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w^. � �._�.. ,<;::.� . _ .. . ^ . . .. <br />. - • �.,w ��--�.-�'-"�.�:-'.( ., '�'i�'t::f.• . . �• ' „ -' ii . _ � . .., <br /> �R OiMlF.�I�Y.h•,, . . •. <br /> nWp _ ' � ... . .. .. .�. . . � <br /> '� � - � .. � . .• � <br /> -�elL .. . .. .. , u�t.. . , i �� <br /> .�. .. - . . - .. .... <br /> ' '� t«�i.. .. � _ . r� . .. . , � . . ' ,.� . � <br /> ' l. � LSL_... ..._,_. .. _ . .. �_. _L.r ��--•-4w.wr�.���+•.. .-. � , . � � � - . . .��r�r.n..fla+rt. . ..� � ..._: � <br /> _ . . . -.1� .. . <br /> ...a�+�+a-+qrhM' e�:.�.�:il.��'���M1���:,.`�y�`..�:`�4}!��i�'�;✓ . .S�9r`rSr'�.k.•f�lf.�G��:._Hn.ti.:.;+.i' ir��„r;�:'.��':.;�l1!°�.�=- <br />' _�iadYNind.sG:VLL�iii' ':�w n. �_.. � .'y� .. <br />.. `r'-�w,rr,nA�,°Wf7� YaaE]ri:t4�!{�4�ti�*�R�7�-��i..��..Ii... . . . .. ., . ..�,�-. <br /> . � <br /> ;.. - � �,�� # � <br /> _ .. _ . . �.���°��� - <br />:.'':ia�-�;'� ��'` {a) Accept or pd�mlt nny prepaymant,d/sco�mt or edvanco poymant a/ront I:or�undor In o�;cass ol ono mon1A, . <br />-- -�•-:�la.�Pe <br /> °��=�•'�-•y (b) Cenccl or terrnlnata fho samB or eccept any cancellatbn,te�m/natbn a sunender thoroW,or pormlt any ovont to occur wh/ch wou/d occur <br />--'�";,;;�:�_'_��� lhoroundor to terminato orcanc�l the samo,othor than�erminaNan for nonpeymont ol renf, . � <br /> — (c) Amend or modNy the esmo so as tv reduae the[e+m thereof,tho rentel peyabin fhereunde�a to changa arry renowal provlslona thoroln ; �, , <br />:sR�;!�_�_`--:-�'��i� contalned� . `"- <br /> (d) Vh91v+a eny riesault tlreraund�r or br��ch 1h�riof, � <br /> ,.,�,�,�,;;�:':� (e) aR�B ary consent,welver a applwel thereunder or telro arry othe►actbn In connectlon thorewlth,or w/th a bss0e thereundct►,whlch would heve T „ �'�+ <br /> -_=R �r.`°� the eKeCt of ImpaUfng tho valuo o/the lossor's lnterost thoroundor or tho property subJect fhareto,a ol Impahlnp tho posltlon ol Interost ot ' `�" � <br /> , . .H- <br /> ����_v��?�4� Benelklary thereln,or <br /> .,,Y,ri.=„���.,�,� (Q Sell asslgn,p►edge,mortgage or othenvlse dlspose ot or encumber!ts/nterest!n arry�sld lsaso or arry rents,Issuos,proflts fssu/rt�a e�lsing ,.:.;�,� <br /> -=����' theraunde� t. <br /> � "'�4 17. Welver o/Sfatute of Llmltatlona Tlme!s ol tha essence ln all o!Tiustars oblJgadons and dutles hareunder;and to th,e extont permltted 6y law,Tiustor <br /> Y9�S''::.ili�ir�Gfn.: . <br /> -��.._,=;-.w,-,��,�4 weives sf!present or/uture atatutes ol llmltations�vlth rospect to erry debt,demand or obtJ�atlon secured horeb/end eny actlun or proceeding for <br /> �►R-;���.,;yy,�w�„ the purpose of enlorc/ng thts Dned o!Tiust or any rlghfs or remedles contalned hereln. • : <br />.-�,;.Fn����.,,,.�,i <br /> � 1& Asslgnment of Deposfta.fn fhe event constructlor�of lmprovements Is contomplated by the loan evldencod by tho Note secured here6y,as nddltl�nal , ,d' .'} , ,� <br />-:':�;,�:,;.