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<br /> (n) Forb�aranc�by I.�nda NaM�W�Nrrr.Any forb�ar�nce by l.andar In extirclslnp eny i�ah4 or rematly hsreunde,or -
<br /> _ oth�rwib�f(crded by�ppllc�bl�INw,ehall not bs�wdv�r ot or preclu�e the exerclte of eny euah rlpht or remedy.Ths -----
<br /> - proaure�rnent ol f nwrancM or t�i pRymmt ef U�xn�r otfi�r H�n�or ch�ra��by Lender eN�ll not bw�w�lver of Lond�Pi rlpht to
<br /> �csl�raM fh�maturlry of th�Ind�bt�dnNUe waursd by thl�t�d p1 Tr..a�t.
<br /> .a (d) f�ewra��nd AMI�e�dound;JoM��nd��y�rd LlayNity;CaMfon�.Th�coven�ar�te end Anreements her�ln Qen- �-
<br /> t�inW�h�ll bind,rnd M��iphta h�ryundu�h�il Inur�fo,ths�wp�ottv�uucc��rc�ra�nd�s�lpn�of L�rtd�r�nd Truttor.All
<br /> cov�n�nb�nd�prs�mmts ol T�urtor�h�ll b��oint�rtd�nr�r�l.Th�o�pfion��nd h�dlnp�a!th�par�qnphf of thl�Ds�d of
<br /> _ SYutt u�for convonl�nce onty end are not to be uwd to Int�rprN er drHne ths provleE�ns hereof.
<br /> (�) ApwN br NoMcw�ThO p11rtlM h�'�by nlqus�t th�l�cflpy of��y notics ot dolault hereu�da�nd�copy of�ny notics
<br /> of wla hM�undsr tr�m�lled t�o�ch perly to 1h1�De�d of Yru�t at the adtlross�st tarth�bove In the menne��prexcrl6eat F�y
<br /> - eppiloable lew.Excspt for any ofher naNc�reFqulr�d undu eppticeb�ls Isw to b�plven In�nother minner,eny nntice provlded
<br /> — tor tn thii psed of Tru�t�hall bs piven by m�lilnp such notice by certi(ied mall addre�ssd to the othsr pertles,at the addreda sat
<br /> � forth ebava.Arny nc�:ice provlded for In ihi�Oesd of i ruat�hatl be eftectivs u(�on ma►�infl In the manner desiynatad hqrefn.If �
<br /> Trustor le mere th�n one person,notice ssnt to Me uddre�s set foRh ebove eheli Ae notice to ap auch peroona.
<br /> (Q InM�stion.L�ender mey meke or cauae to be made ree�onnble antrf9e u�an end InapecUona oi tMe Property,�xovlded -
<br /> - that Lender sh�il pt•�er 7ruafor notice prlor to any auch Inape�tlon epUOliUind re�aeoneble caute therotor related to Lends�e ��
<br /> intereat in fhe Prope►ty.
<br /> (p) R�conv�yinc�,Upan payment of ell�ums�ecuretl by thle�eed of Truat,L�nder ehall reque�t Tniatae to reconvey the
<br /> Property and ehsil eurrender thla Deed of Truat end all notes evldencina{ndsbtsdnea�secured by thls Deed qt Truatio TruiMs.
<br /> Truatee ehell ra:onvsy the Property without warr�ny end without charge to the peraon or perspna lepelly endded tf�reto.
<br /> � Truatar shall pay atl coo�a at reeor�ation,iP eny. �
<br /> lh) P�nonM PropKty;S�u� A�rKnwnR As addltlonal aecurity for the p�ymont of the Note,Trostor hersby pranta
<br /> Lender under the Nebratfce Unitorm Commerctal Cade e aecuPiry Inte�oat in all tixtures,equlpment,and othar pereonal propsrty
<br />_= used fn conneclien w�in the real estate or Improvementa located theroon,e�d not otha►wiae dectared or deemed to be e part ot
<br /> the real aatete secur�d hereby.Thle Inatrument ehall be con�trued as s Securiry Agreement undev aald CaM,and the Lender
<br /> -i 8h811 hnvw nit tF�e rl(��?£�t?C�►NRtl��98 0}p E9CUl�F»f1`�tlRdBT��ld C:ff��.^.�i:'�.:Jaz ia f,ia i iy'Iiia 6ltl rtin190i11tt CftlOYO�UII�
<br />-= and eccorded tho L�r��or pursuant to thls Oeecl of Trus�provided that Lenda'e riphts and remAdlee underthis psrpnph shsll
<br /> bo cumutetive wlth,ond ln�o way e 1(mitetlon on,Lender's riQht�end remediea under any other sacurlry apnsement styn�d try
<br />-- Borrowu or Tru�tOr.
<br />_ (�! ��t!�t1�maun�b�encM.Truetor hercby viarnsnta and reprc�ontc that tharo I�no da}auit unde�Gie prowi�lono oi Nroy �
<br /> mortgage,deed of hutt,lesse or�urchase contract doscrlbOnp ell or e�ny pan a?the ProRerty,or other contr,�ct,instrvrt�ont ar
<br /> apreement aonaUtut`nd e lien or encumbrance agalnst all or any part of the��roperty(collectively,"Llena'�,exlsting aa of the
<br />_ date of thls�eed oi Truat, �nd that any end ali exlatinp Llenm remain ur,modliled except as ditcioeod to Lender In Trusbr's
<br /> N �!!n.%S:S�:�O".::�v� 1i•'a'uv n�u' Siruiitiiuidi�ceta provideo io��erein. iruseor anau timery pertorm all ot Truib�'8 ObIlDtU0t1�,
<br /> covonan29,.reprosenis�tians and warrentles under any end ell exialting and futura Llena,ehall prompdy forwerd to Lender aopi�
<br />_ ot all notipas of detAUfC sent In connection with any and ell exiating or tuture Uen�,and snall not without Lend�s prfor wdtts»
<br />_ conaent i�r�ny mannar modiy the provlalona ot or attow any fuwre advanc��under any exladng or future Ll�na.
<br />° (I) �PP�1bn o'���Inn�nb.Unlerta otherwlae�oquired dy law,sume pald to Lender hereunder,includin�without 1(mtiallon
<br /> payments ot prinafpa�and Intereat,Ineurance proceede,condemnaUon proceed�end rente end proffta,ehall be eppiisd by
<br /> Lender to the ars�aunts due end owinp from Truator end Borrower In such ordar as Lender in Ite aole dtecretlon deem�deeirabie.
<br /> - (k1 SaverAbMifp. i}any provt�ion of thls Deed ot Trust contUct� with epplicabta law or Ia declared Invalld or ott�erwiYo
<br />= ur.enforceable,auch conflict or invalidiry ahall not ettect the other provlsuna oi this Deed of Yruat or the Mote whlch car+bp
<br />_ given eflect without tna confllcting proviston,and to thls and the pro�f�lons of thls Deed of Truat end the Mote are declared tobe
<br /> - 8everable.
<br />- (I) Tirms.The torme"Truatar"and"Borrower'shali Include both slnpuler and plural,and when the Trustor end Borrower
<br /> are Ihe same p�re,on(s),thvae terme as used in thia Deed.of 7rust shail be Interchangeable.
<br /> (m)G�x�minD L,�w.Thla Deed ot Trust ehalt be governed by t!►e lawe ot the State o}Nebraeke.
<br /> Trustor ha��execui��d this Deed of Truat ne o}tha date written above.
<br /> ��C.�� �- _
<br /> Dav art Trustor �
<br /> ��l1YKl� � ._ -
<br /> Dee Hart Trustor -
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