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<br /> o (d) Ornntor has the ripht and In duly authorited to exocute end partorm Ito Oblipntlono undor this D9ud at Tru�t nnd these nCtlons do not und I }�r�_
<br /> ' ehetl not confliot wlth the provislons of eny statute,repulatlon,a�dinence, rule of law,conuact or other agreement whleh may be bindlnfl on I ..*�-
<br /> Grenter at any tima; =
<br /> � (e) Na aotion or proceedin�ie or shall be pendinp or threatened which mlpht meterlaily attect tho Property;end ��.
<br /> • � (i) (3nntor has not vlolated and ahall not vlolate any etatute,rsgulation,ordlnancs,rute o1 law,contract or other agreement(IncludinD,but not I �w"�
<br /> Ilmited to,thoss governinfl Hunrdous hleterlals)whlch might materlally afteot the Property or Lender'e dghts or Interost In the Proporty purouont •----
<br /> i`-
<br /> to thla Oeed of Yrust. !"�' -
<br /> ���.::. 3. PRIOR DEED5 OF TRU8T. Qrantor represente and warrants that thero aro no ptlor deeds ot trust attecUnp nny part of the Propeny nxcept ae aet i .�.-:
<br /> torth on Schedul�8 attached to thls Dead oi Trust,whlch Crantor spreea to pny and peAorm In a timeiy manner. If thers nre any prlor deeds o1 truet --.�-.
<br /> then 6tantor a�ree9 to pay all smounts owad,and peAorm all ohllQatione requlred,under auch daede of trust and tho Indebtedne�s aacured thereby � ''"'�
<br /> and further apraea that a defeult under any prior deed of trust ahnll be a default under thls Gced of Truet and ehall entitie Londar to all riphts end . �c
<br /> remedlea contained hereln or In the Obllpatlonu to whlch Lendsr would be entiiled In the evcnt ot any other dsfauit, �
<br /> - � 4. TRANSFERS OF THE PROPERTY OR BENEFOCIAL INTERE8T91N(iRANTORB OR BQRROWERB. In the event ot e sals,convsyanos,letes, � �
<br /> contraot tor deed ot transtst to any person of ell or any pnrt of the real property deacdped In Schedule A,or any Int�rost tharsln,or of�II or eny � -
<br /> beneticiel Interest In Borrower ar Orantor pf Barrow�r m Onntor ie not a netural pereon or �reone but la a carpor�tlon, IImiUA Iltblliry oomp�ny, � �:
<br /> paitr�rrshlp,truet,ar olher lepal ontlty�,Londar may,at ite optlon daclore thA outstanciing prPnotppl balonce o}the QbIlQations plua nm�ued Intereif _
<br /> ° th�r�on Immedltteiy dw and pr.yabte. At Lender'e nqwst,(3nmor ar Borrower,ae th�casa mAy he,ehall fumlth�compt�U ot�t�mmt�aitlnp torth ° �
<br /> all of Its etockholdere,m�mbers,or pMnen,ao�pproprlate,and the extent of their re�psctiw ownerehlp Intorsits. A
<br /> 0. A881flMMENT OF REHT9. In coneldestlon ot tht Qbllyatlone,which nrs e�cured by thls Ds�d of Truit,Onntor�btotut�ty�s�lpm to Unda dl � .
