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'1}`: :Il�. . ' 'f': . . . <br /> '� � . , ./ // __--. <br /> � M ` i� <br /> q t .. ; ' . . _V._e�yfly�.:. . .+�. <br /> . . . ;u� .. .' ' . ....�....�7�..:_:. :4Y�.....=...�.,�:�s.����.3wGU�� •„' . . - � ;�;; <br />_ - . .r�sa•:y ,�'-..._.._�.._.---`-`—.._._,..,.�.�.ita!]±„i......w..+«.os�see.i:c,....+ ...,....a.....a��\/���� ' - . <br /> ,,._.._.__ ._._�._ � . . � 9�- <br /> , �uh��ymtially cquiv�dcnt mo�•tgai!c i�i�x�rancc��rcnt um hrinE;�paidt hly I�rr��wer�whcn'IlicSim�i i i��rc ruvrr i��c�la�n�d�or�cN,cd tu <br /> unc•twclfd� ul thc ycarly murt�..�b� I �`y <br /> be in effcct. I.endcr�wilr�l e rcc uired�,'tU thl�''upU�Il uf�In'Ilt1�Yy�il'murt�ii�c intiuraii�I�������f�l=��(�i�'`�I�'�°11"'"°t'����I liv,�l5c�peri�I . <br /> , P,�yuicnts may no li ngc I r`y .. .. . <br />: ' thu�Lcndcr rcyuircsl pr�ividcd hy an i�i�urcr uppruvcd by I.cndcr uguiii hccomcs irvuilnblc uml iti ul+►ni��cd. liurruwcr tih;dl i •i - <br /> ,�. t hc p rcmium5 rc quircd tu mi��,rwrii cn�y��r cman�bctwccn�Hurr�wcr�i md I�,cndrr ur u���I`irlihlc�l►w�uu�mcnt fnr m�n�Etugc �;,. <br /> insurancc cnJv in uca�rdancc�wQ y .� _-�'`•`"�_ <br /> 9.IIZS�3:L`iIU1tI1C llllt'C'01'01''yilnY lU illl't1�41CCt�0Il��+pccilymg�r��<<uiublc cau+���fur thc�l�uperti�nF�������rty. IAndcr tilwll �tivc � ,:�, <br /> Borrawcr notirc nt t P `" <br /> �''.<.:Y'�=_ <br /> 10. Condcmnnilon� Thc prurccds af nny nwurd or clmm tur dunu�gcs. dircrt ur caiuc�µ�cntial. fn conncctinn with +nry , `,.i:,. .. <br /> ���: <br /> ._ti. ..... <br /> condcmnation u�otticr tukiny nf��ny part ��f thc Properry. or far ronvcyuncc in licu of rundcmmdiun, urc hcrcby ay�ignc ►m� . . , <br /> � shall bc paid to Lcndcr. �`;°'�` <br /> r.y.;,-..•„ . <br /> �� • In thc cvcnt of u total tiiking ut thc Praperty, thc prncccds shxll bc xpplicd tu thc tiums sccurcd hy this Sccurity Instrumcnt. ;: �, ,��; <br /> �;.,t`,F. <br /> ' " .� �vhether or not nc�n duc.ert��h����ICd ately�bcfore thc tak ng is eqaal to or�rcutcr th•a itthe;un untLOf�thc4 ums�sc ureci�by this �;���;n..�yw <br /> markct valuc af thc Pr p y � ' <br /> Securiry Instrument immediately befcoaruced b��h�um'ount�of tl�epmcecd.s muli plied�by he following�frf ctiun�l�(u)thecto�ul 5' '.,'��f����`�_ <br /> this Security lnstrument shu l l b e r Y ,' f`}-.'" -_-'-- <br /> 7 lQ'n,.�,�.�,. <br /> amount of the sums sccurcd immediatcly before th� talcin�, dividcd by (b) thc fair murket vs�lue uf thc Property immcdiately �t"�`�;'';�1•�,�_ <br /> �;��-.::�._.._.�.-. <br />- befare the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a par[iul tuking of the Propr.rty m w 5ich the fair �. �,,"`=w--`il_-___ <br /> " markct vulue of thc Property immcdiutcly beforc the talcing is less than thc amount cif thc sums sccured immcdiatcl� before the „ <br />: � " � taking,unlcss Aorrower u c�����h�°Se uriry In trumcntrwhe hcr or not theptium'are thc ilduey�se providcs, thc procceds shall o��'�'�� <br /> , be applicd to the sums secu y - <br /> :,. If ll►4 PioNertY is abandoned by Anrcower.or if,after notice by Lender to Borcower that the condemn�r affers to make nn <br /> �.. <br /> -�' " award or scttle a cla�m for damages. Borrowcr fails to respond to Lender within 30 days aftcr the dule thc noric� is given. -___ <br /> — L,ender is authorizecl to wllect and app�Y the proceeds,at its option. either to restoration ar repair of the Propeny ar to the sums ''.� <br />�� . secured by this Securiry Instrument, whether or not then due. �,' .;;t.�_� <br /> Uuless Lcnder and Borrowcr otherwi:;e agrec in writin�;. any application of proceccis to principal shaU not cxtend or �i����:- <br /> ' postponc the due date of the monthly pa�ments refcrrecl to in paragraphs 1 und 2 or change the umount of such payments. �a <br /> � i �•i;{,�� _�,: <br /> I1. t�orrower ivot Releused;Car.