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� . � , .:.�; .. .. . <br /> �` <br /> �-; - <br /> -_-- = - - ._____-- -___ .-_. -- __---�- - ..._____�. _ . -- ----� ----_._----�-�--_ .... . .._. _ . .__.. <br /> � .. . -� <br /> _.. __ - - . �__ <br />-- ��� --. �• , , <br /> �:. . . - .-. . � . <br /> - -_ ....� ., .`` • .. . . . ., �r . . ,�, , ' . _ }. <br /> , � . � . � � <br /> �.. . . <br /> -- „ . • , <br /> . . . . . . • <br /> . .. . <br /> _i. . .. . .. ,. ... .. _ �...... <br /> ' <br /> .._. ,....,...,,�--._.__—.�+—_�.,..,�_.---- � • � <br /> � •' _ � _.... . _-. �.� _,._.. .. .. • _ . . <br /> '. • __. -...._..._._.._ L - . . <br /> -, _'.'t. .' - � <br /> . <br />. . �-.... �. . — ...__._.__ f.. . , .. ._. . .. _. <br /> � � _ .. � • ���� �'�1��4 E � <br /> � ��? ' ib.�orrawcr'e Capy. Darmwcr stuili bd�vCfl Dittd COflfdiid2il COjij�(1Y i�i8 WQi4 8iid s urity Ins�rumes�t, �: ' <br /> - 17.Trenster oY Ihe Properyy ar.a DaQetlelal Interest(n Dorrowcr. If nll or any pan al'the{'mpcny or any�ntcrest ln it ie� <br /> ��=�-; Qold ar uwi9f�rrcQ (or iP�beneflctal iatcr�st in 9arrowcf is cold ur trtu�sfcrred�:nd 8arrawcr is nat a natuca!per�on) withaut ! <br /> � �� "" l,vndcr's priar wducn canscn�I.cndrr may�nt its opdon,�cquiro immc�diuW pavmcnt in Nlt�f ull sun�s sccurcd by this Saur�tY ; <br /> - �� .� • � Instrumcn�Ho�vover.this apUan rhnll nat bo oxerris�d by l.ender if exerciso ia pmhlhited by CederAi inw n9 of tho dato af this � <br /> � Sccurlty Inswmen� � <br /> � If l.cndcr aacrcLec.g this optlan,kcn ¢1►all givu Boimwcr rtadco af arccicradon.Tho notica shall pmvido�p�}cxi af nat lcsa <br /> •� than aQ dnya fiom tho dnto thc�iut' ttv+�ral or mnilcd within which�aR�wcr must puy nll sum9 sccurc�f by�his Socudty <br /> � , instrumen�1f Romawcr�.�1�r�il, �' s prior to tho oxpi��adqn Gf thia pcalad�I.ondcs may lnvpko tu�y remcdica pcnnitted <br /> � , , by this Secudry Insuumcnt w1t1!ou k1.�'uith�bdco or dcm;u�d on 8orrowcr. <br /> �� lA.Borra�ver's RIphR to ltaU��tc. It Balrotiver mecu� aertuln candtUppy. AQ{i1?WCl 8I1ALI hAVO U�o ri�ht to hnvu <br /> � enfarrement of this Socu�ity lnstntmcnt discontinucd at any timo priar m tho entiicr of: (A) 5 duys (or such othar pe.�ial us , <br /> uppllcublo law may speclfy for reinstatamentl betam sulu of iho Praperty pursuunt ta any p4wct of x�lo canutined in this Socudty � . <br /> KD <br /> • � instrumcn�•ar(b)cntry aI a Juc�gmGnt cnforcing this Secudty Inscrumen�.Thoso condidony t�rc+th�t;Aarro�v�r:(n)�uYs l.andat all � <br /> �1�„ • swns which lhcn wautd�a duo undcr thi.q Sccurlty Inswmcnt and thv I�Yotn ns lf no ucculcrad�n had occur�d;(b)�nu�ae t�n�� � <br /> defa�dl af any other covenant9 ar 0.qrccmc�ts: (c)pnys nll expenses incurrcd in cnforcing ihis Secudt�+Insuume,nt,in�ludinp,but I <br /> c�. � ,_ not Wnitcd w,rcasonablo t�ttanta s'fvas;�d(d)tnkvs sarS�acdon os I�:ndcr may rc�sanably rcquira to asnura duU tha lien af thia � , <br /> }�� , Socucity Inatrurncnl, l.cnd�u's �Qh1.9 �ll lh0 Y![1pCtiy' �lili� a61i0WCJ'8 ObUgAlion to pay tho aums socumd hy thia SccuritY ' . <br /> Inswmcnt shall condnue un�;hanacd. Upan roinsu+un�ant by B.