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. ' i`��', . . _ . �• _ _...`;,F . ; . . . . . .. � . ����..:.� � � � . <br />. . . . f�1,j.: � <br />� .. � . .� . � ��1. <br /> � .. , .. �..w�"--. <br /> f <br />- � 4 . - .' _ ' " /: <br />.. . � �f(^. . � � . . .. . � � - <br />� .� .....�� ' .. . ...:--___' ' - .."._ _'__. . . .. . ...._ '—" _.-- <br /> .... <br /> . . � '��'r,'T . . .il .. - i� � . .VIM�n , " �.� <br /> . .' I� . - i . L'.' <br /> ' .. .. ' , '_� <br /> � � <br /> ' .. ... . .. .. .. .. . .� . .. - ... . - �. .. . - . . .. .. . _ ' — <br /> \ � ' 1 1. <br /> , . � . .� ; �5�' �,!la.laa ' . -�; <br /> ' �6.Burrower's Lo�y. �orrowcr shall bc g�veti ona confaemul co�y of Ih�Nate and of thls Se�nrity Instntrnen� !, � <br /> 17.TrAaatRr ot thc i'rop�ny or a Benstki�l Interest In Borrowtr. If ull or any part of thc Ptoperty or any itttcrost in it is � �_ <br /> s,olA nr uansfcncd(or if a beneCctal intcrest in Borrower is sold or transfcrrcd and Honnwcr is not a natural person)without � <br /> l.endcr's prior wcitten consent,Lender may.nt its opdon. require irrtmedinro payment in full Uf all sums secured by�his Security I . <br /> Instntment.Howcvcr.lhi�option shall not be by Lendcr if is prohibitcd by fcdcral Law ns of the date of this �.;. <br /> - �aurity CnsUumcnG • <br /> • If Lcnder enercis�:!:'.s:.`^�on,Lender shull give Bocrower nodce of acceleradon.'Il�c nodce shall provida a riod of not less i . <br /> td►an 30 da yA from�ho dtte t�ie nudce is dallve�a3d os ' withln which Homnwer mu�:pay all sums sec by this Securiry I <br /> Instrume�t.If Borrowee fails to pay thcsc sums pridi'�o't h cxpira don�f t h is p e r i o d,L.c n d e r m a y i n v o k e a n y r c m c d l c s p e r m i t t e d ( , <br /> �, � by this Sxurity Tnsvumeat without further notice or d on Bormwer. <br /> ' 18.Borrowtr's RI�Mt to Reinstx4e. If Borrowa' tmects certain condidons, Borrower shell huve the right to have <br /> � enfo�+cement af this Secuxity Instzument discontinued at eny time prior to the earller of: (a) 5 days (or such other period es <br /> applicable lanr muy specify far reinstatement)before sale of the Property p��suant to enY Rower of sale ca�stained in 4his Security � <br /> Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Insuumen�.'Ihose conditioas are that Bocrosver.(a)pays Lender all . . <br /> . sums which thcn would ba due under this Sccurity Insuumcnt and the Note s�.s if r��'3zr3'tion ha�1 occu�d; (b) ��s �►Y <br /> ��';• defaultof ony other covenants or egreements:(e)pays a1D ex�ns s incurn�in ei►fezcia"tas Se+cu'-�y instnament,incI�dinB,but <br /> urn <br />- ;!` not lunite[1 to,rcasonablc attameys'fees;and(d)talces such xUon as Lendu maY re�'LSO�nabDy reguire to assure that the lien of t3�s � <br /> �"�. � �� . Sxurity Jnstrument, Lendu's rights in the Pcoperty and Botrower's obligaLOn to pay t�e sunes s�acured by this Securiry . y ,� <br /> :_��� �::".;� Ynst�ument shall continue unchs�►ged. Upon reinsiatement by Bonower, tl�ss Security Instrument And the obligations sec�rtxl <br /> :° �il hereby shuU remain[ully et�'ecdve es if no acceleration had occuned.Howev�r,this rig�t to reinstatc shall not apply in the case of ; , ,n�� <br /> .�,_;-�:,�:'�` ,s+,�n,:�.-auon under pard$[aPh 17. �;;�.:::`,: . . - <br /> . c "tt <br />- Il�.Sxk ot Note;C6Ange of I.oAn Servker. 'I�►e Note or a parti�l int;�est i�n n�e Notc (together with thns Sccuriry `,.;•:;�,_��,, *." _� ..; <br /> . '� Instrument)muy bo sold one or more times without prior notice ta Borrow�r.A sale may result in a change m the endty(Imown • "-i'z<<��• ,�,; .' <br /> av the'Loan Servicer")that wllects monthlY PaYinenu due under the N�s��n�l this Secunty Inswme.n3.'I�ere also may be one or , . •:A�;r •,..,. <br /> more changes of tt►e L,oan Sen+icer unrelated co a sale of the Note. If e.'her�c;�s a change of the I.aa�a ScTVicer,Borrower will be . �� ��� <br /> , � �. A��1';vi�� <br /> , a1La. <br /> ',: given w�aucn rtotice of the change in accordance with par�gra+ph 14�MvE an�l applicable]aw.The noboa will stsue che name and ::�,,�:,J,. .•_;�::,,,�: <br /> .. '�he nouce will tdso contain ast other <br /> address of ihe new Loan Semc�r:u�d the adc�ress to which �yments shautd b;,rt�dL. Y !,`,�;`�; , ' • r .� <br /> ' information rcquired by applicab7e ln�v. � ' <br /> .,__.. �.,u � .:.,�r rhn nmcr rr �tce; disDOSHL Si4TdQ�. or release of an ',``;7� ,'__;__ :..