. >..;,.,-:•, .-�_-a...._, : .. ..;. ,__. ._..,,P„�.r.--�....:..:.. ::.� . . . �, . . . .. . .
<br /> � ' . • . . . . . , , �
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<br /> � •N �r., � . .,•, r Ai .. • �� ,�r ,..�jyp��;_r. - - ... �
<br /> y��{ �� ,r •� MFJf ,tMkfNlI�YIM�V r,*�•• � • :xQR�wuw' ' _��q y i. fi
<br /> �y�..K'.i�.t_. 1 •' .. . .. �La`� 'M.... ..r ��fL �RR�'�• !-.'.
<br /> ._rYj•��:'�7rT� ��1�►1YMY1�AfIM4YAlMMw�.M�lurr.u�ww+M�.w��i�+� .) .�YMa71fi1/�111N1YAL1�M1�tIMtll j AIw . .. _ . Y. .
<br /> :7"�1� � ����_` � .
<br />� , ' �~ 47
<br />�Yi
<br /> � , tDnrru��.c:r sl�all prumpily �ive I.cndc�' �vriltcu nuticc ��f uny InvcrRl�!�ill�m, �•lalm, �Icutan�l. In�vtiu{I ��r„Ihcr ncli�m h�r un)' ; „ ,
<br />—_ • �nv�rnmcnlid ur reF!�d��tary u};cucy ur priva�c�:n�ly invnlvin�1lic ihupi��ty iuisl��uy Ilurnrdurti tiuli�tuuec��r linvD��►nmcnlnl I.uw
<br />— '• s., r� Y, of'�vi�ich Ifii►rrowcr hny ttc�uni knu�vlcilgc. If Nur�•�nvcr Ic:u��is. m• i�m�t4Nc�1 hy �my��uv�rnmcwid ��r rrZ:ulatuty nu�lu�rily. Uiut �,
<br /> :�-;m";`��';�:',.`,.�..;�� � nny rcmuvul ar utli�r remcdiutiun��f uny l�ivnrdnu�Subsliuur uff'cc�li�}t�hc I'rn��r�iy I�, necc.rwy. Nnrru�vcr�ludl��rnnip�ly Inl,c
<br /> ': nll niccs,nry rcr�oedi:d nc�ions in,iccnrd;mc�wi�h I:nvininmrntul Lu�v. ' �
<br /> -- ."" �� AS uscd in �his p�tragruph 2U, "Htt�urduus Sub�,Umcc.r" +�re IIIIIhL" SIIIItiI{Illl{:h lIl'�1lll'lI iis luxir un c��iiu�duus +ub�.limc��+hy �:, , .,t r ����;�
<br /> _ _°��'�ry"`'�`�' Cnv�ronnutunl I��w and Uic foll��wing suhrumccti, l,n,ulinc, kcru�cnc, otltcr Ilnronuihlc nr tnxic pch•nlcum l�ruducls. luxir ti.� .�'����:.-�-..
<br /> ---'.`W-,,�� �; .:= {x:siicidcs astJ I�ctbicidcs. �•ulutilc :.olvcnts.m:ttcrinls runtulnln;;ast�rst�tis nr furnr,ddchydc, �in�l rndinactivr mntcrwlti. 11�u�cd in -
<br /> � `•�`�� ' �his paragraph 20, "Envirmuncntal l.uw" mcuns fcdcrul luwti iuid Imv,uf �hc jurltidicUun whcr� tl�c I'r��perty iti loc��tcd thiit '��f� �y_ � �"'�
<br /> ana�—'°`� ^�'Pf '.-
<br /> ti � �r relnte to hcalth, sufcty nr envevourr�cntitl prolecdon. '� , ; �', ,,
<br /> , -
<br /> NON-UMI�ORM COVL?tJA NTS. l3urro�vcr imd Lc�ldcr furtl:er r+�vcnunt iuid ugrcc nti liill��wti: •
<br /> ic1�`:�: •.�r"?u� 21.Acceleratlan;Ranqdiciv. I.ender shall�Ive notice to t�nrr��K•cr lnr to ncccleradon follu�vin Ila►rrovrer's t►rcuch �` � � �-�`'�°_?�-
<br /> . P�' u .�•�: ..,, r:.�,�.�.�,
<br /> �� � of any covenao�t or a�ree�nent in thls Security Instrument (but nnt Nrtnr Ui iuccle��tlon under pu��u�ruph 17 unl�s : ,.; ::,;_;�_�,.:
<br /> •'`}``���M�' . upplicable Maw provtcies ott�erwise). The notice shall specify: (n)the defuult:(h) the acNon rec�uired to curc Nxe defuidl; .. -�.�... •
<br /> �.1....
