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'� <br /> D Lk .�, \ � �-- .-, � �- • � �'�' <br /> .. � Y • 1' J 3 r J+ ~ ;� �, .� <br /> . - - 1 i � `.' � ` ,�„"';>,�-. ,' � <br /> 1 �'.. o--• � rv ° f� ,,.S,, :�z, � <br /> ;�t �I � � :T � ���� '��' <br /> �l�l:� '�1 �! � �� G �✓`i �"'d ..�.:," � :�.�[ <br /> �(1:''' .f��t,� i \, n� f/7 C I ''u'"- � .:.�5�'' <br /> `�:,j�. _�f��;;`,;M1 � I .,,,u� <br /> �li: . ,-!�� <br /> 1(.: .r''��t�'.' , <br /> ,. - ',�� I .. � <br /> DEED OF TRUST � � �� <br /> . � �;�; : <br />. _ __._.._.��..._._. �. ��--- -� ------ �---- . :. <br />' Ri4hard 8u��ooa�p�R Riahard Su�boo� Qq��R �. � �� , . , ..�' -:- <br />-,,;� R�b�oaa nu�bao� R�b�aoa Dusboo� � _ <br /> I -- <br /> , <br /> ;p' � . _. <br /> I ., , _— <br /> ADDREl1! AD�IlEBS , ".•'?�r== <br /> 1�34 711d 71v�au� 1Z34 �Nd 71v�au� •.. ;,. �� <br /> . DRUa�broq, N� 68831 Dan��brog, t� 68931 <br /> _..::�' _ �, <br /> . liLERN0it8 N6 IDELlitftC11TI0�1 Q20. TELEYHOHE H0� IU�HYIF1CA710N N0. �,�G <br /> :� i�!� .� - <br /> TRUSTEi: - — ----- ----�--- ---- — — -- �', <br /> - <br /> . <br /> __ Unioa Haak l�nd Trust Co�pany Oraad Islaad Sranoh � <br /> --- -- .. � $irif8 norcn ii�na &oad� 3rand Y�I6n6 ra 'vvo�$ — -- — � -_--_ � L.-; �`. <br /> r �,�,. <br /> �,;'�:- <br /> In consld�ratlon of the loan or other credit eccommod&tfon hereinefter specified and any future advances or futuro Obligationa,ea dsfined herein, I , •���E � � <br /> „ which may hersinafter bo advanced ar Incurrod and the truat herelnafter mentioned and other good and vlluable consideration,th�roceipt and I �� �ik+li. <br /> sufficl�no of whlch are hereb acknow ed ed C3rantor hereb irrevocably bargaina sells,trensfere,9re ts,conva e dsss_iGna to Trust s,hla ;i::,;!<S�, �, �' <br /> successore and assl na In trust for Un�on $asnk 11nd Trust CospanY drand_Islanu�rench�ZaOB xorth Ws�b �'� ��i}�: ' <br /> �oad�csrand�siand�t�6 Q88Q3 _ — ('Lender"),the I . 'r k ' ' <br /> beneficla ry under this Deed of Trust,wtth power of sale and rl ght of ent ry and possesslon nll of Grantor's prosent and tuture estate,ripht,title and �:;,�;�� <br /> �'��{•• intere�t in and to the real property described in Schedule A which is attached to this Iked oi Trust and Incorporated horeln by this reterence,taHether ;•��c•y�;;, <br /> �'� " with ail prsa�nt and tuture Improvemente and fixtures;all tangible peraonnl property Including without Iimitetlon all machinery,equipment,bufldinp y,���"�� <br /> ��;`���5' matetlfll9,and poods of every nature(exciuding consumer goads)now or hereafter Iocated on or usad In cnnnectlon wNh the reat praperty,whether <br /> ' � • ar not ettixed to the land; pdvilepes, horeditameMe, end appurtenancea IncludUg all development rights aosoclated wlth the Propercy,whother '�� <br /> `��'� �•�";',,.�, provlouaty or aubsequentty trancferrod to the Property irom other real property or now or horeaftar susceptible of transter from 4hia Property to other j'""�- <br /> '�` real property;leanea,Ilcenssa end other agresmente;rents,Issues and profits;water,well,ditch,reservolr and minerai righta and atocks pertaining to `.