° �= Y secudry tharetore,Trustor hereby hensfers and asslgrts ro Benoflc/ary,afl rlght,tlGe undlnterest to a�ry and all monles deposlted by or on bohnfl ol - <br /> -�`�•���" '• � Tiustor wlth crny alry,county,pub/!c body o�agency,sanitary dlsMct,utlllty company,and arry othe�body a ttgency,lor the lnstallatlon or to secu�o . :` .,:;• •,- - ' : <br /> � +"�° � � Iho lnstallatlon ol any utlllry by Tiusto�peRalnln�to the Frust Property. <br /> �'ru�-.1yT „�,,. '°NA'�c�'s. <br /> ,a s:`-3;z 1a Caporatlon w Partnershlp Exlstenco.11 Trusta l�a corpomtlon,genera�pe�u�ershlp�or limlted purtnershlR it will do ell th/ngs necessary to presorve!ta �'_ �f�����? <br /> ��j' �'' curporste or partnorshlp exlsrencss as the case may be�and all rlphts end pdvlleges unde�the laws of tha state ol!ts IncorporaUan or orpanlzatl�n. r � ; -- - <br /> `'-"'� -�'� ,; 2A Forbearance by BonBf/clary Not a Welvec Any lo�bearance by Ben&flclary ln oxorcfsing ony rlght or remedy hereund8r,or othenvlse eflurcfed by �.. ` � +�"�'"'M� <br /> 's���;r,,:. npplkable law,shell not be a welvor o/or prt�lude the exe�lse o/arry such dght or r.�medy.lhe procurement ol/nsu�nce or tha payment ol texes �'�•�1�!�'� � <br /> �, ��n(`f'3..,� —°° - <br /> �.•,. �• or the dlscha�ge ol llena or charges by Benoflc/ary shall not be a walver ol Benelldary's rlQhf to eccelorate the maturlry o!the fndebtedness. �;4;;��,�' <br /> � 27. Romedles Cumulative.All romedlos provlded!n thls Deed ot 7iust Aro dlsNnct end cumulative to arry other dght or remady under thls Deod of Tiust :: . s�w� _ __ <br /> `+••,���+ or nffordod by law o�equlty,and mny bo earerclsed concurrentry,lndependentty or successfvety. � ,;� '� - <br /> -.._«id+�ri., ;:.... � .,,�•. <br /> 22.SuCCessors and�Sss/gns Bound;Jolnt and Severar t�nn�nry;c:aptions.The covenants anu uyrevi�iurts horo'Irr cort�'l,�Cd ShA!!bind.�nd ihe rlg.hts �.? �y��il <br /> +, .. ,.5., �:.,•.,r <br /> ;.,.r �..�. he�eunder ahall lnure t0.the raspoctive suCCessors and asslgns of Bene/!clary, 7Yustee,and Trusto�All Co+rananta and a�reements ot Trusta shall ;.,� ,.,_. <br /> . � . ,r��.,y. , � . . .----- <br /> be Jolnt snd severeL The capGons and headlrtgs of tho parsgrophs ol thls Deed ot Tiust sro for convenlence only and are not to br3 used to lnterpret ���}. <br /> �;� :,�r...;�� or de0ne the provlslons heroot . � ' - <br /> ` 7,.. 'lr��'-1�.. <br /> 23 Notice.Except fo�ary notice requlred under appllcabla fsw to ba glvan ln anothor mannor,(a)ery notice ro Tiusto�provlded forin tbls Dsed o/Ih�s► .�G._ __.—_ <br />,_;5`' �=�"'r�`f shall ba gNen by m8(Gng cuch no[�Ce by certNfed mall,retum rocelpt requosted nddmssod to Trustor et!ts malling addrriss set lorth above or at such ,�j,�,�';,-��.�� <br /> �� ,.--- <br />- , ' "�ts .,. other address es Tiusror may deslgnate by notice to 6enellclary as provlded hereln,and(b)arry notice to Bene/Iclary or Tiustee ahall be glven by .,,��t;�.��- <br /> certl/led ma11,mtum�ec��Pt requested,to BoneOclary's and Tiustees malling addiess stated hereln or to such other address as Beneflclary or �„ � !