<br /> � ��""°�'�` (c)a date, not Icss than 30 days Pran the d.Ee the notfce ts�;iven to Iiorro�ecr,by �rMch the defnult mutit be cur��l;und '''�'� �'`';�r"�'�-�:�::
<br /> _ t,',�^.. ..._,v ':� • --�.:;,-c•-r:.rc.
<br /> . �, ,,� (d) thut failure to cure th� default aa or hefore tiie date s�xclfled In the�iotice mny result iu nccelerattnn oP the yums '�',p;• r•�Y k,�
<br /> -- secured by this Securlty I�xsYru�nent and Rale of the I'raperty. The nottc�:yhuU further inPorm Durra�ser of the rl�ht w '���'��?;;
<br /> � ' reinstate after acc�rlPratian nnd the ri�ht ta bring n court nctlon to nsse�rt the nan-exis3ence of u defuult ur any other �••:;}:�;�,;��' �°��'�:
<br />�'.., . ' r.,:•,'-.� .., _.,::,M,:
<br />_- -• � defense of Borrower tu acc�le►atton nnd sale. IP the alefault is n�t cui::rl cm ur hefure the date speclCed In the notlee, ,� .
<br /> ` ": .�� ' Y.ender, nt its uptio�n, may require immedfate pAyment in full oP iill tiums secured by this Security 6�strunient wlthout }'���;�;�.
<br /> �:��''°!�•��'�`�t-,�. furShcr demand And mey inr-ake thc power oP sale and nny othcr remedic.w E►crmittecl by applicnble law. I.ender shall be _, ` -
<br /> .�...... .
<br /> -�`:�=�=� '_; �'�•'�r� entLtled to collc�t A�1 expenses irecurred in pur�ulny�the remedtes provided in tMs pura�raph 21,including.but not limited
<br />_ - •. • � , _ �„�� -----
<br /> . . -° to,reasonaole attorneys'fe�and cusQs uP(iiie evl�leuce.
<br /> =��„ , �i, � If the power oP sale is in�-oked, Trustce shull record n notice oF clet'nult In euch county In �vhlch uny part of the ==_-
<br /> . � ` Praper�•is loc�ted nnd shaU mui!copies of such notice in the mnnner presc�lbed by ap�itcable law to Sorrower and to ___.
<br /> �a the other�persnns�ti•escribed b���ppllcn@fe law.After the time required by npplicable law,Trastce shall give pu[�lic natice ��«"
<br /> of sale lo the pe�vnn.s and in the n�anner prescrsbed by ap,plicablc law. T�v�tee, �vlthout demund on Borrower, shall setl ����'"``-
<br /> • , � the Property at pu�llc auction to the highesR bidder nt the ttme und p1ACC nnd under the tern�s designated In the notice o� ___-__ __.
<br /> _-.. .:,.:.:. � .
