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<br /> . ..• - ., f - - .. . °- �.
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<br /> � , in ..�...-��.-•.. ':
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<br /> �,��,�'�,Q�'Q.��:� �.. ., _
<br /> npninsl futmo m�nthty installmonta aJ Funds.I!fi�o uriour�t o!tho Funtls hold Cy Qonc/�cinry shal!nct bn suH�clenf ro pny tar.os,assossmnnts, � -_
<br /> .. _ " lnsuranco promlurns ena prounAronts as thoy fnli duo,Austo�shnll poy to BoncOClary nny nmoun!nocossnry to mako up tho 6o!lc�oncy wlthln Ihlrfy .
<br /> r �,�•.� °' days Irom fho dete notico!s mal�od by Bortcpc/ary ro Tlustor roquostinp paymont UiorooL Upon paymont�n lull 01 an indobcodnoss,E�ortahclnry chall
<br /> •~ p�umptry rofl�nd ro Tiusta�any funds hold by Bonoflclnry. fl thn riust Pioparry!s sold urtdar fho powor o1 s�lo or tho ilust Pioporty is othonvlso -
<br /> 9k.r�F�r'':1,�:'�`.,�•'� ,.
<br /> ,:�..,y�.:,,,,.,-,,, acqu/rod by Bertallclr�ry,Barte/lclary shell pppty,Immadialoty p�io�to tho salo o/tho Tiust Proporfy or lta ttcqulsltron by Bonollclary,arry Funds hold
<br /> by Boncflclmy at�ho tlma of oppllcnUon ns e cr�dit npalnst tho Indebtodnoss.ll 6oncticlary oxocutos a wntton waiw�01 TiustoYS obllQnNons andor ,
<br /> ,-.jr-,�. ` • . fhis pnrapraph 4, Trusta ca✓anants r�nd ag�c�s to Fcy;bo:ora lho samo bec�mo dallnqucnt.all taxcs, assossmonfs,insur�nco pmmlumS,gm��nd ,. y
<br /> '_-'�`•'1�,�.s..� �. ront�,ond ell o�hor charqos whatsoevarfovlod upon or eRSOSSOd,p/acod o►mnde eptrinsf fho liust Proporty. Tiusror furthw ogrooa upon wrltten
<br /> '"'..i`!�I _. " ��-
<br /> - „ • r roquest by Bnnolldnry,to promp;ry da�rvor to BonoBClan�rtll recoipts fo►fho paymont ol such charpos. Tiustor iikow�so agraos m pny all faxos.
<br />- �• ass�asmvnfs�nd othe�r.harpos�w14d upon o:assossod,pincod or mado against,�r moosured by.thls Doed ol TFust or 1ho rocadatlo�horooL ., �r
<br /> ;�n�� b. Appflcatlon ol Payments.All paymenta recelvod by Bonof/clary as ro nny dobf,!labiNty or obllpatlon owetl to Bonofrclury by Tiustoi may bo oppllod by
<br />- ��`�,;:_?- � Bonellelary to tho pnyment o!tho Indebrodnoss or to a�ry such othor dobt.IlabNrry or obllgatlon,!n any ordvr or mannnr ol appllca�lon which �
<br /> 'f���- ' Bonoflda In!ts nbsolufe�dlscrotlon,dee►n9 A ro rlaro. Unless othonvlse elacfad Bonollcia an such a mont shn0 bo daemotl a ll�dlirst q
<br /> :, y�y�yi{� �Y, PA A bY 7• Y P Y PP . ,
<br /> .__ ...�..� to tha payment ol arry dvbt,Ilablliry nr obllgnNon othnr than the Note.
<br /> & Chnrgos;Uens. 7rustor wlll keop fhe Trust Proparfy fiae from sll liona nnd encumbrances whlCh In a�ry way may, !n"rho judgment o/8enpflclnry,havo ' _.
<br /> � � ' ' "� prlo�lty ova�or lmpa/r the security o% IAIS Deed ol liust but Trustor noad not d/schnrgo any such qen so long as Tiusto�shall agmo,in wr(tlnp,fo .
<br /> p&y tho obilgsdon secured 6y suCh 11Qn In a mnnnor acceptab/e to Bene!lclary and shall In good lalth contost such Ilen hy oppropnate legal - �
<br /> procaodings eHecfive to prevent the enforcement o/the Ilen srtd the loss ol any Interest in or paK of tho Trust Pioporty. ,
<br /> � 7. HazArd Inswance.Tiustor shall keep No bulldlnps nnd ather lmprovements now exlst/ng or heroaRor erocted on tho Tiust Propvrty lnsurod by
<br /> � lnau�anse canlers sa8slactory to Beneliciary agalnst loss by Iire,hazards included!n tho form'bxtondad caventge"and such other hazards, � �
<br /> . �,.. ,.� .. ^. .
