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--r .t �'�'�° 7.__... .. -._'_'"'_"_'___'"'."" -, � . • �— _" _'_' . . � ._ .� ._ . . .. .__ . _ _ <br /> .. ...._.. _.,. .. ,.�.,,. --'p0� .. , � ` l �� . � _.___ � __.__" _ _ � -- � - <br /> �. r-• . . , ' ' =,�a.-_-! ,�',° `��-�r,�'SKl`!�_��. .-��• � ' ,. ', �- � � .-- - - , , ..,�' • •. ,'� ' ' .. - :. _at� .. •. . .. <br /> �.�� � -= - _ �. ,. ' .. . _ ,_ (�� . , �•� . . . .. . _ , , � ��1� ' . . q. <br /> . -��'�'' -- -' ._ ' l> '. . , ^ ' � , . . . - - . . <br /> ____�__�_. .� _y4 1 . ' � ' �. . \� - .. ' • :. - . <br /> ' a�t�z�f��.' . 'Y . � • . . � _ . . . . ' .. <br /> �Wf-1... . . . .. . . .. . . . <br /> , . . , t . . . . . . ' . ' . . � � 1 <br /> r.�n - _ . . � � � t ' • - - ' . . � - . <br /> t�ii-.1.�.�_' '_i_'t • . . . ' ' ' � . <br /> i�r:r .r�7<31� .:ei sI'a }r• - - . . ' , .. - .. . � . <br /> ..- +R rx_�.ir.�E <br /> . .. -. <br />. _� .. .... ....., _�,..'_ <br /> - � ..'__' , r .' : <br /> g�_�- - '--�—� -��—•�� —..r..�.—s. �__ . . '� •----�.... - <br /> . __: _ ,_y .. . _ <br /> -=i �_ � _� i =. . � -- - <br /> -�� � . Q � <br /> r���— a� �..��►� � . <br />_ _-- = _.- L�Y��i�t�aer�re�u��at ttto opflaa af T.�nde��if rv't�uga�isunuc�c�w�o m iho tunaun��nsi fos a periad r . . . � '. <br /> ���„ �i�.�••�' th�t I.cndsr rcquiro9)provldad by tuo i�sw+cr npprovaf by L�endcr egain bccame9 avnllnble mid Is o6w[ncd.8orruwcr ehuU pay thc . <br /> � ; �_�-���'�_ � prwniums�equtrod ro maintnin mortgnrgo insumnca in offcct,or to provido a tosv �cscrvc, until tho nx�uircmant for mongaga ; <br /> � �:'��a��. " insurnnco�nds in uccordnnco with uoy wrtuon ugrecmaU dctwcen florrowcr and L�cnder or applicabta Inwx <br /> : � '�,��_�—'�'-r': 9.In� . . <br /> � .; • � pcc�Mn. Lundex or its t�cm mAy malce reaswmtrlu cntrles upon and fnspccdons of tho Propeny, Lendar shuU givc <br /> �r����� �' �onawcr nadco at tlto ttmo aC ar p�lor tn un inspecdan spoctlying rcasonablo cau�c+for tho inspccdon. � <br /> � �, , 10.Cund�mnatfon. 71io procc,ona ot nny uwu�d or claim far domngcs.dlrect ur conscqucntinl� in cannocdon with nny . <br /> � ecmdemnattun or ather tuicipg af nny p.vt of tho Praperry�or for convayanca in Ueu af candcmnution�nro heroby usgianed and <br /> -- , ' � �' shul!ba pald to Lcndcr, .. , � <br /> . ; In tho avcnt of a toutl telcing of tha Property�tho pracecds r,hsll ho mpplled ta tho sum9 s..�cured by thls Socurity Inswmcn� 1 �" <br /> `��� . whcthat or rtob thcn duo�wlth uny oxcos.v p�id m Harm�vcr.In tho avcnt af n piutlal talcing qf tha Property in which tho Pnir mnrkct ' �._ ,' <br /> '"� � ` valuo of No Properiy Immedlately befcuo tho tnking is cqua!W or greutcr thar►tho nmount qf tho sums sccwed by thia Sccurity ' <br /> � . . InsWn�ent immodiAtoly boforo �Ito wking. unless Borr�ower nnd Lendcr otherwlso u�iec+ in wriUng,tho sumA socurcd by this ��'::::,.'•:.•� `•` _° <br /> � ' Socurlty Tns�rument ahull bo m,cluccs�d by tho amount of tAa nroce�eds mnldplled by tho following fracdon:(a)!ha toW nmount at •�':�'�,;,, ' � <br /> thq su�ns sscurod irn�cdiatoiy before tha toking,dlvided by (b) tho fNr murkct vuluo af tho Propercy immediawly 6ofaro tho ;> ; �"`", . ,: P , . <br /> °. . . wk(ng.Any balnnce�lwll bo Qal�l to Borrnwer.[n tAa cveat flf n pnttiul tuking of tho Property in which thv fair mndcet vnluo ol'Iho ;{ ;:il;!:,;.•, .":. _ _ <br /> ;.`• � Propesty immedintciy befom tho tnking is less thnn Iho amoant of the auma secu�od immcdintely bcfaro the tuking. unl�ss .,���',�;..