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<br /> Uµnn re�cip3 0� payenent c�f the �rlco bid, Trustee Ahell deliver ta tha pucch�scr TruAtce'r� de�d �^�_T.� .
<br />- coavoyins tho Prapeny.The rec�hta i� tho Trueteo'a deed nhdl be prim�t�clo ovidonce of the truth of tho ;,�=�-
<br /> etatemonta m�de theroin.Truatee ahall�pply thA proceede oi iho sale in tho tollowins ordor: (!�t0�II CQ�49 ;_.:^��,`x`=
<br /> :z�..�.,.
<br />= and oxponaey ot o=arcisin� the power of eale, �nd the o�lo. iacluding tho payment of the Trustee's �ees ,..:'�;_�::�:�;#
<br />- tctu�lly incurred�aot to exceed � pg�fi °b oi the principal amooat ut tho noto at the time o! •'�:,;,�i��;:�.,_
<br /> tho declar�tion oi def�ult,�nd reason�ble ittorno s'feea+�e armitted b I�w; b�ta all sume secured b this ��"�"��'"""`'
<br /> Y P 3' I Y •f:... :;,.
<br />- Securi4y Yaetrument;ead(c)eAy excas�to the persou or persoae legally entiticd to it. ;=`'`'S`'`'},-`�
<br /> . •.�.�..t.,�_
<br /> 22. Reconveyanca Upon payment of ell s�me secured by thie Security Instrument,Lender eh�ll request Truatce 'rr,,;���;�,a,''�,°,;:
<br /> to reconvey the Property and ehall surrender ttzis Security Instrument and all notes evidencin�debt secured by thie ,'ta��_���
<br />= Seaurity Instrumont to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warrunty and without charge to the person :��::-�.
<br />._ '�;. s�--
<br />- or persons loRally entitled to it.Such person or persone sht►11 pay any recordation costs. -„�,:-�._.
<br />= 23. Subetitute Trusteo. Lender,at its option. mny from time to tima remove Trustee and appoint a euccessar �,�„"_
<br /> �.�`��'_�;-.`
<br />- trustee to eny Trustea appointed hereunder by an instru»lent recorded in tha county in which thie Security Inatrumont ie =___
<br />�� recorded. Withuut canveyanue u! the Propecty. the s�scc�,ssor trust��hafl succeec3 to all tha titls,power and dutie.q G�;`,;,,�.__
<br /> - conferred upon Trt�.stea herein and by applicable law. �=-`-'`
<br />" 2�.Request f�r Notice9. Battower requests that copies of the nvtices o�default and sale ba sen2 to]Borrower's .�,��-�=-
<br /> A:J �71'••�..
<br /> ' addreas which is the Property�ddress. ��'���
<br />= "� °! °--• •his�ecLZii� Instrum�nt. Ti on�nr more ridere are axecuted by Bonowor and recardFd together �'"�`"
<br /> a.►....�iv.�.� . S
<br />- with thie Seeurity Inatrument,ihe covenants and agreamenta of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall �'����_
<br />