<br /> . � , casunitlas and contingencles as may be requlred by Benellclary,in such amoun�s end lor such pnrlods us may be requlrod by Bnnsficlary.The • _ • .
<br /> pollcy of Inswnnce shaU be!n/orm accoptable to Bonoflclary,provlda that the ssme may not be cancelled or modiliad withouf IrHoen(1fi)days prlor „�� �t%eY��°+-''i=
<br /> `�. � wrltten notice to Beneficiery,and shall have loss payable prov�sfons in lavor ol and!n lo�m acceptab/o to Beneficlary.All premlums on insurAnCe •• �'
<br /> = pollcle9 shall be ald!n the manner rovlded under are ra h 4 hereof o�il not ald in such manne►, Tiusto�makln a ment at least fifteen 15 a��'"" - �
<br /> P R P B P P bY 9 P Y ( ) f4; i�"�t�-..�
<br /> " deys prlor ro tho due date,dlrectty to the Insurance carder.Benelicinry shall havo the�/ght to hold the policles nnd renewals thereol and 7Yusta shall • :.r,�,,-�-�-
<br /> - promptty furNsh ro 14eneflciary sll renewal notices and all paid premium receipts receivetl by ir.In no evont shall Beneflciary or Tiustes bo held .,�•,..,�'
<br /> � respans(b1e for la4ure to pay insurertce premlums or!or eny loss or damage arising out ot a defect In any policy or adslnD out of any fnllurA ol any : ;��y�`�--'�
<br /> �:: .. =
<br /> :-::.. . ----_'-'_tiR�b�s:�:r..
<br />-�' • . lnsurance comparry to pAy for arry loss or damege�nsurad agamsr or/a f�iluro by Trustnr iu aIlecf!hv inswar��o idyuirod 1�vroW�Jr�.!n ti�n c%vu�d Gl ,
<br /> = loss, Tiustor shall give piompt notica Gy mail to the lnsuranca canior and Beneliclary.Bene/lclary msy maY.e proof of foss ii not made promptly or in �� �C.�•'.,,:��,�'?;,
<br /> ' , proper lorm by Trustoc All policles ol Insurance end a�ry and all relunds oi unearned premlums are hereby asslgned to Beneliclary as additlonal „ �� ^r."'c�__
<br /> '� securlry for the pfrymont o�the Indebtednesa.M the event o/Beneflclary's exerclse ol the power o/sa/e contalned hero(n,or!n the event of �s�k���=�'�
<br /> ' t' foreClosure,a!!dght, tftfa and lntCro°f o!7iusto�In snd to arry fnsurenCe peUty IhP���forca shell�nse M the pum.hnser et the hustvo's sele or ''. `' ---- _
<br /> ° ";k� loreclosure sa/e. In case o/a�ry loss, the lnsurance proceeds mny,at the opHon o�Bene►iclary,b�spplied hy Bene6ciary upon the lndobtedness,or ��.gg� .
<br /> < any part thereol,and In such ordar andamount as Bene/iciary may dotermine;or sald lnsurance procoeds,at tho optlon ol 9enoficlary,may either . -
<br /> � bo used in replacing or resrodng the Trust P�operry partlally or totally destroyed ro e condfUon satlsfectory to Benef�clary:or st+ld lnsumncv .'�,�
<br /> � • proceeds, or any portlon thereol,mt�y bo relessed to]iustoc Unless Bene/lciary and Tiustor othenvise agree in wnting,any such appllcat/on ol ���
<br /> ' �-•�{, lnsurance proceeds shell not extend or postpone the due date o�tha Note,or any InstaHments called lor therem, or change the amount of sucn ° ti *.. +
<br /> lnatallments.!f the Trust Properry Is acqulred by Benelidary pursuant ro tho exerclse ol tho paver ol sale or othor forecfosure,all dght,Htle and ..
