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<br />- • 16. Dorrower's Copy.Aarrower�hall be�iven one conformed copy of the Note and oP thie Security Instrument. ' ��
<br /> .- 17. Trsnsfer�oi tho Property or e Benoficial Interest in 8orrowcr. If ell or any part ot the I'roperty or nny i �4,�
<br /> " ° interest in it is sold or transfened(ar if n bene4icial interest in 13orrower is sold or trana4erred and Horro�ver ie not a �.,.,;�
<br /> netural person) without Lender's prior written consent,I,�nder may,at ita option,require immediate payment in full a� � , ��
<br /> � all sums secured by thie Security Instrument. However, this option ehall not be exercised by I.ender iP exercise ie � f, T
<br /> prohibited by 4ederal law ea of the date of this Security Inetrument. � • .�4''
<br /> If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Aorrower notice of ecceleration.The natice shall provide a period , �
<br /> of not less thnn 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which I3orrower must pay all sume secured ;� ;
<br /> � by thie Security Inetrument.If Borrower fails to pay these sume prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke � ,
<br /> any remedies permitted by this Security Instrumentwithout further notice or demand on Borrower. � ;
<br /> ' � 18. Borrowar's Right to Relnstat�.If Borrower meets certain conditions,Borrower shall have the right to have ; � :
<br /> � ' enforcement of this Secunty Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of:(a)5 days(or such other period I {
<br /> ae applicable law may specify for reinstatement)before sale of the Property pursuant to anypo wer of sale contained in .. �__
<br /> �'� this Security Inetrument; or (b) entry o4 a judgment enforcing thie Secunty Instrument. '1'hose conditione are that I �
<br /> _�'-g Bonower: (a) paya Lender all �ums �hich then �ould be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no � �
<br /> � acceleration had occurred; (b)cures any default of nny other covenanta or agreements;(c)pays all expensea incurred in I, :
<br /> enfarcing this Security Instrument,including,but not limited to,reasonable attorneys'fees;and (d) takes such action as f�'':;:, ,�
<br /> � �`�"� Lender may reasonably require to assure that the lien of this Security Instrument,Lender's righu in the Property end ,;{,;,.._ r _ _
<br /> '�'`' Borrower's obli�ation to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrumant shall continue unchanged.Upon reinstatement i -n
<br /> � � by Borrower,th�s Security Instrument and the obligations secured hereby shall remain fully ef�ective a�if no acceleration I t" , ',. r � �
<br /> `".``• had occurred,However,thia right to reinstateshall not apply in the case of ncceleration wider paragraph 17. ��,., ,,�.�:�;,�,��, „�+,���'-"-'°
<br /> :�,�;{ 4,�': l
<br /> 1 9. Sa le o f Note; C hange o f i,oa n S e r v i c e r.'T h a N o t e o r a partial interest in the Note(toðer with this Security `�,_!.�,,,,,�,�:: ',.:�-,�:�.�
<br /> .:.�; Inetrument)may be sold one or moro times withoot prior uotice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in thc cr.tity , , 1f x.. —_
<br /> a ments due under the Note and this Security Inetrument.There '?��,
<br /> " (known as the "Loan Servicer")that callects monthly p y
<br /> also may be one or mure chnngea of the I.oan Servicer unralated to n sale of the Note. If there ie a change of the Loan
<br /> :. �..:
<br /> -------- Sa,v;ccr, :;a;ra�er::�i!!!�g:y�.^.W*irrPn n�tice of the chango in accordance svith paregraph 14 above and applicable law. _ _ .,,�,._� _
<br /> The notice will state the name and address of the new I.oun Servicer and the address to which paymente snowa ce mauc. , ,- .}y
<br /> The notice will also contain any other informetion required by applicable law. :" ; ,; ;
<br /> 20. Ii�z�rdous S ubstancos. Aorrower shall not caijse orpermit the presence,use,disposal,stornge,or release of
<br /> • � nny f inzurdous Substancc.9 on or in the Pro�erty. liorrower shall not do,nor allow unyone else to do,nnything aftecting ;•'
<br /> • the!'roperey thut iA in violotian of nny I'snv�ronmental l.aw."1'he preceding t+vc�sentenr,es�hall not u ply to the presence,
<br />. � use, or Atoraso�m tho !'ro�x;rry of Fmoll qunntities of Hnxardoua �ubstances that nre genernlPy recognir,ed to be j i �
<br /> _ npprn riete to n��rmal residcnhal use.9 nnd to maintenancc at thc Pm�x:rty., j -
<br /> I�c�rrnwer ahull promptly givc l.encier aritten natice ot any,,�ve.9t�6ut�on,claim,demnnd,la�veuit or other action by Y��
<br /> any g��vernmentnl or reguletory ngency or private party involving the 1'rnperty nnd any !iexardous Substunce or ; .