<br /> Onntor'���tat�,ripht,tltl�,Int�rsst,clalm�nd dlm�nd now own�d or hersafler�cqulrsd In NI oxlatlnp and futun I�n��a1 th�Prop�rty(includln I ,
<br /> „ �xtmllonr,nn�wale�nd aubi�atn),all�pn�mmts tor ut�and occupanoy o1 the Prop�rty(�II nuch I�rtc�e and�pnsment�wh�th�r wrlttm or or�� I -
<br /> u�h�ro�ft�r:+If�rnd to Rs th�"Usaa'),�nd ell puanntl�e o}Ins�sn'peAarmRncs und�r the I.�ans,tap�th�r wlth Ih�Imm�dlat��nd continulnp I •
<br /> , � rlpht to call�ct�nd nalv�dl o}th�nnta,Incom�,naipt�,r�venue�,laeun�,profite and oth�r Incoms ot�ny natur�now ot h�nnR�i du�(IncluAlnp � , •�
<br /> any lncom�o}any natur�cominp du�durinp�ny nd�mptlon period►undu th�Lea�a or from or nrl�lnp out o}th�Prp rty Includinp minimum
<br /> rcnrs,cddltlonal rcnb, psrcantese rente, ptrkinp or common eren meintennnce conulhutlane,tnx end Insurence contri �atlan�,d�flol�nay renta. I
<br /> ` � Ilquldat�d damapc� tollowinp d�tauit In any Uas�, dl proce�da payabls und�r any pollcy ot Insurance cov�rinp loa of r�nt�roauitinp from '"
<br />= -�a ' unt�Mnt�blilty oauiad by dutruotlon or dam���to th�Property,vl proceads payibls e�e rnsult of a le�s��'e�x�rclN of m opNon to purch�q the .�`''�°
<br /> '� Prop�rty,�II proc�nde derivad from the terminatlon or nJ�ction of eny Lease In a bankruptcy or other Inaolvenoy procNdlnp,�nd all prooe�d�(rom
<br />-� any rlphte nnd clalme of eny kind which arantor may have�slnet any lessee under the Leasea or any occupanta ot the Property(all o}the ebove nro ':
<br />', ,; ha�aRer coll�otlwly rsferred to ae the'Rente').Yhla aaalpnment le nubjeot to the rlght,power and nuthority plven to the Lender to collect and apply
<br /> °{� ths R�nte. Thls asslgnmmt Is recorded In accordance wlth appiiaable state law;the Ilen created by thle aseipnment le IntondW to b�ap�cltio, -
<br /> � perteoted,and choate upon the rocording of thle Oeed of Truot,ail as provltled by upplicablo att+te law ae amendvd irom iirno iu pn�e. As lon as '� ^ _-
<br /> there Is no dotault under the Oblipatiana or thls Deed of Trust,Lendar qrnnta Grantor a rovocabla Ilcenae to collect nll fiente from the Leaee��en
<br /> due nnd to uae suCh proceeds in GrantoPe busineas oparationo. Howevor,Londer may at any tima roquiro(3rentor to deposit all Renta into an , �
<br /> account malntained by arantor or Lender at Londer's Instftution. Upon default in the payment of,or in the pertormanca of,any ot the ObligAtlona, :t.__,_.
<br /> Lender may at Ite optlon take pooseasion of the Propeny and havo,hold,mnnage,lease and operato the Property on torms and for a perlod of time
<br /> � thnt Londer deomC propor. Lender mny proceed to colleot and recetve all Rents from the property,nnd Lender ehall have tull power to m1�ko ,,,,,�i�=_
<br /> ' alterationa,ronovaHone,repalra or replacemente to the Proper:y ae Londor may deem proptr. Lmndor may eppiy all Rente In Lender's aols dlacrotlon u r,,�� —
<br /> to payment of the Obligatlons or to the puyment of the cost of euah altoratlona,renovations,ropairs and rapIacemente nnd eny expensea Incldent to ��:, • ,b,� —
<br /> taking and retalning poaseaslon of the Property periodically and the mnnagement and operutinn oi the PropeRy Lendar may keep th�Property ��,. . ;�'
<br /> ... -- �
<br /> _ _.—. � - -- -- •- -- -�----- -�-�-- ----------- --� -•-- ��-� --•�--- ��o o„ �r....sd cx°:a!LhM°� ..
<br /> ..� propedy inauroa ana may aiscP�ui}�o auy ioaoo,�nmyoo.oiaww.awo�an�o�iw auv�i�wi iibi�5 svmwi umy awtio. r1"-°�'...�"�^. x,. ----- .