�! <br /> = zll.eisuxrdoas"auosi�wies. nvi�v�V� S.��a iiCZ C:ti� i `j...°. r-=--�!- "c y �i,:1A�i.� asex <br /> ` Ha7:irdous Subsmnces on or in the Property.��rower s h s i ll not do.nor a l l o w e n y o n e e l s e t o d o,an y t,`►in g effecan g the P r o p e�t y ?l�;h',?t;•; '", - <br /> r:.:�• <br />' �r;,�, that is in violarion af an�Eavir�nme�tal Lativ.'T�e preceding cwo sentenccs sha11 not apply to the presencc,use,or storage on the ;:�;,v.,,t,r„'• <br /> ''='-' Property of small quanuues of�IIaarctous Substances thaz are genernUy recagnized to be appropnate to nom►al residential uses .���}i� �:', r : <br /> •��� and to maintenance of thc I'cope.�y. ' <br /> Barower shall prompdy g�ve L.ender writnen norice of any investigation, claim.demnnd,lawsuit or other action by any , <br /> : go��tnrttentaJ or t�gulatory ageancy or priv�te party involving the Pcope.�ty and any I-Ia�ardous Substance or EnvironmenW Law ,� <br /> of which Borrower has ectual frnowledge.If Borrowe�leams.or is notified by any govemmentaa or regulatory authority,thai uny � <br /> removd or other remediaHon of any Ha�ardous Substarece affe�ting the Froperty is n�. Bocrower shall promptly ta{ce all ,:;; �e <br /> ' n�es�ry rer�ediul s�doiis in accordance with Environmental L,aw. -� ',. <br /> ; q9 ustd m tius paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances" are tlwse substnna�defincd as toxic or hazardous substanoes by ,,,•` <br /> � Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toaic petroleum producSS, to�ck � ' <br /> pesdcides end herbicides,volutile solvents.materials containing asbestns or formaldehyde.and rndioacave matcnals.As used in <br /> ° . �his pma�a�h 20�"Environmental Law"means fedcrel laws end laws of thc jurisdiction whcre thc['toperty is locuted that relate • _�� <br /> • to health�,safety or environmental proucdon. "'"`� <br /> .=•.r <br /> "t..:. NON-UNiFURM COVENANTS.Bo�rower and Lendcr further covenant an8 ag�r,e as follows: I ,r�+� -• � <br /> .,�;r�,: 21.Accekntion;Remedies.Lender shall give eotice to Borrower prior to occeleration fotbwing Borrower's bnAC6 ot • -��<<. <br /> �:'�; �. any covenxnt or agreemeet in thig Security Yash'ummt (but not primr to accekratf9n under paragr�ph 17 unkss I , <br /> ' applkxbk!aw pnovides c�a�wtse).T6e notice shall specii'y:(o)the dctAnit;(b)t6e action required to cun tbe defautt;(c) , <br /> . � " o d���� not I�s,y Q'l�an 3p dsys ihom We date the notke f�given to Borro�rer�by w6ich the defauit must be cured; and(d) i <br />� - tha�fnilure t�cwe the dcfs�mn or before the date specified in tde notioe may result in acctkra4ion ot the sums secured � <br />=. '� •."c`�' ` by �[v Security In�-hvment and sak of t6e Property.The notire shall further iuform Bor�owe�oi f6e rig6t to eeic�.:te � <br />— ��'" ��' after ocakration and t6e rig6t to bring a court action to assert the�on-existena af a default or�ny ot�ter deiense of h � <br /> T • ' . gorrow�r to acc�leration and sak.If tht�ictault ts not cured on or bcfore the dste speciFied in the nottce,Lender�at its ; <br />� .• option� may requir¢immediate payment in Full of all sums secumf b'this Securily Instrumeet without furthv demand <br />- �1 miay invoke the power off�k and any other remedies permitted by applicable�w.Lender shaU be entitled Eo colkct <br />-a' �•,.. . � �in¢usred in pu�ing t6e rcmedies provided iin this para$raph Zl. including,but not limited to� rcnsonuble • <br /> _ ' �13oneys'rees sv�dl mostq oi title ev3dence, <br /> u if tbt gower ol sale is invoked,Tnutce shaU record � notke of defaWt in eacA county fn w6ich any part of t6c <br /> -- , ►'�QerZy ts located and ah�ll maU wpies ot such notice in tse manner prescriberl by�pplicyble la�to Dorrower and to t�c <br /> ,� �f6�ptrsoas prrscribed by�py�icabk{aw.Aflter t6e time required by applkabk law,Tr�stee shnll give pubtdc notice of <br /> ,� sa7ie to th¢persons and in 4he manner prescribed Dy applicabk law.�'rustce,witho'nt demand on Boprowtr,shall sell the <br />� � Property At puDlic auction to the 6ighest bidder at the time and place nnd under the terms des[gaated in the nat[ce of sale <br /> •� Form 3026 818U <br /> — _--` � <br /> P��6 ot 8 in�tlal�: <br />-x �•6�(N��IG212) 0 <br />,�---' --- - _ <br /> . <br /> � � <br /> � , <br /> _ ..._._ ....._.__...---`---------'..._ <br /> ,.. . . <br /> ii." – _'— - . " ' . _ _. <br /> :� <br /> �f. � . <br /> :a � <br />�I� i <br /> l,i�' - <br />