� � � , <br /> •'� ��� the real property(cumulatively"Properiy'); to have end to hold the Property and the rights hereby granted far the use and boneflt ot Truatee,hie .':;, ,.�?' <br /> •'�� '!�'r'�;�`� eucceaeore and aselpna,untll payment In 1u11 of all Obligatlona secured hsroby. � ' " '�� � <br /> � �.:;`.�,;,: Moreovsr,in turther consideratlon,Grantor doea,for Grentor and Qrantnr's helrs,repreaentatives ancl assl na,hereb ex reeal warrant,covenant, � ''•'��t�. <br /> ' and agroe wlth Lender end Trustee nnd thelr aucceeaora and asalgne as followe: 9 y p y i , � �`!�'���'�'� "�l+,� <br /> 1. OBLIOATIONS. Thls Deed of Tiust shall uecure the p�yment and pertormance of all prosent and future Indabtedneas,IIabIlfUes,obllpatlons and ; ,, '.'.�.`' - <br /> ''�> � • covenante ot Borrower or Grentor(cumulat(vei Obll atiana')to Lender ursuant to: ' �'•'..I r <br /> Y' U P , <br /> (a)thle D�ed of Trust and the tollowing promissory notea and other agreemente: _ �' 1�• 1.<���,. .'`,j� <br /> � '� � �INTE11E�T �IIINCIPALAJNOUNT/ FUNDINO MATURITY CUSTdMEIt LOAN ' '";' , . ' ;6 <br />. ':.j„'i-), ':�' IIATQ C1IQDIT WUT AGNHEM6NTDAt6 DAYB NUMYER NUM�IpI �. . • �r�+ <br /> ••';'1'�'•. ,',� lIZED � $38,000.00 02 24 95 05 24 95 �� � pt' <br /> � ���-- --7 � : <br /> r� I � ,�' ,�4 <br /> :f� - ' ;.'�:, <br /> ,., , <br />:,.,.,.. , <br />.:_�. . , • i � . �I- <br />+ . �'•.1�,'� .. ___1_—'—___'J�_.�_..... ._ '"_' i . . . ' . <br /> ' (b)nll oMer proaent or tuturo,written agreemente with Lender that rofer speolffcaliy to thla Deed of Trus4(wh�th�r ex�cut�d for th�wmi or i r <br /> Y ,• difhnnt purpoa�th�n ffi�(orpoing): ' , . <br /> ��� , (o) any puarmty of obllgatlona of other partlea given to Londer now or horeaftar executod that reters to thls Oeed of Trust; <br /> . . (d) future advances,whsthor obligatary or optlonal,to the eamo extent ns If made contemporaneously wNh the execuUOn ot thls Deed of Truat , <br /> :i . � • • mads or extended on behalf of Grantar or Borrower. Grantor agrees that it ono of tho Obllgatlonn la u Ilno of crodit,the Ilen of this Doed of Trust � � <br /> • • nhail contlnu�until paymsnt In tult of all debt due under the Ilns notwithstanding the faot that from timo to tlme�bu4 betore terminatlon of the Ilno) <br /> �� no butance may be outstnnding. At no time shall the Ilen of this Deed of Trust,not Including sums odvanced to protect the seourity of this DESed of � <br /> � Truat,exceed$_3�000__._00 ___;and <br />� (e)all amendmsnte,extensfona,ronewals,mod8icatlona,replacements or substltutions to any ot the toregoing. <br />�� As used In thls Paregraph 1,the terma�rentar and Borrower shall Include and elso mean any Grantor or E3orrower If more than one. , <br />�;� . �. REPRE&ENTATtOHS,WARRAMTIES AND COYENANTS. (3rantor represents,warrenta and covenants to len�ier that: <br />�� (a) Orentor hu tes almpie maiksteble t1Ue to the Property and ehall malntaln the Praparty free of all Ilons,security Intereata,encumbrances nnd <br /> clafine exc�pt tor this O�ed o1 Truat nnd those doscribed In Scheduis B,which is ettached to thls Deed of 7rust and Incorporeted herein by <br /> roferonce,which