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<br /> ``'� ' ?.?, R��Q�evbyptl�s. Upon n9ylilC(11 dI RII 6U(R9 aecurad hy this Secu�ity In�t�untaat, I.endc�ohap requczt f+�tetca ta
<br />-�; ► rac��vy th� Prapnty �nd oh�W aurrendn► thl9 �ecuriry In�trumcmt a�id all noiF� evldenc5z�7 deht occurem tiy ti�ls Ecr.uriy
<br />'��� In�trummt ta Tru�tN. Truat�a e1uN racar�v�r the t'rop�rty without wsnaaly and wfthout ch�rpa to the pcxson or p�aons IegaAy
<br /> -A�' MnUWd to A,Such p�non a pweons ehaM pay eny re�ordaUon coata.
<br />` �� 23. �ubstttuts Trurt��.Lender. �1 Re optlon,m+�y hom 1lm�to tlme ramova 7n�atee end eNpolnt a eucceszor truatee
<br /> �y to �ny Tru�lw �ppofnt�d h�►eun� by an fmuumat racordQt� M� the county fn wh�h thla S�curity Inatrumenl b recad�d. r.�..
<br />�°��1 V�hfhcfnt �anvr.,��nce of the S�VOpnty. tha snceoasor truatae ohall aucceed to all lhe tittv,powa and dutle� conferred upon
<br /> � Ttu�tN h�reln �nd by�ppNaaW�Mw. ': •''
<br /> �`'i•�..
<br /> ;�� 74. R�qu��t tor Notic�g. Borrower requ�ste th�t coplra of the noticee ot deteuR end s�le be s�nt to Ffnrtower's . :,�
<br /> __� �ddreea whkh Is the Propexty Addnsa, • �.
<br />,;�i� 26. fildlrs ttD thls S�C4:►1ty� In1►t�umRlt� if ona or moro ddero�re exocutal by Borrower and recorded topether
<br />. _.� wRh thie Sacurity InsUument, the covenu�tn�nd�9reementa ol each such �i�ix eheA be Incorpo�eted Into end ah�8 amend �nd
<br /> -- eupplana�t tl�e corana�ite and aqrsansa+�to o}thin�ccurity Instrumenl ea N the ddar(e)wcre e pert oi thls Scc�irity Inatmment
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<br />- ❑Qntdu�ted Payment Rl�er ❑Ptumed Unk Deveiapmerrt Rider ❑BbWeekly Payment Rld�r -
<br /> �. ❑BeMoor�Rtder [�Reto improvatnent Rider ❑Sacond Home Rlda �:;;
<br /> '`'.,� ❑Other(s) SPeciN ^.,
<br /> BY SIQNINQ BELOW, Bortower eccept�end agrees to the tamo and covenant� cantafned In this 3ecu►ity instrument�nd In
<br />_ sny�ider(s)executed by Borrower end recorded with iL
<br /> '� �i�. J. ro�,
<br /> - 1�9a�J �t►..�r r.�c<-K-- vv.�� .
<br /> 8arower -� eorrowcr q�ck .' art��ar
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<br />_�°''� STATE OF N�braskm P=-
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<br /> '=-=� COUN7Y'OF H�11 ---
<br />-':�<:� �.`�:�
<br /> On thls tst ,day ot M�roh . 991 G ,before me, the undersigned,o Notary PubNc duty [ �:.:
<br /> •;;-;� '''��=
<br /> commlasloned and quuli�9d tor seid county,personal(y came RICk A. Fartter and Pt�mela S. F��ber . Husb�nd
<br /> .�`�
<br /> „��
<br /> ''r rnd W(ts —� �` _
<br /> to mo known to be lhe Identical person(s) whoso name(s) aro �ubscdbed to the 'roregofnp instrument and ecknowledgnd the .
<br /> - execuUon thereof to be�th�lr voluntary act and deed.
<br />- Witness my hnnd and notadal seei at Qr�nd lelend In said county,the date aforeseld.
<br />-.,_�•.
<br />-._y� My Commisslon e�lro����p�h \p,�^
<br /> �� \ \ Notnry Publlc
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