�mwer, thia Secu.�it Instru�tcnt and tha obligutions scrurad � � , <br /> ; ,. heroby shall r�emuln fuUy affeGdvp t�v if nn Accolemtiah hud occturod.�9c*�vover��his�1g�t w roinctruta shuU nat appiy in tho c�ce af . � �_ <br /> . ucxulerudon undcr Pamg�aPh l7. ��; '" <br /> ',��,::�; <br /> 19.SAIo o!Notei 4huuge of�.aan 3ervlcer. 'thc Npw or A pnrtiF+l fntcravt in tho Nnto (togethGr wtth this Sorurlty . ;�,,;., <br /> iasuumcnt)may bo rald ona or mqro dmav withuut pniw nudw ta aurruwcr.A sulu muy a:sult U�a chungo in iho endty�known , � ' � <br /> ' us Iha"Laan Scrviccr")that collect�manthly aymcnts duo undar tho Nato and this Security Instrumont.'Ih�ro also mny bo ano or � `�` <br /> �^ � � morc ctwngc.v af tho Loun Sorvlcar unroln�to u�Ics of tho Noto.If thcro ls a chango of Iha Loan Scrvh;cr�8orrawcr will bo . :.:� � r��� <br /> ; � glvc�wrlttcn nadccs of tho chango�n nccardanco wlth pu�a ph 14 ubovo nnduppAcublo lnw.'iha natico wW stato Wo numo and � • ��:;�',;,, <br /> °r ' �: addtcxs of tho now 1.oAn Scrvicc+r tutd tho address w w h i c h payment�s hou l d b o 9 �`��� <br /> r ,; mu do,T ho notioo w U l n lso aon t u in An a�hcr ,;;�;s��<<_ <br /> � � infarmAdon r uirad by nppllcnblo Inw. � , • .���°;�'; : <br /> � � � ; t0.Ha�ar�ous 4ubstunc�.w. Barrowcr sbn11 not c.;�so os permit tho prascnco, uso, disposnl� R�blilRl'ti or rotease a f u ny �<< , °` � � <br /> ' � • Har.�udous Substnnce,v an or in tho Prqperiy.Boirowar shftll nul do,rtor ullow anyana olso to do�anylhing affecl�ng tho Pcapeny � : <br /> t <br /> �" that is in vlotutlon af unY�nvironmentul Lmw.'11�o preceding two santcncc.v ahall nat upply to tho presenca.usu�or stamgo on tho � __� _;_ ,_,_� <br /> - Praperly of emaU qwmtides oF Hiv.ardous SubstAncav thal azo Qenenit9y rcco�ni�.e.�to bo uprmpriaw ta normut msidentiai aso.v , ,�. �'�`, ,�, <br /> ' . and to m�lntc.nnncc of thv Property. .,�.,, ` <br /> , ' 8armwcr shNl pramppy givo l.�ndcr wdtten noiico ol'uny lnvosdgaUan. cktim, damand, lnwsuit or athor acHon by any ��� �,? ,��' <br /> _, - `� . � ��Y�.�,.�,r.ntal�,r regwemry y or privutn party Involving tho Proparty und anY Hu��rdous Substanco or finviianmantttl�.aw �_, � `<.�•' <br /> . - - --_- of whith Harremer h�9 tr�c�a�vle�ge.lf Horrowcr tcnms�ar!s notitic�!by any govc+mmantnl w rpgulu�nry�uthwlry,�a1 uny i._. ._ :: .c�r_,� -- <br /> remov:tl ar ather rematli�tlon of.:s�y Hu•rardou.a Sabstt►nca uffecdn$tho Property �v necoA4ary,Horrawer ahnll prompUy takv nU . ���:i;��� <br /> necavsary remedial ncaana in accordmico wlth Bnviranmentat LAw. .�� r .:�� <br /> '* An usod in this pur�gruph 20, "M87Af(IOU9 SIIbSl11100.9" nro thaso subsinncas dofined t�texic or hv�rd�us substances by a��. � a�: <br /> ' • BnvironmentW l.tuv nnd tho fallowiog subsltmces: gt�olino� keroseno, other Qa�nmabta ar e:�x�c pet�aleum praduc�v, toxic � '� <br /> i <br /> � pc,vdcidcs and hcrbicidos,volatilo soivent�,mutcriats containing agbesws ar formaldchydo�and radioacdvv mN�riats,As used in . . �3 �''� <br /> ' ' this paragraph 20�"F.nviranmental 1..