Crantor apreee to pay and peAorm In a timely menner; <br /> —� rolatinn tto'��Huerdoue���AlL�edale`�ae detlnsrl�her�einpPnndbotherdsnvir nmentel matt�ers (thetlEnvironmentel Lawa'),end nelth�rtthe fed�el <br /> - Y 8 4 6 tY P rtY, Y 8ovammentnl,lualoiel or <br />-- � povernm�nt nor en other overnmentai or uasl ovemmental entt haa tlled a Iien on the Pro e nor are there an <br />_� � administrstivs eetlone with respeet to envlronmental matta►s pendfnp,or to the beat ot the Orantor's knowiedgb,threstened,whlch Invofve the <br /> �, Propeity. fVeither(irantor nor,to the best ot Grantor's knowtedee,any othar party hae used,gonorntod,roloased,di�charged,atored,or dlnposed <br /> �- ot any N;ssrdoua h"at6rlalo ae uniined hereln,In connectlon vdth tho Property or transported any Ha:ardous Matetlals to or from tho Properry. <br /> �,. Qrnntor shall not oommit or Fermit such actlone to be taken In the tuture. The torm"Hazardous Materlsls'shall meen eny substance,matarial,or <br /> � wasto whlcN le or becomea rogulatod by any go•�ornmental uuthority Including,but not Ilmitod to,(i)petroleum;(II)lrieble or nonfrlable asbeatos; <br /> ' plq polycNlorinated biphenyls;pv)those substnnces,materials or wastes designated ae a`hazardoua aubetance"pursuant to Sctctlon 311 of the <br /> � Civan Water Act or Iistod purauant to Sectfon 307 ot the Clean Wnter Act or nny emondments or replacementa to theso etatutea; (v) those ; <br /> substanc�es,materlat9 or waotes detlned as a"hazardous wsste"pursuant to Sectlon 1Q04 01 tho Reaource Conaervation end Recovery Act or nny <br /> amendmente or replacemente to thet statute; end (vf)those substances,matarials or waetea deflned as a'hezarduus subatance'pursuant to <br /> Section 101 of the Comprehonelve Environmantel Responso,Compeneation and WabIINy Act,or any amendmonts or roplacaments to that statute <br />� or any other almllar state or foderal atatute,rule,regulatlon or ordlnance no�v or herentlor In oHect. Grantor shAll not loaso or permlt the subloaso <br /> o} the Property to A tanAnt or subtenent whoso oporatlans may rosult In contamination of tho Proporty vdth Hazardous Materlals or toxic <br /> , aubstancr�a; <br /> (o) All epplicable laws and reguiatlans, including,without Ilmitntlon,the Amerloans with Disnbllltles Act,42 U.S.C.Sootion 12101 et soq.(a�d sll <br /> � ropulatlone promulpeted thoreunder)end all zoning end bullding lawe and rogulotfonR rolating to tho Proporty by vlrtue of uny toderal,otato or <br /> munlcipal authority wlth Jurladlctlon over tho Property,preaently are and shell be observed end compiled wlth In ali materlal reapects,and all <br /> +.' � righte,Ilcenses,parmits,and certiticatea of occupuncy(Including but not Ilmitod to zoning vnriancos,apoclal oxcoptione tar noncontorn��ing usos, <br /> ,� I and 11na1 Insp�otlon epprovais),whather temporary or pormanont,which aro materisl to the uso and occupanoy oi tha Proporty,preaently are and <br /> e• { shnll be obtalned,preaerved and,whera necessnry,ronowed; � <br /> � - R� . � <br /> _� � LPNE017 S FormAtlon 1'echnolop:ea.lnt.(4/17/AS) (G00)B77.3708 Pogc 1 016 .�L)� <br />