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<br /> � ,, �ijiiiiPaiGl filAy it0 IAIQCi�Ue r�uis�sd.Fl 1I10 O}111A31 OC LCildCi',1�f�'tOeiBAgu I SllidflCt!CQV6i�l$6(ip 4`]6 AidOrilill A�iifl�GP 1�1C�iFilOfl . ��_-
<br /> '-�;. �� Y, �hat Lc.nder requlrey)Imrvidcd by nn insurcr appravcd by Lcndu egain bocomes availabla end is abtaincd.Horrowu shall p�y�ho `
<br /> -;.s���:•';-. „ , . _
<br />� prcmiums requircd ta mtrint�in m�mtgaFa insuranr.e in cffcct,or W pravide a loss reserve, undl the rcquIrement for morlgage ' �.`��
<br /> insuranca endo in accordlmco with sny�vrittcn�c�cment betwecn Dorrowcr end Lcnder or npplicablo law. `:�;�;;.
<br /> •'�� 9.IEt�teMf�m. Lcnder or its�,s;r�nt mny mai:o masonablo enaic9 upon and i►�pecttons of thc Property.J.ender shail givo � � •
<br /> �Z'�"`y"� Borro�vrn natice at ti�c timc of or prinr ta an inspac�lon spccifying rr,azonable caus�s for tho inspc�cdon. ' �
<br />�`J.',�"'x�A",+'l�''�' . SS . ' ..
<br /> �� , , , .�,�� lU.�und�ni��nt'�an. Tiie prc►su�s of aoy nwerd or cWm fue darneges,ctiroct or consequentlal, in connecuon wiih any . . ,
<br /> " °� '�,, ° condemnu�un ar otl�or taking of any p,.ut of tha Prcperty,or for conveyance in lieu of condemnadon,a�+e h�reby assigned and - - • -
<br /> ' � shall be p�id to Lender. •' ' .
<br /> . � Tn thn event af a totul taki.nE of t1►n Pro�ty,�he proceeds s�haA Ee spplicd to the sums secured by this Socuriry Insnument, �
<br /> • whe�her or nol than dstc,with nny GtioASC�.�id ro Bocrowcr.In the evcnt of a pardal taking of the Property in which�he fair market
<br /> .,.r: .. � .,:;.;..:�. • ..; .,� .:.,
<br />; ...'4' :•-' vatuc of the Pm c unmediatel b�foro th� takin �s ual w or .• � `�: '-" :*S°� �
<br /> •b,t«� t„„ P n5' � Y 8 � e9 8�than the amount of the suens secured by this Securiry �-,i:;�,.�r-�: ,;_
<br />, :;`.�: ,. Instrument immGdtausly befora th� taking, unie,c� I�o.rrower and I.ender othciwiso agrce in writing, th� sums secured by this ..:�-�r���--_,�_--.,�.--,,-
<br /> ��'Y}_. t �• Seeurlty Instniment shall be nducal by dio amoi��t of the procer�is muldplied by the following fracdon: (a)�he total amount of � �.rk�y;..,�_
<br /> 'ri ,' +s, ;. the �u�no secured Lnmcdtatcly bcfaro th�taking, divicled by @) the fair market value of the Property immediately before the ,�_�" _
<br /> ^�' � :,��`,i:���� mtiinQ.Any bsiltdnca sbull 6e paid to Bu�.mo�vcr.In�he event of a part+nl taking of thc Properay in wi�ich the fair market value of the � '°�`�'�•"°��`�
<br /> ,:�:r ..,,;-�-
<br /> '� �� � Frapeaty im�nedIntcly hEfom th� ta4:ing is Irss than thc amount of the sums secured immediately befure the telcing. unless y������-�=
<br />'.:,I�LT' .. :i{'�..,•.�r.�7!^'_.-�_
<br />� �ctrraivr,r end I.ender ol'h;a�w't,so agrco in writing ar unlass eppllcable law othe,rwise provides,the proceeds sha11 be applied to the a., ... .,
<br />--' � - -- sumu seciu�ed b UUs Securi Insmunant whether ar not tho sums arc lhen due. •:s:��-=:-="---`=�—
<br /> _ Y �Y . .�r� �;R,-„�,.N�
<br /> .,. 1P tEiu F�nperty is abandonrd by �lurrow�v,nr if,ufter nadce by I..ender ta Borrower�hat tho conde�nnor offers to make an �Y• --r-,•�-
<br /> � ' - a�vrud or seqla a claim for damages,���a'otiver ttWs to respnnd ro LEr.der vrithi��3Q days after the date tbe nouoe is given,Lender ' . >.:;�hi�'�w�
<br /> " . `. :i;'�: is authorued to wllect and appty th�p�rocccds,ni its opdon,eithcr to restoracaon or repair of the Property�r ro tho s�uns sec�red .•,'`,.�}.;,�°� �
<br /> by thla Sccw�3ry Instnunent,whether ar nnt Airn da�o. t � �'��
<br /> , � Unless L�nder and Homowes oib�stsviso a�rec in rvriting,any Applicadon�f proceeds to principal shall aot cztend ar postpone , .;i�,F• _,�;;�,;�;,�. .
