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<br /> �€�C� ��' `T�3��T b1fITW E��A�'��F�A�l9f�C���� .
<br /> „ THIS DEEO OF TRUST,la made ns of th� 28th_dey of February ,10 9� by and arnonp _=
<br /> „
<br />' theTrustor, DAVID A HART and DEI: A HART, hueband and wife _
<br /> ' whose mallinp addrese Is 6880 W Lepin Rd Aoninhan NE 68832-9749 (hereln"Truator;'whether one or more), `
<br /> .
<br />. � theTruetee, cNneu,LS w xn�iirvcs ATTORNEY AT LAW � „ �
<br /> �
<br /> whose malllnp addres3 la PO Box 1044 Hastings NE 6a902-1044 _ (hereln"Truatee'q,end
<br /> whosa malllnp addresa Is PO Box 349 Haetinge NE 68902-0349 (hereln"Lender'�. ��-
<br /> FOR VALUA9LE CONSIOBRATION,Incfuding Lender'e extenelon o}aedlt Identlllad hereln to AAVIA A HART nnd �
<br /> ���RT, huebnnd und wife _ �liereln "8�rrower", whether ane or more)and tne truet hereln created, j �
<br /> the recelpt o}whlch le hereby acknowledged,Trudtor hereby Irrevocably prent�, trAnetere, conveye and at�lfln• to T�uote�,IN � . �.�._. ..�
<br /> • TRU9T,WITH POWER OF BALE,for tha beneiit and eecurlry of Le�der,under end eubJeot to lhe terma and conditloni herelnafter�st , ..
<br /> torlb. the►sal pr�perty,deacribed a�tollows: � �'�` �
<br />- � ..%.�:••—
<br /> �` I.oC 6ne (1). Pine iCnoll 5ubdivieian� Nall CounCy� Nobrneku� according to the recorded ^�rT,E��_�.l�
<br /> � plat thereof. .'.?�.i�*�__
<br /> w - --
<br /> , . •.,,}
<br />-�'t' • :,9itr►z•r_-
<br /> ._ Topether with ell bulldings,Improvemente,fixtures,streete,alleys,peseagoweys,easemonts,righta,privilepea and appurte- �"''�''�--
<br /> - ttpitGvS 18G&tbd fiinraOti vt in anywiee perts'ining thHreto,and the renta,Issues and pruflts,roversions and rematndero thereof,end _� t.�+-"�"--+-�
<br /> such pereonal property that le attached to the improvements eo ea to conatitute a tixture,Including,but not Ilmited to,heating and _";�1't.T�,:'
<br /> cooling equipmenk and togather wfth the homestead or marltel Intereste,If any,which Utereate are hereby relessed and welved;all >�•;:.-=---
<br /> o}which,Inaluding replacemvnte end additions thereto,IB heroby dectared to be e part of the real estate secured by the Ilen of this ��'�'����,�_
<br /> k� �eed of Truut end all o}the foregoing being referred to hereln es the"Property". ';i: :r�.�_;�, � �__
<br /> Thls Deed of Trust ehall sc�cure(a)the payment o}the princtpal sum and Interest avidenced by a promissory note or credit ��.`�:`
<br />. - ��••n
<br /> ��1
<br /> �� Fc.hr,�arv�A. 1QA5 xig��r ti ?�r�Q ��
<br /> &t�iooitS��2 d8�w -------�-- - ,i�nvi�iy 6 iiiniuriiy dnin oi �
<br /> �� 65 385.31 "�r
<br /> ;�1 � . .� In the orlginal princlpal amount of$ � ,end any and all modlNcations,extenslona and renewal� .;,, ,
<br /> ;.,,� thereof or thereto and any and all future advances and readvences to Borrower(or any of them if more than one) hereunder °
<br />. �:;� � f 1
<br /> pursuant to one or more promissory notes or credit agreements(hereln called"Note");(b)the payment o7 other sums advanced by ,;�
<br /> Lendor to protect the securlty of the Note;(c)the pertormence of all covenants and agreements of Trustor set foRh hereln;end(d)all
<br /> • present and tuture Indebtedness and obligetlons ot Borrower(ar any of them ii more than one)to Lender wheU�er direct,indlrect, ";-K
<br />� absolute or contingent end whether arising by note,guaranry,overdreit or otherwlse.The Note,thls Deed of Trust and any and all %tit�ti `f
<br /> other docuente that aecure the Note or otherwise executed In connectfon therewith,Includinp without Iim(tatlon guarantoea,aecuriry • �E r �
<br /> agreements and asalgnments of leases and rents,shali be referred to he►efn as the"Loan Documents".
