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<br /> ;�rE`.�lu�_`_a:d3'._3_� .��� __. ' f r._ �.._...�_�� _+..,,_..-. ..-�`'1-.S':'�.M1.� _ '. , t•.� t 3`.�+�`fil�qi7i'qRR.�'1`.
<br /> `ti._.S_'-_J. '��t4_ t . . . . .. . ., ..
<br /> _ - - ._..__'., ..uaf._���..�twdi�[y ' 'ni . �\'.a_. �Yi1ri��ii&Iri� . . _-
<br /> - _-_ __ .`_-___ dy,-=
<br /> .".-••..-�vT_r:�'_-TaaSaID��E`Ialia'ivm"•;.'-3:^l� _�'+t:f1}SRI+•1C:Tis.`JL�m°°��=� __
<br /> � if nuut�Z�c i��urance c�vcr9�����ll"u�•�R�'1l1rMe perlcxi --
<br /> payn►ents may no tun���i�r�uir�t,at the��ule:n��f L�n�+.r, �_
<br /> thnt lsridcr rcyuirrv)pravidr�!by an incurcr uppruvcd by l.cndcr agnlro bccunic�nvidlublc nnd is ahtidncil. Borni�vcr hhiU�i Q�y _
<br /> thp pmmiums requircd to miifntnin m��n�a�o insu�i�nce in efCc��t.ar tu prc�vidc a lus�;r�werve,until thc requtremen�lar�notiPi�a .�
<br /> insurnncc cnd,io n��cardw�re with��n��wrfttcn n��ccu�cnt bcavccn snrn�wcr�uid l.c�edcr�►r npplhablo luw. �._
<br /> 4. 1��sp�Ytlon. I..ndcr ur itti uFcnt may mi�kc f�ru��mablc cn:rlcg upPn und inwpcciii�n:���t thc Prupcety. Lan�lcr shall�ivc ��_�
<br /> 1�orrowcr nuticc cit thc timc uf ur priur ta nn inspccti�m tiprri��ln�rcnsorznhlc c+u��c fi�r�hc ins�rctian. �_
<br /> !0. ConticmtlMlan. Thc prucccds uf any �ward�►r cli�im fi�r�lumagcy, dircct ur c�,nticqucnUnl, in conncctin� with nny �;:
<br /> cnndcmnaQan ar utl�er t+�kin�af i�ny pari uf ti�c Pn�peny,ur ti�r c�mveyunce in licu uf rue dauwat ion. t►rc hemb y ussi�ned nnd �--
<br /> sht�U bc pald ta l.cndcr.
<br /> In thc evem��f n a�tnl tukiu�t�if'th�Pmprrty.thc pr��rcedw shnll bc upplica t��thc sum�u�ured by thiy Sccurity Instrument,
<br /> whctl►cr ar nut thcn Juc, with uny exccss pai�l to Horn»ver, In the evc�u af u partial Inkiag oF the Property in �vhich thc fuir __
<br /> mnrket vuluc uf the!'itit��chy immedintcly Nef��rc thc u�kinII is cquid to ar grcatcr Ihun thc umaunt nf Uic sums�ccurcd by this
<br /> 5ceurity In�tniu�ent iunnaiintcly bcfnrc thc takin�,unlcsy Ba�mwcr iind l�:ndcr uthcrwlsc ubrcc in w�iting.thc tiums nccurcti hy _
<br /> thly Sccurity In�trunt:iri i�hnll bc rcduccd hy thc i�mnunt ati �hc pmccc�ly muitipNcd by thc fi�ll���ving fructian: lu) tko totnl
<br /> amotmt ��F thr sums sctiured immc�iiutely hefa�e the t��king.dividrJ hy (h) tho fi�ir murket vnluo uF the Pmperty tmmcJintcly �
<br /> bcforc the u►king. Acr.�.��alance sht�ll bc p�i�l w Btirrrawer. In tho evc�u of i►partial tukin�; �►P d�c ProPcrty in whfch tho fair _
<br /> mnrket vnluc af thc�'�:.�nY�mmcdinteiy hefore the ti�king is Ies.r• than the amount��f the numy socu►ttil6catt�,tcdiately befote tho
<br /> taking. unlcsy H�rn����n a»d l.ender athenvisc:L:�ti� ia�vritittg ur unlcsy i+pplicahlc li�w ��Ihc�viso pn��iti9c�,thc procecxls sha11 �
<br /> bc applicd tu the swnti�tcurcd by thi}Scrurity lnstn�mcnt whcthcr or aat thc sum.r•urc thcn deu.