��arnnce By I,ender No¢a iWaiver. Extension of the timc for payment or modification �Y,'��''-_--- <br /> " of amortization of the sums secured b heh�f S�n��Borros��+er or Bormwerbysucc c sor�in�yntcre t51Lend�r shall�not be rcquired to �___ - <br /> not operate to rcicasc thc linbility of t s --- <br /> „,,, � commence procecdings against any successor in interest or refuse ro extend time for paymcnt or otherwise modify amortization -----_ <br /> •�. � <br />: �, , __.� <br /> �:.• .: . ~ <br /> �• of thc sums sccured �,y thiti Security Instrumcnt by reason of nny demand madc by the originul Borro�ver ar orrowcr s <br /> , � -- <br /> ' � succes+ors in interesl. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising uny right or remedy shall not he a warvcr of or preclude t e �� <br /> • _ �'__� exercise of any right or remedy. !��?"'__ <br /> .+ � }.. � �nnd: Joint and Severnl I.ia4�ility; Co-si�;ners. The covennnts and aghecmenv Qion.hof ��- <br /> ---— - IL. Jul'ir�.iuia o:sa. ...°L°r,!'!.: � � <br /> 3ecurity Instrument shuU binJ and bencfit the successors and assigns ot l.ender unu Bu�io�er, nu�;;:c. t.. •••- r-- <br /> � � paravraph 17. Bonower's covenants and u�rcements shull be joint and several. Any Bormwer who ���SAnd convcy that <br /> Instrument but does not execute the Note: (u) is co-signing this Security lnstrument only to monguge.g <br /> Borrower's intcr�st in thc Propert i �a����h�;cc th•at tl.cnder and un�y�nher rBorrowcr ni y u�reearoYcxtend�t modi ya foh6�ir or <br /> securccl by�his Sccuriry Insuumc . b <br /> makcl�y�a ChIIry;es"If the IoanT ccu ed by this Securny in trument me+ubjcct t Na law wt icht etsBmuxi�numsloansch�rgcs, <br /> and �hx`eed thef crmltted I,mritt�.�then[h(aYuny,such�loan eh�rge�+l all be�reduceS by�the amount ury to educe he chnrge <br /> loan c p <br /> ; to the pemiittcdernmu���hoox��tY make�Ihi��rcf'undeby reduci b��the principal ow d unJc thelNo c or by'mnking a dcirect - <br /> Borrower. Lcn y - • <br />� paymenc �o Borrowcr. If •r refund reduccs principal. thc redurtion will be trcatcd as u parti�l prcpayment without any J .4;— <br /> prcpayment chargc undcr thc Notc. ^.:_;; _ <br /> 14.NoNees. Any notice ro Borrower provided lur in this Securiry Instrwnent shall be given by delivr.ring it ur by mailing '�'+''� � <br /> . it by first class mail��BorrcnvPr�dcsignu cs by tnoticc�tof�L.cndcrr Any�t�e�to��tLendcr,shaU bcegiv n by�Pso c�as mda Ieto �`•- ' y�r�_' <br /> or an other addres. � noti�c to Borrower. Any nu►ice provided for in thi� �"' �-/-, <br /> Y <br /> Lender's address statcd hcrcin or uny other addresti l.�:nder dc�ignatrti } " � <br />� Security[nstrumcnt shall bc dcemed to havc bcen given tu Borrowcr ur Lcndcr whcn givcn c+s provided in this parabraph. J,3 <br /> 15.Governin�; La�v; Severability. This Securiry Inst�vment oVU�"�h`��`'�1e��fb'•,fSecurityulnstrument i,r ehe N te � `h,�,: �j• <br /> is locatcd. In thc event that an� pr u ` <br /> � jurisdiction in which the Property . ;y�r�y�: <br /> cuntlictt with applicablc�nfl't t n �provisiona'To thistend tlhc pm�i ions of'thhti�Sccur ty lnstrunu tt�xndtth NNotc arc dcclared .�Y�V .. <br /> ;Y_ , given cffcct without the s ��•��;" <br /> ' ' tobcsevcr.