_= <br /> " s�= nJw��q��ocin.w�a hy noNce to hustor as nrovlded heroln.Arry notice Arovldod for ln thls Deed of Tiust shall be deemed to have been glven to '; <br /> ' �y`' t��... <br /> Tiusro� Bene/klery or Tlustee when glven In the manner dos/gnated he►eln. �w��f• � <br /> •�•• 24. Govamtng Law;Set�e�8b!!!ty.Th/s Dsed o►Tiust sha//be Qovemed Dy the laws o/the State of Nebreska.In ths event arry provlslon o�Clause of thls r t:' �i - <br /> ..��j,,�.�}F4 <br /> " ` Uaod o/Tiust confllcta wlth appflcable Imv,such con)Ilct shad not a/fact other provlslons of thls Daed ol Tiust whlCh can be gtven ot/ect wlthout the ,�,,,., 1�. <br /> � ��•' • � conllkting Fvwlstona and to thls end the provlsrons ol thls Deed of Aust are declared ro be severebfe. •.t , <br /> �• . '�"""� 25 Evenfs ol Det�ult.Each of tAe lopowing occurroncos shall conatltute sn evont ol defuult hvreundo►,(herelnatter called an"Event o/DelaulY): _ ,�'� <br /> • • �rt-.,� .� (s) Tiusta shaU fa0 to pay when due any pdnc�pal,lnterest,or princlpsl and lnterest on the Indebtedness, '�M - <br />--`'r.. �� ',,��'a: . <br /> °� , (b) Any wananry of tltle made by Trusror hern/n ahall be untrue, ��%'�� <br />'����,� � <br /> ��1 � (c) Tiustor shsll feU to obsenre or poAorm arty of the covenants,egroements,or condltlons!n thls Deed of Tiust, �'�{�SJ � <br />-��� �� �; �'''' � (d) Any representatlon or werrenty mede by 7Yusror on arry Ilnanclal stntements or reports su6mltted fo Beneflclary by or on behall o/Tiustor shall ' �a"�� <br />--_°- '�"��� pro�re/also or mateds/ty mislending, <br /> .,+ /, <br /> '��,�^ ' (o) iiusror rthall/aIl to porlorm or observe a�ry ol fhe cover�ants,conditlona or egreements Contelnod In,or binding upon Trustcr vnder arry bulfding �;`' <br /> � � c, <br />.`:;��r�,,y�u�� kan egreement,seCUVlry sgreement,loan agreemont,Ilnanclnfl statement,or erry other agreement,lnstrument or document er.ecuted E�y Tiustor , '�� <br />__-�:,,�,.,,1,yy� In connectlon wlth the loan evldenced by the Note, ��� <br /> .'.,7;,_.,._ti.�,�,,,, (n p trustoe recpl�ro�or IiquWator ol th8 Tiust P�o/�erry or ot Trusror shel!bQ appolnted,or ary o1 the credirors ol Tivsror shnB file a peNdon!n �___,�. <br /> - banlwptty agalnst Tiusror,or�or the reorganiit�don ol Tmsto�pu�suant to ttn Fedaral(Sarikruptcy Codo,or any slmllar fau;tivhethor federal o►stele, '�,:� y*�y��'�' <br /> �':`+.�+f^"-'�:�:�. �� end H such ortler a petifbn sh811 nof be dlschnrr�ed o�dlsmissed wlthln thlrfy(30)days aRer the tlale on whlch such order o�petlUon wes libd, , ''1�.� y�j���_- <br />-�vi�+. . 4�'���:.':i .� r. �y—�. .i'�r. <br /> 'C <br /> ,� (g) TiusMr ahsU tib e petiHon Fursuant to tho FedorAl Bankruptcy Code or sny slmllar lew,federal or st8te,or JI Tiusta shall be edJudged a ,;�� � �S� <br /> ~`;!�'ti�'ii � bankrup�or be decfsred lnsoArent,or shall mnke an asslgnmont for tho 6ensflt ol credirors,or ahall admlt!n wdUng!ts fnablfiry to psy lls debts �. � �. '��' � <br /> ��. � � ' : <br />_''"`ti`� �� .