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<br /> —'-ik: .=i' -� .�,.w�..�.r�= .._.. .._..�.��_..��.._._..._:..�._.. Y _ - �......x - ...._..�-:.—.__...... _
<br /> �- _ -_ ������tl�.'�i'i�l -
<br /> ��---�'� R. !In•r�rd or I��oprclv Ip}LlrilRl'4. Hurruwcr aN«l) kccp tl�c impruvcmcnis nuw rx�Iing un c�rcuftcr crcctcd an thc '_-
<br /> ��-�+a����.�- Pr�ipc:rty inyureJ agaln,t lo.rr hy firc, hu�i�rdr incUidcd wi�hi���hc tcriu "rxtr»dc+i cuvcr��ge" cmd nny ntNr�ira�;ii�i�, iaclt�din� �,•- _
<br /> -�.�,::,.�et,�r�'_ �. '
<br /> ---=.Y��;, fluud���r Il�u►�i�tiH, f.�r�vht�h I.�ndcr r<<{utrc.r i��.tiu�u�ue. 'i'htv inrurimcc shull he m;iintidnrd In Ihc umuunW u��d ii►r the�u�l��Jv _ .
<br /> _��°"�� th�►t I,riedcr rc��uires. '1 he i�isurnnrc riirricr pruviding thc insumnrc.hidl hc rhutien by Hurrua'lP y11I1+CCt (U TAIRICI'�ti A(1�tfltVill ,
<br /> - _ .�—u��„:
<br /> ="�"�`r`",.. ` wld�h tihap n��t hc uuitiu�uuahly �vlihhrld. 11'1k�rrawcr fi�il.r• t�� mulntuin ����vcragr d��srrih�wl ah+wr. I�:a�lcr muy, ut l.cndcr'ti �
<br /> - -- ._��.'.,`, ; _
<br /> -- - �_ - uption,uhtnin c�,vcr��ttr ta prutect Lcndcr'y ri�htti in Ih�1'n�perly in uuurdunrc witl�p;�ru�rupl►7. _
<br /> � � � ��' '. All ineurancc pi�Ucics und renc���id+Khull hc urrrptuhlc tu Lc�idrr imd si�ctll inrludc u �1►►ndunl m��htiagc cluu�c. l��tdcr
<br /> � �-�� 'LL� �= sh�ll hnvc 1hc riti;ht tu hul�i tlic{�ulfri�s und renc���ulti. If Lcndcr r�quir�w, Hurratver tihull prun�ptly givc tu Lcndcr ull rcccipts��i' .
<br /> _ � paid premiumr und renewal nudccs. In�ho cvc�u�►f'lasti.Ht�rrawcr sl�uil Hivc�rumpt naticc tu�hc Insurunrc rurcicr►and l.�ndcr.
<br /> ^`�rr IAIttICf Il1ay mukc:prau!'af in�v if nut madc prumpily by Ho►rowcr. �-
<br /> Uidr�y l�ndcr and Harr��w•cr�uhc�wisc ugrec in wrltis�L, in�ur.incc pracccJc nh�dl hc upplicd ti►rrstunuiun ur rcpair uf�Nc ;'-�.,
<br /> F•�openy d�un��gc�l.if thc�e�a►rutiu����r icpair is ccummtically feariblc tmJ Lcnder'r�ccurlty iti nut lcs�encd.Ii tl�e resturutian u� ►_ .:.
<br /> repair is nrt ecaaumicully fcasiblc ur I.xnder's�ccurity watdd he Ie�tie►ied,ihe iusurarrc pnxecds�hull be upplicd to the sums ;�;;
<br /> }�: �
<br /> ,,�,..�_ ,. e:ccutecl hy this Sccurity Inst�Y�mcnt, whethrr ur nul thcn duc. ��{1I1 Qlly CKl'Cti9�1aid t�� Sur�uwcr. If'���rr��wcr ubimduns thc =���=�
<br /> ,� ,r_�_ �� Propany,ar dcuy nut ams�vcr wfthin 30 duys u nuUro i'rum l.�nacr thut thc in�urauuc carricr has offcrcd ti�c+cttic t�clidm, Ihen
<br /> �"� �� Lend�:r nui� collect thc insu�cmce praceed�. l.ender niuy use the proreeds tu �ep:tir ur re�ture the Pr�►perty ur ta pny sums ,�
<br /> ��� - secured by this Sc��uri� Intitrumem,whGhcr ur n��i Ihen duc.Thc 3U-Jny periud will be�in when�he nu+ice is�iven. �'",,
<br /> _".�r_ -�.;. !'