<br /> tsnvironmental l,uw nP which l�orr�wer hne actual knowledge. lf I3orcower Ieurns,c�r ie notified by any governmental or � ,''`�, ��
<br /> re�ulntnry authority, thnt nny removal or other remediation of any ll�:erdnus 5ubstance uftecting the Property i5 �
<br /> necessery,Iiorro�ver ehnll promptl�take all necessary remedinl actione in accordnnce with I:n��ironmental Law.
<br /> As used in thie paragcaph Z0, Eiazardow Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or har.ardous substunces , a��_=
<br />' by Environmentnl I,av�nnd the following substances:gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum products, • � , "��
<br /> � toxic �esticides attd herbicides, volatile Folvents, materiuls containing asbestos or formnldehyde, and rndiouctive � �
<br /> matennlc.As used in thie paragraph 20,"Environmental I,aw"means federal laws and laws of the�urisdiction�vhere the �
<br /> . .. Propert y•is locuted thnt relate to health,safety or environmental protection. ' �
<br /> . orrower and Lender furthec covenant and agree as follows: `i �r
<br /> ' 21. Acceleration; Remedics. I.ender shall give notice to Borrower prior ta ecceleration following . � � �-
<br />-_ ,� I Botr�wei s breach of any covenent or egreement in this Security Instrument (but not psior to acceleration �•
<br /> 1 � x
<br /> _ , under par�graph IT unless applicable law provides otherwise).The notice shall specify: (e� the default; (b)the ' .,,,,;
<br /> actios� eequiecd to cure the default; (c) e date, not less than 30 deys trom the date the aotice is given to � ,� j .
<br />_ � Borrower,by which the default must be cured;end (d) that failure to cure the deiault on or before ti�e date ,,,,
<br /> - �� specified in the notice may result in acccleration of the sums securcd by this Security Instrument and sale ot :,.�.: �-_'
<br /> ' the Property.The notice shell further inform Borrower of tho right to reinstate after acceleration and the
<br />'3 ` right to bring a court action to assert the non-cxistence of a cDefault or any other defense oi Borrower to , ,
<br /> • �� acceleration end sele. If the default is not cured on or before the date specitied in th�notice, I,endcr, at its
<br /> � option, may require immediate p�yment in [ull of all sums sccured by this Security Instrument without
<br /> further demand and may invake the power oi sale and any oth�r remedics perenitted by applicabla l�w.
<br /> �� Leader sh�ll be entitled ta collect all expenses incurrod in pursuing the remedias provided in this paragruph
<br />•W� 2I,including,Uut n�t limited to,ronsonabla attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> � If the power of sek is invoked,Trusteo shall record e notice of deTeutt in ench county in which any part of
<br /> � the Property is located end shall mail copies ot such uotice in the menner Qrescribed by epplicable lew to
<br /> 'f Borrower end to the other persans prescribed by epplicable la�v. After the t�mc required by apPlicable law,
<br /> -- 'I'rustee shal l give public notice of s�le to the persons and in the menner prescribed by apPliceble lew.'I'rustec,
<br /> � without demand on }3orrower, shnll s�ll the Nroperty at public auction to the highest bidder et the time and
<br /> place and under the terms desi�nated in the notice of sale �n one or more parcel�and in eny order Trustee
<br /> � • determines. Trustee mey postpone sale of all or eny parcei of the Property by public announcement at the
<br /> time and place ot eny previously sc6eduled sale. Lender or its designco may purct�nse the �'roperty et any
<br /> : _'-_• __- _ saio.
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