<br /> �� d�a due tlute of the monthl z mcnts a�rsmd w in , - , r 3T `" ;
<br /> y p,y paragrnphs 1�►nd 2 or change the amonnz af such payme,nts.
<br /> t, 11.�arsower Not RekASed;P�n�beur�nc�By Lender Not a t�Yaiver. fixtension of the time for payment or modification �'^ ,� "�','�.,, '(
<br /> ,r,,;�,�,�..,..
<br /> , �',. �.:�, aF amoruxation of the sums s�cured by diis S�u3ity Instrument grnnted by Lendcr to any successor in inunrest of Borrower shall �`t �c;
<br /> not opemw W r�c{ca�xs the liability o�tha original Borrowcr or Borrowcr's successora in interesG Lender sl�nlf noi be mquired to j� , ,
<br /> .. �• crmmanca pioceedfngs agaInst any suscassor in inte�est or refuse to eatend dme for payment or othe�wise modify Funordzation of : t r�•
<br /> ' �ta snma sacuned by this Security Inx4�xvnrnt 6y reason of eny demand made by the original Borrower or Bocrower's successors -�
<br /> ' °r, in ituom.st.Any forbesuance by I.endsa in wcercising any dght or remedy shaU not be a waiver of or preclude tLe exercistt of any ,
<br /> rtght ur mmody. : ,•.
<br />, • • • 12.Sucoes�ors and As9igns 13�m�di Jolnt and Several Llability; Co-signere. 'IT�e covenants and agreements of this ',� �
<br /> Saswiry L�twnent shall bind And benufit tho successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of '•`
<br /> p�rc�mph 17. Borrowcr's wvenants an�agraemenfs shall be joint un�d several. Any 8ors�wer who casigns this Security ���,T �
<br /> � . Lu�twno�ri but does not axecuto tt�e, No1o: (a)is casigning this Securiry Instn�ment only to mortgage, grant and convey ttiat :�`:���
<br /> &n�ra�vnr's inuucst in thcs ProUerty untll�r tt�terms of this Security Inswment;(b)is not personally obligated t,o pay the sums �:.���� -'`
<br /> • • �ecu�d by this Socurity inswment;�d(c)aEmes that Lendec and eny other Borrower may agree to extend,m .forbear or %
<br /> � muLe any accommndations with regx�d to thn teims of this Security InsWment o�the Note without that Bomowu'�sent I ������;:•••���
<br /> . ., ,� 13.Lown Chprge�. If the lov� socured by this Socuriry Inswment is sub;�et to a law which sas maucimum loan charges, } � •
<br />. ,:<:�.. And Uttn lutv is�'u�olly interpretedl so th�tt��uai.aest or other loan charges collected or Lv be collected in wnnection with the loan � � '
<br /> ' wtaexrl tt�e pe�mituxl limits.then: (t�)�n�<:+s3�toan charge shnll be ceduced by the amount necessary m rednce the charge to the : :��;;:;�.�
<br /> prsmittod Wnit;and(b)ony sums alraaciy oo1l�t�ctod From Borrower which ex�.;l�ermitted linnits will be a�l'unded to Borrower. ; '
<br /> i Le,rxder may choose to maice this rafun�by reducing the prhicipal owed ut�i.� �e Note vr by m�kir3 a direct payment tn t :-�•• :
<br /> ,� Bnmorvar. If�refund crduces princip,�l. tha reduction will be treated as a partial prepayme.,7t wi�haut s�y prepayment charge � -,� ;`
<br /> • unrlt�tltuNata
<br /> . 1�.T(utftus. My natice to Borro3lru ptovided for in�his Scxurity Insw�cnt shall bc given by dels<<�ing it or by mailing it '�
<br /> _ __ by fust elt�a mail unt�ss applkabk l�erv roquiros use of anothcr mcthod.'Itie uoticc shall bc directed en e?,.�P�o�ry Address or �
<br />_ - , , any other udtUvsc�a�uwer dcsigru�L�by nalice to L.ender. Any notice ro Lender shall be Biven by fu�t�ass msil to Lender's �
<br /> . � ' adtlress sta:ed heucia ar any other ad°.ttoss LFmdcr dcsignntcs by noticc to Horrower. Any nouce provided for in tt�is Securiry �
<br /> _ ° Tnstrumemt shall be dexmed to have boa��;iti•ca to Borrowcr or Lcrtdcr when given�provided in this par.igraph.
<br /> 15.i3����eim[ng Ls�w;Sevtra6iUty. (his Socurity I�strumt.nt shall be govemed by federal law and tlie law af the
<br />.� - ' '� jurisd+�tion in which d�a Propercy is Fncataf. In tho event tttst nny provision or clau.ce of this Seciuity Instrument or the Note '
<br /> " � conflicts with appiieablu law,such oa*�flict st�all not affeet other pmvisions of this Security Instrutncnt or the Note which can be
<br /> � . • glven effect wilhout tha conflicting�o�vision. 7b this end the provisions of this Seciuity Instrument nnd the Note are doclared to �
<br /> - � "'r be scvt�ble.
<br /> � � �
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