<br /> ecttona may be pald from the Rents recelved,and any unpnid amounto ahati be nddad to the principal of tl�e Oblieqtiono. Thess amounte,topether
<br /> wlth other coats,ahall becomo part of the ObllBatione secured by thie Doed of Truat. �y ,
<br /> • 6. LEA9E6 AND OTHER ApREEMHNTS. �rantor ahall not take or fall to tuke uny aotlon whlch may cause or permlt the terminatlon or the
<br /> � wlthholding ot eny payment In connectlon with any Lease or othor ngroement("AgroemenY')penflining to the Property. In additlon,Orantor,without ;��{. �k. �. ,
<br /> ' Lender's ptior written consant,ahall not: (a)colleat nny monfas pnya6lo under any ABreemen4 more than one month In edvence; (b)modity any �4�. .
<br /> , Apraement; (o)assign or allow a Ilen,security Intereat or othor encumbrance to be placmd upon Grantor's righte,title and Intereet In lutd to any � � �.�, ;,
<br /> Agreement or the amounts payable thereunder;or(d)terminnto or cancai nny Apreement axcept for the nonpayment of any sum or other matarial E�'`•''
<br /> breach by the other party thereto. H Grantor receives st any Ume uny writton communicatlon asserting a default by�ranto:under en Apresment or C
<br /> - purporting to terminate or cancel eny Agraement, Orantor ehnll promptly fonrvard a copy ot euch communloation (�nd eny subasquent . :...�.,
<br /> communlct�tions retstinp thereto�to Londor. All such Agreemonte and tho amounta duo to Grantor thereunder are hereby aasignod to Lsnd�r ae �;:,� � :
<br /> • utldltianAl socudty for the Oblipatlons. �� �.� ��'��
<br /> 7. COILECTiON O�INDEBTHDNE3�FROM THIRD PARTY. Londor ahall be entitled to nat17��or roqulre Grnntor to notify any thlrC parly pnctudlnp, `
<br /> .. but not Iimlted ro,leasees,Ilcenseea,governmental authodtlos nnd Ineurence companlee)to pny Londer any indebtedness or obllpation owing to ,��'��� �?" �'
<br /> Grnntor with roapeot to the Property(cumuletiveiy'Indehtadnoss")whothor ar not a defnult oxists undar thls Deed of Truat. arantor shell diUpentiy ��` • ���
<br /> callect the Indebtedr�eus owinp tn(3rantor trom theae third parttea untli the piving�of such notlflcation. In the event that Orantor pusaeasea or recelvee �.i,� �,._
<br />: possesslon of any inatrumenta or other remlKances with respoct to tho Indebtodnesa followinp the giving of such notlticatlon or If the Inetrum�nts or ,.�.; � :
<br /> othsr remittances conatitute the prepayment of any Indobtednoas or tho payment ot any Insurance or condemnaUon ptoceeds,Grantor shall hold „y�� , "�'w•
<br /> auch Instrumonto end othor remlrinnces in trust for Lendor apart from Ite othor properly,ondorae tha Inetrumenta and other remlttnnce9 to Lender, �. i',�'.�_
<br /> � snd Immedietely provlde Lender with possesaion of tho Inatrumonta and other remittancea. L�ndor ehall be entitled,but not roqulrad,to colleot @y �..:• "?�.':,�,•:.--_
<br /> I�pal pracesdings or othorwise),extend the time for payment,compromise,exchange or rolease any obligor or collateral,ar othsrvviss e�ttte any af ot ,„ -� ��
<br /> ths Indebtedness whether or not an event of delault extsta under thls Agreement. Londer ahall v�ot be Ilable to Grantor}or any aatlon,error,mistake,
<br /> omi�lan or delay pertalning to the actiona described in thla pnragraph or any demages ros��lting therofrom. �bt�vithstendinp the torep�inp,nothing , ' '�;i►:
<br /> herefn ehell ceuse Lender to be deemed a mortgagee•In•poQSesslon. ^ �s�
<br /> 6. USE AND N9AINTENANCE OF PROPHRTY. Orantor shnll tako all actiona and mako nny repalra needod to mninteln the Property In pood , ' �
<br />- � condflton. �rantor ehall not commit or parmlt any wasto to ba commlttod with rospect to the Praperty, Grantor ehall uae the Properly sotely in • . ti r.