<br /> If'thc Pr+��'��y�y ctbandonc�►.�}�arr��wcr,ur if,nftcr n�titice by Lcndcr t��aar�u�vcr tsi:1 thc cundcmnor offcrs to muku an
<br /> ��wurd or �cttlu u clali��far dumahcs, B��rmtivcr fidlv t�� respnnd t�� I.endcr within 3q duy�uftcr �ho datc tfi� �iad�r er +�;ivcn. �
<br /> i.ender is uudwri���cl ea aydlect nnd upply the procccds.i►t ita��ptiun.uithcr t�►�estnr.�dcm c�r repidr of tho F'ropeny or w th;sun�
<br /> �ecumd hy t4is��u�T;� lnstruntcnt.whethcr or r►ot then duc.
<br /> Unle�s l.endcr ;►nd BarFawer uthanv�so e►gree in w�iting, uny upplicuti�m af procceds ta pdncipal til�nl! nat axtend or
<br /> postpQ�nu the duc dutc of the m�nthly puymcntx refirrcd tn in parngrnphti 1 und 2 or chunge the amaunt af�u��paymcnt�.
<br /> 11.Borr�►�ver:���t ttclu�sedi H�►�heurunce By I�cnder Not u Waiver.�xtcnyi�m uf thc timc far puyment ar mcxliflc:�tion
<br /> nF nmortiri►tion of ch:�:ms sccurcci t�}+thls�curi=Y l�����gi���'y ����1°��v euc�cstior in ir.•.:rest nf Barmwcr ehall
<br /> not uperutc ta rcica,c thc linhility uY thc��riginal�arrnwcr��r Hurr�xver'y succcssucs in intcrcrt. Lcn�!ct:v`.iutl nnt ho rcyulrccl ta �
<br /> commcncc prurcedi�gs i►�;+iinst c+�w surressor in intcrest ar►rf���F:ai extcnd timc fiir puymrnt ur�+ihen��KS mcxlify umnriizntian
<br /> �� ��r r��� „�..�� �3 =�}; �.,•n�� Zn•!�!!!?umt hy cc:uon �f �ny demnnd mudo by t��� ariginal l3orro�vcr or Barrawmr s
<br /> hucccyson in.intcrctit. Any rurl�:�^�a�cc hy tsn�cr ln�Mercisia;�any right c+r rerac�ly 4h:it� n��t ha n w�ivcr o�or pr�rindc ii►� _
<br /> excrcitic uf uny ri�ht or rcmc�ly.
<br /> 12. SuceGCSmw nnd Atisipny Houncit �laint und Sevcrnl Llubllily; 4ir�signcrs. Thc c�vcnanty und a��cemcnts i►f Ihis
<br /> Se��rlty l�tstrumcnt shu11 bind i►nd henefit thc �urccrsnr�und nssi�;ns ul' [.cudcr und Rurrawcr, �uhiect ro thc provixions of
<br /> p;uugr�{�� 17. I�orrowcr's cavcnnnts and ugrcemcnts shall bo juint .uui f;ovcn�L Any Elu�m�vcr wha cc�•t�igns this S�curity.
