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<br />����� . . �. . �.g��. �.11�.1.f31 � ::�
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<br /> ;�, • � S.Il�sard w PrapeHy Ie�nurr�ce, B�rr.c+u�Qr�nil Inxsp Iha improvcmcttts now ca�lsting on c�rcattcr croctcd on Iho Prapcny � �.,..-
<br /> Insurod againei los� by Ilrc. hnzw�M lnr.ludr,d witJdn dio tarrc�"cntendat covcregc" and any othcr ha�.ard�,inclucling floocls a r
<br /> itooding,for which Lcndcr r�equir�a innnranc;n.1°tdn ipr��:ranr,n ahull b c m a i t►t a ln c d i n�he nmounts and for tho periods thut Lcndcr I � _
<br /> .:-=-��-, cequirw.'itia lnnaronco cturier pmvidbtQ thu}nnuMnco shnU bo choscn by Borrowcr sub)cct to Lcndcr's epprovel which shalE not I ' �
<br /> �� ��''''""r be unras�xiably withheld. If Bonro�ercv failn in� mnintain coveragc dcscribed abovc, Lcnder may, at Lcndcr's opdon.obtsdn
<br /> ' ' '. covctage W protcct I.cnd�r's dght:t in Ih�►l�+c{�aTCy ln nccardt►nce with paragraph 7. j � –
<br /> All insuranc�c prtllclas ond rencw�la shuU ta�t�oaptablo to Lendcr and sholl incladc n standnrd moitgago clausc.Lender shall •
<br /> f t�ave tho dght to holcl tha palicicn end uenaw�lfl.�f T.endcr requires,B�irowcr shuU prompdy givc to l.ender all roceipta of paid � '
<br /> premlums and renewsil n�dr,es.In►hu avont iFf.t�rc�,Bocrower shall give prompt notice to the insurancc caTrier and L.ender.[.ender
<br /> . m�►y ma�o proof of 6oss if nat inndc p�+c�mpthl by 19oirowcr. � • ' _ �
<br /> " Unless I.e,�der and Barawar otharvvi�n agra in wridng,insurance proceeds shnll be applicd to restoration or rcpair of tho ` �� ,�:"�
<br /> .i,�, . . � Piropr,�ty dsim�ed,if the restarndon or n�ir is economically fcasible and Lender's securiry is noe lessened.If Ihe restar�t[on a ' ��,��`•;'�.r
<br /> �=;�.� : raPr.lr�not ecuno�ir.�Uy fensibla or Ia:nder's sscurity would bc lessened�the ins��ranca proceecls r,hnU be applied w tha sums . ,'�":��:,--j�
<br /> — secural by thia Sect►rixy In�trtlmant. w�usihor or not thcn due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Bomnwer abandoas the � ,':;���`,',_
<br /> � Property,or dara not anawsr wi�hJn 3�3 days a noeco from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered w seale a claim, then ;.;q���;,:,,;_:_
<br />'�" `' Lc;nQor rany collect ti�u inourunan prac.xds.Lender mny use d�e pincecds to repair or reston the Property or to pay sums secured � ';`,;,. ���'"'
<br /> by d�ja S�urlty Inflliumcn4 whaIhar or not tltcn duc.The 30-day period will begin when thc norica is given. , '`'���'"�``''�'�'�
<br /> ':.,.: � .���-�..�_-
<br /> ::��;.`;'"'�`-- iJrxtr.ss Lender and Hornau�r,r mtbenvise a�in wnnna�wY aPPlication of proceeds to principal shaii not extend or�x,si�wuC . �`°°--",�
<br /> '`}�:;'r^��` �t�c d;nu c+.aw ef t�v rnonthl� �' paragraph�1 and 2 or chan c thc amaunt of thc a ents.If undcr '`. ' .y����:.�
<br /> . J PnY�anm refemd tc,rn B A Ym P�uSt'� „ ,,,,,�•.
<br /> . ;,�' 21 tha P�,�ty i�.�uimd�y Lender. Ba�ruer's right w any insurance po�icies and pmceeds cesulting from damogo to the ' : . ;��
<br /> �;.4 Prope�ty prior ta t��oat�uiaiitan ahnll pas�tn(r.�der to thc extent of the suris secured by this Securary Instrument iramedisuely ...,,f .� : �;�',�'.
<br /> •.�: priar t�Iho aoquiaiiton. ='. y'"''.."
<br /> '�''�::��:: ., � � :.�-� .
<br /> G.Accupnnuy��'r�e.rvaf�iu,Maintenance snd ProtKti��e art 4he Property: Borros►�er a Loan Appl6catlon;Lsasehold9. •�.� �
<br /> � R. mv_un c nnnv r rj.'Q� a ica�{,r i�nnp ac�tn��wer'c nrineinal msidenee within sizty a��v_rs after tho execution of �l "' '�• -
<br /> .•,.
<br /> � . - -- �T� ...Y��.�.r.��+�»s..���...�L'3_ r�— ._, 3c..' ". .