<br /> Truator covenants and agrees wlth Lender as follows: •� .-h�fk�=•
<br />- t. P�ym�at af Ind�bt�dn�as.All indebtednesa secured hereby shall be patd when due. ' ,' ���,�
<br /> 2. TiUe.Truator is the owner of the Property,hae the right and euthority to convey the Property,and warrants that the Ilen
<br /> �•.:� creatad hereby la a iirst and ptlor Ilen on the Propert/,except for Ifens and encumbrances set forth by Truator in writing and #:�; ��.�is*;- �
<br />- �••�' , deilvered to Lender before executlon of this Deed of Truat,and the executlon and delivery of thia Ueed of Truet does not violate eny 4�'< ' •."'t�!' �,_��=-
<br /> • contract or other obllgatlon to whlch Trustor Is subJect m•r!;;.;;,0..7�-.-�-
<br /> z•en,�..,�.�a,.-
<br />_ � . . 3. Ux�s,Aa„sm�nb.To pay betoro dellnquency all taxea,apeclal aeses�ments and all other cha► ea a ainst the Pro e '' """'�:�--- � ;
<br /> �. now or hereafter levled. g g p � °� � �` �
<br /> ..r. '�� Y��.:i
<br />' . � 4. Intuanc�.To keep the Property Insured agafnst damage by fire,hazerds included withln the torm"extended covorage",and ' { ����`�>==''
<br /> • such othor hazarda as I.ender ma re ulre In amounte an wlth � =�'��_-�_
<br /> , y q . d companles acceptable to Lender,naming Lender as en additional �;��:�,,
<br /> y named Inaured,wlth losa payable tQ the Lendec In case of loss under such policles,the Lender is authorized to adJuat,collect end -�:.r..,,.-
<br />_ comp�omise,aIl clalms thoreunder and shall have the optlon of applying all or part of the Ineuranco prpceeds(I)to any lndebtedness , ����'"-
<br />_ � �y, seaured hereby and In such order as Lender may determine,(Iq to the Trustor to be used for the repalror restoratlon of the Pro{ferty �'���`�•
<br /> • �. ,,±, or plq tor any othor purpose or obJect eatlafactory to Lender wlthout aNecting the Ilen of this Daed oi Truat for the full amount secured �,:;;,�4���
<br />_ hereby before such payment ever took place.Any eppllcatfon of procoeda to Indebtec�ness shall not extond or postpone the du9
<br />= �� date ot any payments under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder. ' �
<br /> . ' 6. Etcraw.Upon wrftten demand by Lender,Truotor shail pay to Lender,In such manner as Lender may designate,aufficlent �
<br /> _ � ; ,j suma to enabie Lender to pay as they become due one or more uf th�foilowing:(i)all texes,asseasmenta and other cherges agalnst •;,t, .
<br />__ �t.��� the Praperty,(II)the premlums an the property Insurance requlred hereunder,and(Ilq the premiums on any mortgage Insurance .
<br /> . { requlred by Lender. '
<br /> { B. M�Int�n�nc�, Rtps[n and Conspllencs with Law�.Truetor shall keep the Property In good condltlon and repalr,ahall I '' "�''�
<br /> _ _ .::, •1 promptly repair, or replace any Improvement which may be damagod or destroyod; shell nat commit or permit any waste or �
<br /> o f deterloration of the Property;shall not remove,demollsh or eubstantially alter any ot the Improvemunts on the Praperty;shall not � �,
<br /> commi�ouifor or permlt any ect to be done In or upon the Property In vloletlon of any law,ordlnance,dr regulatlon;and shall pay and ' �
<br /> promptly dlsaharge at 7ivator's cost and expenae ail Ilens,encumbrancea and charges levled,imposed or assessed ageinst tho '
<br /> � Proparty or eny part theroot. •
<br />.� 7. Emin�nt Domaln.Lender Ia hereby assigned nll componsatfon,awards,damages and other peyments or rellei(herelnatter
<br />_ "Proceeda")in connectlon wfth condemnatlon or other taking of the Property or part thereof,or for convoyance In Ileu ot condemne- �
<br /> tton.Londer ahall be entitled at Its optton to commencv,eppear In end proaecuto In its own nama any Action or proceedings,and � •
<br />_ ahall also be entitled to mako eny compromlae or setNement In connection wlth such teking or damage.tn the event any portion of �
<br /> _, the Property Is so tekon or damaged,Lender shall have the optlon,In its scle and absolute dlacretion,to appiy all auch Procoods, �__
<br /> ----- _ eN�.A�....�1....�A�.�t...�.�u..���..d�..������i__..���..u�_'___'_"" �... . _ .
<br /> —- ........�,.,.......y...o.o�...��.o�..,..o.o�....o..
<br /> ��.000��w��.w�r��n�wnno�uvn w�m aucn rroceeas,upon any indebtetlnesa secured ' --'�- -- �
<br />� hereby end In auch order aa Lender may defermino,or to apply all auch Proceeds,atier such deductions,to the restoratlon of the �
<br /> � Property upon euch conditlons as Lender mny determine.Any appllcation of Proce��s!^!r�±:�!r+;;���ahall not oxtond or poatpone
<br /> } tho due datH of any paymente under the Note,or cure any detault thereunder or hereundor.Any unapplled tunds shall be pald to
<br />_° Truator.
<br /> 8. P�rtormanc�by Lend�r.Upon the ocaurrence of en Event oi Default horeunder,or If eny aCt le taken or legal proceeding
<br /> �', commenced which mAterlaliy afiects Lender's Interest In thc�Property,Londer may In ita own discretlon,but wlthout obligatlon to do ,
<br /> so,end without notice to or demand upon Trustor and wlthout releasing Truetor from any obllgatfon,do any act whlch Trustar has
<br /> ��:,,° apreed but ialla to do end may also do any other ect It deema necessary to protect the securlty hereot.Truator ahall, Immedtately
<br /> ' ' upon demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender nll coats and expensea Incurred and suma expended by Lender In connectfon with �
<br /> 1 � tho oxerclse by Lender ot the foregoing rights,together wlth Intereot thereon at the detault rate provided In the Note,whlch ahall be
<br /> ��' nddad to the IndObtednoa3 sacurad hereby. Lender shai! not Incur any Ilabllity beceuae of�nything It may do or omit to do
<br /> .•-:f hdreunder.
<br /> �, �
<br /> � .
<br /> � ..
<br /> , ...
<br /> ._.
<br /> . _ . _ __ _. .
<br /> __._�� ___ �_ _ _�.�._ _____ _ __ ___
<br />