<br /> - - ., sale in one or more purceis and in uny urd�r'H'rwaii�.:e.e.-��:.�s. ii�iSCf2 ::�ay Fast�sr.:„.!c cS^!!or�r.y �arse!��th� _W....__—__ ,
<br /> • � • Praperty by puhUc unnounsen»nt at the time nnd place of any prevtously scheduled sale. I,ender or tts dcxSgnee may —
<br /> �" • � �. � purcbuse the Pc�apeMy at any sase. ��
<br /> �:;
<br /> ,';�, ' _ QJpon receiNt of pnymsnt mf the price bid, Trustee shall deliver to tt►e purchiuer Trustee's deed cc�nvnytng tl�e � �,n_-,
<br />— �• y�+ Property. Tltis rec�in9s in thr Trus tee's d e e c l shull be prtmu fucfe evldence oP the truth of the sta'rmcnts mude therein. ...�. -----.-�---
<br /> �..�' Trustee shall s�aply the proceeds of the sale in tite following order: (a)to All wsts und expenses of extrcising the}wwer of
<br /> �'� �.�l�,=.*sd i���.�.�e,��tl�!!�4�tha�pymPnt nP thr Tn�ctee'c feec octuallv incuPred.uot to excced the>of Sfl.�Jn or �6 =
<br /> .,� of the principal amount of the note at the time of the declarutiou uf defuuit,und �r.tisa��uble attorneys' te�a9 gxvmitteci �-
<br /> • � °�:, �� by fa�v;(b) to all se�ms�ecured by this Security Instrument;nnd(c)nny excrss to tDe person or persons IegaUy ent(Ued to ���
<br /> "`:�� it.
<br /> .;y�� 22. Reconveyunce. Upon payment oF all swns secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall requcst Trustee to
<br /> _ . reconvey thc Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and ull e�ates evidencin� debt secured by this Security
<br /> ' Instrumcnt to Trustce.Trustec shall reconvey the Property without�varranty and without charge to the pc:rson or petson9 legnlly
<br /> �' � , ;��;� � entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs.
<br /> ,r .,.
<br /> r; ,� _ 23.Substitute Trustee. Lcndcr, at its option, may from time to time rce�iove Trustcc and appoint a successot trustee to
<br /> .W�,.;�., , any'frustee ap�suinted hercunder by.m ynstn�ment recorded in�he�owtty in�vhich this Security Instrument is recorded.Without
<br /> convcyuncc of the Property, the successor trustec shall sucreed to all the title, po�acr and duties confcrred upon Trustce lierein
<br /> " nnd by upplicuble law.
<br /> - �- '�. 24.Request for Notices. Borrowcr rcyucsts that rc�pics uf thc noiices ot'dcG•,ult and salc bc s�nt to I�arrower's address �
<br /> .:`;...:• ..".'"`�; which is the Property Address.
<br /> ;; �. ' �„ 2S.Etiders to ttils Security pnstrumeitt. If one ur nturc riden arc exccuteJ by Horro�ver and rrcorded together with tl�is = _
<br /> ��' �. Security(nstrument, llie covenants and ctgreemettts of eachi+ucli rider�hall be inrnrponued into und �ha�l:�mend and supplement �
<br />_` `"�' � �� the cuvenwits and agrcements uf Shis Sccurity ]mt�umcnt us if tUe ridCrfsl N•cre'a pan of this Security Instrument.
<br /> ��-
<br /> :;h;��o ' [Chcck applicablc box(es)I
<br /> ,:�' ,;� �;.�:;,
<br /> _-..:�,. ••.
<br /> �.. ,. �.. •� -�—
<br /> • •T� �Adjustablc R�ue Ridc� (-J Condo�ninium Ridcr 0 1-4 F:imily Ridcr _ _____ _
<br /> .� O Graduatal FAyrnent Ridcr ❑Planncd Unit Dcvclopmcnt Ridcr y y `=,�,r�
<br /> []Biwcekl Pa ment Rider ,
<br /> • - 0 Dalloon Rider ❑Ratc Improvcment Ridcr �Second Hon►e Ridcr '_=_
<br />