<br /> ��,,,�f �;.��c�s;arity Iu�r:nac�t rind shaU continuo tn occu�+y the Pragersy aq Aorr�owct's prIncipal residen�for At least one year at�,er the �� `�'�"
<br /> ' :� ' dA18+y�QoCUnt�C}�. vnless I,ender �ih�rwise agrees in wr�a�g, whlch consent shall not be wu+��sonably withheld,or unLess .;. 5����.. �
<br /> ' .. er.te^:��'c:ug circmn�nccs exist wflvch are beyo»3 Borrower's oo�trol.Borrower shall not destroy,damuge or impair tt�Properry, �.�;'7
<br /> • a11uw ttio l�nptxty tn deterlorate, c�r com�.ie waste on �he Property. Bomower shnll be in default if eny forfelwc�e acdon or •�•,•�;�;�;��
<br /> prooaadiag�whrsThrs�civil or criminN,�s begun cfiat in L.ender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture af tho Pempp�ty or ",'
<br /> • Wtxaw:se mnturi�lly impair the lien creutad by tfii�Security Insuument or Lender's security intares�Borrowet muy ciuie such a `'�•`�,
<br /> ckfanit and ninstaoe.as provided in parag�aph 18.by causing the acdon or proceoding to be dismiscod with e�suling that,in I ��
<br /> _ , Lencter's good fatth dctermination,precludes forfeiwre of the Borrower's intctest in the Property or othts matcrial imgaitment of
<br /> ° the lien cm,sud by this Security Instnunent or Lender's security interes�Bocrower shall also be in defnWt if Bosrower,during the "'"'..�
<br /> "' Losn applicatioa process�gavts materiaily false or inacauate information or statements to L.ende.r(or failed w provide Lender with
<br /> anp m�tacial infortnation) in connecdati with tha loan evidenced by the Note. includ'u�g, but not Wnitod w, repmsentations ' s�
<br /> � conceming Bormwes's occupancy of tho Propecty as a princip�l�+esidence.If this Security Instrument is on a lesschold,IIomnwa
<br /> �T. .
<br />- '' shall comply wiYh all Ihe provisia��s of the Iease.If Borrower acquires fee title to the Propecty,lhe Ieasehold und the fco tide shall � � , �:>,-'',-'.:`;
<br /> :� not merqe unkss L�endcr agnx;s to tho mergcr in wri�ng. � ° ...y`;rt:''`,
<br /> � , �:. 7.Pmtectjop of l.ender's Ri�ht�in the Property. If Borrower faiLv to perfocm the covenants end agreements contained in ,
<br /> . this Security Iastzumen�a thens is a legal procecding that may sigaificaady af�'oct Lendcf's rights in the Pmperty (such as a '
<br /> ' � proceed�ng in bamkiuptcy.probate.for condemnation�r forfeiwie or to enfom.a laws or regulatians),thcn Lcnder may do and pay � -
<br /> far ahatevei is nooessary to protoct the value of tha Propahy artd L�ender's rights in Qie Propecey.I.ender's actions may includc I • .
<br />- • P�y� eny s,ms secuted by a Ilen which hes priority over this Socurity Insi�umem, aPPear►n8 in coun, PaYing reasonab� � • ..�
<br /> �. � auaneys' fcxs end entering on tho pcopccty tn maice rcpaias.Although Lender may take actioii undcs this par.�gcnph 7.Lendu �
<br /> docs r�ot have W do so. � `
<br /> �:.,:�
<br /> � � My art�ounts disbursed by L.ender under this paragraph?shall become addudonf►ll debt of Bomowr,�secured by U►is Security ' .,,
<br /> ' Insmunrn� Unless Bomower and I.cnder agtr.o to other tctms of payment,thesc amoiutts shal�baar interest from the daxe of �
<br /> � disbucsemcat at the Note wte.a�:�s'hall be payablct,with intt�+est,upon noticc from Lcnder w Borrower cc�uesdng payment
<br /> � �.Mortgaga I�sarana. If i.cnder rcqui�+ed mortgsigo insurance as a condidon of malring Une loan securc:d by this Sec�uity ;
<br /> f Instrutr�ent, Barrov�:�r shttll pay tha pm.�niums required to m�intnirs the m�:�age insurance in effoct If. for any reason. thc
<br />. mattgago insuranoe covExage roquiced by Lender Inpses or ceases to be in effect,Botrower shall pay t7�e premiums ra{uited to ' '
<br /> ' obtait►covacago substantiully oqtrivttlent to the mortgage inswance previously in effect,at u cost subsCintinlly equivalent to tho
<br /> _ cosi ta Bomowec of the mattgqgcs insvtanoe previausly in effect,from an alic.mara moitgage insurer approved by LGnder. ff
<br /> suhsmmially cquivalent mortgAgo insvmnoe cove�uge is not availeble.Borrowcr shall pay to Lcnder each month�sum cqual to
<br /> a�c�tweW►of tha yarly rtwrtgage insurnnca p�cmium being paid by Bomnwer when the insurance coverage lapsed or ccased to •
<br /> , bc ic�cffect.Lencier wi11 aoocp� �se and retalo thcse payments as a loss �eserve in lieu of mortgage insuiance.Loss reservc
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