��� as they become due,or ahap consent ro tho a olntment o!a rvicelvor ol all or arry part ol the Trust Property, � `. ?� �'S•r+ � <br /> ._;,�:'.�'.yt� M PP ' �- s��.: _. <br /> r r�-'.~` ��.. (h) Firtal�udgment lor the payment ol money shall be rendered agalnst 1lvsto�nnd Trusror shall not dlscharge the samo,or cause!t to be ��•�����>' = • •---�-- • <br /> dlschs�ged,wlthln thlity(30)days aRer the ontry therHOf,or shell not appeal there/rom or from fhe ordo�docrae or process upon whJCh or ��'<'f'+"° �'� <br /> �z4.r . <br />_ ". � r pursuant to whlCh sa/d/udgmunt was grented,based,or entered,and socure e stey o�executlon pendlnQ such epponl, �"��y'�: <br /> ��.. t (f) Ilustor shall sell or conu+ey the 7Yust Propert};or any part thereot,or any lnterest thereln,or shafl ba dlvestad of!ts titlo,or a�ry Interest thoreln,In "�� <br />-. • •�� atty manner or wey,whethor voluntarlty or(mrofuntadly,wllhout the written consent ol BeneflClary being flrst had nnd obtained,or <br /> !•� ��� (J) If Tiustor ls a corporatlon or pertna�shlp ctnd more tnan/lity porcent(b0%)ol the sheres or beneliclsl/nterests In such corponNon or ''-^•• _ <br />'� •�%��'��•��• 87t08/Shf a9 fhe case may be,shall be trensferrod or cOnvoyed,whether voluntarily orlmrolunterlly,vvlthout the wntten consOnt o/8enelfclary <br /> ;c•,�»..:-�_ ,..•. P R .. <br />; �;;. . ,-,, -�� be/ng fJrst had nnd obtalnod. � <br /> �'�+""'" " 2(�Accttleretkn of Dobh For�closu%Upon tha occurronce ol ary Event of Defnult,or arry tlme themaRe►Beneflclary may,ot!ts optlon,doclaro all tho <br /> � frtdobhtdness becumd he�eby tmmedlataty due and ptryub;o and tho strrtre shall bosr lnterest at Ihe defeult rate,II any,sat forth In ihe Note,o� <br /> . ��j'..�� •�'r othenvJse at the hfghest mro permf►ted Dy law,and.lrrospoctiva o/whethor daneliclsry exorclses suld optlon,it m�;at Ifs optlon end!n!ts so/e <br /> ���4•�� "•;• �•4 dlscroNon,w!lhout any further notlCe or demand fv or upon TYustor,do ono or moro ol the lollowing: <br />`���r��?;;:_ ; ,� � (a) Bonoliclary may onrer upon,tako possosslon of,martape nnd operute!ho Trost Propeity or nrry part the�eof;make ropalrs nnd alroratlons nnd do I <br /> �%'a'� ,r�• n• a n y e C t s w h l ch BBnBHc�a ry dooms pro p or ro prr�toct the seCUrlty therool,and olthor wlth or wfthout teking possess(on,in Its own name,sue!or <br /> ���:�'� a or otharwfse Colbct end racelw rents,�ssues end prolits,lncluding those past due and unpald,and upply thu Somo.Ioss costs and oxpQnsos o l <br /> ,,�•.; , ,�: operoBon and Collectfon,lncfuding roasonable atromq+fees and Beneficlmy's costs,upon tho Indobiadness sacurod horeby and fn such orde� , <br /> -sl,�.����•••-••••� ns 8enefiClary may daterminn Upon request ol Boneficlery,Tiusto�shsll assemblo and shoU make evA!!nblo ro Beneliclary nrry o►tho Trust <br /> -'' -`�� Proporfy whlCh has Dcwn rt�moved.Tho vntodng upon end taktng possvsslon oJ tAO Trust Proporty,tho collectlon of any ronts.lssuos and profits. <br /> L;fr.i`°,.,''.