�r� .i:.f 1_ �. ' ' r. . �./ .. - �. t£: -.�. . /�C G� . ��•�VA'� .j .1 ��f�� _
<br /> „� .
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<br /> _ - _ J . � c,j^. . l S .-
<br /> A . .rc�� _4��1-c.� .:r� ' i ° n � o. .
<br /> y.." — ��,-r.c.;'2 s- . . � , r ° �-a%i x�,s+ir- ' ,Y`' ., ..;- . +i�_��:.;�-'�.a-4r�.�,� , ;... �
<br />�_.. ___ _ --_ _—a....�r.�,.} . _ ' . ."c; ` ��'"'��,�.:-.'
<br /> ' � ' • , , i . . � `- � ' . . •` i • . . �;R.�.-....
<br /> . � � . �.95 �a#:4�� � �.,�
<br /> , . . �;;�
<br /> �. 9: •,Hnrrowers PIot Ytelaased; Farb�a�a�tce bY 1.ender I�Iat a Watver. �xtemian of th� �' �
<br /> tinae f�ga�nent or madifc�n of amor�n af tt�sums secured by ttmis Secu�i�,,c��ment � ��
<br /> graat.ed:by Lrender t�any suc�essar io inteaest af Barro�rars shali not opera����I�ase th� _ __ _-
<br /> � liability of the arigin�t Bo�ciw�rs or Horrower's suaoessfl�a m�nterest. Lend�t s�ialj aat be �r
<br />_ � r e q u i r��c A m m e a c�p r+o�c�d�n g s a g a inst aati y su�ssmr an int�re�t ar re�use,to ext�nd dm�for . ��.u;
<br />- ent or oth�rwise modify amortizat�on of the sums seeured�Y�is Sec t u�ty Instrume�t b� �'
<br /> . p� cgf arig d��t� b� th�oai�i�l8�n�w�rs�r Borrower's sua�ss�rs in int�r�st. ����
<br />- ri or c�medy�shall n�ot 6e a waiver of ot �:.T�:o�,
<br /> A�iy fo�e by Lender in exercising a�►Y gh� _ _ _.
<br /> pseclude the e�ercise of any ci�ht ar c�mtdy. � ' . "�---_
<br />- 10. Suscessars and t�ssigns Bougd;�Joint a� Sever.a� �.iab�ity; Cc���s• �Tfie ' _
<br />- c�v�nanss and agreemeat�of this Se�u�iry Insraument aze joiat a�d s�vera3 a�d s�bind aad
<br />- �t�nefit�d� successais and assigas of Lender an� Borrowet's, s�tt;� �ra.t�e prov'sions of ,
<br />- pacagraph 17. • ,.
<br />- :11. Eegislation Affer.ting Le�der's tiights. If ena�eIItor eap�ia�of applic,able laws
<br />= has db�effec:t��renderi�g aaY gmv�sion of the N�te or t�is Seasity I�G��nt unenforceab�
<br />= a�ding to its tertns, L,s�er, at Lea�er's optio�a, may requi� i��aYme�t in full of '
<br />= all su�ns s� by c6is Sectaity la,guumens a�*:d may iIIVmTce a�y r� germitted by
<br />= garagraph 17. � • �
<br />= I2. Np�sr�s. Any natice to Baaroweas ptt►vidt�d fnr i�tin�s S�c+mtt�Instrument shall be , ' .__ _
<br />,_ . given by deliar��g it or by ma�ing it by first etass ma��s a�g��e law r�guir�use of . . --
<br /> another medu�. Ti� natice shall be direcGed to the F�¢gr addffess ar any other addr�ss
<br /> � Bor�owers d��te by aatice to Lender. , �
<br /> � , 519 West Avenue,Gran�Isl;�a,d, 1�b88�3 �
<br /> � � . .
<br /> � Aery natice to Le�+der sha116e giv��hy first class mail to Lr�ider's address state�4l�in or any _
<br /> ' ather addre�s Lender designates by notic� ta�Bomtiweets.��� Aay �wtice,pnoua� for ia this _
<br /> , ':,�..
<br />_ Security Inswment shall be deemed oo have beea given to Borrowers�r��de�whe�given as� .
<br /> � .. pravided ir�t�s ParaSra�h. ` � , .__
<br /> , •
<br /> � . � --
<br />= 13. `Governing Law; Severability. Tt�ila�isy'Is�st�tumer.��iall be gaveFaed by the ' _
<br />-= taw of the S�ate of Nebraska. In the event��Q.at any �vision �'�lause of t6is Sec�mty �
<br />° :. ' IaStrument �Q the Note eonflicb with applicable law; �i� cun#lict �hall noY affect other
<br />= ` . provisions o�F this Seciuity► Inswment or the Niote whi�.a�an be giyen effect without the
<br />..; canflfrcting p�vision. To this end the provisions of this Security isr��ment arttl the Note are
<br /> � declare�to be sevecabte. . -
<br /> , . ---
<br /> 14_ i�Inrrower's Copy. Borrmvers sha11 be givea�conformed cepy of the Note and L-'�=':_
<br /> �ihis Security Instrument. � � �"�
<br /> w.a..-_
<br /> �[__:,.
<br />: �� � ��.. 'lYansfer of the Praperty or a Bene�cial Int�a�in Borrow�e�s. lf all or any part of {
<br /> , ���'�-
<br /> �y �pr�•rrr any interest in it is soid, uansferred, �s 6�a�ed without Lendor s prior written • � �
<br />:�j : �ent, L�ader may, at it's option,requirs immesliate payment in f►�ll ef all sums secured by ''
<br />•_� �.'�:�Securi�y Instrumen�
<br />�� Tf�srler exercises this aption�Lettder shall give Bonawers notice of acceleration. The
<br /> :� �
<br /> '.� notice shall provide a pertod of not less than 30 days feom�the date the aotice is delivered or
<br /> :� maile�d wiithin which Borrowers must pay ap sums secured by this Security inswment. If
<br /> :-� ' � �orrowers faii to pay those svms grlas to the expiration of this perl�od, l.ender may invoke any .
<br /> ': , remedies pennitted by th�s Security Inswment wlthout further notice ai dematcd on Borrowers. .
<br />�� If Bonowe�s meet c�ertain concliitio�, Borrowers
<br /> 16. Borcower's Right t� Reinstate.
<br /> `,� shaU have t�e right to have enforcement of this Security lnsuument disc�ntinued ae any time
<br /> :� prior ta the eariier of: (a) 5 days (or such other periud as applicaivle [aw may specify for
<br /> _� reinsta�ement) before sale of tft� Prctperty pursuant t�o anY Pawer of sate cantained in this
<br /> .. 4 .
<br /> ���
<br />