<br /> " ��F Unlcyti l.cndcr und Borra«•cr athc��visc ugrcc in wrltinp, i�ny i�pplirudun at prcnccds t�� principul shall nM extcnd or
<br /> �+ ���'��`� pi�tit}mno Ihc due dutc ��f Ihe mnnihly puymenls rePcrrcd tu in pt�rusruphs 1 nnd 3 ��r �hu��;e tho ftmount af tho paymentti. If �_
<br /> ,TM.`�`'Y.��a� � u�uiec parabaiph 21 the P�u�:�ty h u�yuircd hy l.cnder. B�,rra�ver's ribht eu imy intiurnnce paliciex u�ni pr�mee�ls resulting fram �o
<br /> . `�"".'"�"� ''-`y d�magc ta thc Pr��ptrty prinr t��ihc ncqui�itinn shnll p:�ss tu l,cndcr tu thc cxtcm��f d�c sums sccurcd by this Sccurit�lnstru�ncnt _
<br /> Ky• P[ ..�c;.• _..._
<br /> `'��'.` '. " immcdiiUcly pri��r ta thc c�cqulsiUon. -
<br /> i'�""- 6,tkrupaacy.Pr��+rrvutlan,RfUtntcnAare u»d 1'ratectl�m af the PropcMYt Ns►r►a�vcr•e Luan AppllcuNont 1.cnschc►ldy. �_
<br /> �- ;�' Aurru�vcr tihnll cncupy,cy�t�hlit+h,i�ncl uti�th►:Property i�s Hnttmvcr'v principal residencc�vithin�+ixty dnys uftcr thu cxccud��n oF
<br /> _r, _ � this Scrurity Instn►mcm and shull runNnue to�kcupy thc f'r��peny ua I�+rruwcr'e prinrip�l �csidencc for nt lcast rn�ycur after —
<br /> �'� . � the dntu of uccupa�ny, unlesv l.�ndcr athenvi�c ubrccs in wrltin�;, wldcl�rnmcnt sh�ll at*�bc unrcns��nabfy whhhrkl,ar unlcss
<br /> ' _-- =-'-�=1=� ' ���(�� �}FLil111S{W�C`LS l`XISI which arc h:�Ynnd Surrawcr'h cunta�i. eurr��wcr hhatt nt�t destruy. da�m�g� or impair the --
<br /> �"-��V� '�. Pr��perty, uUu�v thr. Property tu detcrlornte. or cunnnil wutit�an d�c Pr��perty. �un�wer shalt br in defnuit ii aTry farfcit�� _
<br /> '���: ��u�
<br /> •,,"`',,�'.'��y"��� � uction i�r prorc�*Ji�L�, whcthet civil or rriminid. is hcgun th�U i�� IAnde�'r go�x1luith judgment co�*.�a�:tiult in Corfeituro uf the
<br />' - -_� i Prupcny ur othcnvi,e m:UCriully iu�palr thc Ilcn crcated hy t1�is Security lnntrumcnt��r I.cnder's ticcurity interest.Bt��rower mny
<br /> - �..V. —` rure huch u defuult unu reinstn�c.uv prnvid�d in puragruph IS.U�►causin�ihc acticm ar pnn-ccciiiig t.,tk din�3���s�!lssb -
<br /> , , `, th�t, (n l.cnder's ga��d fuith dctrrmim�t���n, nrrcluQcs li�ri'eiture nf thc Hurn�wer's interest in �he Praperty or ��:"�rr material
<br /> impairmcnt af the licn creatcd hy this Sccurit�• InNrumcnt or l.endnr'ti ��xurity interetit. Biu�c►wcr hhnll tdho be in default iP —
<br /> ' " - , 8arruwcr,Juring the tuan iipplir.niun pnuc.�,guve mtUr.riully tiil+�ur inuccurutc infi►rmati�m��r stascmcnt�ta l.ender(or Pailed
<br /> �� to pmvidc L.endcr�vith uny mntcrinl infurmutianl in runncc�ion with thc lnnn c��idenccd hy thc N��tc.lncludin�,but�tot limited
<br /> ,u " ta. repre�entutiuos cuncerning pnrruwer'r o�•cupan4y ul�thr Pruperry us n principal rcyidc:tre. IP�his Security Instn,:r_�ent ie an n
<br /> Icuschald, Harr��wcr shaU cumply with itil ihc provisiun� of thc Icusc. If Hormwcr ;�Nuires fcc tiQo ta thc Pmperty. tho
<br /> t�. Icaschaid and tho fcc�fUc�hull nnt uurgc unlcss I.cndcr ii�rcts tc�Ihc mcrbcr in w�Uinp.
