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Any <br /> - €o�..ara�Hy i.e� 1�e�e�cising �ny r}ght err r�m�y s�ail nat b�a w3iver of or prechido <br />� thr�e��r�!ro c►B�ny� rl�Rs�r e��..�€3y. <br /> 10. SUCOC9301'9 aR(I A69I�iL9 �OUitd; Joi�t And 5$vernl Liabiliry; �CQ-9I�fl8�9. 'i'�ta <br /> cavs�a�nb and o�rcamunts�f thts Sccuriry Instriument ahull bind and benoflt the suc�cssar� and <br /> assign4 af Lcndor and Barrower� subject to thu Nwvistnns uf paragrnph 17. <br />� 11. Legislation Ai'fectln�Lendee's Rights. IFennotment oc e�pirntion af npplicablo taws <br /> _ has the effiect of ccnderina sny provisian of the Nota or this Secur�ty Instrum�nt uncaf�roenbla <br />= eoc�r+di�� ta it� terms, [.endor. ut l.onder's optlan, muy require immcd�nta pAymant in full Af <br /> all auma secu�d by this Se�urity In9trument nnd mny invoke any r0mcd�es pc�rmitted by <br /> - paragmph !?. <br /> l2. Natiaea. Any notice tv Barruwer pravlded far in this Sec�irity lnstrument siiall �e <br /> given by delivering it or by mailirig it by first efass muil untess�pilcabte law reqUires usa of <br /> un�ther method. 'fh� natice ahall be dir�.cd to the Praperty address or uey ather addreas <br /> 8orrower designate by notiee to I.onder. <br /> Aay noti�e!o Lcndcr ahall be Siven by first ol�mail ta Len@er's address smted herein or any <br /> ather address L.ender d�signutes by notice to Borrawer. Any naitce pravided for in this Security <br /> lnswment atwil be deemed to hav�be�n given to Dorrower or Lender when given a9 pravid�ad <br /> ln thiy pacagraph. <br /> _ 13. �uverning l�w; Severability. This Security Instrument shatl be govcrned by the <br /> Dn!�� �f s�� �� Qf �l�:ys. d� sl�e s:���i tl�s �; �tuv3s�� sx �l�a� � �is �,-u�ty <br /> tz�..c7cument or the l�ote confyicts wlth applicnble law. such confllct shail nut affect other <br /> pr�sarisio��s of this Security Insaument or tita Nate whielti can be glven �ffect w�thout ti�o <br /> cfl��flicting provisian. To this end th�provisions of thls Sccurity instrument and tha Note are <br /> �BCIA[6() �Q 118 8ElVELilI1I0. .: <br /> 14. Barrowera' Capy. Borcowar sh�ll bt��iven otte conform����apy af the Nate and <br /> af thts Security lnstrument. ' <br /> 1S. 7Yansfer of th��'roperty or a Renef�clal lnterest in Barrawcr. If all or any part af - <br /> the Praperty ar aay inte�at !n it is sold, uans�etred. or leased (ar if� beneflciAl inteeest n�u <br /> �t�aaowe�r is s�ld or transfeRed artd Borrower ea �at a nAtural persan) without Lender's pricr� <br /> wrrtten consent. i.�nder may, at it's optian, reyuiro immediaw payment in full of ull sums <br /> secured by thls Security Instrum�nt. <br /> If 1.ender exercises Rbls opttan, lxnder shafl glvo 8orrower notice of accelEration. The = <br /> notice shaU pravido a psriod af not less than 3Q days from tFie date t�a� natice ia delivered or <br /> mail�ci within which Borrawer must pay all sums secured by this 5�.curlty lnsuument. If , <br /> Horrawar fail to pay thes�sums prior to the expiration af thia periad. Lender may invoka any <br /> rean�odies p�rmitted by this Security [nstrument wlthout furthar natice�x d�mand on 8orrawer. <br /> l6. �rrow�rs'kight to Rein�tato. 1t`�orrower meete�ataln condittons,Borcower sht�li ;: <br /> have tho rlgtat�have enfora�ment v�chis Securiry Instrume���S��continued at any ai�np priur w �_ <br /> ch��arlicr of:���S dAy�(ar such atiter periad as appHc.�►bla law mAy q�af�r for reinstatement) <br /> b�fara sal�of th�Prape�a�y�urauant w any paw�r. of oala contained in cb6�Securjiy lnatrument; <br /> ur (b) entry of a judgrz4es�t enforci�g thls Sr.writy lnstrument. 'Tt��.��e:condition9 aro that <br /> Borrow�er: (a)pay Lende�all sums a��blch dien would bo due under this S�curiry Ir�strument and � <br /> the Nots had na accelQr�tion occurred; (b) cure any dofauit of any other covenants or <br /> �,,;ceemente; (e) pay ail ea�penses incurred in enforcing this Seeurity Ins.!7r4�ment, including, bvt � <br /> , car.�t limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees; and (d) take such act.ion as Lender may reasanably <br /> requirc t4 assure that the lien of this 5ecurity instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and <br /> 8orrower' obllgation ta pay th� sum9 secured by this Securisy Instrument, sha!! continud � <br /> 4 <br /> � <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I. <br />