�',:.; <br /> - •_:,,_ end(he appllcat(on lhereof as afomsafd,shsll not cure or waive eny defeult thttrafofae or thoroaftltr oCCmNng,or elfoct r�rry nodce of dotault or <br /> :��;;�� {; "�, notke ol sale horeundor or Invafldttro srry sct dono pursuant to urry such notictt. Nclwtths�nding Benolklary's contlnusrtco in possosslon or !� <br /> ` �`�-'-��� reCelAt end applicAtlon ot rents,lssues or proPit�Bonofklary shull bo ontltled to oxorotse every r(ght provlded for/n this Qeod of Trust or by law � <br /> ' -T upon or alter tho occwrenr.e of an Event of DotaWt,InCluding t�o r/ght t0 oxerCrso tne power or sare.i+�ry or me acdons raierrc3d io r'n inis -_---- _ <br /> � ..,;.,�� paragreph may bo taken by Bonof/clary st such tlmo es 6one/1Gary may dotormfno wi�hout rogn�tl to tho adequscy of any socunry for tha ; <br /> �•°�,�,.•��-�- Indebfvonoss sccurod hereby! <br /> • � K:.;4,> (b)Benoficfary shnU,w(ttout rogard ro thv edaquacy ol nrty securify for tho Indobtvdness socurt�d horoby,bo ontrtlod to thv appo�n�mant n1 u <br /> • '.�•.• ' '� roce(vor Dy ary couR htrving/urlsd(cHOn, wiMout not(co,ro tako possosslon ol,protoct,end manapo the Tiust Property artd oporote fho samo <br /> � ��.�,e!~.. and collacc tho:ents, issuos end proliis therelrom. <br /> �� "`��'�' (eJ Bonol'�clsry may bring arry netlon/n arry couR of compotent(urlsdictron to lomcfoso tl�ls Dcrad of Tiust or enlorco any of tno cr�wnants horoot , <br /> ,. �i .�..�#�_ <br /> -�„_,., . (d)BtrnellCft�ry may aktct to cduso the Tiust Proporty or urty part thorool ro bo sold unds�tho pa+nor ot sala end in such aronL 8onnticiary or Trustoa <br /> . .m,- <br /> _ ... shrt/l gh�e auCh notko of dolault end rtoBcv of sale es may bo then rrqu.ied by Iax!Thproa'Ktr,upon tho oxpirat/on of such tlmo and the grvmg o� <br /> - sueh notico d sa/o fls may then bo required by lmv, Tiustea(tt the tlmo ttrtd plaCe spoG�fisd by th.o nonco ut salp,shail sol!such Tiust Properry.or <br /> � ' �� nry psrt Ihereo/SpecNlod by BonelrCl3ry,(tt pub�iC aucrion m tho hrghest bidtler(oi c9sh m Imvful monvy o!Iho UnrleU Sfatos ol AmonCa. Upon <br /> .u{ rgeslpt of ptrymont of the pNce bfd, lrustrre aha/!oppry the proceods!n tho follaving orriar:p)to tho cost and expensns of oxorclsng tno pamr ol <br /> _ ' aale end d Me sata��cbding Dut not limltetl tq trusroe's foes or not more thnn 550000 pbs ono-hal!ol ono persont ol tho pross safo pnco.antl <br /> -` � ��•1��';�R. roasonabla ottomny kwC(9�►hs Indsbtednes�errd(ri�)tho excosS d arry!tn tho person or persons�ogo6y enurbd 1ACrora <br /> ���,.'rn:i': <br /> `� ��:.'� All costs end exponsos lncu�red by Baneficlury fn onfor�(ng ary nght under tnts Dood of?lust,mcludrn��vdhouf Gmitsuon,obstroct or ht/o facs, <br /> °" upprnlsal lnes,Rmmlums for btlo(nsurunca,attornoy(oas nnd court cosrs,shall bo nnd const,turo lndobmdnoss sccurod hercby. <br />