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<br /> ' 17. 5'voiaafov af tiio �re�n�J t�Y o ��rorioflclal Intorc��t ir� �orvavaor. if au or nny p�rt ot �no Propctqr or i
<br /> , any Intorest In Il Is aold ar tren�ierre.d(ar il e� bene(Iclal Inter�st In Bortower Is eold or trenssfened ond Dorrower Is not a nuturnl � _
<br /> pc�son) withaut Lcndern pdor�•rdttcn conannt. lEnder may.at ila option, regulre Immedlato pnyment M (ull of all sums cecured by � �
<br /> „ ihls Security Instrumenl Nowover,thln optlGn �sl�al� not be exerelsed by Lender It exerclse is prahiblted by federal law ae of the � ;�
<br /> date ol this Secudry Inetn�ment. ; �
<br /> II Lender exerelsee thla optinn. 4ander ahall qlve 8ortowa noAce ai ecceleration. 7he notic� shall provlde a peiiod oi not !-
<br /> less than 30 dayo from the dnto thn notlrn I� delHer�d or malled withln whlch Bonower must pay all suma o�curod by this � �
<br /> Secudty Inattument. It Bor►owar lalis to pay these sums prior to thn ex{�Iratlon of thls period, Lender may invoko cny rcmcdles I
<br /> permftted by lhla Sec:udry Inatrumr.rit withqut turthar notice or demand ort Bonower. �r
<br /> " . 18. eor►owar'a 6ilght t0 R�inm�te. �i Bortower meets ceRaln conditions, Borrower ahail have the ri�ht to have� !
<br /> . entorcanent ot this Sewrity InntNmnnt dir,aontinuad et any time prlor to the earlier ot: (a) 5 days (or such otf�er perfod ea .
<br /> " �• eppllcabto Iaw mey cpedfy lor relnatatemc:nt)betaR+sate of the Properry pureuunl to any power o1 aele contalnad In this Secu�fty
<br /> Inatrument: or (b) entry�f a JudQm�tnt antorclnn th!a Secudty Instrument. Thosa cond'A{ons ero that Hortower. (a) pays Lender nll
<br /> sum�v�hlch then v�ould be due under thin Secut�ly Instniment and the Note as If no acco�ereUon had occurred: (b) cures any
<br /> default of any other covenant ar ngreemanto; (c) pays all expenses incurted(n enforcing ihis Security Instrumon4 Includ!nc�, hut
<br /> not Ilmited to, reasonable atlome�,�s' feus; and �d}teJcas such aclion es Lendor mey reasonab►y requlre to essure that the Ilen of
<br /> thls Securily Instrument, Lender's rtght+t In thq Prop�rPy and Borrower's obllgaUon to pay the sum� secured by thls Security
<br /> � Instrument shell continup unchanc�c:d. Upr,n relnutat�mani by Bortower, this Ser�dry Inetrument and the obligatlons secured
<br /> hereby�hall remaln fuly ottecUv9�,s il no accelemUon had acr.urted. However,this dght to rolnstute shall not eppiy in the cuse
<br />. � 01 acceleration unde►parr�flraph 17. ,
<br /> 19. S�19 !'�f 1�10x�; G�lAil�q nt l.11F1[I S9rvlC0�. Tha Note or a e partisl Interest In the Note (together with thls
<br />';� � 5ecudly Instrument) mey �ie sold ane or moro Mr.ea with�u4 prl�r noUce to Dorrower.A sele may resuft In a chenge In the ent(ry
<br />,:".� " (knawn as the 'Loan Scwlcer') that Golleoto mqalhiy payme��4s dis under the Note end this E2cudty Instrument. There also may � t,
<br /> y�. bo one or moro changos of tho Laon Scrvicnr unrelated to a :�le of the �ote. If thero fs a change of the Lonn Servicer, -
<br />_„ Borrower wlll be given wriiten noti�ct ai tho changa In accordanra wilh pnragr�ph 14 above end appllcablo Iaw. Tho notice wlp I �,
<br /> aieie iiro ��ar��a und&ddraSS Of th3 ncw 4onn 5•_s�icer and the address to which paymenta should be mede. The noUca wlll also �
<br /> contaln any other Information requlrnd by aApllca�'.�n law. �. �
<br /> � 20. Hazardous SuhsManr.�a. Ban�n shall n�x cause or pertrri4 Yha presence, use, disposai, stonigo, or release of •
<br />" any Hezerdoua Substencea on �r in the Praperty. 8orrowt�r ahali not do, nor ail�w enycr�a olse to do, anything eHecting the fr,�. �
<br /> � al w The recedin lwo sentences shnll not a to the presence, use, or �=� �
<br /> � � PropErty that Is in vio.allon of any Envlronmont ls . p g PPN „ �
<br /> � ' atorage on the Property of artutU quantRit�si of I�s�rdous Substances that aro ganerelty recognized to be approprfate to normal „ •��
<br /> resldentlal uses and to malntenancR o1 thn Prmn:�y. , ,�
<br /> - == �--- gs.^.'aWd sha?! p!em�?�y �ke !ee�r w„ttm nntice ef any Investiaation. clslm. demand, laWauit or other actlon by any " '�� '
<br /> � govommental or regulatory ngency or pri�rate party InvaMa�g th: Property and any Hezardous Substence or Environmentel Law o} �, `
<br /> '� which Bortower has actual knowlodqe. If Borcower lenms, ar is noUfled by any govemmental or regulatory authorifij, that any r';�
<br /> � removal or other re�nediatlon of ��ny Mt�uardous Subatnnce anecting Property Is necflssary, Bo�rower ahall prompUy tc�ke aH
<br />. . necessary remediat acllons In�nceordancA with �nvbonmontal Lntiy, .�`�'J
<br />: � As used in this paregreph 20, 'Hn•r.ardous S:'ustances' ar�ificse substances de0ned as toxic or hazardous substancoa by =.'�u�'. ��
<br /> + [nvironmental Lsw end the tollowin� aubstanaas: gasoline, kerosene, other flemmable or toxlc petretr.�m products, toxlc 1+;�:�. '
<br /> � pesticides and horblcldes, vo1�4i�a aoNonto,mntorials contalniny:�sbestos or formaldehyde,and radioacUve metarlals. As used in } ■ ;�
<br /> � pnragraph Z0, 'Environmentel Law' munns lederal liws and lg�w,� of the jurisd(ctlon where the Property Is located that relate to T,��
<br /> health,safety or environmentul protecqon. •'�,i��,;,.,��
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bonowor nnd Londur further covenant and agree es follows: '
<br /> � 21. Acceleratlon; Rmnn,ndic�n. Lunder shall give notice to Borrower prior t� acceleratlon ',i z
<br /> � ���'�" fof9owing Borrowar's breash ot any cav�►nnnt or agreement In this Socurity Instrument (bc� not ,�'" • "
<br /> � • � pr9or to acceloration ur�der pnraflraph 1T unl�+ns+ oppUcable law provides othorwiso). The na29co ;,�=' _
<br /> '� ahall specify: (e) the dofault; (b) 4ho aation �eqiltred to cur�a th� default; (c) � date� not less tl�an j •, �
<br /> ' ' 30 dayA from 4ha date tho notico is giv�on So Borrawer, by whl�h the default mu�t ba aurad; and
<br /> " ' (d) that iallura to cure thE� dofa�dt on or bofore the date specified In the notice may result In
<br /> ;� acceleratlon of the sums securod by tttit+ SoQUrtty� insstrument and sale of the Property. The�otice
<br /> "A shall furthor inform Boreawer ot thu rlpM to eetnstato efter acceleration and the right to bring a � ' �
<br />'� court eatlon to assort tho non•AxlsZonaa af a dehult or any othor defense of Borrower to � �"�.
<br />- „ . � acceleratlon and sale. If tho dofeuit is nAt cured on or betore the date spec6Si�d In the notice, �
<br />� Lender et it� optlon mey Pequlru Immaditrte payment In fu0 ni all sums sesurmr� by thla Securlty �
<br /> Insirument without turthur demand and mny Jn�roke the power of sale and any othur remedles �
<br />-- ' perrnitted by appitcable lavv. I.vndor shu".1 bo eniftled to collect all expensos Incurred in p�r$aing i
<br /> � the remedles provided tn RhIA p�ersprn�h 2i, Including, ltut not Umltad to. reasonable attor�neys' ',
<br /> fe�a and cros'de of title evidonr.o. �
<br />�Y. Ii 4ho pow�r of sale Is tnvokt�d, Tru�'ieo st�eniL recarcE a notice ot default fi� each county In
<br /> Y " wt�lch any part of the Prcperty is loaaiod a�td shall mail copiea of such not6ce in the mannor ,
<br /> � praacribad by appllc�ble lawr to Borr�wer and 8�s the other pe►sons �P�scribad by appltcalrla� law.
<br /> ; After tha tim� required by appllanblo lanr. Trustee shall give publlc r�otice of sale to the persona
<br />� � and In the ma�ner proscribud by appllc:ublo law. T�ustee, without dema�� �n F�crrower, shaU sell
<br /> - ths Prop�rty at publla auatlon �o th� highest bidder at the time and place end under the terms
<br />- � dosignat�d In th� nMice of s�iv In one or more parcels and in any order Truatee dotermines.
<br /> - ' Trueto� may postpone sde of all or any parcel acf the Prope�ty by public announcement at the
<br /> _••� tims and plac� of �ny previously schsduled sale. Lender ar its dosignee may purchase the
<br /> _--_�__
<br /> -� ---— - -
<br /> � Property at any sale.
<br /> � ° " � Upon receipt of pnymont of tha qrice btd, 7rustee shall deltver to the purchaser Trustee's
<br /> I deed convoying Iho Proporty. Tho �ecsitt�l� i�� tt�o Trustea's dead sl�all be prima facie evidence of
<br /> � the trutt� of tho statementa m�do thE�rein. Truutea �hall apply tho pr�cseds of tho sale in tho
<br /> � ' foflowing order: (a) to all costs ar�d expone�ss of exercfsing the power of sale, and the sate�
<br /> �TM ' including tho paymont of tho Tru�Beo's feos ectually Incurred, not to exceed three
<br /> • 96 of the principal amount of the
<br /> � Roia at 4he ti�e of tho �roalaration af default, and reasonable attorney's ieos a3 permiNod by law;
<br /> - (h� to all suma securad �y thfa Security Inatru�nant; and (c) any excess 4o the person or persons
<br /> leg�lly entitled to IR.
<br /> , F131�.1M6(10/94) Paqa 4 ot 5
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<br /> I 94170 �
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