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<br /> _-- ---__ !'�ra�rt�►prior tr�th��cquisitiu» sit�ll �S w I.,�nder ta theb`x`���o�tM��anms �c.�urcd by thig ��� � �
<br /> --- - Secwlty laswment I�cdi�tefy pelc�r t� ttt��cqul�itian. _ - ----
<br /> ��- ` -�
<br /> �._ �y �. ['r�serv��ion and Mnintenunco of Pmpony. BoiepwEt shall �zot destroy. dcunage ar '^� �
<br /> � �-�,�,..�.,.� sub9tanti�lly chan�d the Pic>perry.allow the P�rapeery to deteriornro ar camniit w�ste. ��' ' _
<br /> . �� �
<br /> '�'����� 6. Prutecdon of L�nder's Righ�v in the I'ropeety; Nlortgago insumnce. If Barro�ver fail �����- � -�-
<br /> � � 5� ,�,'�� to perf'orm the covenants and Agrcements cuntuined in this Security Instrument� or t here is u ��,� _
<br /> `� ti. le�al procccding that may significiuuly uffe+ct l.ender's �ights in the Prop�rty (sueh us a �.� w�l
<br /> :� : - ------_.�
<br /> �� procecding in bankruptcy� probate. for candemnatian or to enforoe laws ar �oaulations), chon �==��_= �-=�-
<br /> Lender mu da t�nd A for whatev�r is nr.�ess w rotect the value pf th� Pm rt und k"`"��"'_`��-"`-�
<br /> 4� Y P Y i►rY p � y t.��
<br /> •` .w. Lencter'g rights i�� the �'roperty. Lende�'s uctions may incluc�:: ��ying any sums sscural by a �j� �}..�..=
<br /> _ lien whtch h�s priority over thi� Security Inatrument, appeurir�� in oourt, payin,r, reas.onuble �-° �- -
<br /> �'� attarneys' fees and entering an the Praperty to mf►ke repuirs. Although I.endE�may u�lce action �=�""`���= ----
<br /> � r� under this pAru�ruph 6, L,ender do not h�ve to da s�. ��``����
<br /> E_�..s�n-_
<br /> _ Any amounts disbursed t�y 1.end�y under this paragraph ti shall becom�additional debt -�----
<br /> of AoRawer sccureci by this Securlty Instrn�mont. Untess Borrower and l.ender a��ecs to ather ��'�'�
<br />.� >y. terrns�ir�nyment� theso amounts shall b�ar int�rest from tho data of disbursement at th� Not� ��_��-_- --�_-�=_
<br /> ,� rata �� shall 6e payable� w�th interest, upon notice from Lender to mo�rowcr requesdug `_:�::; __��-_��
<br /> � '���; j� payrnent. a.r���::.
<br /> � '.�'t,,,�-
<br /> . '•� cylll!�1��`�-�._
<br /> If l.endes required mortgage insuranc�as a condition of makjn�the loan secureii by this �.�._,,:�..�..��
<br /> _� �'��' Security� Insuvment� Bonower shull pay the premiums reyuired to maint�i� the insuranre in �,���-_--a---�--
<br />.,�;��� effect until sueh N�tze�s as tlte requireirt�nt foe the insurance a�tminates in accordaa�t;e with �:��- ,�:
<br /> ` ��'��{'.�LL L3oROwers' and �.end�r's written ug�Eem��at ar npplicable taw. �—
<br /> , i,i , Mt::
<br /> � 7. Inspection. Lender or r.endeti•'s �c���. tau�Y make reasonable enuies upon and �
<br /> l � inspeetion� of the Fcoperty. Lend�r shall give San+�wer noiic�at thc ti�of or priar co an �-
<br /> inspectian specifyir�r reasonable cause for the ingpection. � � �"
<br /> �',�
<br /> �.,. ' '.'.
<br /> - �x'1�,�j�` .t ;.�:'�..
<br /> � ""' 8. Condemnation. 'il��o proceeds of any award ar ctalm fur ��rnases, direct or ..��;���.,;�'
<br /> �r — ---;� . ..
<br /> ` conse uential. in cunnecti�an»�i�wh�c� condemnadon or other takin af an �mf trio Pro e `� �"�• ` ' ,�`-
<br /> 9 Y E Y P P nY• - :.;t'w;�. :,�
<br /> �; ' or for canveyance in lieu of conder.*.z�►^•.t�o�. a�e hereby assi�ned and ahall be paid to L.endcr. , •����,4�. _
<br /> - � ;,x�,:;;(`;,. •i.y-
<br /> �_ �."fl����r�.,:�'�.'4.�__�'..
<br /> - ln the event of a rotal taking of the Property. the proceesiy shail be applied to the aums • �-:•�^�;�-
<br /> �.,,�:•.,«
<br /> � seoured by thia Securiry l�suument.whether or not then due. with an}r oxces.9 pAid to Boeower. � ;,,:.���`•�'�==-
<br />_ ----- �j ln the event of a partial taking of ehe F'roparty, unless Borrower and LAnder othonvise agree in `` �: •�'�'''=-
<br /> --� .7 a;.. �._._---
<br /> ° = writing, thQ sums secured by this 5ecurlty Instrument shull b�+ �iuced by tha amount af tho �., .' �„�-q„—
<br /> . .-_ ,..,.
<br /> _----t proeecds multiplied by the following fracdan: (a) the tata� �maunt of the sums secured �;���'�;•,,,- fi._�.,_�
<br /> ��"-_
<br /> �---.--�-. .—� imxnediately before the taking,divided by(b)the fair market v�alue of the Praperty immediately �� ••
<br /> -- bpfore the taking. Any balance ahall b� paid to Ru�Tawer. �'. ��� '�'�}; �h?+`�'.�*:'�
<br /> �
<br /> ���� �� if tt�e Araperty is abandaned by Burrawer,or if,after natice by Lender to�orrower that � '��� °�
<br /> tho condamnor offera to make un awArd or sestle a claim for dama�es, Borrower fail to respond . : � , . -
<br /> �"" to l.erxter within 30 days after the date the notic:e is givon, i.ender is authariz�d ta collect Knd .. , .
<br /> -- uppiy the proceeds, at Lender's opdon, etther to �estore or repair the Properry ur to pay the ��: �
<br /> ________ sums sccure.cl by ttaas Security lnstr�mena, whether or not then �i:ur:. s:��;:';;:.
<br /> _-- -_-- - -- - :��..,.....,
<br /> _ _ _
<br /> --- - - z
<br /> - =-- - UNes� Lertder�d �ae�rower athenvise agree in wriNng. any appli�^tion of prace�,ds to ���-----. �
<br /> principal shall �ru� extz�� a�r pastpane the due date of the yearly payments referred to i� ' � ��
<br /> paragcapha 1 urd��nr change the�moaa.*u�of such payments. �.? :
<br /> � �=� 9. Bonawer Not Retease,d; Forbearance by l.t+nder Not a Waivcr. Extension of the time " � �
<br /> ____—T�,'� for payment ar modifiqtion of amartization af th� sums secured by this Security Inspvment .
<br />__ ____ __ 6ranted by l�ende� to any suc�essor in intcrest of �ionawer shall not aperate to retease the i ;
<br />