<br /> Intitniment but d��es nut execute �hu Nrte: (i�) is ca•+Igning thiy securiry Intitnimem unly to mor�gu��e, �runt and car.�•��� thut
<br /> Borrc»vcr's inicrest in�hc Pruprrty�wna��thu tcrms<�f thi�Sccurity Inytrument;(b)ix nut penonally abUguted ta puy the yums
<br /> securcd by thiy Sccuc�:��1nst:ument;und lc)iig�ccti tt►ut l,endcr�►nd imy athcr Burmwo�a�uy ngrw ta cxtend,m��dify.fort+cur ur
<br /> mukc c►ny i►crumm��datinns witN rc�ard ta tho tcrms uP this SccurBty Inst�ument�r thr.Notc with�►ut that 8orrawcr's cans�nt.
<br /> 13.1.oAn Chnrgey. II'the k��n s�cured by thlti Secur{ty Instrument iw hubJect ta a luw which sets m.ueimum loan churgvy.
<br /> nncl thnt luw is�nully intcrpretcd so thut thc intere�t ar uthcr loan churgcy rullcctai nr c�L be collccted in canncctivu>vith the
<br /> taun exeeed Iho permitted limlts. �nen: (uf uny �uch loan churge shull be redured by Ih¢nin��unt necessury ta r�duce Li1:cht►rge
<br /> ta tho permitted Ilnr.t;and(h).iny tiumy nlreudy callected fnmi anrrower�+hieh exceuled perntittecl limits wfll be refunded W
<br /> Harruwcr. l.t`nch.r ,r.,tay chcasc tu mi�kc: this rcl'und by reducln� thc prim�ipnl owcJ undcr 1hc Notc or by makir�� n dimct
<br /> puy+ncnt ta Q��rro���cr. If u rci'unQ rcduccs principul, �hc rcducti�m wiU ho Ireutc�l tis n partial prcpayment a��:hout uny
<br />- prcpay.-�.nt chnrgc an��cr thc Noto.
<br /> 14.Noticcy.�ny noticc tc+H��rrowcr pruvidcd f�►r in ihir Security Intitrumcnt shull bo givcn hy dclivcring it ar h} mciiNn�
<br /> i�by firse cluss mail unlesy upplirublc I;�w rrquires utic uf unuthcr mcthad. 'l'hc ni�dw shnil bc dircctcd t��the Praperiy AdJ�racs
<br />= ar uny other i��idress N��rrawer designutes by ne�tice to l.endor. Any nuticu to l..ender rhtdl be gi�•e:a by first clusy mail to
<br />_ i,c;n�ler's uddre�s titnteJ herein ar i�ny ��ihcr uddre:is I.ender designateti by nutice tn�onower. Any notice pmvided fu�in thie _
<br /> Secur::y Instnnncnt xhidl hc dccmul t��huvc hcen given m Hornnver��r l.c�xler when el�eati�.ti prnvideQ in this parugraph. _
<br /> 15.Gnvcrning L.uwt SctennblNly. This Sccurity Instruntcnt shidl bo gavcmed by fcdertd luw iu�d thc luw of thc
<br /> juri�cliction i�whicN thc F'rc�perty is lucutcd. L�Ihc cvcnt thnt tiny pri�vision��r clnusc��f this Sccurlty Instrumcnt nr thc Natc
<br /> - 4,,r,€i��t�w1tl�sppt6��le lu:v.such conflict sl�all nnt utfut utttct provisl�n`uf this Secu�ity In.strumcnt nr the Noto which cnn hc
<br /> givc�a F�'E�ct withuut thc rnnflicting pravision. 'f��thls cnd thc provisivns uf thi4 Sccurity Instrument and thc �totc are decinnd
<br /> ta b����°crublc.
<br /> �D6.Barrower's 4upy. Barmwer xhull be�iven�mr c.r�n4'nrrned capv c�f the Nnro und c�f this Security Instrumenz. _
<br /> Form 3028 9/9i/
<br /> Pa{;u 4 0l 0 '
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