<br /> ' `�. • intorest ol Tiustorin and ro any lnsurance proceeds peyablo as a�esWt ol damago to the Tiust Property prio�Io the sale or acqutsition shall pass to ��" ^' �,� ,'
<br />' , � 8one�iclary and shap be applled frrs[ro the cosrs and exponses.mcluding attorney laes,lncw�ed in collecting such proceeUs,�hon in!he manner ' _,;�}
<br /> •. ' and in the order provlded horeln ;:.:,r;
<br /> 8. Prosorvat7on and Malntenance of Tiust Properry.Tiustor wJll keep the buildings and other�mprovements now or herea/tei erected an the Tiusf � ;T�
<br /> ' Property/n good repair and conditlon end wlll not commlt o�permit waste,wlll not 81tei tho deSign oi Structura!character constituting any building ,
<br /> nav or horeaRo�erectod on and Cons6luting the Tiust Proeprty without the pr;or written consent ot Benehcfary,wi�l not do any aCt or th/ng whlCh ���'
<br /> woufd unduly Impalr or depreclate the value of the Tiust P�operty and will not abandon tho Tiust Property! Tiustor wlll not remove any/lxtu�as -�,,
<br /> `. con..11tuting the Dust Property unless the same ere lmmedlatety replaced with 1lke proporry sub/ect to the lien snd securlry interest of thls Desd o1 �� � �
<br /> Tiust and of nt lee9t equal va/ue and ulility.Trusror villl comply wlth aU present and luturo Ordinances,regu/etions and requlrements ol any - �i
<br /> governmentnl body whkh are&ppllcable to the Tiust Property and to the occupancy and use thereot 1/this Deed of Tiust!s on a unit In a ; ,fi• .'�
<br /> , Condominlum oi a plannnd unff development, Tiustor shall perform ell ol Tiustor's obllgetlons under the declnretlons or Covnnants c�vatlng oi
<br /> goveming the condominlum or fhe p/anned unit development,the bylaws and regulstlons o/the condominium or planned unit development and the ' � •
<br /> constltuent tlocuments. ��
<br /> � 9. Inspectlon.BeneliclAry or its e�ents mny, r�t aU reasoneb/o times,enter upon tho Tiust Properry tor rhe purpose ol lnspectlon.Beneflclary shall have �` 'a�,�,s : �`_
<br /> - no duty to make such lnspeCHon and ShaU not be Ilable ro Tiusror or to any person m possession il it makes or lafls to make any such lnspect(on. ' �t�,:.��;,,,ry
<br /> ' i0. Protectlon o!Secudty.It Austor lulls to po�lorm arry o/tho covenants and agreemonts con�eined in this peed ol Tiust,or il any octlon or proceeding •%�.. .
<br /> " „r. !s commenced whlch does or may eeNersety aNect the Trust Property or the Intnrost of Tiusror or Benellaary thereln or the Htle o�Trus[or ther�to, •'
<br /> � then Benellclary,at its optlon,may padorm such covenants and agreements,make such appesrancos,de�end agalnst and lnvosNgato such acHon �
<br /> _ � or proceeding ond teke such other aclbn as Bonollc/nry deems necessary to protect its Interest including,but not�im;ted to,disbu�semenr of „
<br /> - + ; � mesonable attorney(ees and entry upon the Tiust Properry to make repalrs.Arry amounts dlsbursed 6y&eneficiary pursuant to thls parac�raph 10, �
<br /> ;. with interest thareon,ShAll constitute Indebtedness o/Tius�or secured by thls Deed ol Trost. Unless Tiustor and Bene/ICary agree to other[erros of ,
<br /> payment, such nmounts shall be paya6le upon notloe from Bcrneficlary to Trusror requesting psyment rhereot,ana snae Dear�nterest Irum the date , •
<br />_ _ , ol dlsbursemont at the delault rate,!f any,set lorth(n the Noto, or othenvise at the highest rate permitted by law. Nuthing containdd!n thls paragraph �1�
<br /> shalf roqu6o Benolictary to lncur srry expense or take any actlon hereunde�Tiusror irrevocabty author/zes and empowers Beneliclary to ente�upon "
<br /> .. the 1'rust Properry as Trustor's agent Nnd, !n 1Yusror's name or otherwise ro per/orm any and oil covenants and egreements to bo perlo�med by
<br /> ' , 1Yustor as hemin provfd9d.Beneliclnry shall,at its optlon,bB subrogated to any encumbranco,lien,c/a!m or demnnd and fo all rights end securitles ' •
<br /> for the payment tho�eol pald or dischargod by Benellclary under the prwisions hereoi and Rrry such subro,qaGOn nghts shall bo eddit(ortttl and "