<br /> ' . campIlance wlth epplleable law and Insurance pollclea. Cirantor ahnli not make any alter�tlono,additlona or Improvementa to the Property without ��
<br />� ,�.� •� LendePe prior written consent. Without ilmlttnp the forepolnp,all alteretlons,acldltions ana Improvemente made to the Property ahall be subject to ��'+►. �
<br /> the beneficial Intereat belonging to Lender,ahall not be removod�vfthout Lo�dor's prior written conaent,and shall be mede et Grantor'e eoie expense. s '�_�"
<br /> � • 8. LOSS OR DAMApE �rantor ehall bear the entire rlak of any loos,thoft,destructlon or demage(cumulat��n�y'Loea cr Damege')to the Property or ' ,�
<br /> „ ' any portion there�t irom eny cause whatsaever. In the event of any Loas or Oamago, Grantor shall,nt tho optlon o} Lender, repair thc aNected
<br /> ` Property to Its provious conditlon or pny or oauce to be pald to Londor tho docreaee In tho fafr market value of tho attected Property. • f
<br />�� '� 10. INSURANCF The Property wlll be kept Insurod for Itfl full Innurablo valuo(raplACOmont cost) agalnat all haznrde Including loso or damage =
<br /> causad by floed,earthquake,tornado and ilre,theft or othor Gasualty to tho extent requlred by Lender. Grantor may obtain Insurence on the Property � ' .'
<br /> `,_ ' from such compnnlos us 1uo accoptabie to Lendar In ite solo discrotlon. Tho Insurnnce policfos shall roqulre tho Inoutance campany to provlde �
<br /> • Lender wlth et lonst 15 -- dnys'written nptico bofaro such pollcleB are altored or cancellod In any manner. The Insurence policleo shail i •
<br /> ' name Lender ea a ioss payee and provide thot no aot ar om(ssfon of.(3rantor or any other porson ehali affoot tNe ripht of l.ondor to bo pnld the
<br /> ' Insurance pruceoda pertalnlnfl to the loao or dnmago of tho Propony. In tho event Grantor faiio to acqulro or mnintnin Ineuronoo, Londor (a(tor � '
<br />`�'i provldlnp notice as may be roqulred by law)may in Its dlsCretlon procuro nppropdnte Ineuranco covorepo upan tho Property and tfio inour¢nao cost ;
<br /> ehell be an advanoo peyabie and boarinp Intereat as doscrlbod in Paragrnph 23 and secured horoby. Ornntor ehnll furnlsh Lend�r wiq�ovldonoo of ;�
<br /> Inaurance Indlcating the requlrod coverflgo. Lender may ect ae AttornoyIn•faot for Grantor In maklnp and sentlng clelmo under Innuronoo polloleo, �
<br /> �'� cancelling sny polloy or endorsing Cirantor's neme on any draft or nagotfublo inMrument dr¢wn by any inaurer. All nuch Inauranee poiloles uhnli bo ';
<br /> �1 . I Immedletely nsslgned,pledged nnd delivered to Lender as furthor oecurltlr tor tho Obllgntlons. In the event of lons,Orantor shall Immedletoly glvo _
<br />:,� Lender written noNce and Lender Is euthod:ed to mnke proof of loos. Ench tnnurnnce company le dlrooted to make paymente dlreotly to Londr�r i ,
<br /> � �� Inste�d ot to Lender and Grantor. Lender ehail have the rlght,et ite sole optlon,to epply ouch monlea townrd the Obllgatlona or towar d the coct of �
<br /> ` rebulidinp and reatorinp the Property. My emounte may at Lender'&optlon bo applled In the Inverse order of the due detos thereof. I
<br /> � � 11. ZONINQ AND PRNATE COVENANTS. C3rnntor ehall not Initiate or consent to any cAange In the xoninp provislona or private covenante eNecting � ' �
<br />_� me ues oi tne rropenyr wmiouc una�r e pnor wriiien cvneerd, ii uranior s use oi me rroparty necomee a noncorriarming uae anao�6ny�i,�����a .