<br /> 'i; 7.Nv�tecilon aP t.ender'x RlRhty tn the Nroperty.IP Honawcr fuila ta perfurm tho rovcnuntc und ugrecments contnin:d in
<br /> '�;; thi9 Sccurity Instrumcnt, or thero is u Icbul rr�KCrding thin may sipnifiruntly uffect L.cRder's rlghtn in the Praperty(such usti u
<br />�� < � prc�rcuiinb in bnnkn�}�tcy,prc�hatc, f��r condemnutiim ur f��rfciture��r tu enfuna luws rr^.�tulutlons), then I.ciis'.:;,�:u�y dc►and
<br /> �r •% pay for�vhatcvcr fti ncccr•�u�ry tn prutcct tho viduo u!'tho Pmperty und l.ender's righ�v c�thc Pr��perry. l.cndcr's a.r,ians mov
<br /> ���' �- ittcludc �u�yin�t :sv tiums sccuscd My n licn which hur• pri��rity nvcr lhiti Sccu�iry Instrument. <U�+�arinp in �oun, payln�
<br /> r s� , —
<br /> �x. rcns�mahlc uu�L�r�s' f'res und cntcrin�an�hc Pmpcny ta n�nkc rcpairs. Althuuph I.cndcr mny takc�.ri>>n undcr this parug�up
<br /> i 7, l.cndcr dnc�iivt hirvc to do ti�i.
<br /> '�J` Any a�ne����ts dishu�ccd hy L.ender undcr thiy p:;�:a��raph 7 shull bec�mto udditiunul dcbi 1�S �3arrowor Kecured by this
<br /> +;� � Sccu�ity Instn�ncesat. Unicsv Hurrowcr nnd I.cndcr ayrcu to o�hcr temw of payment, these amuunt�shall hcnr interewt Pr�m the �.
<br />__���,.,,,;.;;,��.;� ; datc af disbursec»�nt ut thc Notc rutc u�id �I►uil hc payublc, with intcrest, u�c�n naticc fram I.rrn;:* to aarrawcr rcyucsdng
<br /> '�� `� ' Payment. �
<br /> � a R.Alurtga�o I�suruncr. if LAndrr rcyuircd nu�rtgugc inyunmcc us u c�mditiun af muking thc luan sccurcd by this Sccurity �-
<br /> i� ' Y
<br /> Inotrument, F3�►rmwer titwll puy tho premlui».y rcyuircd t�� mnintuin the m��nbuge insurance in effec�. lf. far uny rcason, the �;;_,.
<br /> � - ms�rtgage inxuruncc caveru�;e requirc.�1 by lxndcr luptics�u cea�cy tn bc in effect, &tirmwcr�:hall pay thc premir,�;e reyulrcd ta �;
<br /> -- --`— — obwin cnvernge Rubstiindully eyuivulent to the m��rtgu�u insumncu previausly in effect.ut u cost xubstnntiully eq�:ivnlent tn tho
<br /> - - -- _ --�---�� cast to Rur�uwer ui'�he tnortgu�c insur�r.�x rreviously in eifcct, fmm im ultemute mortgagv insurer appraved by Lender. If ---_
<br /> _ subswntially cyuivnlcnt murt�ugc inroruncc rovcragc is not avuiiufite,Barrowcr sha}i �a�y to t.cixter eath month s se�n egtsa!us � _
<br /> �'°'"�:, o:,s•��veiph��f the yu►rly morr,�.te insur��nco premium being nuid hy Aorruwer when the insurnnce cmeriige lupsc�i ur ccased to �-_
<br /> - ----_=_;�;j be in effcct.Lendcr wUl ur�r.{;t,usc und rGnin thcsc paymcn�r;us u luss rescrve in lieu af mortgngc intiuruncc. l.ass rescrve ��=-
<br /> - - -- Form 9028 918p
<br /> -- --'�`Yi Papo 3 010
<br /> - - - _;::�'�' ,
<br /> �_,;a_�,q,
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