<br /> �� cumulative securiry/a th/s Deed ol Tiust. �
<br /> 11. CondomnaN�n. 7ho procaeds ot ary r�vard or cla(m for damnges,drroct or C.onsequentlnl,m connoction with Any condpmnation or othor taking of the
<br /> ' Tiust Proparry,or any part fhe�ot,or/or cornreyance!n lieu of or in an6clpatlon o�condomnation,ant hereby essigned ro and shall bo paid to
<br /> � 8artttllclary.Trustor w(I!frlo and prosoeuto,!n good falth nnd with dun dillgonco,fts clelm lor nrry such award or payment,und wtll cnuso the samo to be
<br />- - • cofbcted and pa�d lo Benollclary,and,should it fail to do so,Trustor lrrwoc�b�y authorizes and empavers 6onoficicvy.!n fho name ol Tiustor or ;
<br /> , othonvlse, ro lil�proseCUtd settle or compromise any such claim and to collect,recelpt for and retaln the proceeds.If the Tiust Property is abandoned
<br /> �� by Tiustor, or,nttor noticn by 8aneliclary to Rustor thut tho condQmnor oHors ro make an awarri or settlo a cla/m lor damages, IYustor lails to respond lo i
<br /> ' Bencficlary wfthln fh/rfy(30)days eltvi thp dare such noGCe Is mallod.Benoliclory!s Quthonzed ro colloct and appty the proceeds m tho mannvr
<br /> indicated he�eln. fie procoods ol urr�eward or clalm may,alter deducting all reasonabfp costs and axponses.includmg atromoy IeeS whlch may have �
<br /> ' ' ; bvon(nCUrred hy BbnOliclary In the collectlon therttol,at fhe sole disCretlon of 8oneliclAry,be rttleased[o Tiusto�applrad[o restoratlon ot Trust Properry, i
<br /> ,;� or opplied ro the payment ol the lndebtedness. Unless BoneliGary snd Tiustor othervv/so agree in wntirtg,any such opplicahon o!procoeds to
<br /> '. • .- ,. !n(1ebtOdnoss Shnll nof oxtond or postpono the due deto of the Not9 or tho paymont ol nrry lnstell,nents called!or the�eunde�: i
<br /> • � 12. 1'rusror Not Ro/ottsod.Extonslon of the fime for payment or modrilCat(on ot arry nmortlzntion o�tho InUUbtednoss gmnred by Benehciory to arry '
<br /> -_-�-j succt�ssor rn lntamst ot nusror shnli not opomte to re/oaso,in any mnnnor,tho liabmry ol Tlustor ontl nusrois Successors m inrorvst.Hononciary snau ; ' `
<br /> ,rt.: � not bo roqwrvd t+�commenco procuHd�ngs ogttinst such sucCOSSOr or rtt/uso to extend t�me for psyment or othorw�se moddy emort¢ahon o/the �
<br /> , „ - Indebtodness by roason ot nn�domand mao'v by Tiusror end Tr�stor's successors in intvrttsf.
<br /> 1� Fint�nclol�nformotion.Upon rrtquost o�Beneficfary, Trusror will pmvldo to Bonelrclary,wlthln nmety(90)tlays of;ho c/ose o�oach hscal year ol �
<br /> - Trusto�tho consol�datod bolonco sheot and statement o!oarnln,qs of Trusfor ond any artd al1 gur�rnntors of rho lndebtodnuss socurotl hQroby, �l any,
<br /> ond wlll prpvltle&nd deliver to Bene/iciary suc/�other fmdnd8l Inlo�mat(on aad m such manne�as Bonehc�ary may reasonably niquest Irom hme to
<br /> . • t(mo.
<br /> .� �•- �� 14. Flnanclal Covonants.In addiflon to uiry othor iinanc(al covonnnts o/Tiustor mado rn any ofhor ngntomont,instrumont ur documont. Tiustor shail
<br /> compry wdh ond shall caus�airy and oll gusranrors of tho Indobto0nvss socurad horoby to compty with.or bo�n compi�anco wrth.tho folfrnv�nq
<br /> •• fmpnclni covonants:(lhls poru�ruph shall no►apply d covanants and rerqwromonts c+ro not sef forth horom.) _
<br />_ �� 1a SchQdulo ol Lonsos. Wdh�n ton f 10)days altnr demond, Tiusto�shrtll fumrsh to Eonol�cmry a schaeurp,csmhod to tr/ Trustor,sofunq lortn au/onsos
<br /> . ot tho Tiust Proporty,or orry porhon[horeoi.Including!n vach cnse,tho nnmo o�tAO tonnnts or occupanfs. a dascnptron o�fho spaco occup�od by
<br /> " suCh tonant or occupant,tho rontal payablo/or suCh spBCe.nnd such vthor�nlormation anJ documents w�th rospoct ro such loasos and tannna�s
<br /> ' Us BonOflclary may roUSOnObly�dquOSf-
<br /> , i(� CovonantS ol Tiuslor�vdh RospoCt to LOnsos. Wilhout fho prtor wntton consont of Bnnehc�ary.Trustor shall not.d�mcf/y or mduoctty.wrth mspocf fo
<br />= n�//oaso of spnco in tho Tiusf Proporty,or any portron fherool, whQrhor such�ooso�s notiv or noroalror m ox�sronco
<br />