�,�'�` , . �',. <br /> `'.- . ..- . • Bo�rower and l cnder atherwlsa agree ia�vrlting ar unless appll�ublo Ww atherwls�p�uvhlMy,qw prixx,uls ehull ba uppUed to tho . ���"��.: � .�� <br /> •- •: ..:.�.::_ sum.q svcured by this Socurity Inctru�ment whothcr ar oot tho aurr�a nra then dua. i� ; y_,.;�r'`�. <br /> : �=�:� -- <br /> -.f If tho Prope,rty is absutdoned by Barrower.or if,uftcr noticc�by Lender tc�Bamuwer that tho condemnar affc.rv to mt�kko an I ' �� <br /> m �. ;��=,_�—. <br /> . �.;;`� . Awerd oi settlt�A Clii�t�fOr dAmages,Borrower fnils to r�spand to i.cnder wlthin 30 dAya aftcr t�o duto tho aadcA is given.Lcndcr 1�.. , <br /> � � '''� is authorl�.od tn caUact and � ' <br /> * • - ; �- upp1Y tha prnceads,nt ita opdon,ellher to reswtntlon or repuir of the Froperty ar ta thA s�ms r�acurcd i, r'--� � _ <br /> _. _ � by this SccurIty Instnunent�whether or not then duo. `!:_-:- "�'- ���- <br /> � � ' :.".. ��. Unle�Lendcr and Hormwer othcrwlsv ln wrlN an a llcudan af mcecda to rinci '� - <br /> f .�.,.�, •,a,�: � �8. Y PP p P p�shnll not oxtond ar postpono .�d_ � . <br /> , �ho duo duw af tho monthly payments referred to in paragrnphs 1 a�id 2 ar chango tho amount of such payments. ��•� ;r ' <br /> . �� �r -� ll.Barrower No!Rekased;Forbraraace By Lender Nut a Watver. hxtcnstun uf tho dme far j;�. �- <br /> � payment or mod�ficudon <br /> -- __ __ ag��o€iha sums sacur��y iAi�Soc�uiiy tnshvmem granted by i.cRder to nny succaccar ln Inte�ast af Horrower shs� �~—�'`- . <br /> -. � � . .... � <br /> nat opers►yo to roleuso tAo 11abiUsy of the orlginal Burrawcr or�vaawer's succe.9sors in intarasG L.cndcr xhnU nat bo roqu`acd ta ':=�,��' <br /> ,. ��� . wmnx��rocee�iinss agsilnst uny succ�sor in intcrest or mfusr c�oxtend tima far paymcnt or athcnvi,�a madify amord:xt�on of i� ""'�� <br />-- --- _���-.-_.__ 11�n c��c�r,,��,;cl�o�..�ia:�sst h`;�st af�is��tri sni�-v`v�,'tit'v a3�-igimii Svir�iivcr or Bonvwcr'a�i8 E.i <br /> -,- ,�" ��"� in int�rrs�Any forbea�ranco by Lcnder In eaerclslrtg uny dght or rcmcdy sh�' not bo a wttivcr af ar procluda tho oxcroisc of any ,``�, a <br /> � dght or rcmr.dy. <br /> . .,r 12.Succcs,gore and Asslgns Bauadi Joint and Severul LlaDSlityi Ca.slpaere. Tho covennnts nnd agresmenta ai' this l <br /> � � - Secudry 1nstRUmcnt ahall lsind and benefit tha succassore and assigna of Londer and Harrpwer, aul�ect to tha pmvlstons of � {. <br /> � " : purs+groph 17. Bornowor'a covenants sutd ��eemcnts shs�lll bo jolnt �nd saveml. My Bonowcr wha caA:igna thiy Secudty � - <br /> _ �a• . � Inswment but doas not oaecut� tho Nate: (a) is co-sibming thls Security Tnstrumcnt anly to maflgugo.grant and convay thut j �%.� <br /> • v ° Brnmwcr'a intarost 1n the Prnperiy undcr tho tarms of this Sccurlry InsWment;(b)ls not pcxsanally obUgntcd W pay 1ho sums � � � •-'•"J= <br /> p. <� �: xccut+ed h is -- <br /> �,;:,�• y th Socurlty Inatrumcnt;and(c) s thut Lander�d an othcr BoTrowar m ; ;•-.� <br /> �;�;, ,..,.F. y�,-< � Y Ay�grco w�Car or : . .�. <br /> malco any aocommodationa wlth nsgoxd to tho tcrms oF this Security lnstrument or tho Noto without that Bartowet'e consc.ze. � ���;;`;,.;r:, ` <br /> ',"'.' :" 1�.t.awa�Charges. If tho losmn secured by thls Sec�rity Insirume��t lA aubJect tn a luw which sets mtuimum loan chnrge�, �`��,_ <br /> �:+4'� ��•..