�+w"mc�ns fcdcrnl inwa und luwa af tho Juxisdlcdan whcro tho Property i.s tacatcd thnt ralatv ;!�: }�; . � <br /> 1 <br /> " �� �� '. � ta health,sat'ety or cnvlronmcntal protccHon. � - <br /> �, ��;,,�:.�. <br /> � � - NON-UNIIFORM COVBNAN'I'9.Horrower and Landcr furihcr coti•,enant and agrco av fallaws: >:� � <br /> - . � tl.AcoekraHon=Remediea.4ender ehAO give rtaUce ta Harro�•�r prior to accPterntian taltaHin�Barrower'e breach ot � ':�:}<:�>`�;; <br /> ,�. � any rnvenaat or agreement !n this Security Instirument (bul not prlor to uccelerAtion uhder par2��+ph 17 tmt�v "T�:N; ' � <br /> AppUrnbk�w pwvldes atderwls�).7'h�notice ahall specif'ys (a)th0 detuult;(b)the actian required ta cau+�Ihe detauli;(c) ' :-- , <br /> '' �� "�r� a dAte�not less than 30 dAya flrom the dnte tho notico Lv given ta Sorrnwer,by whtch the detault muxt fie cured;and(d) � .�`'�,,,'W <br /> � Idnt failu�o ta curo th8 detAUlt an ar 6etare the date specifled(n the notice may re.vult in ac�aleratlan o!tho suma secumd � ',��;;'-, � :� <br /> , by tht�Security Instniment an�sate ot th�Property.The natice Ahatl fl�rther intarm �ore�wer oi the right to re(n.gtuto � � . <br /> aRer AccclerAtbn and thu right to bring A rnurl uction ta assert tho nua�exl�tence ot A defAUtt or an�other deteaso at „ , <br /> . Borrawcr ta acceteratbn and sale.If the default ls not cured an or betore tfaP dat0 epecifted tn the rtot8ar,Lender�at Its , <br /> .� � � optlan,may requteo Immedlato paynnent in(�tl of all sume secu�ed by thtg�ecurity Instrument without f'urther demand � <br /> . � and mAy invoke the pawer of a�le end mny othcr��medi�.w peracf�ted by AppUcpble luw.4e�der ehall be endtted to rnllect �.��•'. <br /> ` All expenRes Mcurred lo pursuing 4ho a�emedles provided In th�.Es�nragraph Zl,including,�ut not timited to,res�onnble . ' <br /> _ .. ' �. •l attarneys'tees and coste o!tilk evldenrr. � � <br /> ", It the power ot sAl� L�invoked�T�vsiee s�Cl �ord a notke at detault tn each county In which aay part ot t6o <br /> ' �. ,. Pruperiy Is located and shal!mail copir�ot sUr3��v.iee tn the manner prescribM by applicable t�w to 8orrower Aad to th� , . . <br /> .;: ' t ' athsr persc+�s prescrlbcd by appllcsiblc�w.Aiter t6e time reqL`auxi by applicabl�law,Trustee shall pive public aotice at . � � <br /> - . ;,: :;; sa�e to tho pr�son9 on�i fi tho manner�re,�ibed by apptIcubTe iaw.Tmstee�witi�out deman8 ou Surruwe�.g�ii1 sei�ifi� _.-—_- ,- - - <br /> �� � Property at public ouctlnn to the 4lghest bidde�at the t[me and place and under tho terma desigaated in the noitoe ot sate � <br /> «.,� ° ;_ <br /> � Form 90p8 9l00 � <br /> � ` (�•eR(NE�loa+e� P�po a ot o inm,i•: <br /> .. � � .. .. � <br /> ,. i <br /> �, � <br /> � -� ... . . .... .. _-- .. ._____._..,,�- --- •• • <br /> ., 'v , <br /> � , . ` . , ' , <br /> i,. . , <br /> !'. ..F � , . � ' • „ . . _ . <br /> , � , . � • � , . .. .. , !' <br /> . . <br /> . <br /> .. <br /> 1 '.. . . ..- .. . . _ . . . .. , .. , . _ . <br /> ,� . . . . .. : , . . <br />. , � � . .' . . ., . ` .. <br /> .,, . <br /> , . o <br /> . _ . `�—= '_- __. . . _ . -- --"---- � <br />