
<br /> S.!._ .A. . •
<br /> -`,�,y::��y° 19. Re�onvcyance. Upan payment of all sum� s�curerl by this Security Instrument, � �.
<br /> �=Y�-`__ _ Leader shall request Trustee to reconvey tfte Prap�rty ar� shall surrender this Securiry � _ . :
<br /> -��=±�:�`���� Inswment and aU notes evidencing debt se�urod by th"rs��urity Instrument w Trustes. Trustee � �
<br /> _—�-a:t�::�,,; .
<br /> ���_=. �.:. ..ti shall recom+ey the Praperry withaut wsucanty aud with�as chargE to tlte pe�son or persons legally � �
<br /> �.r.b� '� . . . � ._
<br />��:_.�,� endded to it. Such person or psrs�ns sHull��uY anY teomdation oosts.
<br />�..�n..��'g'`.'��;a`�1� . � .. '
<br /> r�, �~.��t . '. ' .
<br />����;4�_ - , . 5 � �_ ,
<br /> T. .._.�,,.,._., �____ _
<br /> �..x -_�:. : ._. �_,_.�._ . _, .
<br /> .. , . . �
<br /> 's � � .. . � �� ..
<br /> ;�
<br />_ . ; � �. � —
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