-�}�'��','',� - ���if. <br /> � 0 ,, (F�:. <br /> - . , and ttuu law ie tinully i�at�rrpretos!sa thtu tho interest or oih�r loun churges coll�ied or t�bo caltacted In connoctian wlth tho loan � ' <br /> tu A ur <br /> �,,, , . oxeeed iha pem�iaed L;smits.then: (a)uny sach toan charga sha11 bo rocluced by tho umount necaavsuy to reduco tho chargo to tha � , `� <br /> �,� , , �:� ` '„�> permitted limit;and(b)an y sums a'.ro-�ly cal�ected from BarroK�tr w h ic h ox c c e d e�i permiued llmits will be rnfundcd ta Aorrowcr, � � .� <br /> �"r �' I.cnder may choose to mako IhLv r.feand by reducing �ho princi,pul owcd under tho Not��r by mnkinp A dircct puymcnt to <br /> . ., , ;.'. <br /> '��" � Borrower. If A rofund reduces principai.tho reduction w1U bc trr�ted as o artial re y prepuyment churgo � ���»-�»��� <br /> "��}ww.�•� F P PsYment without un <br /> . - .. under iho Naw. <br /> .` �'""`.`' 14.Noticey. Any notice to Borrower provided t'�or in this Socurlty Instrarncnt�hall bo given by delivering it ar by muiUng!t , ' ' <br /> �• •� by first class mpil urdess appllcablo lew tequlrESS usu of another metdad.7tio nodco ehall bo dLcected tn tho Aroperty AdAress or <br /> µ .,, � ' r+' any other addr�ss Barrnwar dasig�atcs by nodco ta Lcndcr. A�y a�otico co Lcndcr ahall bo�ivcn by firRt closs m�il to I.endcr's � <br /> . _�: _:� ,. �� oddrrss sRated herein or any other address Lender daslg�ates by notice to Horsower. Any natica pravided for in thia Secudty <br /> ��::�� �-�""'�� ItisAVmFnt shaq ba deemed to havo becn given to Harrower ar Lender when gibe.�av pravided!n thls p a m gra ph. <br /> 'y,_, � ��::F:._�-�i 15.(:averninR Law=SeverAblllty. Tt►ls Scscurlty Inswment shall bo govcmcd by federal low wtd tho law of ihc , . ' <br /> ,� ,;,., Judsdiction In which tho Ptoporty ie locatcd.In tha ovent that nny provlslan or cluuso af thiA Sc�u�ity Inswmcnt ar�Nate <br /> '� - •- �-��• . ��±�ts wll.h�lSrable la�,such con�ct�al!rtat at'f�t othar pravislans af tiiiq Scc��iity�nsrurr�ent ur tha How which cAn bc ^-_—`=� - _- "- <br /> --- --`""" -� -�; <br /> '•.;�,�p t. '. . • glvon offect wlthout the contlicdng provlsian.To this end tho provl�ions of this SecuNty Inswmcnt and tho Note aro declfucd ta � ' � � � <br /> " .`'�� • bosevcrablo. <br /> °� '�.�'+'?.7� <br /> �,"d', '.`;,, <br /> .r•.. . <br /> %��^'-� ��� FormS0�8 O/o0 ' <br /> ��,� .. �•eR(NE)�oa�a� Pap�4ote �nlutu: <br /> �':'''r. 'i <br /> ,����,� � � ,G � u <br /> i � �,. � <br /> .f. . .. �, . <br /> • •� .. <br /> .; ..r., f _. __.--�-- —..... . .... ... .. <br /> •- _,..,.- .... <br /> . ..<. , r ------_--__.,�.,-•-•- - - -•. . _.. . � <br /> .. � , . ... ,_...._. .• -...__.. <br /> � --- - <br /> '�' '-�`'�iAr.t: . - . . � . <br /> +' _ti:w�.. _ , n ,. . . • ' ,. , ., <br /> .; -r . <br /> �M. . y��'. • . , . „ � .. . � <br /> .r �:o:. . - . .. <br /> NI. `!.. .. . . . . .. , . ` ' ... �. . . . <br /> '0 I� .«1'a.d�Y'�+•'ly.1 ., •• ' F . ,. � � . . .. - , •,`` : ' . <br /> ..� .7�a �+�.�. . .. o �- .. ' . ^ ,�y�. . . <br /> �7 ' _��` .'i1`� . _ ,. . ' _ . ' .. ,��.T.7t+•x :�J i' .. � <br /> � . r• •.. .. ,4+'� .. .. . . • ". 'i v . ,. ' . <br /> - � �. � �. . , . . � . <br /> JH . . . - . . � ... � � . . . <br /> +. . . <br /> .• <br /> __ . .y . _ _ .� . . _ , . � _. .. . . . _ _. . . _ _ '—_. .. . . . . <br /> .. � <. • i, <br /> � � " ' ,. ._ _—_— .l _"_._..._.. .... � . . , .. <br /> � `/,1. . <br /> .y; .� . . � •� <br /> I.�wu.rl.L.r._�__ ._ 1- . . _ _ ._ . . .. . . . ... . <br /> � _. �_. �_�__�__�.��.a... �,. <br />