<br /> Provlslon,drantor ahali not cause or pormtt such use to bo discontinuod or nbandonod without tho prtor writton concont of Londer. drantor wili
<br /> mmedietely provida Lender with written notice of any proposed changes to the zoning provislonfl or privato covenante aftecting the Property.
<br />-� � - � S:. C����E`.:P'.;T101�. Crantor shatt Immcdlatcly provlda Landcr�:ith::•rlttsn nctico cf any sctuai or thrcatanad condomnatlan or a^-:t::•,:�;.rst�
<br /> R � proceedlnp pertafning to the Proparty. All monlea payable to(irantor irom euch condemnatlon or taklng aro hereby asslgned to Lendor and ehall be
<br /> .� applled tirat to the peyment of Lunder's attorneys' fees, logal expenaes and othor coata (ineludinp appraleal tees) In connectlon wlth the
<br /> condemnetlon or eminent damaln proceedinga and then,at tho optlon of Lender,to the payment ot the Obligationa or tho restorution or repafr of the
<br /> Property.
<br /> �";`. 13. LENDER'S R�aHT TO COMMENCE OR DEFEND LEOAL ACTION3. Orantor aheil Immedlately provide Lender with wdtten notico o}any acwni
<br /> y or throatened eotlon,su14,or othor proceeding cftocting tho Properiy. Grantor horoby apDOlms Londor es Ite ettomeyIn4act ta commonco,Intervono
<br /> In,and detond such actiona,auHe,or othor IogN proceodings and to compromise or aurile eny cialm or controversy pertalning thereto. Londor ehall
<br /> � � not 6e Ilabto to(irantor tor any notlon,orror,mlatnko, omisslan or dolay portpining to tho actions doacrlbed In thle paragrnph or uny dnmagos
<br /> i±,..,. roaulting thoretrom. Nothinp contninod horoln wlli prevent Lender from taklnp tha actfona doscribod In thle paregreph In its own name.
<br />�I�•� 14. fNOHMHIFtCATiON. Lender ahell not assumo or be reaponatble for the pe�tormance o1 any oi Grantor's ob118atiuns with respect to the Proporty
<br /> �� ,. under any circumotences. (3rantor ehaii Immedlatoly provide Londer wltt�wrftten notice of and Indomnity nnd hold Londor and Ite ehureholders, ,
<br /> dlreotora,oHicere,employeea and agents harmless irom ntl clalme,dcimages, Ilnblittles (Including attornoys'teea end legal expenaes►,causes ot
<br /> notlon, eotione,eults nnd other legal procoedinps(CUmuletively"Clalms')pertalning to the Property Qncluding,but not Ilmited to,thoae Involving
<br />� � Hazardoue Materlals�. Orantor,upo�the request o}Lender,ahall hiro legnl caunsol to dofond Londer from auch C!alme,and pay tho attnrno/s'foes,
<br /> i I.� legal expenses and other co3t3 Incurred in conneotlon thorewith. In tho alternativa,Lendor shall be entitled to employ Its own logal counsal to dolend
<br /> ;� _ such Clalme at Grantor's coet. �rantor's obllgation to Indemnity Lender under thle paragraph ahnll aurviva the torminetlon,rolenao or foreclosure of
<br /> � t��a�ed of T��Bt. n'�� I
<br /> � ' LPNECt i B�"�FormNion Tecnno�og�ee,�na�a/�6/Ba� �8L�0)gJ�-37H�J Pnyo 2 0�3 �� V
<br /> �
<br />