�blc. � ' -�•:` <br /> 16.I3orrower'�Cupy.Borrowcr shall be�iven onc cuntormed re�py af thc Note anJ of this Seruriry (nstrumcnt. <br /> 17.Trunsfer c►f the Property or a iieneticia9 Interest in B��rro�ver.If uU or any part ot the P�t�perty ur any interest in it <br /> is sold or trsnsfcrrcd (��r if a bcncticial intcrctit in Burmwcr iti sold or tran�frrmd and Borruwcr is n��t u natu�sl person) without <br /> � Lender's prior �vritten coment. Lendcr may. ac its uption. r�quire immediacc paYn?ent in full uf ull �ums secureci by this . <br />= Security Instn�mcnt. Howcvcr, this option�ha11 nut be cxercis�.d b}�Lendcr if cxcrctsc is prnhi6itcJ by fcdcrul la�v a+of thc datc <br /> of this Sccurity Instrument. <br /> If Lender exerrises this upti��n.Lcndcr�hall give Borruwer notice uf acceleration. Thc noticep;all pruvidc a period of nut <br /> _ Icss than 30 days"i�lflBorrn ver f uls�tc��pay t cse surn prio►1 ro hc expirauan�of Bhis pc iud�Lcnder may i�nvvkc any�rc neclhes <br /> Security Instrun c <br />_ • � prrmitted by this Sccurity lnstrumcnt v�+ichout t'urthcr noticc or dcmand on eurrowcr. <br /> � 18. Borroa•er s Right to Reinstate. if Borrvwer oic.*ets c:crtain conditions. Borrowcr shull liave the right eu havc <br /> enforccmcnt of this Sccuriry Instrument discontinued at any timc prior a� the c:vlicr oC (ul S day, (�,r �urh��thcr periad a� <br /> '•�ble I:nv ma > ecify fur reinstatementl hefore sxle c�f thc Pniprrt)' punu�m`��!ii,nditi mti:�rc'thut�Borr��wcr�lal p►Y� I <br /> applt�a Y P I <br /> ; ` Security Instrumcnt:or(bl cntry ut a judgment enCorcing thix S�curity [nstrument. 1 h <br /> • <br /> L�:nder all �ums which thrn would bc duc under thix Security In.trument anJ the Nutr ns it na arcclerotii�n haJ occurreJ: lb) � <br />- • '; ___ _-_____ cures any dcfault uf any uthcr cuvcnants ur agrecmcnt..�,��Pti �:I�o. �u li actionurrrLendcr�mayirg.oir�bly r��irc to a.,urc <br /> — _--_-,�_ _ . . <br /> inclnding. but not limrt�w[o, roasunav�c .�..., ��..�., ._..... �._ ._. , � . - - <br />- .. that ttic licn uF this Sccurity Instrumcnt. Lcndcr ti rirht,in thc Pmperty anJ Burru«cr,��hli�atiun to p:q�tfic sum,.ccu�c�i ��y <br />-__ .. • � this Scxurity ln�trumc��� 'tilr�ll renain lully�ttccti�c .�.�if�nora�elcr•.tiun hhd ��rurrr��J rHuwcver.�hi�`right��ut�nin,t:uc�hall <br /> . ob►igatiuns sccur��l i�c��uy <br /> - not apply in thc cax oF:uccicr.aiun undcr paragraph 17. <br />� ' 19. tiulc of Note; Ch�n};e oP l.oan ticrvicer. Thc Ni�tr ��r :+ panial intcrc�t in thc N��tr 1t���cthct «ith this Sccurity <br />�' . In,tn�mcnt)may hc+ulJ unc ur morc timcs��•ithuut priur noticc m Burrowir. A�alc nia� rc�ult in n rh:uigc in tli� cntity lhnu�vn , <br /> — ati thc "L�•an Scn�irer"1 that cullccts manthly payntents duc und�r�h�t Nu!c and thi,ticrurity In+trwnent. Th�re ul,c�maq hc unc <br />�' ur ntutt Chanbrti uf thc Luan Scr�•ircr unr�I,ttCd to a�ak uf thC Nutc. IF lh�r�i+a d�angc��(thc Li�an S�n icc�. N��rrower�vill NL <br /> k��� „ � „ Eiv�n writl�n nuti�r of th�rhangc in urc��rdancc�vith paragraph 11 abuvr and applicahlc laa. '1'hc nutirr���ill slatc thc namc and <br /> 1�' :ulJress ol'ihc nc�v Luan Scrvircr and thr adJRtis tu «hich payntrntti �.huuld hr ma�ir.l'hc nou�c ��ill al,u runttiiiti any�,th�r <br /> - inlin��natiun rcyuir�tii hy applirahl�law. <br /> ZQ. Nax:►rduas `U�St.11ll'Cti. Burrua•cr �ha�l Ilul i:luaC ut' �CYttlll I�IC p����IIiC. u,c. �I�����:�I. titi�r.�r�. ��r rCICa�C ��I :�m� <br />' Hatardous Subtitancc.r on ur in thr Nruperty. [iurru��cr .h:dl nut du. rn�r alluw .unu�ir rl+c t�� du. anythin� aficcting thc <br /> -- .. Prupert}• that i. in ��iul,Uiun u(:iny Envirunnrental Ls��. 'I'hc prrr�Ylin�; t��u �rntrnccti.Itall nut apph tu thc prc�rne�. utir. �,r <br /> .tura�c un thr Pruprrty uf.mall yuanuti�,uf H:varJ�,u,ti►►htit:mrcti th:it :ur grncrallc rrro�niicil t„ hr:�pprurriatr t�, nurmal <br /> , . rrtiidcnti:►1 u�c�aud a�ntaintrnancc��F�hr Propcn}•. <br />� . „ ,:, .. � Form 302� 9/90 <br />